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The Masked Orange

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Ever since I found out about Batista's injury I've been trying to work out what is going to happen at Wrestlemania. I was so sure we were going to see Batista win the Rumble and go on to face Cena at Wrestlemania that I've been really struggling to pick a new Rumble winner and come up with a prediction for Wrestlemania. So many ideas, so little certainty!! So here's my view of how things are going to go down....


Up to the Rumble... lots of hype, anyone could win and go on to Wrestlemania... The Rumble is obviously the main draw for the card so I think we are very likely to see the Smackdown belt change hands here in a fairly weak bout. My predictions for the show: Cena retains. Kozlov beats Jeff Hardy. Triple H wins the Rumble.


I also reckon we see the return of Christian around that time too, quite possibly running interference on Jeff Hardy to cost him the title. I DON'T think he'll ally with Edge, but I do think we're going to see a build up for the Hardys vs Edge/Christian at Wrestlemania. No titles on the line, but a lot of history and a momentus tag match for the ages there. I also think we'll see the real build up for Undertaker's match begin here... with Legacy taking him out of the Rumble and leading to Orton getting very close to winning the Rumble. So yeah.. I'm predicting Taker vs Orton for Wrestlemania, or more likely, Taker vs Legacy. The Ortons.. The DiBiases... the Snukas... that's a LOT of history there for Taker and it could be epic.


No Way Out features a Hell In A Cell to get a #1 contender for the Raw title of course... Orton, Jericho, HBK, JBL, Kane, Rey or something like that. For some reason I'd love to see Big Show in this somehow so that Cena could overcome the odds at Mania AND give Show something to do, but I doubt it. Quite possibly a Jericho win here to add Cena vs Jericho to Wrestlemania. Cena retains over someone... Knox maybe. :p


And then Wrestlemania itself. I'm adding HBK vs JBL to this, though I would love to see Taker vs HBK in Texas, but JBL vs HBK is still a fairly big time match. We're also likely to see a Money In The Bank match, and the only person I can see winning that is someone who might be going places... and that man is MVP. He's got to come out of this losing streak soon, and the MITB match is ideal to give him some serious motivation, screen time and to highlight his importance to the company. Outside bet of John Morrison, which would be awesome, but unlikely at best.


Oh, and there will be a diva match. Probably some kind of inter-brand tag match featuring Playboy cover girl X and friends vs heels. So... time for a quick run down of the card as I have it. :D



Triple H vs Vladimir Kozlov ©

John Cena © vs Chris Jericho

Shawn Michaels vs John Bradshaw Layfield

The Undertaker vs Randy Orton

Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy vs Edge and Christian

Money In The Bank: MVP vs CM Punk vs Shelton Benjamin vs R-Truth vs John Morrison vs Jack Swagger vs Rey Mysterio vs Finlay

Divas: Playboy Girl + Face Divas vs Heel Divas w/ Santino Marella


EDIT: Meh, just saw that Kozlov is in the Rumble. Oh well, a man can dream. :p

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Was gonna post this before but decided against it, now having opted against doing a diary I think I'll do an outline xD


For me, this Mania is Taker's last match. It's in Texas, and I think it'll be him vs. HBK. Perfect stage on which to go out. However, I don't see how they can get to this at Mania without the title being involved. This week on Raw the first step was fulfilled, although I'd have done it slightly differently, but nonetheless, the HBK/JBL combo is perfect for Cena to go up against...the idea of an emotionless Michaels battering Cena on JBL's orders on the Raw before the rumble sends shivers down my spine, lol. At the PPV itself there could be talk of Michaels having sold his soul and whatnot (could also use this line later on during the Taker buildup)...he's at ringside throughout the whole match, blank-faced, then comes the ref bump, in he steps, chair in hand...and flattens JBL. Again the crowd go wild but again it's turned on it's head as a smiling Cena sees the chair headed in his direction all too late as well. Michaels stares down at both men...and throws JBL on top of him for the ref-revival three count. "You can't wrestle?" Please, JBL doesn't need to wrestle. He'd be getting freakin death threats the angle would be so hot. Well maybe not, but you know what I mean.


The NWO buildup I have in mind is a little shakier, but I think it could still work. The next night, a furious Cena opens the show, demanding his rematch, but JBL says he's in no condition to compete and so Michaels will defend the gold on his behalf. This results in utter chaos in the main event, it could potentially involve Edge, my pick for the Rumble winner, though in my eyes he'd be headed for a feud with the Hardys and a triple threat at Mania, which is something else I put some thought into but that's for another time. The next week, JBL proposes the idea of an Elimination Chamber at NWO to find his next contender, which Steph accepts, featuring Cena, Jericho and so on...at this point he'd be ecstatic but it'd all come crashing down as either Steph adds on another point or Shane comes in to make the announcement and continue the slow-burning McMahon feud...JBL will be defending his title at No Way Out, and it'll be against...The Undertaker.


By this point, smarks and so on would probably smell HBK/Taker a mile off, but hell they already are and that wouldn't make the buildup any worse in my opinion. Michaels wins the chamber match, and shows up in the main event, JBL is gleeful but it all comes crashing down as Michaels finally turns his back on his employer and Taker wins the gold. Match made for Mania with a long time (5 or 6 weeks I think) to build it up, with Michaels no longer completely hated. The main issue from here would be how to phase JBL out of the title picture without him having a huge step down, but either way, in a year's time he ought to be a manager anyway. It could get so personal so quickly with the history they have, with the occasion, and the short term buildup; you can't just sell your soul and re-possess it so easily, haha.


At the show itself it'd be the biggest Mania main event in years, one of the biggest ever, with the title dynamic at this stage in both men's careers making it even more unpredictable. Epic bout is inevitable, ending in Taker picking up the win and the gold, then in the aftermath the staredown, the celebration, the pseudo-acknowledgement that Taker is bowing out...and somehow, he lays the title to rest on the canvas and disappears into thin air. It'd be difficult not to make that seem really weird, but the released script, however likely it had been to come to fruition, featuring Taker/HBK/Kane feud, ended on a similar note (but without the title it'd make less sense IMO). In the coming weeks his departure is acknowledged and a tournament is held, or something of that sort. Depending on how long it takes I'm thinking that whoever wins, Mr. MITB (MVP without a doubt; his losing streak should end in a last chance battle royal for the entry and instantly his momentum is hot, rather than letting it slide so badly like Punk's did meaning that any ascension to the top is a brief one) could cash it in instantly. This could be further drawn out even involving the McMahon feud, with a disputed finish of some sort in any kind of multi-man match could see Shane and Steph each pick a side, only for MVP to trump over whoever wins. Hell he could even eventually have the returning Vince in his corner, though personally I think there'd be much better ways for him to return and MVP doesn't need anyone to talk for him.


Would mean that the WHC had been changing hands like hotcakes within the past year or so, but in my opinion the way in which it's been done wouldn't hurt it's standing at all.

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According to sources, WWE has already started the creative process of the return of Christian. Edge will cost Jeff Hardy the title, and reveal Christian as the "mystery person" who attacked Jeff the morning of Survivor Series. Triple H vs. Edge and Jeff Hardy vs. Christian is the current plan for WrestleMania 25. Jeff will get a chance to win back his title at WrestleMania by winning the Royal Rumble or in an Elimination Chamber at No Way Out against Edge, but will pass on the title shot for a grudge match against Christian.


There has been no confirmation of Christian signing with WWE, but the belief from people within TNA and WWE is that he will return to the company.




That is what lordsofpain.net has written and my thing is..... why give the belt to Hardy after people pushed so long for it, just to have him lose it within two months?



I thought Vince wanted to stop the short title changes, guess he can't make up his mind

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Have you not seen them.


World, log onto http://www.wwe.com/shows/smackdown/sdspecial/vickienude/


And for gods sake this is not porn.


It's not even attractive.


This is part of the progression of a WWE storyline leading to wrestlemania.


So I can put down that without this being closed?


Honest to god, it's a women, on a sofa, and she's covered with a rectangle.


God, I come out of this sounding like a purvert.

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Was gonna post this before but decided against it, now having opted against doing a diary I think I'll do an outline xD


For me, this Mania is Taker's last match. It's in Texas, and I think it'll be him vs. HBK. Perfect stage on which to go out. However, I don't see how they can get to this at Mania without the title being involved. This week on Raw the first step was fulfilled, although I'd have done it slightly differently, but nonetheless, the HBK/JBL combo is perfect for Cena to go up against...the idea of an emotionless Michaels battering Cena on JBL's orders on the Raw before the rumble sends shivers down my spine, lol. At the PPV itself there could be talk of Michaels having sold his soul and whatnot (could also use this line later on during the Taker buildup)...he's at ringside throughout the whole match, blank-faced, then comes the ref bump, in he steps, chair in hand...and flattens JBL. Again the crowd go wild but again it's turned on it's head as a smiling Cena sees the chair headed in his direction all too late as well. Michaels stares down at both men...and throws JBL on top of him for the ref-revival three count. "You can't wrestle?" Please, JBL doesn't need to wrestle. He'd be getting freakin death threats the angle would be so hot. Well maybe not, but you know what I mean.


The NWO buildup I have in mind is a little shakier, but I think it could still work. The next night, a furious Cena opens the show, demanding his rematch, but JBL says he's in no condition to compete and so Michaels will defend the gold on his behalf. This results in utter chaos in the main event, it could potentially involve Edge, my pick for the Rumble winner, though in my eyes he'd be headed for a feud with the Hardys and a triple threat at Mania, which is something else I put some thought into but that's for another time. The next week, JBL proposes the idea of an Elimination Chamber at NWO to find his next contender, which Steph accepts, featuring Cena, Jericho and so on...at this point he'd be ecstatic but it'd all come crashing down as either Steph adds on another point or Shane comes in to make the announcement and continue the slow-burning McMahon feud...JBL will be defending his title at No Way Out, and it'll be against...The Undertaker.


By this point, smarks and so on would probably smell HBK/Taker a mile off, but hell they already are and that wouldn't make the buildup any worse in my opinion. Michaels wins the chamber match, and shows up in the main event, JBL is gleeful but it all comes crashing down as Michaels finally turns his back on his employer and Taker wins the gold. Match made for Mania with a long time (5 or 6 weeks I think) to build it up, with Michaels no longer completely hated. The main issue from here would be how to phase JBL out of the title picture without him having a huge step down, but either way, in a year's time he ought to be a manager anyway. It could get so personal so quickly with the history they have, with the occasion, and the short term buildup; you can't just sell your soul and re-possess it so easily, haha.


At the show itself it'd be the biggest Mania main event in years, one of the biggest ever, with the title dynamic at this stage in both men's careers making it even more unpredictable. Epic bout is inevitable, ending in Taker picking up the win and the gold, then in the aftermath the staredown, the celebration, the pseudo-acknowledgement that Taker is bowing out...and somehow, he lays the title to rest on the canvas and disappears into thin air. It'd be difficult not to make that seem really weird, but the released script, however likely it had been to come to fruition, featuring Taker/HBK/Kane feud, ended on a similar note (but without the title it'd make less sense IMO). In the coming weeks his departure is acknowledged and a tournament is held, or something of that sort. Depending on how long it takes I'm thinking that whoever wins, Mr. MITB (MVP without a doubt; his losing streak should end in a last chance battle royal for the entry and instantly his momentum is hot, rather than letting it slide so badly like Punk's did meaning that any ascension to the top is a brief one) could cash it in instantly. This could be further drawn out even involving the McMahon feud, with a disputed finish of some sort in any kind of multi-man match could see Shane and Steph each pick a side, only for MVP to trump over whoever wins. Hell he could even eventually have the returning Vince in his corner, though personally I think there'd be much better ways for him to return and MVP doesn't need anyone to talk for him.


Would mean that the WHC had been changing hands like hotcakes within the past year or so, but in my opinion the way in which it's been done wouldn't hurt it's standing at all.


I like what you're saying. And it would be even more heat with the fact that Shawn Michaels retired Flair at the last Mania. Michaels could bring that up during the buildup, saying he's going to put another legend to rest.

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Have you not seen them.


World, log onto http://www.wwe.com/shows/smackdown/sdspecial/vickienude/


And for gods sake this is not porn.


So I can put down that without this being closed?


Honest to god, it's a women, on a sofa, and she's covered with a rectangle.


You might think you are hilarious and that your every post oozes intelligent wit. I don't.

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You might think you are hilarious and that your every post oozes intelligent wit. I don't.


Always on the attack.


I made a post, it's not entirely rude, and still you decide to try and bad-mouth me.


I don't respect that. If you met me, you'd know that's how I am.


I know you don't care about my respect, but it's people like you, making posts which you could of just kept inside your head, that ruins these forums.


I know I sound like I'm whining constantly, but for God's sake, grow up.

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Guest Ransik

Wait, wait, wait.... WAIT.


The WWE has been hell bent on being a kiddie show for several months... even sending out a WWE Kids Magazine. Now they're running a porno angle?


Am I the only one not getting this hypocrisy?

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Always on the attack.


Actually I was on the defence, you had a pop at the modding of the forum.


I made a post, it's not entirely rude, and still you decide to try and bad-mouth me.


You actually answered that one yourself.


I don't respect that. If you met me, you'd know that's how I am.


I find it hard to respect a comedy poster, I doubt i'd respect the person behind the mask either.


I know you don't care about my respect, but it's people like you, making posts which you could of just kept inside your head, that ruins these forums.


Your opinion is noted :p


I know I sound like I'm whining constantly, but for God's sake, grow up.


This made me laugh out loud. I hold nothing against you personally but your gimmick posting on every subject can get irritating after a while. I would have felt no need what so ever to post if you hadn't had a dig at the modding of the forum.

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I like what you're saying. And it would be even more heat with the fact that Shawn Michaels retired Flair at the last Mania. Michaels could bring that up during the buildup, saying he's going to put another legend to rest.


Yeah this seems to be the simple and most sensible way to do things. Which means we will probably have the Great Khali's brothers, sisters, dogs cousin do it.

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it's people like you, making posts which you could of just kept inside your head, that ruins these forums.


Really take your own advice here man. Your posts get old very quick. I have never once laughed at any of your 10,000 posts about nothing. Your not funny, you've never been funny and I doubt I'll ever find you funny.


I'm down with everybody posting here but I mean for gosh sakes just SHUT UP sometimes man geez.

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Vickie Guerrero? Naked? I've just eaten ffs :(


- WWE Mobile has a new storyline feature where The Great Khali won the Ebay auction from SmackDown on Friday night, winning Vickie Guerrero's nude photos at the last minute as Chavo Guerrero tried to save them.


I just read that off of http://www.impactwrestling.com. I found it interesting enough to share.


And also a possible Bobby Lashley return could happen. I doubt in time for Mania tho.


- Bobby Lashley, who was backstage at a WWE live event over the weekend, had the following to say in a new interview with World Wrestling Insanity:


"I'll put it this way. I WILL be (professionally) wrestling again. So if there is anything going on with WWE and there's people there who don't want to see me wrestle anymore and I can't be back in WWE, then there will be a TNA. Because I really, like I said before, I really would like to wrestle again. Whether it's years down the line, whether it's short stints now where I do matches here and there while still training to fight, I still want to wrestle. So whoever will take me, I'm willing to work."

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