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New York City Wrestling: Tradition Begins Anew

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[I]"Kid, you're here again?"[/I] The Stomper asked me, looking puzzled. [I]"Yes sir." [/I] I responded. I was hanging outside of The Stomper's office/training school deep in the heart of the Bronx. This was a landmark of sorts for wrestling fans in the neighborhood -- He was a minor star in a long past era, and even then never at the level of Strong, Chord, or Bruce, but Stomper was known by wrestling fans around here, as was New York City Wrestling. Never heard of it? You're not alone. Unless you follow the business closely, you've probably never heard of NYCW. Even in the five boroughs, it's mostly a secret. Still, Stomper has managed to pack the rafters of local high schools throughout New York with what he calls "wrestling the way it should be." [I]"I keep tellin' ya, it's not for sale." "I'm not buying sir, I just want to help out."[/I] This wasn't the first time we'd had this conversation. [I]"How'd I know you would say that?"[/I] This, however, deviated from the script. [I]"How long have you been out here bothering me day in, day out?" "Two months." "And how many times have I said we don't have any job openings?" "About 60, 61?" [/I] It may seem either the act of a truly pathetic person, a stalker, or both, but my passion for pro wrestling is incredible, and hanging out in front of the steps of what's arguably the smallest promotion in the United States, if not the entire world seems like a small sacrifice to get my foot in the door. [I]"Son," [/I] Stomper started, [I]"do you think you'll ever get me to agree to give you a job?"[/I] [I]"Probably not."[/I] The Stomper smiled. [I]"Today's your lucky day son, you have what it takes to get into this business -- you have desire." [/I] He drew a deep breath. [I]"And to be honest, that's been something missing around here for a long time. I can tell by looking at ya you're not a wrestler, what can you do for me? What's your specialty."[/I] [I]"Creative."[/I] Stomper laughed. [I]"I can barely afford to pay my talent, let alone pay someone else to book for me." "I don't have to be paid. Think of it as an, uh... internship."[/I] The aging grappler grinned at that one. [I]"Sounds good to me kid. What's your plan."[/I] I laid out my vision -- NYCW growing into a beacon by introducing new stars, yet still holding strong to the tradition that made professional wrestling what it is. He seemed to be disappointed by the idea of new stars, but lit up when I mentioned holding true to his old school roots. His last words before we parted were strongest. [I]"I'll level with ya, I'm getting old fast and I'm damn near broke. I was gonna have to shut this place down in 3-4 months tops anyway. Maybe you can turn things around."[/I] Maybe I can.
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In my first official day on the job, The Stomper made it clear that I needed to turn a profit in the next 20 months (give or take) and make the promotion more popular here in the Tri State area, or I was gone. I started the week with what I thought was a bold move, but The Stomper called it stupid. I temporarily suspended the Tri-State Regional and Tag Titles, thinking building the show around one title would A-make a tighter focus for our shows and B-Keep a tight budget by not hiring tag teams or the high priced TSR champ Travis Century. Another idea was to expand the show schedule, as we'll bring a new show every Saturday night, fittingly dubbed Saturdays in the Bronx. In Other News... We lost two high priced talents we weren't really planning on using due to their pricetag, when Emma Chase and Danny B. Bling (Grandmaster Phunk) signed with SWF, along with Human Arsenal, Dylan Sidle, Micky Starr, Craig Prince, Henry Lee, and Wanda Fish, Vin Tanner, and Jim Force. We lost Herb Stately to CZCW, who hired him as head booker. Taking a closer look at the big boys, Skull DeBones won the SWF World Title over Runaway Train on Supreme TV, with Joe Sexy retaining the North American title against Sam Keith. Total TV saw Tommy Cornell retain their world title against Troy Tornado. Up North, NOTBPW Canadian Champ Dan Stone Jr. retained against Dallas McWade. SWF won the ratings war, with just over 1.2 million viewers, while TCW's syndicated offering combined on three networks to reach just under a million. With Emma and Danny gone, we turned to some newcomers who make up in talent and thriftiness what they lack in popularity, and it was time to put together the first show. I decided to put two newcomers together with Mexico's Champagne Lover facing off against young Canadian Joey Poison. The midcard will consist of NYCW vet Steve Flash going against a masked man known only as The Animal. In the main event, NYCW Empire Champion American Buffalo takes on young upstart challenger Joey Minnesota. In a move that'll save me about 500 bucks, I put the somewhat charismatic Sammy the Shark and his $100 nightly pricetag into the commentary booth, replacing Rock Downpour, who is being courted by NOTBPW (as is new signee Brent Hill) Here's how it went down, in front of a crowd of 253. 1-Champagne Lover came out and, despite not having a mastery of the English language, announced that, like Mexico is superior to Canada, he is better than Joey Poison any day, and two times on Saturday. Grade:C Improvements:none Positives:none Negatives:none 2-Champagne Lover def. Joey Poison in 16:02 via international object. The match was back and forth, but not very well received, since these two were relative unknowns in the states. Grade:D Improvements:Joey Poison (Rumble, Technical) Positives:Announcing Quality Negatives:Poison seemed off his game, crowd mood brought down. 3-Sammy the Shark came out from the booth, announcing that he was ashamed to call a match involving a "rainbowhaired, talentless Canadian freak." Joey retorted that making fun of his multitone hair was "totally not cool," and the two agreed to settle things next week. Grade:D Improvements:Sammy (Charisma, Performance) Positives:none Negatives:crowd's mood went down 4-The Stomper, transitioning from sometimes wrestler to manager, walked out with the masked Animal -- a man dressed head to toe in black, except for four red clawmarks going down his bodysuit diagonally. Stomper proclaimed that we'd never seen an animal like this, and NYCW would never be the same again. Grade: C- Improvements:Animal (Performance) Positives:none Negatives:mood goes down 5-The Animal def. Steve Flash after the second foreign object shot of the night, in a match that went 21:45, taking advantage of both men's stamina. Grade:C Improvements:Flash (Performance) Positives:none Negatives:none 6-In our main event of the evening, American Buffalo took on Joey Minnesota. In a good brawl, we saw Joey overcome Buffalo's strength to score a pinfall after the Empire Spiral at 21:03. Minnesota become the new NYCW Empire Champion. Grade:C Improvements:Buffalo (Performance) Positives:none Negatives:Buffalo was exhausted by the end. 7-After a big celebration, Joey took the mic. We didn't even bother to script his heartfelt words. Here are the highlights. "People say to me 'Joey, why are you bothering with NYCW. They're behind the times, the last dinosaur, bound for extinction.' The guys up North and Cornell's boys laugh at us, but tonight, I'm here to say that they're wrong. From this way forward, New York City Wrestling is the past, present, and future of this sport!" "And we will lead wrestling. Real, traditional wrestling the way it should be, into a renaissance, even if I have to break every last bone in my body to do it. I'm the leader of NYCW, and if anyone wants to challenge that -- any time, any place, anywhere." Grade: C- (celebration) C (promo) Improvements:none Positives:none Negatives:none 8-Unsurprisingly, there was someone there to answer the call, as Stomper and The Animal hit the ring in short order, and proceeded to pummel Joey, laying him out with twin double axe handles before laying in the boots, finishing off by planting the new champion with a spike piledriver to end the show, er, to almost end the show. The Animal finished up by ripping off his mask to reveal... Another mask. Hell Monkey had arrived in New York City Wrestling, and in a big way. Grade:C- Improvements:none Positives:none Negatives:none Final Rating C- Stomper thought I used Joey Poison too much, but everyone thought the show was a success overall, everyone but the accountants, at least -- the show lost over five grand, a full third of our remaining cash. Next Saturday in the Bronx features Poison vs Sammy, as well as Hell Monkey taking on Joey Minnesota for the Empire title, plus another match featuring Champagne Lover.
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Rock Downpour, who wasn't being used anyway, is gone, via a written deal with NOTBPW. Brent Hill has signed a PPA deal with them as well. Skull Debones and Joe Sexy escaped with their respective SWF championships at Christmas Clash, with Debones retaining the World Title over Remo and Sexy keeping the North American gold in a battle with Elmo Benson. Steston Hatt, Kurt Laramee, and Darryl Devine are all headed to work for the Eisens in due time. We planned to have a big showdown between Joey Minnesota and Hell Monkey, but I foolishly booked Monkey on the same day as the Japanese Wrestle Peace Festival, in which Monkey was participating with WLW. The Big Problem will replace him against Joey. 1-Sammy the Shark was out first, running down Joey Poison, saying that he should be on the next plane to Canada (or as he put it, the land of Back Bacon and Moose). Sammy finished up by announcing that betting men would be smart to lay their money down on The Shark. Rating: E Brought the crowd down. 2-Joey Poison d. Sammy The Shark with the Antidote Web in 15:45 Rating: F (uh oh) Sammy was exhausted, bout dragged in middle, lack of flow, announcing quality lifted the match, color commentary gave it a boost, Sammy is improving in flying, crowds mood went down. 3-Joey Poison cut a promo, where he announced that Sammy was "way too uptight" and that he'd see the guys in the crowd later for margaritas at the local watering hole. Good promo, that might be the best way to use Joey. Rating: C- Mood down 4-The next man out was Leroy "The South Bronx Assassin" McCoy. Leroy symbolically came out of the crowd, letting them know that he was one of them, dropping as many local references as he could in three minutes. SBA didn't do so well, and this show is going in the toilet, fast. Rating: E Mood Down 5-Champagne Lover d. South Bronx Assassin at 20:19, when Lover made S.B.A. submit to The Champagne Breakfast. Rating: D SBA was tiring, announcing quality and color lifted the match, brought crowd's mood down. 6-Big Problem came out next, telling everyone that, while Hell Monkey wasn't here, Joey Minnesota wasn't getting the night off. In fact, he was in for the biggest problem of his soon to be cut short life. Rating: C- 7-Joey Minnesota was out next, accompanied by regal sounding stock music. Joey debuted a slight change to his look, with a crown featuring lady liberty on the front stitched on his tights. To complete the new concept, he was announced as "The King of New York" Joey Minnesota. Joey told everyone that no matter how big, how many, Joey Minnesota would never back down. Rating: C 8-Joey Minnesota defeated The Big Problem, and continued to save the show in the process. Joey got the duke at 15:31 after the Empire Spiral. Problem was exhausted Rating: C 9-With Joey Minnesota exhausted after a big win over a well.. Big Problem, Champagne Lover came out to announce that since Joey was kind enough to say any time, any place, any where, he'd take him on now. Rating: C- Mood down Joey Minnesota d. Champagne Lover in 8:01 with the Empire Spiral to cap off the biggest one man show in the history of professional wrestling. Rating: C Minnesota improves in Rumble and Technical Overall: C Minus, with Joey Minnesota taking the show from the depths of hell and delivering it to mediocrity Overused: Poison, SBA, and Champagne Attendance: 475 (medium show) The losses for this show were more bearable, around 3000 in the red. Next week, it's Joey vs Monkey, I hope.
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This week's new SWF arrival: Jenny Playmate. We're also now sharing American Buffalo with DAVE. We're continuing to be picked apart, with Marv Earnest being courted by 4C (Is Joey Poison a mole?) and Willow in negotiations with 4C and TCW. As long as Joey Minnesota stays around, we'll be fine. I realized that with match times too long and me straining to fill time and stay in the black, 1-Joey Poison is out first, to announce that "Dudes, beating Sammy The Shark was so not a fluke." That was about it, other than Joey sending out another invitation, this time for everyone to hang out and watch the New York Rangers at his place "because you haven't watched hockey until you've watched with a Canadian, man." Overall: D 2-Sammy the Shark d. Joey Poison with his feet on the ropes. Sammy gets his win back in a subpar match, albeit a better one than their first, nothing more, nothing less. Overall: E 3-Champagne lover was next out, to a chorus of boos. Champagne protested the reaction, saying that he comes all the way from Mexico, just to grace these filthy people in New York with his awesome presence, and this is the thanks he gets. He'll punish the crowd by taking out someone just as pathetic as they are: Steve Flash Overall: C- ACTUAL SHOW 4-Champagne Lover d. Steve Flash at approx. 8:10 with the Champagne Breakfast in a good, very competitive match that served as a bridge from the jobber types to the big players for Champagne Lover, who has all the tools to be a big time player in the long run. Overall: C Pros: Great Chemistry, and it showed, Color Commentary, Champagne is improving in performance, as is Steve Flash. 5-"The King of New York" Joey Minnesota and Hell Monkey battled to a double countout at 14:52 in a back and forth match that showcased two of the best talents on the indy circuit. Once the fight spilled outside, Stomper got involved, pounding on Minnesota 2-on-1. Once security (Joey Poison & Sammy) separated the principles, Joey ran into the ring and... 6-Delivered the challenge to Hell Monkey: Ladder match, next week, the gold on the line. Rating: C (Match) Rating: C+ (Promo) Cons: Money and the Stomper have no chemistry Final Rating: C The bad news: We have $2,240 in the bank, with one show left until 2006. Let's get right to it. DARK MATCHES Hell Monkey d. Joey Poison with the Hellfire Kick Rating: C- Champagne Lover and Joey Poison cut dueling promos on one another, setting up their opening match Rating: C (Champagne) D (Poison) REAL SHOW Champagne Lover def. Joey Poison at 6:02 with The Champagne Breakfast in a glorified squash. Rating: D Joey Minnesota came out, talking about how Hell Monkey had been giving him problems all month, and his New Year's Resolution was to put away Hell Monkey once and for all, and he had someone to help him do it. That someone wound up being a ladder. Rating: C Hell Monkey faced off with "The King of New York" Joey Minnesota in a fast paced, frantic ladder match that went just over 15 minutes, with very little breaks in the action, thanks to Joey and Monkey's unbelievable stamina. The end came with an Empire Spiral off the ladder and a belt retrieval. Rating: C And after this show, going into we've... WHAT? MADE TWO GRAND? Oh... $7,500 in sponsor money came in, putting our total losses for December somewhere around $10,000-$11,000. We'll kick off January next Saturday in the Bronx with The King of New York taking on Champagne Lover.
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NYCW Saturdays in The Bronx: January, Week 1 1-Joey Minnesota came out in the pre-show to talk about how proud he was that everyone was calling him the King of New York. How, growing up in the city, he wanted to be somebody, to have something or someone to fight for, and now he did: the people of New York City. Rating: C+ 2-The Stomper defeated Joey Poison in a match to try to get poor Joey over a little bit more. Didn't seem to work. Rating: E 3-Champagne Lover was out, stating that the king of New York was like being the king of a "Beeg, steeming pile of elephant refuse." (by the way, I kid Lover about his English -- while he has a slight accent, he speaks English like he's been in the country for years, and has improved by leaps and bounds in the past month.) Lover got some boos by announcing that everyone in New York could raise a glass of champagne tonight, to toast the new King. Rating: C 4-"The King of New York" Joey Minnesota def. Champagne Lover with the Empire Spiral in approx. 12:23 to retain the NYCW Empire Title. These two know how to work, and it shows. Joey gets another win, Lover gets the rub from the champ. It's all good. Rating: C- [B]Overall: C- [/B] The show was a money loser, but I'm scrapping the weekly format , so long as the sponsors give me seven grand a month. Since we're going on hiatus, let's see what's going on with the rest of the U.S.A. [B]Supreme Wrestling Federation[/B] Prestige: A Size: International Owner: Richard Eisen Head Booker: Sam Keith World Champion: Skull Debones (def. Runaway Train Dec.05) North American Champion: Joe Sexy (def. n/a) World Tag Team Champions: Rich Money & Remo (def. Elmo Benson/Groucho Bling Dec.05) Shooting Star Champion: Pecs (def Calamari Kid, Jan.06 ) SWF continues to score better ratings than rival TCW, and they've done a good job if integrating new blood into their shows, with DAVE mainstay Henry Lee challenging DeBones for the World Title on their last PPV. The real guy with the megapush, however, is NA Champ Joe Sexy, who defeated DeBones in a NA Title match. [B]Total Championship Wrestling[/B] Prestige: B Size: National Owner: Tommy Cornell Head Booker: Sam Strong World Champion: Tommy Cornell (def. n/a) Tag Champions Painful Procedure (BJ Shearer/Randall Hopkirk, def. n/a) International Champion: Rick Law (def. n/a) Hardcore Champion: Madman Boone (def. n/a) All Action Champion: Harry Allen (def. Freddy Huggins Dec.05) Interesting to note that Willow, formerly of NYCW, is a TCW Road Agent. Nothing spectacular has happened with TCW yet. Cornell continues to perform strongly, but SWF is way ahead, getting more viewers and almost double the PPV buys as their rival to the Southwest. [B]Danger and Violence Extreme[/B] Prestige: B Size: Cult Owner: Richard Eisen Head Booker: Nemesis Unified Champion: Bryan Holmes (def. n/a) Brass Knuckles Champion: Eddie Peak (def. n/a) Tag Champions: Big Cat Brandon and The Wolverine (def. n/a) DAVE has survived a big talent raid from SWF, and is still going pretty strong. There's something to be said for Henry Lee (who jobbed to Eddie Peak and Nemesis on the way out) making a national reputation. That kind of stuff looks good for DAVE, as they try to transition from stepping stone to prime destination. [B]United States Pro Wrestling[/B] Prestige: C- Size: Regional Owner: Danny Jillefski Booker: Giant Redwood World Champion: Giant Redwood (def. Corporal Doom to win vacant title after Jim Force went to SWF, Jan.06) Tag Champions: Java & Tribal Warrior (def.n/a) National Champion: Tribal Warrior (def. Cheetah Boy to claim vacant title after Johnny Bloodstone went to NOTBPW, Jan.06) The unique mix of wrestling and Saturday morning cartoon has weathered the storm of SWF's raid and is still plugging along, finding stability at the top with Giant Redwood, who isn't going anywhere. Kids must not be workrate freaks, as their roster is pretty dismal in the ring, save Hell Monkey. [B]Angel Athletic Association[/B] Prestige: F Size: Regional Owner: Anne Stardust Booker: Catherine Quine Femme Fatale Champion: Catherine Quine (def. Devil's Daughter to win title vacated when Wanda Fish went to SWF) Top Contender's Champion: Cherry Bomb (def. n/a) Tag Champions: Catherine Goodlooks & Jessica Bunny (def. n/a) AAA is a constant. They'll always have their core audience, and probably won't get much more than that. did, however, suffer a big loss with Wanda Fish's departure to SWF. Took the smart approach by putting the belt on Quine, who has a written deal. [B]Costal Zone Combat Wrestling[/B] Prestige: D Size: Small Owner: Cliff Anderson Head Booker: Herb Stately Coastal Zone Champion: Donnie J. (def. Snap Dragon Dec.05) Xtreme Champion: Plague (def. n/a) Tag Champions: Jesse & Joe Gilbert (def. n/a) The Coastal Zone has an air of prestige -- they have the exact same popularity as us (F's across the board, an E in their home base, but are far more prestigious then even AAA, which is regional, and not small. The Zone has been the showcase of the former Fly Boys, as Donnie J. has reigned supreme, even defeating former partner Jimmy P. [B]Mid Atlantic Wrestling[/B] Prestige: F Size: Small Owner: Rip Chord Booker: Karen Killer Mid-Atlantic Champion: The Mean Machine (def. n/a) National Champion: Mainstream Hernandez (def. D.C. Rayne to win vacant title Dec.05) Tag Champions: D.C. Rayne & Eddie Howard (def. n/a) I guess these guys would be considered rivals, though they stay in their turf, we stay in ours. We share Joey Minnesota, but that's about it. Next Month: I'm not sure, but rest assured The King will be involved.
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I started off Feburary by signing 19 year old rookie Richard Geller. He's still rough around the edges, but is ultracharismatic, fundamentally sound, and one hell of a techincal wrestler, he'll be with one of the big boys by his 21st birthday, bank on it. DARK 1-Champagne Lover was out first, telling the crowd he didn't know who this Gellar keed was, but he would take care of him tonight, no problem. No one named Dickie, Lover reasoned, could be too tough. (C+) 2-Champagne Lover d. Dickie Geller by submission in 8:07 with the Champagne Breakfast. Geller's getup has to be seen to be believed -- Rainbow Colored Yankees Jersey with Matching suspenders, and blue/green checkerboard pants. Gellar brought out some champagne for the Lover, who foolishly opened it and was doused in the bubbly. The match itself was a good technical affair, as that's all Gellar can do. (C-) THE SHOW 3-Gellar was out again to start the real show, and was barefoot to boot. Gellar brought out some grapes and tossed them on the floor. Proclaiming himself the true Stomper, Dickie proceeded to re-enact an I Love Lucy skit. Overall: C 4-Dickie Gellar defeated The Stomper at 7:03, to give the youngster his first sniff of a push. Stomper tired during the affair, showing that guys pushing 60 shouldn't wrestle. Overall: D 5-The King of New York was out next, where he inexplicably ran down the Masked Mauler. I planned to use Brent Hill here, but he was working for NOTBPW tonight. Mauler would do, Joey works magic all the time. Overall: C 6-Joey Minnesota d. The Masked Mauler with the Empire Spiral to retain the NYCW Empire Title. Just another Minnesota match, good to keep the shows in the C range. Overall: C- TCW made a bold move to cap off Feburary, with Ricky Dale Johnson winning the TCW World Title from Tommy Cornell, though their PPV shows still draw about 240,000 less buys than SWF's. Marv Earnest and Sammy the Shark are becoming friends, bonding while waiting for the call to be booked to another show, I guess Joe Sexy lost the SWF North American title this month to booker Sam Keith. Our popularity in the Tri-State area has increased to D Level, meaning we should make about twice as much on ticket sales. And that's about it. I wish. Joey Minnesota, the main event of every NYCW show I've run, The Franchise. The essence of New York City wrestling, THE KING OF $%@*$*ING NEW YORK has signed a deal with the Supreme Wrestling Federation. Looks like H Effect and Richard Eisen had the same idea. Life goes on, and so do we. We'll have a four man, one night tournament to decide the new Empire Champion. Here's how it'll go Match 1: Brent Hill vs Champagne Lover Match 2: Hell Monkey vs Dickie Geller With the winners facing off to crown a new champ.
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I think we all new you were gonna lose Minnesota, dude. I managed to sign early non-aggression pacts with NOTBPW and TCW as USPW, and I only lost T-Rex and Devine, both to SWF. That's bad, but usually I lose Johnny Bloodstone and (for whatever reason) Corporal Doom too. But in the 4 games I've started, Joey Minnesota has ALWAYS gone to SWF. Every single time.
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Yeah, I had a feeling too. In the few NYCW runs with the trial I did, Joey was always gone within 1-3 weeks. The fact that SWF signed a dozen people and he wasn't one of them got my hopes up, I thought maybe the retail patch made them adjust their priorities. Bling, Emma, Joey, and Willow were always gone quick. Herb Stately seemed to always become CZCW booker too. Anyway, it's time for life without Joey. MARCH 2006 The March Event, dubbed Kings of New York (no, we're not bitter) drew the usual 471 fans, though they were now paying ten bucks instead of five. Dickie Gellar was out, wearing a full tiger suit, taking the head off after he hit the ring. His reasoning: Tigers were tougher than monkeys. Rating: C Hell Monkey d. Dickie Gellar in 16:21 to advance to the finals of the Empire Title tournament. This didn't work well, and I saw it coming, but had already announced the match on a local radio show. Rating: C- (Gellar off his game, pair didn't click, announcing/commentary gave it a boost, mood down) Champagne Lover came out to Joey Minnesota's old music, declaring himself the heir apparent in NYCW. "The keeng is dead, long live the keeng!" Lover proclaimed before running down Brent Hill as "like an old shoe. Sure, eet fits, but eets not beautiful like the designer cut Champagne Lover." Rating: C "Mr. Tradition" Brent Hill pinned Champagne Lover after a German Suplex in a good match, which served as Hill's NYCW debut (finally: a heel Brent Hill vs Joey Minnesota was planned for a while, but never happened) This, of course, set up Brent Hill vs Hell Monkey in the final. Rating: C (Color Commentary boost) The match between Hell Monkey and Brent Hill was a lengthy affair, ending at about 21 minutes, when Monkey went for the Hellfire Kick, but Hill caught the leg, tripped Monkey's planted leg out from under him, and secured a figure four for the win and the title. Rating: C (Hill was tiring, color boost) After the match Monkey snapped, beating the hell out of Hill, making him pass out with a Dragon Sleeper before walking out with the Empire Title. Rating: D Overall: C With our move up to D, the double priced tickets were enough to make us only lose fifty bucks on the show. The $1500 Stomper makes and the downsides were more than made up for with the 7K in sponsorship money, so we ended March making about $3000 in profits, which means we can afford some more high end talent. TCW and SWF both got new TV Shows, TCW Wrecking Ball on America Sports-1 (Home of SWF Supreme TV) and SWF Main Event on C.A.N.N. This has to be considered a win for TCW, who now has national exposure. Joey Minnesota made his SWF debut the second week of the month, going to a draw with former USPW World Champion Jim Force. In sadder SWF news, word from the back says that Warlords Pain and Agony, while cordial, are no longer friendly behind the scenes. Enforcer Roberts has won the SWF North American Title from Sam Keith, only to lose it two nights later to Elmo Benson. In the main event scene, Remo dethroned Skull DeBones for the World Title, but Remo's ascension to the top was short as well, as he lost the belt to Eric Eisen a few days later. Next Month: Back to three match shows with Brent Hill vs Hell Monkey in a Submission match for the Empire Title, Steve Flash taking on The Masked Mauler, and Dickie Gellar taking on the debuting "Philly Flash" Frankie Perez
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APRIL 2006 Demon Anger has won a share of the TCW Tag Titles, though his partner is new signing T-Rex, not Demon Spite. The SWF North American title has changed hands once again, with Vin Tanner defeating Elmo Benson. In New York, things were getting started with NYCW Spring Slam. 1-"Philly Flash" Frankie Perez was out first, sporting a Donovan McNabb jersey (do the same sports teams exist in the Cornellverse? Hope so), producing a lot of boos. Perez said it was known universally that Philadelphia always beats New York in sports, so it should be no different in professional wrestling. Overall: C 2-Dickie Gellar came out to cheers, gleefully pointing out that The Yankees won more world series "when Billy Martin was drinking heavy" than the Philadelphia Phillies ever have. This angered Perez, as did the chants of "He's from Cali" coming from the crowd, which Perez responded to by proclaiming to have two grandmothers and a great uncle from Philly. C- 3-Frankie Perez made Dickie Gellar submit to the Liberty Bell Lock at 13:23 in a match that could've been good, but was thrown off by Dickie's inconsistency. Rating: D 4-The focus quickly went to the entrance, near the concession stands, where Brent Hill was chasing Hell Monkey, trying to reclaim his Empire title before Monkey got out of Dodge. Rating: C- 5-Steve Flash d. The Masked Mauler with The Flashbang at 11:34, very nondescript match that didn't go over well, thanks to a style clash and Mauler's lack of stamina. Rating: D 6-Brent Hill came out to declare that, despite not having physical possession of the title, he is the NYCW Champion, and will do his best to live up to that distinction, defending what is right in professional wrestling by upholding the traditions of the sport. Rating: C- 7-In a submission match, Brent Hill made Hell Monkey submit to the Figure Four Leglock in 14:45 to retain (and take possession of) the NYCW Empire Title. All right match, as good as Minnesota's offerings, but I was expecting something more from these two. Rating: C Overall: C- Next month: Champagne Lover takes on Mr. America, Steve Flash vs Sammy the Shark, and Brent Hill defends the title. MAY NYCW: Mayhem Crowd: 422 Paid Attendance: $4,220 "Philly Flash" Frankie Perez came out, sporting a Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim jersey. With baseball season in full swing, Perez wanted to remind everyone if last year's playoff dissapointment. He ran down Brent Hill, talking about how the champ's dance card was empty tonight, and Perez could easily deal with Hill and Joey Poison in one night. Rating: C- Frankie Perez squashed Joey Poison with the Liberty Bell Lock. Joey has tons of talent, but just isn't over enough to make an impact. Rating: D Dickie Gellar came out to cut a promo, running down Frankie Perez, deftly entering in the idea that he, too, should get a crack at Brent Hill. Rating: C Steve Flash def. Sammy The Shark with the Flash Bang. Pretty good match, really just an excuse to get these two on the card to boost their morale. Rating: C- Champagne Lover defeated Mr. America via submission to the Champagne Breakfast. This was equal parts burial of Mr. America and continuing to build up Champagne Lover. Rating: C- To cap it off, Lover brutalized Mr. America, refusing to relinquish the hold before laying in the boots and draping the American Flag over Mr. America, spitting on the stars and stripes before leaving. Rating: C- Brent Hill made an appearance to accept the challenges of both Gellar and Perez, insisting that he is a fighting champion, and is more than happy to take on all comers, like the great champions of yesteryear. Rating: C In an elimination match, Brent Hill retained the NYCW Empire Title over Dickie Gellar (first eliminated) and Frankie Perez (Second out). Hill continues to be a suitable replacement to Minnesota, with ratings in the C range no matter what. Rating: C- Overall: C- We've signed non-aggression pacts with TCW, NOTBPW, and MAW, plus we now have a working agreement with 4C. We made about $1,600 for the month, inching us closer to the 15K war chest I started with. It looks like the goals the Stomper set out for me will be easily accomplished. Next month: We try something different. It's the First Annual New York Knockout Tournament. Four men: Champagne Lover, Steve Flash, Hell Monkey, and Dickie Gellar will face off, the winner becoming the #1 Contender to Brent Hill's Empire Title, which will be defended in a return match against Frankie Perez.
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Quick thank you to everyone for the positive feedback. And now... JUNE 2006 I missed it last month, but Liberty dethroned Ricky Dale Johnson for the TCW World Title early on in May. On to New York Knockout. By the way, Dickie Gellar has been the announcer since his arrival. When Dickie wrestles, either Joey Poison, Sammy the Shark, or Champagne Lover takes his place. NYCW: New York Knockout Joey Poison def. Sammy the Shark with the Antidote Web in a dark match at 11:48. Sammy was tiring. Rating: D Joey Poison and Dickie Gellar started off with a live skit taking off on the upcoming Superman Movie. Poison played Champagne Lover, the villian, who was toppled by Superdickie. Rating: C- Champagne Lover made Dickie Gellar submit to the Champagne Breakfast at 7:53. Lover advances to the finals of the New York Knockout tournament. Rating: C- Frankie Perez came out to run down Brent Hill. He claimed that the tournament was meaningless, as he was winning the Empire Title, taking it to Philly, and never coming back to the cesspool that is the Bronx. Rating: C- Steve Flash d. Hell Monkey with the Flash Bang at 10:03 to advance to the finals of the New York Knockout Tournament. Good to see Flash in there again after missing shows. It's been a long time coming (ask him), and now we have the cash to keep him happy. Rating: C Brent Hill came out and put down Frankie Perez as a disgrace to the business, and to Philadelphia, but got his head back with a simple "Philly's nice, but I love New York. Rating: C "Mr. Tradition" Brent Hill made Frankie Perez submit to a Figure Four Leglock to retain the NYCW Empire Title at 8:26. Another solid, workmanlike performance from Brent, and another good outing for Frankie. Rating: C Champagne Lover ran down Steve Flash. This month's Champagne Lover analogy: "I am a vintage bottle of Dom Perignon served with filet mignon, he is a six pack of Budweiser and a Big Mac: Steve, he has no flash." Rating: C Champagne Lover defeated Steve Flash after holding the tights at 10:47 to win the New York Knockout tournament and earn a title shot at NYCW Champion Brent Hill. These two never disappoint, ever. Rating: C+ Final: C Attendance: 433 Gate: $4,330 Runaway Train reclaimed the SWF World Title, defeating Eric Eisen at Times of Trouble. Rich Money and Remo, The Almighty Dollar, continue their six month plus reign with the tag titles, defeating The Warriors of the Deep. Money and Remo have had 16 successful title defenses, 14 of them against The Warriors of the Deep. Looking at our favorite ex-NYCWer, Joey Minnesota was in an odd match. A heel in SWF, Joey teamed with face Robbie Retro to defeat faces Danny B. Bling and Bart Biggz, bringing the King of New York's SWF record to 1-8, with 1 draw. Over in TCW, Rick Law scored a win over Tommy Cornell, and there is heat between Harry Allen and Ronnie V. Pain. Former DAVE Star Shawn Gonzalez made a big impact at TCW Excessive force, teaming with Peter Valentine to defeat Cornell and BLZ Bubb. Liberty retained his TCW World Title over former champ Ricky Dale Johnson on the same card. Next month: Champagne Lover gets his shot at Brent Hill, Steve Flash meets Frankie Perez, the return of American Buffalo, and an even bigger debut. Plus: two promotions go belly up.
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This continues to be very well written. Champagne Lover is an excellent heel, and you managed to give Brent Hill a personality that exactly fits his picture. I never know what to do with Steve Flash, though. His picture sort of suggests "mild oxygen deprivation".
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JULY 2006 460 people came to see the show, and boy, were they in for a shock. DARK MATCH: Dickie Geller fought to a double countout with Sammy the Shark Rating: D The show started off with Joey Poison scoring a big upset, beating American Buffalo with the Antidote Web. Buffalo got tired, and wasn't happy about losing. Bye. Rating: C- Dickie Gellar came out as the Champagne Hater, and spent the entire segment running down Champagne. No, not Champagne Lover, Champagne the drink. Rating: C Steve Flash defeated Frankie Perez in a good match. Joey Minnesota's absence was the best thing that ever happened to Flash, who is just as good in the ring, but doesn't talk well at all. Rating: C American Buffalo came out in a rampage, trying to attack Steve Flash. Stomper, in a suit, blurred the line by seperating the two, pushing Buffalo away. Rating: C- (Stomper turned face) Sammy the Shark came out to run down Dickie Geller. No particular reason. Rating: D The audience turned toward the door, to see American Buffalo head out, bags packed. That's all, folks. Rating: C- Main Event NYCW Empire Title: Champagne Lover vs Brent Hill(c) Good match, as both Champagne and Hill are wonderful well-rounded workers, though Hill has been better. Back and forth action, with Lover trying to cheat, only for Hill to regain control. There was even a run-in from Frankie Perez, which was repelled by Hill. This match will be known for the ending though, when the ref was bumped and HE ran through the crowd. The boys in the back couldn't believe it. The crowd couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe it, and I made the deal. Rip Chord hit the ring, SPIKED Hill with the Rip Chord DDT, threw Champagne Lover on top, and woke up the ref. There was a new Empire Champion three seconds later. Rating: C Frankie Perez, Champagne Lover, and Rip Chord stayed in the ring, which was quickly being littered with trash, proudly announcing the formation of Camp Chord, the greatest stable in professional wrestling C Overall: C Farewell MAW. Rip Chord's Mid-Atlantic Wrestling, the closest thing NYCW had to a rival, though there was no bad blood, is no more. They relied too much on high priced talent, and drew 1/4 of the crowds we did. I signed Chord and Mean Jean Cattley, former MAW Champion, as well as some other, non MAW, talent. To offset the cost, I reached an agreement to terminate the contract of the unhappy American Buffalo. Chord also signed with WLW, where he'll probably work as a road agent. Oh yeah, WEXXV is gone too. SWF is now a Global Promotion, the biggest wrestling outfit in the world. They celebrated by signing Eddie Peak, Johnny Martin, Hell's Bouncer, Jazon Azaria, and Ryan Holland. Sam Keith defeated Vin Tanner to reclaim the SWF North American Title, but lost it to Angry Gilmore. The Almighty Dollar continue to beat Warriors of the Deep 2-4 times a month. NOTBPW had a shakeup, as Victoria Stone was removed as booker. AUGUST Rip Chord has replaced Torri Stone as NOTBPW Booker, though he'll remain part of NYCW as well. Over in TCW, Stink and Ricky Dale Johnson have heat. Here's what's going on in July. We're going to try two shows this month. The first problem is that I forgot to record the results for the first show: Dog Days, which took in an amazing crowd of 970 ($9,700 paid) for the first NYCW show in my run to ever turn a profit on its own. I don't know the interviews, but rest assured Rip Chord took part in most of them. Joey Poison d. Sammy the Shark (D) Steve Flash d. Mean Jean Cattley (C) Champagne Lover d. Brent Hill when Mean Jean Cattley interfered, joining Camp Chord. (C) Up next is NYCW: A Bronx Tale, featuring Steve Flash vs Champagne Lover, Joey Poison vs Hell Monkey, Mean Jean Cattley vs Dickie Gellar, and more.
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Spotlight: Canada[/B][/COLOR] (as of Week 3, Sep. 2006) Canadian Golden Combat Prestige: B Size: Cult Owner: George DeColt Head Booker: Alex DeColt World Champion: Dan DaLay (def. Steve DeColt, Jun.06) Canadian Champion: Jon Jetson (def. Eddie Chandler (Aug.06) Tag Champions: Steve & Ricky Decolt (def. Jack & Alex DeColt to win the titles vacated when Nate Johnson of The Specicalists left CGC for NOTBPW, May.06) Currently, sporting an edge over their rivals to the East, NOTBPW, CGC has been tearing up Western Canada, and have become pretty renowned in the East too. Led, as always, by the DeColts (and Dan DeLay), CGC looks poised to take over the Canadian Wrestling Landscape. Though they have no TV, they inked a pay-per-view deal this spring, and routinely draw more buys than NOTBPW. North of the Border Pro Wrestling Prestige: C Size: Cult Owner: Dan Stone Booker: Rip Chord Canadian Champion: Dan Stone Jr. (def. R.K. Hayes, Aug.06) Tag Champions: Shingen Miyazaki & Mammoth (def. Alysian Scottsfield & Derek Frost, Jun.06) Unlimited Action Champion: Shingen Miyazaki (def. Thomas Morgan, Sep.06) Young Lion Champion: Harry Wilson (def. Craig Green, Sep.06) While Rip Chord's booking may right things, NOTBPW is struggling right now. They've been hovering between National and Cult, and are currently at Cult. They're not as prestigious as they used to be either. The title picture has been formulaic: Dan Stone Jr. loses the title, regains it, rinse and repeat, having recently traded victories with Sean McFly and RK Hayes. They're a tad overexposed as well: with two weekly TV shows and a full slate of PPV's. Canadian Charisma Championship Combat Prestige: F Size: Small Owner: Troy Winner Head Booker: Joey Poison 4C Champion: Joey Poison (def. n/a) Hardcore Champion: Bret Fraser (def. Air Attack Weasel, Jan.06) Tag Champions: Hardcore Killah & Canadian Gangsta (def. n/a) Our partners to the North, Joey Poison has reigned supreme over 4C, but the company doesn't seem to be going anywhere in a hurry. However, they could stand to gain a lot of NOTPBW can't stop its slide [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Back in the Big Apple....[/B][/COLOR] NYCW: A Bronx Tale Attendance: 763 Rip Chord was out first, the fans still rubbing their eyes to make sure they're not seeing things. He said he was bringing in a new man, a giant, to raise hell in NYCW: The Tower of London Rating: B+ Tower of London squashed The South Bronx Assassin (remember him?) with the Towering Inferno. Rating: E Dickie Gellar came out, making fun of Rip Chord, hitting a bit of a chord by stumbling out with two bottles of tequila. Dickie said the last time Mean Jean was the man in a fed, it went under, and he'd have to make sure it wouldn't happen to us. Rating: C Mean Jean Cattley def. Dickie Gellar after Champagne Lover interfered. Cattley's another of our growing stable of steady hands. Gellar started out looking like a star, but hasn't shown much improvement. Rating: C- Joey Poison dedeated Hell Monkey with the Antidote Web. Joey came out wearing his 4C Championship belt to show off our working relationship, even though most of the fans in this area think 4C is an explosive. Rating: C- Brent Hill came out looking somber. He said that he was a man, and could handle losing, but he couldn't come to grips with the fact that Rip Chord, one of the legends of the sport, could embrace everything that was wrong with the sport. He then segued, saying tonight was about CH Threepwood, and doing his job for the people who paid good money to see him. Rating: C Brent Hill made C.H. Threepwood submit to the Figure Four Leglock. Match was good, but went on a bit too long for Threepwood, who gassed out. Rating: C Champagne Lover and Rip Chord came out for a lovefest, saying that they represented the absolute best in wrestling: Past, Present, and Future. Rip Chord advised Steve Flash to stay away. He was talented but didn't have that extra little bit, that special something that Champagne Lover had, the thing champions were made of. Overall: B+ In the main event, Steve Flash faced off against Champagne Lover for the NYCW Empire Title. It was an incredible match, the best since I took control of NYCW, and ended around the 20 minute mark when Champagne Lover, struggling mightily, was handed a champagne bottle from Rip Chord, and cracked it over Flash's head for the DQ. Winner: Steve Flash (Champagne Lover retains the NYCW Empire Title) Rating: B- Steve Flash was the victor, but didn't look like a winner. When things looked their worst, the picture grew even gloomier when Mean Jean Cattley hit the ring, combining with Chord and Lover for a 3-on-1 on Flash. Luckily, Brent Hill hit the ring in time to save Flash from serious injury, clearing the ring with a baseball bat. Hill helped Steve Flash up, raising his hand, much to the crowd's approval. Rating: C- [B]Overall: C+[/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]In Other News...[/B][/COLOR] SWF closed out the month on Main Event TV with Steve Frehley winning the World Title from Runaway Train. In TCW, Tommy Cornell took the TCW World Title from Liberty. [B]SEPTEMBER[/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]NYCW: Invasion[/B][/COLOR] This month, I was eager to use some of our financial gains to run a show in another market. I was too eager, as I wanted to book it the first day of the month, forgetting that our top draw, Rip Chord, was busy in Japan with WLW. These shows almost exist independently of our Tri-State shows, as we'll pretty much use just the talent that has a national reputation (Sorry Champagne Lover) So, I'll use a format a little abridged for these shows, sort of like infinitywpi's Ultimate Welcome to the Coastal Zone, which I highly recommend as a read. The attendance in New England for NYCW: Invasion? A paltry 43. The Big Problem cut a promo, running down Brent Hill (Rating: C) Brent Hill responded, saying that The Big Problem was just a big stiff who didn't know a wristlock from a wristwatch (when you're right, you're right). (Rating: C-) The Big Problem defeated Brent Hill with The Big Bang (C) Main Event: Steve Flash defeated Jean Cattley with the Flashbang (C-) Overall - C [B]Next time:[/B] September continues with the revival of weekly shows: Thursdays in the Bronx (Much less competitive than Saturday). Frankie Perez faces the debuting Rafael Ruiz, The Big Problem is in action, and Champagne Lover defends the Empire Title against the red hot Joey Poison, who has ran American Buffalo and Hell Monkey out of NYCW.
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Spotlight: Mexico[/B][/COLOR] Original Lucha Libre in Extreme Prestige: C+ Size: Regional Owner: Joaquin Soler Head Booker: Phoenix I Universal Champion: El Leon (def. n/a) Arena Champion: Phoenix I (def. n/a) Mexican Champion: Rafael Ruiz (def. n/a) Six Man Champion: Masterico, Hexx, & Rafael Ruiz (def. Phoenixes I, II, & III) OLLIE has pulled ahead of MPWF ever so slightly, though the Mexican Wrestling scene remains highly competitive. El Leon has been an amazing centerpiece for the promotion, putting on great matches every single month. Mexico Premier Wrestling Federation Prestige: C Size: Regional Owner: Domino Head Booker: El Bandito World Heritage Champion: Electo (def. Soul Taker, Jun.06) Lucha Champion: Atlantis Jr. (def. n/a) Six Man Champions: The Magnificent Mark, Magnifico, & Atlantis Jr (def. Mayan Idol, Cique Jr, and El Guardiano Jr. Jan.06) Tag Champions: Mayan Idol & Spanish Superfly (def. Asiatco & Europea, Feb.06) Electo has been a reliable presence at the top of MPWF, though not as outstanding as OLLIE's El Leon. They've been behind OLLIE, but the gap is as narrow as it gets. South of the Border Pro Wrestling Prestige: D Size: Regional Owner: Jorge Ibanez Head Booker: Charron World Champion: Axxis Jr. (def. El Demonico, Jun.06) #1 Contender: Champagne Lover (def. n/a) Junior Champion: Los Fury (def. Pirrato, Jan.06) Tag Champions: Junior Youth & Masked Rebel (def. n/a) Trio Champions: Magik, Cyclone, & Champagne Lover (def. Mexican Beast, Enrique Merino, & Tijuana Vampire) Sporting a very talented roster, led by Pablo Rodriguez and the less talented Axxis Jr, SOTBPW's biggest problem is that they were only running four shows a year. They've increased their schedule, and look to make a run at the other Mexican promotions. [B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]In Other News[/COLOR][/B] In the SWF, Angry Gilmore's two month reign as SWF North American Champion came to an end at the hands of Lobster Warrior, Brett Biggz dethroned Pecs for the Shooting Star Title, only to lose it a week later to Human Arsenal. Rich Money and Remo continue to be the most dominant tag team in the business. Now entering month 9 of their title reign, they've made 27 title defenses, 20 against the Warriors of the Deep. The Almighty Dollar's won/loss record against The Warriors this year, including non-title affairs, is an astounding 35-0. Rich Money himself is on a hot streak, having only lost once this year, to Enygma at Master of Puppets in May - Rich's record since December of 05 stands at 43-1-1. Over in TCW, Harry Allen won his second All-Action title, defeating Stevie Gumble. In shocking news, TCW released Wolf Hawkins (so much for being tight with the boss) as well as Peter Valentine signed Jungle Jack. Madman Boone and Genghis Rahn claimed the Tag Titles over the unlikely duo of Jay Darkness and Grunt. NOTBPW doesn't have to worry as much about overexposure, as NOTPBW Championship Wrestling on Canada On-Air was dropped. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Meanwhile, back in New York[/B][/COLOR] We came back home to The Bronx on the first Thursday in September, and were welcomed by 780 fans. The Big Problem was there, announcing that he was back in action, and ready to take out all the competition. Rating: C Big Problem squashed South Bronx Assassin. See ya later Leroy. Rating: D Frankie Perez (w/Rip Chord) cut a promo, saying that the NYCW bookers couldn't find anyone in New York tough enough to handle a Philly guy, so they had to import some chump from Mexico. Rating: C- "The Philly Flash" Frankie Perez d. Rafael Ruiz. The OLLIE Mexican champion put on a good match, but Perez has more of a reputation in this area, so he gets the duke. Rating: C- Joey Poison came out to say that, while he didn't start out too great, things are going awesome. He beat American Buffalo and Hell Monkey, but admitted he was a little worried because "Champagne Lover isn't named after an animal, dudes." Joey summed things up by saying that winning the NYCW Empire title would be "Pretty sweet." Well said. Rating: C+ Rip Chord came out to declare that for a company that supposedly prides itself on tradition to have a man like Joey Poison as its champion would by the ultimate slap in the face for pro wrestling. Good enough for segment of the night honors. Rating: B+ Champagne Lover defeated Joey Poison with the Champagne Breakfast to retain the NYCW Empire Title. Good match, as tonight has proven that Joey, who always had the talent, has gotten over enough to be taken seriously by the audience. Rating: C [B]Overall: C[/B] [B]Thursdays at the Bronx: Week 2[/B] Crowd: 721 DARK MATCH: Steve Flash defeated C.H. Threepwood at 7:42 with the Flashbang. Rating: C Joey Poison and Dickie Gellar were out, dressed up like blackjack dealers, and just basically running down Sammy the Shark. Joey dissed C.H. Threepwood as well, saying that his name made him sound "Totally lame." C Joey Poison & Dickie Gellar defeated C.H. Theepwood & Sammy the Shark at 6:45 when Gellar pinned Sammy after the Dickie Driver. Rating: D Rip Chord came out with Mean Jean Cattley and Frankie Perez to run down Brent Hill, saying that Mr. Tradition wouldn't last a night in the old days, when tradition was more than just a catchphrase. As for Steve Flash, he was the man with the most misleading name in wrestling, as he had less flash than a broken camera. Rating: C The Tower of London squashed Sammy the Shark at 3:52, when the referee called a knockout after the Towering Inferno. Rating: E Steve Flash def. Frankie Perez at 9:49 after the Flashbang. Rating: C Rip Chord was out alone to run down Brent Hill again. Basically the same as the earlier interview, but the fans ate it up. Rating: B+ In a Last Man Standing match, "Mr. Tradition" Brent Hill avenged the interference that made him lose his rematch to Champagne Lover by defeating Mean Jean Cattley in 14:43, after making him pass out from the pain of a Figure Four Leglock. Rating: C Rip Chord was the first out to congratulate Brent Hill, in a backhanded fashion, of course. "Good job Hill, you won. Doesn't matter, you still don't have the belt." Rip's riff was just starting. "Mr. Tradition, that's a load of crap. You want to know who Mr. Tradition is? Me! You say you represent it: I LIVED IT! Every night, 2, 3, shows a day sometimes. You don't represent me Hill, you're nothing!" Rip wanted to say "nothing" once more, dramatically, but Brent Hill floored him with a right hand, bringing forth a thunderous pop. Rating: C+ [B]Overall: C[/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Next Time[/B][/COLOR] Steve Flash scored a DQ win over Champagne Lover, and he wants another crack at the champ. Rip Chord has a special challenge for him, find out what it is next Thursday in the Bronx.
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Spotlight: UK/Europe[/B][/COLOR] Ultimate Combat Ring (UK/Europe) Prestige: E Size: Louis Figo Manico Head Booker: Herschel the Hammer World Combat Champion: Scheming Behemoth (def.Sergei Kakashnov, Jul.06) European Champion: Mister Blister (def. Herschel the Hammer, Jul.06) Tag Champions: (The United Nations) Kirk the Turk & Herman the German (def. Double Dutch -- Ruud Van Anger & Frank De Pain, Jun.06) Female Champion: Geena the Warrior Princess (def. n/a) The only game in town, European promotion UCR has relied on their solid base in continental Europe, but is also the most popular promotion in the U.K. as well. Their shows are somewhat similar to NYCW shows -- a few D matches, most in the C range. They've yet to crack the B level though. Men of Steel Combat Prestige: E Size: Regional Owner: The Highland Warrior Head Booker: Geordie Jimmy UK Champion: The Reason (def.The Highland Warrior, May.06) Blood & Beer Champion: Thug (def. The Juicer, Feb.06) Tag Team Champions: Hell Bound (Geordie Jimmy & Joss Thompson) (def. The U.K. Wrecking Crew -- Thug and Bruiser, Jun.06) Apparently dashing his hopes of wrestling in Japan, former ROF owner Geordie Jimmy has taken the book for the largest UK Based promotion. Very successful in their home of Scotland, they're also penetrating inside of England, at least the North. 21st Century Wrestling Prestige: F Size: Small Owner: Tyler Baker Head Booker: Pit Bull Brown World Champion: Johnny Highspot (def. Pit Bull Brown, Mar.06) Strong Style Champion: Nick Adams (def. Davey London, Feb.06) Tag Champions: The Elimination Agents (def. n/a) Based in the South, but growing more popular in the Midlands, 21CW seems to be the better of the two smaller UK promotions right now. They mix it up well, with a nice mix of brawlers, technicians, newcomers, and veterans. If they see a lot of success, expect a promotion in the States to rip off their cutting edge style. Rings of Fire Prestige: F Size Small Owner: British Samurai Head Booker: Uppercut Bailey RoF Champion: Stevie Stoat (def. n/a) #1 Contender: UK Dragon (def. n/a) Tag Champions: The Show Stealers (Adam Matravers & Petey Barnes, def. n/a) The little guy in the UK has seen it fair share of trouble, having changed bookers, but not changing champions -- no one in ROF has lost their titles since I took over the NYCW book in December. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Back In New York[/B][/COLOR] [B]Tuesdays in the Bronx: Week 3, September Crowd: 353 (uh oh)[/B] Rip Chord came out first, to announce his plan. Steve Flash would get two matches: a single against Frankie Perez, and a tag match with Brent Hill against Perez and the Champ. If Flash could win both matches tonight, he'd get his shot at Champagne Lover. Rating: B+ Joey Poison was out next. It was a buzzkill to lose to Champagne Lover, but he was ready to bounce back in a big way, and challenged anyone to come take him on. Rating: C- Joey Poison def. C.H. Threepwood at 10:11 with the Antidote Web. Remarkable transition by Joey from talented jobber to talented midcarder. Rating: C- Rip Chord and Champagne Lover were out next to taunt Steve Flash, insinuating that they'd get involved tonight to screw him out of a perspective title shot. Champagne Lover is getting much better just being around Rip. Rating: C+ Steve Flash defeated "Philly Flash" Frankie Perez at 12:20 with the Flashbang. If you didn't think Steve was going over here, you're nuts. We have to have a main event, after all. Brent Hill came out, humbly stating that while he wasn't proud of laying out Rip Chord, he felt justified. He put over Steve Flash as a worthy challenger, as deserving as anyone for a shot at the title. He promised to help Flash out tonight. Rating: B- (it said Hill underperformed, but it was his best promo ever. Let's hope he underperforms all the time.) Rip Chord was shown on our cheap video screen playing chess backstage, relating it to wrestling. "Sometimes you have to sacrifice the pawns to protect the king." Rating: A Brent Hill & Steve Flash defeated Frankie Perez & Champagne Lover when Flash scored a clean win over Champagne Lover with the Flashbang at 13:06. Hill lived up to his promise by stopping Perez from breaking up the deciding three count. (Rating: C+. Frankie Perez improved flying skills) [B]Overall: C[/B] The incredibly, inexplicably low gate (1/3 of the projected gate) will lead to a thrifty show next week: half hour, two matches In other news Slow news week, but Joey Poison finally lost the 4C Championship, when Alan Parent won a 4 Way with Joey, Phenomenal E, and Duberry Excess. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Next Month[/B][/COLOR] It's the big rematch, Champagne Lover vs Steve Flash for the Empire Title. Frankie Perez is in action as well, taking on Dickie Gellar.
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[B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Spotlight: UK/Europe[/COLOR][/B] Ultimate Combat Ring (UK/Europe) Prestige: E Size: Louis Figo Manico Head Booker: Herschel the Hammer World Combat Champion: Scheming Behemoth (def.Sergei Kakashnov, Jul.06) European Champion: Mister Blister (def. Herschel the Hammer, Jul.06) Tag Champions: (The United Nations) Kirk the Turk & Herman the German (def. Double Dutch -- Ruud Van Anger & Frank De Pain, Jun.06) Female Champion: Geena the Warrior Princess (def. n/a) The only game in town, European promotion UCR has relied on their solid base in continental Europe, but is also the most popular promotion in the U.K. as well. Their shows are somewhat similar to NYCW shows -- a few D matches, most in the C range. They've yet to crack the B level though. Men of Steel Combat Prestige: E Size: Regional Owner: The Highland Warrior Head Booker: Geordie Jimmy UK Champion: The Reason (def.The Highland Warrior, May.06) Blood & Beer Champion: Thug (def. The Juicer, Feb.06) Tag Team Champions: Hell Bound (Geordie Jimmy & Joss Thompson) (def. The U.K. Wrecking Crew -- Thug and Bruiser, Jun.06) Apparently dashing his hopes of wrestling in Japan, former ROF owner Geordie Jimmy has taken the book for the largest UK Based promotion. Very succcessful in their home of Scotland, they're also penetrating inside of England, at least the North. 21st Century Wrestling Prestige: F Size: Small Owner: Tyler Baker Head Booker: Pit Bull Brown World Champion: Johnny Highspot (def. Pit Bull Brown, Mar.06) Strong Style Champion: Nick Adams (def. Davey London, Feb.06) Tag Champions: The Elimination Agents (def. n/a) Based in the South, but growing more popular in the Midlands, 21CW seems to be the better of the two smaller UK promotions right now. They mix it up well, with a nice mix of brawlers, technicians, newcomers, and veterans. If they see a lot of success, expect a promotion in the States to rip off their cutting edge style. Rings of Fire Prestige: F Size Small Owner: British Samurai Head Booker: Uppercut Bailey RoF Champion: Stevie Stoat (def. n/a) #1 Contender: UK Dragon (def. n/a) Tag Champions: The Show Stealers (Adam Matravers & Petey Barnes, def. n/a) The little guy in the UK has seen it fair share of trouble, having changed bookers, but not changing champions -- no one in ROF has lost their titles since I took over the NYCW book in December. [B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Back in NY[/B][/COLOR] Forgot to tell the building to shorten the length of the rental. Might as well book an hour show. Luckily, I have a plan to turn lemons into lemonade. Crowd: 398 (after projecting 945... this is bad.) Dark Promo: Dickie Gellar challenged Champagne Lover C Champagne Lover def Dickie Gellar with the Champagne Breakfast in a non-title match. Frankie Perez (subbing as announcer for Dickie Gellar) and Rip Chord said that, as a test of endurance, Lover dared Flash for each of them to take a match before their match. Flash agreed. These subtle commentaries let me keep Flash off the mic, where he's death. Overall: C A video shot earlier of Rip Chord playing golf. He boasted that he could win millions on the PGA Senior Tour, but would rather take over NYCW, the sunk a hole in one. Overall: A Steve Flash defeated Frankie Perez by DQ, when Champagne Lover and Rip Chord hit the ring, and a 3-on-1 beatdown on Flash commenced. Dickie Gellar, left at the broadcast table without Chord, lamented that it was a trap. Rating: C Frankie Perez noted Gellar's disgust, and challenged him to do something about it. Gellar obliged. Rating: C Frankie Perez def. Dickie Gellar with a handful of tights in the impromptu match. Rip Chord and Champagne Lover provided commentary, where they goofed on Steve Flash. C- Rip Chord came to the ring to deliver the pre-main event promo. "Steve, let me level with you. I respect your talent, but I don't respect you. You maintain an outdated vision of what wrestling should be. You don't have that killer instinct, and that will make you fall short every, single time. Steve, you're a nice wrestler, but you're not a champion." Overall: B+ The main event saw Steve Flash and Champagne Lover face off for the Empire title. Dickie Gellar noted that Flash has won two straight over Champagne. Chord retorted that Flash was beaten to a pulp by three guys about 20 minutes ago. The match itself was the usual goodness from Champagne and Flash, ending around 16 minutes, when Rip Chord distracted the referee long enough for the obligatory Champagne Bottle shot. The crowd nearly rioted when Champagne Lover's hand was raised. Winner, by pinfall: Champagne Lover Overall:B- [B]Show Overall: C+[/B] Shockingly, we lost three thousand for the month, thanks to the dramatic drop in ticket sales. We'll run one event in mid October, then play it by ear. Even stranger, we went from $1,020 in merchandise sold in August, to a pathetic $15 this month -- one Brent Hill T-Shirt, that's it. [COLOR=Red][B]OCTOBER 2006[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]IN OTHER NEWS[/B][/COLOR] TCW Total Wrestling has become a B show of sorts, only carried by C.A.N.N, as opposed to their once national syndication package. Wrecking Ball on America-Sports-1 is bigger, but still averages about 300,000 less viewers than SWF Supreme TV. Total Wrestling is still important though, as Rick Law defeated Tommy Cornell for the World Title on the most recent edition, with Ronnie V. Pain defeating Demon Anger for the International title the next night on Wrecking Ball. TCW also brought back an old star, when former cruiserweight staple Fumihiro Ota was brought back into the fold. SWF had their most successful show of the year. Let the games begin drew over 400,000 buys, and saw Remo regain the World Title by defeating Steve Frehley. In the weird team of the night match, DAVE alum Eddie Peak teamed with Elmo Benson, of all people, to beat Squeeky McClean and ex-DAVEr Johnny Martin. Rich Money lost his second match all year, teaming with Texas Pete and Enforcer Roberts in a losing effort against Skull Debones, Enygma, and Danny B. Bling. Abscence seems to make the heart grow fonder, as a few weeks away from the tri-state area brought the crowd back, 865 people showed up this time. NOTBPW lost its other TV slot, meaning Rip and Brent Hill are free Tuesdays and Wednesdays [B]Next month: It's the last chance for Steve Flash, as he puts his NYCW career on the line vs Champagne Lover's Empire title.[/B]
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Honestly man, I love Rip Chord in this diary. He keeps me intrigued and to me he's basically the leading star in your company even though he's not an active wrestler. He makes your card better and he has one of the biggest names ever. I love the diary, I love the self-proclaimed "Front Man".. I love you, BriFidelity. Not really, But I love your writing. Keep it up.
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Spotlight: Japan (pt.1)[/B][/COLOR] Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods Size: National Prestige: A* Owner: Kaneie Komine Booker: Haruki Kudo World Champion: Bruce the Giant (def. Tadiyuki Kikkawa, Sep.06) Openweight Champion: Silver Shibanuma (def. Chuichi Sanda, Sep.06) World Tag Team Champions: The Alliance 2K (Yasunobu Masuno and Everest, def. n/a) Junior Champion: Hyosuke Kokan (def. The Awesome Kiyaru, Sep.06) Jr. Tag Champions: Silver Shibanauma & VENOM, def. Kansuke Konda & Hyosuke Kokan, Aug.06) Despite dropping in size, to the point where SWF is far and away the largest promotion in the world, BHOTWG remains the single most prestigious wrestling organization in the world. Their shows as of late have been driven by a series of great matches between Kikkawa and Bruce The Giant. Really, the promotion has been driven by a series of great matches between Kikkawa and just about anyone. Pride Glory Honor Wrestling Size: National Prestige: B+ Owner: Sadaharu Jimbo Head Booker: Nobuatso Tatsuko Glory Crown: Nobuatsu Tatsuko (def. Mito Miwa, Jun.06) Glory Tag Crown: Shuji Inukai & Larry Vessey (def. Team Toronto -- Alexander Robinson & Lee Bennett, Jul.06) Historical Japan Champion: Larry Vessey (def. PRIDE Koiso, Sep.06) International Champion: Noriyori Sanda (def. Ryoma Muruyama, Sep.06) International Tag Champions: Team Youth Spirit (PRIDE Koiso & Kozue Kawashima, def. n/a) The TCW to BHOTWG's SWF, PGHW is actually much closer to catching their target than Cornell is to catching Eisen. Both promotions are about as popular as the other through Japan, but BHOTWG still pulls in higher TV ratings and more PPV buys. Their shows are as good, or better than BHOTWG shows, but their big names aren't quite as big (or plentiful) as Burning Hammer's. 5 Star Supreme Wrestling Prestige: C+ Size: Regional Owner: Sakurako Kagawa Head Booker: Kuniyoshi Chishu World Champion: Nyoko To****ala (def. Saori Nakadan, Jan.06) All-Asian Champion: Kiko Sakakibara (def. n/a) Tag Champions: June Butler & Crusher Ichihara (def. n/a) More prestigious than the relic GCG, Kagawa has carved a niche in the Japanese wrestling scene, with the unique mix of talented workers, mostly from Japan, but also sporting Canadian June Butler as well as Americans Connie Morris, Gorgon, and Joanne Rodriguez. Next update, we'll look at CGC and WLW. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Back In New York[/B][/COLOR] [B]NYCW: Halloween Hell Crowd: 865[/B] Joey Poison was out to cut a promo, hyping up his upcoming match against Mean Jean Cattley. Highlight of the spot: Poison running down Rip Chord as a "mean, depressing old dude." Rating: C- Rip Chord pulled up in a limo. (no charge, a buddy of mine's brother in law owns a limo service and did it for a free plug) Rating: B+ Mean Jean Cattley defeated Joey Poison in 7:48 with a piledriver. Good match, as Cattley's a good hand and Joey can work with just about anyone. C Rip Chord was out, and was all smiles. In 20-30 minutes, he predicted, we'd see the last of Steve Flash. "Don't you get it Steve? I've outsmarted you every step of the way. What makes you think tonight's gonna be different? Do you really maintain this storybook illusion that you'll be the conquering hero, slaying the four headed dragon that is Camp Chord? It won't happen Steve, this sport has no heroes, just people like me -- scumbags who are just looking for a little money, and a little fame. All the good people get chewed up and spat out, never to be seen again." "Just like you, after tonight." Rating: C+ NYCW Empire Title: Champagne Lover(c) vs Steve Flash This was it, Steve Flash's last stand. The match was the usual fast and furious affair, with the usual chicanery at the end -- Mean Jean Cattley distracting referee Oz Lord long enough for Rip Chord to slide a chair onto the mat, then try to trip up Flash. When Steve was busy with Chord, Champagne Lover spun him around, kicked him in the stomach, then planted him with, of all things, the Rip Chord DDT right on the chair. The crowd was stunned into silence, convinced they'd seen the last of Steve Flash, Oz Lord laid down the count. 1 2 3... almost, but Steve got a foot on the rope. Champagne Lover wasn't done. He locked on the Champagne Breakfast, but Flash slipped out. Lover then tried the ultimate insult, going for the Flashbang, but Steve knew the hold too well, and reversed with a small package before Lover could lift him up for it. 1 2 but Champagne Lover kicked out before 3. Soon after, Champagne Lover swung, but missed and ate a kick to the gut. Flash turned around and locked arms with Lover, lifting him up behind him, with the two back to back and Champagne upside down. He proceeded to hit what could be called a Gory Special Bomb or a Vertebreaker, but announcer Joey Poison declared it the Flash Of Brillance. There was a cover. 1 2 3 And the crowd exploded. Winner, and NEW NYCW Empire Champion: "Remarkable" Steve Flash. Time: 12:54 Rating: B- [B]Overall: C+[/B] How did we celebrate the most dramatic title win in NYCW history? By doing a show in New England for about 2 1/2 dozen people. [B]NYCW: Invasion Crowd: 30[/B] Rip Chord showed that he still has it by doing some impromptu pushups. (A) Dickie Gellar cut a promo on C.H. Threepwood, saying C.H. stood for "Creepy Hooligan" oooooooooooooooooookay (C-) C.H. Threepwood defeated Dickie Gellar with a handful of tights. (E) Rip Chord came out to run down Steve Flash, saying the title was coming back to Camp Chord. B+ Steve Flash def. Mean Jean Cattley with the Flash of Brilliance to retain the NYCW Empire Title (C-) [B]Overall: D[/B] [I][B]Next time: The Tri-State area gets a taste of what New England saw, with Steve Flash taking on Mean Jean Cattley. Champagne Lover is back in action too, against former Empire Champion "Mr. Tradition" Brent Hill.[/B][/I]
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