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RELEASE! 1996 The War Begins Beta

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IMO, you shouldn't put potential to 'excellent' to everyone who is going to be a future WWF/E World champion.. Only for like Austin or The Rock, who became excellent, true popularity "monsters". Rey Mysterio Jr. is having 'excellent' potential, as well as Chris Jericho, but John Cena only 'good'? I know this is up to a personal opinion, but who thinks Mysterio is a bigger star than Cena? :confused: Not trying to be rude or anything.
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IMO, you shouldn't put potential to 'excellent' to everyone who is going to be a future WWF/E World champion.. Only for like Austin or The Rock, who became excellent, true popularity "monsters". Rey Mysterio Jr. is having 'excellent' potential, as well as Chris Jericho, but John Cena only 'good'? I know this is up to a personal opinion, but who thinks Mysterio is a bigger star than Cena? :confused: Not trying to be rude or anything.


Cena may be a bigger star, but I doubt anyone will argue that he's a better wrestler. He should have higher star quality, charisma, acting and microphone stats than Mysterio - but that's about it.

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Yeah but this is the thing: Rey already has "A" -aerial. And Cena? With his about D brawling you ain't gonna do any WrestleMania main events. That's why I think Rey shouldn't have that just that high potential. Tho I can change these myself, and I probably will, after I have got my save game transfered into a database.
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Also bare in mind that when making a mod, things like stats and potential are not merely my opinion of a workers ability. They are my opinion, plus my attempt to understand how the game works plus my attempt to manipulate the game into recreating history to some degree. Then of course there is the fact that I just plain stopped editing the latest and released as is and with the warning that it's rough around the edges.


Pretty sure Mysterio's is so high because I was trying to see if I could get a large US promotion to sign him ala WCW, but it doesn't really seem to work in the game. Cena? I just plain don't think Cena has excellent potential, if WWE didn't luck upon the fact that he freestyled I get the feeling he would have been released and disappeared off the scene years ago. The position he has is due to charisma, star power, hard work and luck. The ability he has is the result of spending years working regularly against some great wrestlers and gradually picking up enough skills to be at the point where he is considered okay in the ring, but still with a large number of detractors.


That said, the editor is there if you want to play with it and make the data more to your liking. Not to be rude but I'm not a big fan of spreadsheet mod critics, people who look at data (usually to do with major WWE workers) and find what is wrong with it. I'm more concerned about how the game plays and if there are any major problems such as one worker dying within the first week every game, a promotion going out of business immediately or things of that nature. That said, I do appreciate feedback ... just after a while you get to the point where a worker who doesn't debut until 4 years into the game having slightly lower potential than someone would like seems like a very minimal thing to be concerned about considering the editor is not difficult to use ... you know ... once someone has researched and entered in the data of 1400 odd workers ;)


This rant is already longer than I wanted it to be, but doesn't even come close to expressing what I wish people understood about making mods, or the motivation behind me making this one. I 'm happy it's still generating some discussion and I hope people enjoy it, either as is or with their own modifications to the data. :)

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Yeah, but it happened in January 2nd. It would be different if it would happen like December 31th, but now he needs to be healthy, because it starts in January.


I realize, but I feel like it would be more in spirit of the mod to have Sid injured. He only made 2 appearances in the first week of January, neither of which were televised. Realistically, his absence really affected the WWF for the first 6 months of the year, and it seems to be nitpicking to say "Well... he actually got injured a couple days AFTER the start of the mod".


Just my opinion, the mod will play more in the spirit of 96 if Sid is listed as injured to start.




Another thing is tag teams. A lot of tag teams are missing from the data. All of the Kliq's tag teams are missing: Razor & Kid, Razor & Diesel, Diesel & Michaels are the three I'm specifically thinking of. Of these, obviously, Razor & Diesel is the most important team, as the Outsiders were the most important tag team of the late 90s. They should definitely be in the data, as they teamed together in 1995.


Also not in the data:

The Natural Disasters (understandable as they no longer teamed together, but if someone WANTED them to team together, they should have high experience)

Owen/Bret Hart

The Headshrinkers Fatu & Samu, wrestled in 1996


Maybe should be in the data, maybe not:

Terry Gordy & Steve Williams

Maybe Owen Hart & Davey Boy Smith should have tag team experience as well? I can't really remember

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Good point on tag teams, if you notice any more tag teams that are missing let me know and I will eventually get around to adding them.


As for Sid ... I'm not sure either way. I totally see what you are saying, soundsofsilver, but at the same time ... January 1 1996 is the date. For the time being why not add the injury yourself and let me know how it plays out?

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Yeah, I'm fine with your judgment on Sid, I just wanted to bring up the point in case anyone saw it and thought they would prefer to have Sid injured. I set him injured in my data.


Another issue is staminas. This may be nitpicking, but a lot of wrestlers have too low of staminas.


Staminas overall are way too low. In the default data, SWF has 4 wrestlers with C- or lower stamina. Assuming that they should compare within reason, the WWF starts with 22 wrestlers with C- or lower stamina. Those that stick out are Bob Holly, Diesel (who had good 20+ minute matches with Undertaker and Bret Hart at this time), Goldust, Hakushi, Savio Vega, and Vader (30 minute match with HBK at Summerslam). Undertaker, British Bulldog, HHH, and Jeff Jarrett should also probably have higher staminas.


In WCW, wrestlers I would take a look at are The Giant, Stevie Ray, the Road Warriors, Marcus Bagwell, Randy Savage, Scotty Riggs, Alex Wright, DDP, Hulk Hogan, Lex Luger, Marc Mero, Sting, Booker T, Glen Gilberti.


I'm not sure on all of those WCW ones, but I'm fairly sure that wrestlers like Alex Wright and Buff Bagwell could have gone 30 minutes in their physical condition if they needed to. Savage was wrestling 30 minute matches with Flair still, and Sting surely could do it. Giant, Ray, and Road Warriors are on the list because I think they might not be able to go 15 minutes in the default data, which they all could at the time.

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Dustin and Terri should definately be married.


Perhaps when I finally get around to the next release I might include a word file or something which gives a bit more background info on things like Sid's injury, worker signings and the general goings on within the early part of 1996 in case people want to try to replicate history with a little more accuracy. If you are interested in adding any more info, soundsofsilver, that would be good.


As for stamina, I'll do some testing. The thing is, plenty of workers can go 30 minutes, but then they aren't all fresh as a daisy at the end of it. Benoit, Guerrero, Bret, Owen, Flair are all guys who can go for long matches without looking too worn out, Hogan, Savage, The Giant and to a degree Sting all look tired by the end of their longer matches in my mind. So getting a message that says that to me doesn't seem wrong, if they are completely exhausted after a 5 minute match then of course something is wrong. Some other guys like Bagwell or Alex Wright, I don't think I have seen either go longer than about 12 minutes so it's hard to judge. I'll probably bump the staminas up a bit, but as always I don't want to make things too easy.

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Right, and like I was saying, I was mainly basing this off of the original Cornellverse data, and noticing that WWF/WCW staminas in this data are much lower overall than the SWF's roster's data. I would imagine that they should be somewhat comparable, if SWF is a base for a national sports entertainment fed in America.
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Hogan, Savage, The Giant and to a degree Sting all look tired by the end of their longer matches in my mind.


But are they genuinely tired or are they just selling match fatigue? Not saying it is so, just throwing the thought out there.


But being tired is one thing, being exhausted is another... I agree that some workers could need their stamina boosted - but I understand your reasoning, and it is of course your choice.

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  • 1 month later...
I doubt it will ever be finalized and done (more just abandoned someday) but there will not be any new versions anytime soon as uni is kicking my butt at the moment, so just fricken play it already!


Yeah, I went ahed and started a game. :p


What all needs to be done to finish it, doesnt seem like much more is needed...

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Yeah, I went ahed and started a game. :p


What all needs to be done to finish it, doesnt seem like much more is needed...


More worker pics, some storylines, maybe a bit more stat balancing and a little bit of cleaning up one or two minor errors. To be fair on myself though (and this isn't a knock on anyone else) it's about as complete as most other mods around. I am bit of a perfectionist though, and won't quite let it be considered "complete" yet.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="D16NJD16" data-cite="D16NJD16" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="20606" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Hey I downloaded the 'latest' version, but im in the data im getting 0's for angles, alter egos, events, etc. I didnt see anything mentioned about these in the first post. Did something go wrong in the install?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> i did the same install the earlier version it has angles,alter egos,events etc.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="paulskln" data-cite="paulskln" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="20606" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>i did the same install the earlier version it has angles,alter egos,events etc.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> So then how do we get any use out of the updated beta?</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="D16NJD16" data-cite="D16NJD16" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="20606" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So then how do we get any use out of the updated beta?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> use these files i put them together for you</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://rapidshare.com/files/239718028/1996_The_War_Begins.zip" rel="external nofollow">http://rapidshare.com/files/239718028/1996_The_War_Begins.zip</a></p>
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<p>After a few days of going through the updated beta, I agree with the board that it is definitely playable, very good by the standard of most other completed releases, and that BH is also right about it still needing work, cleaning up, etc. I had made some notes when going through it yesterday but I lost those. A few things that are still off the top of my head</p><p> </p><p>

Personalities - This was the number area I noticed. They seemed just untouched for the most part.</p><p> </p><p>

Didnt notice any 'relationship' boxes set to Yes whatsoever</p><p> </p><p>

Hall's personality setting would cause him to refuse to do way too many jobs, he never refused any that I know of, and compared to his mutual company, was downright open to putting guys over. There was the incident where he had Jericho beat him clean against Bischoff's orders, stuff like that. Guys mention this about Hall on shoot interviews often.</p><p> </p><p>

Uneven/unbalanced drug levels - some notorious steroid users have 0%, while other not as notorious have 20%, etc. Many other rec drug users are missing.</p><p> </p><p>

I was thinking that if the mod is going to have guys who haven't died from steroids having some percentage points in that area, every wrestler that has passed should definitely have percentage points in that area. Unfortunatly its quite a long list as we all know.</p><p> </p><p>

A few noteable smokers were missing (Sullivan, Big Show, Kurt Angle---Sandman was in there.)</p><p> </p><p>

Knobbs had a rep of being the stiffer and more reckless of the Nasty Boys, but I believe they were set as exactly the same as each other in saftey and stiffness.</p><p> </p><p>

A couple name guys not having movesets assigned (rocky miavia)</p><p> </p><p>

WCW roster (the database as a whole) missing a few jobbers and openers that often appeared on WCW Sat. Night and other minor shows.</p><p> </p><p>

While 48% saftey can be considered low I suppose, compared to the levels of some other guys in the mod, Ahmed Johnson's saftey should be much lower. I dont know of a guy who racked up more injured opponents then him from 1995-1997. Oh and when he wasn't injuring other guys, he was getting injured himself. 5 or 6 different occasions from 1995 to 1998, so maybe lower his injury %.</p><p> </p><p>

Alot of worker relations missing</p><p> </p><p>

Alot of heel/face assigned to none</p><p> </p><p>

I noticed stamina seemed low?</p><p> </p><p>

I didnt make a point to look through every alignment, but noticed the one I clicked into, Eddie Guerrero, was set to heel when he was still a Face struggling to get over at this point.</p><p> </p><p>

Had typed up something alot more detailed like I mentioned but lost it unfortunatly. Everything really seemed to be the real intricate stuff, nothing glaring that I came across. if i were listing the positives I noticed, this post would be much longer. I do reccomend work on some of these things a little bit hesitantly, because I dont feel like these personality intangables have enough of an effect in-game as I would have hoped when I first heard of them being announced. I know I spent alot of time tweaking and tweaking them in my mod, and coming out feeling like I wasted a little bit of my time.</p>

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<p>Thanks for throwing the data together for D16NJD16, Paulskln and thanks for the feedback D16NJD16</p><p> </p><p>

Some of it I will check, some things I just plain couldn't give a rats about. Smokers for example. There is no real way for me to find out who amongst the 1400+ workers smoke (unless I've seen them do it onscreen hence Sandman) and it really isn't worth the effort. Similar with relationships, both to me seem hard to find out and have minimal in game effects.</p><p> </p><p>

I agree some of the personalities and drug levels still need work, if anyone notices any glaring examples let me know. I have tried to make the mod so we don't get 4 deaths straight off the bat like some other mods.</p><p> </p><p>

Stamina was already brought up and is being raised a bit higher for the next release. </p><p> </p><p>

As for jobbers and rosters in general, It was a conscious decision to not overburden rosters with too many guys who maybe showed up on a B-show for WCW once every 2 months since their roster is already huge and more than likely the jobbers were brought in as a one night deal rather than being under long term contract (although with WCW, who knows. Overall though I am very happy with my rosters. Getting them relatively accurate as of the time, and with a playable number of workers was my main aim as nothing kills a mod faster for me than seeing a promotion with only 5 or 6 workers, or one that has guys on the roster who didn't appear there for another 3 years.</p><p> </p><p>

Movesets still need work but I am a bit "meh" on them at this point. Take a lot of time, add a minimal amount to the game.</p><p> </p><p>

Hopefully you'll be happy to take a look at the next release of my mod, which I will hopefully get done sooner or later now that the semester is coming to an end and I will have a bit of time.</p>

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alright, with uni over for the semester and illness preventing me from partying as much as I would like I've been spending a bit of time going over this mod again and trying to fix up some of the things suggested.


Changes so far include ...


Changed Eddy Guerrero's alignment in WCW

Adjusted a lot of stats, including Ahmed Johnson's safety level

Lowered some stats in Japan to try to make some balance because after a few years Japanese workers dominate the top 100

Added more gimmicks in the default heel/face section for a lot of workers

Gone through and adjusted personalities of freakin' EVERYONE. They may not all be spot on but they are closer to where they should be in my opinion, those I am unsure of generally got a preset.

Picked out a few little mistakes

Added some more workers, the next release should have over 1500 workers in the database


What's left to do from here/what I am working on now is


Worker pics - still a lot to do and I am not great at it but I'm going to get what I can done.

Angles and storylines - these kind of go together .. still trying to get the hang of storylines by doing some smaller ones. At the moment doing one based on the Brian Pillman/Goldust feud in WWF.

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