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No Way Out Spoiler

The Masked Orange

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must say I'm surprised, but not as surprised as I'd thougth I'd be.


Edge has pulled off so many twists lately he's a category 3 hurricane (blushes at own incredibly bad joke)


There was like this sense of foreboding, that something big was gonna go down.


I'm just gutted it went to HHH, but then again....



....who else would it be? Hardy's too soon, Kozlov not a big enough name, Show is good as a monster, but bad as champion.


Maybe if Christian or Matt Hardy took Edge's place in the WH chamber...


...I really don't know...

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So, this basicly turns Smackdown into Hardy vs Hardy playing second fiddle to HHH as champion, fighting off Koslov, Show, and Taker... and Raw becomes... well, Edge vs Cena so that Cena can get the big win at Wrestlemania. I can accept that.


Even better if Edge cheats to win over Cena, and Cena gets drafted to Smackdown or something...

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I really hope that Edge moves to RAW for good along with the title. I haven't really watched Smackdown for the last few years but really love the whole "Rated R Superstar" gimmick... then again... In today's WWE it's more like the "Rated PG-13 Superstar". (Meh, I tried a joke...)


I was shocked to hear that he won... Only because I didn't watch the PPV. Still... pretty cool.


Triple H winning the title doesn't annoy me at all. I actually like Hunter a lot and have since back in the 90's. So, I may be a little bias in the sense that I think that he's a great champion... A guy who is good on the mic and can tell a story in the ring. That's what I want to see out of a champ.


Honestly, The Hardy match-up at Wrestlemania doesn't need the title to be in it. To be honest, the title would actually get in the way of the whole story I think. It carries enough weight alone in the sense that Matt cost Jeff the title and it would be the first time they have squared off against eachother in a heated feud at Wrestlemania. So, I'm happy to see that Matt didn't win it.


All in all, Seems like a decent PPV.

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I feel the Hardy storyline has lost all momentum, it was hot off thr Royal Rumble, but know it's sorta waning.


If Matt so wanted Jeff not to win why did he not interfere in the chamber?


I can't buy Matt as a bad guy because in my opinoin he's only done one bad thing, HHH attacked people with sledgehammers and he's the biggest face on smackdown.

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I am a little surprised about a few things.


They have been building up the big show/edge/guerrero thing so much and now all of a sudden it is going to end. I was shocked when he won it and to be honest i would not be surprised if he keeps the title on smackdown. Maybe guerrero turns it into a smackdown title or something.

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Trying to figure out where that leaves Orton at Mania. What are the options?


Orton vs Edge, and Cena vs HHH

Wouldn't work, unless you turned one of the first two face and that would be dumb.


Orton vs HHH, and Cena vs Edge

I figure it has to be this way, and while they will likely be good matches, I'm already bored. Orton against Hunter for the 22nd time in the last 6 months, wow, can't wait for that dream match! Cena vs Edge, again, fine, but we've seen it many times before - although at least not for a little while.


Leaving Hardy vs Hardy (which has lost all momentum as they've barely interacted since the Rumble) and HBK vs Taker, that one does make me happy, two legends squaring off for the first time in 11 years. Sounds good to me :)


But what does Jericho do?

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I've only read the event after it happened, but having read a few rumored rumblings, I wouldn't be surprised to see Edge vs. Trips at Wrestlemania 25 ... to unify the titles.


An all holding champion to bounce between shows, as some feel that two belts devalues to title of world champ.

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I've only read the event after it happened, but having read a few rumored rumblings, I wouldn't be surprised to see Edge vs. Trips at Wrestlemania 25 ... to unify the titles.


An all holding champion to bounce between shows, as some feel that two belts devalues to title of world champ.


It does, and I would mark hard for that. I seriously doubt it will happen, but it would be awesome :)

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It does, and I would mark hard for that. I seriously doubt it will happen, but it would be awesome :)


Put Orton in to make it a triple threat, rest of the card as you have it lined up, and Jericho takes on Flair, which devalues his retirement from a year prior, or Austin, to celebrate his induction, or Funk, who probably doesn't feel up to it, or Rorke, if he wins the Oscar. :p

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One of my wacky theories... Cena vs. Edge vs. Orton vs. Jericho. All in an attempt by Steph to make it impossible for Orton to walk out with the belt.


Honestly, I hope to God Flair doesn't compete. One year later. Is he really needed at this point? Let the whole 'The Wrestler' look-a-like-or-not angle die already. I thought that was solely because they had nothing in mind for Jericho.

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I miss the days when it was simple. When after the Rumble you knew exactly what the 'Mania Main Event was. Hell, I even miss the days when it only became clear after No Way Out.


I only watched the Chamber matches on this show. I found them to be a bit dull. It's a fun concept, but I couldn't really get into it on the night. Maybe I was tired. Maybe it was because I wasn't particularly supporting anyone. Well, I was pulling for Jeff in the Smackdown one, but I didn't really believe he had a shot.


There was some good stuff though. The Edge twist was okay. A bit repetitive, with him being all opportunistic again, but that just made me cheer on Rey Rey for the final part of that match, and anything that makes me want to cheer the Babyface can only be a good thing. Mike Knox's beard is magnificent. Glad it got some PPV time. Cena falling victim to the Finisher's Parade was unexpected and kinda fun.


I just wish they'd let someone be Champion though. For an extended period of time, just let someone be the best on one of the brands.

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One of my wacky theories... Cena vs. Edge vs. Orton vs. Jericho. All in an attempt by Steph to make it impossible for Orton to walk out with the belt.


I hope this doesn't go down so I'm betting that Orton will want to face Triple H just to get under Stephanie's skin more... even though the Triple H/Stephanie relationship ended on camera a while ago but I think everyone knows they're married off camera anyways.


But I'm just hoping that will happen just because I'm sick of the Rumble winners being in multiple man title matches. I think it totally defeats the purpose of the rumble that way.

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Just finished up watching the show, well, the EC's and Orton/Shane anyway. No interest in the other matches.

Just a few observations. 1, this Edge story is played out and is precisely why I think RAW needs a permanent GM, not just someone who runs it in 1 storyline. I don't mind Edge being in the RAW EC, it was a nice twist, and booking it the way it was done is fine, but I would have made 1 little change. At the end when Edge won, have the GM (Steph I guess) come out, announce that Edge isn't champ because he was not officially in the match so Cena retains. At that point Edge can really snap, continuing the mad-man role. This also keeps the belt on Cena which would set-up a Cena vs Orton match at 'Mania, which for me is more interesting than most of the other options, and it also gives the Orton/Cena feud the culmination it deserved (I feel that this story was never finished because of all the injuries).


Trips as champ, well, I don't mind. Honestly I think it gives the most options for Smackdown. Heres why:

Trips vs:

J.Hardy, yeah, good enough, I would watch

Taker, yeah, I would watch

Edge, ditto

Kozlov, well, I can't stand Kozlov but this match would work

Big Show, would work well enough

M.Hardy, could be ok

Christian, might struggle but would be alright.


Edge vs:

J.Hardy, good.

M.Hardy, good.

Christian, good.

Taker, never interested me.

Kozlov, yawn.

Show, yawn.


J.Hardy vs:

M.Hardy, woohoo, but Title would just be a distraction.

Christian, woohoo.

Taker, yawn, not unless they repeated the ladder match.

Kozlov, boo hiss boo hiss

Show, time to get the boring chant going.



Need some more build up.


I am p'd though that we still don't know the main event for mania. As Self said, I used to enjoy knowing after the Rumble what the Mania main event would be, and it helped the story because it gave time to build. We now have a little over a month, and still have no idea, so they have to announce it, then build it, and promptly mess it up.

All this short term booking is getting old. I wish they would play the long game once in a while.


EDIT: Possible unification because multiple titles are devaluing the World Title? How about Mania main events where it isn't Rumble Winner vs Champion devaluing the Rumble?

Personally I prefer seperate titles. Keeps the stories focused and allows for some decent matches. Imagine the regular ppv main events if there was 1 belt. Cena vs Edge vs Trips vs Orton vs Jeff vs Jericho vs Kozlov vs Show vs Batista vs Taker (vs M.Hardy vs Christian) That would get old FAST! and lets be honest, WWE 'Creative' don't have enough creativity to keep these guys in stories away from the belt.

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EDIT: Possible unification because multiple titles are devaluing the World Title? How about Mania main events where it isn't Rumble Winner vs Champion devaluing the Rumble?

Personally I prefer seperate titles. Keeps the stories focused and allows for some decent matches. Imagine the regular ppv main events if there was 1 belt. Cena vs Edge vs Trips vs Orton vs Jeff vs Jericho vs Kozlov vs Show vs Batista vs Taker (vs M.Hardy vs Christian) That would get old FAST! and lets be honest, WWE 'Creative' don't have enough creativity to keep these guys in stories away from the belt.


I'm of two minds about the amount of 'World' titles in WWE. On the one hand, I've always been a fan of the purity you get with just one Champion of Champions, and having one goal that everyone wants. On the other, I totally agree that each brand needs it's own Main belt for story purposes.


I'd get rid of a bunch of the Lower card titles before I unify the main ones.

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I don't expect any title unification but have no idea where they're gonna go with this. Maybe Randy Orton will announce he wants to face Triple H at WM25 in a interbrand match-up. Orton wins and takes the WHC back to RAW.


Maybe Cena will be pissed off with how Edge won the title and keep showing up on SD! then be drafted there permanently.


Maybe both titles will remain on SD! until the draft when Triple H is drafted back to RAW.


Who knows.

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Orton vs HHH, and Cena vs Edge

I figure it has to be this way, and while they will likely be good matches, I'm already bored. Orton against Hunter for the 22nd time in the last 6 months, wow, can't wait for that dream match! Cena vs Edge, again, fine, but we've seen it many times before - although at least not for a little while.


Orton vs Trips is kinda a lockdown Vicky prolly traded trips to stephanie for Edge´s spot in the chamber. Stephanie doing this after the beatdown she saw her brother getting. Prolly will see Cena going too Smackdown as pryor to the second chamber couldn´t have 2 champs on 1 brand idea.


So this leaves us with pretty certain: Hardy vs Hardy. Swagger vs Christian. MVP vs Benjamin. Mysterio vs Knox. Last two could be moved to MITB.



Punk vs Regal or someone else I´d slide Jericho in here personally, or Punk in MITB. Jericho vs Flair/Michaels/Rourke/Batista if he makes it. Taker vs Show/Michaels/JBL. Money in the bank for others. And the women champs prolly no tag match as they will be involved in MITB.

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I hope this doesn't go down so I'm betting that Orton will want to face Triple H just to get under Stephanie's skin more... even though the Triple H/Stephanie relationship ended on camera a while ago but I think everyone knows they're married off camera anyways.


But I'm just hoping that will happen just because I'm sick of the Rumble winners being in multiple man title matches. I think it totally defeats the purpose of the rumble that way.


Very true, I am a fan of one-on-one matchups in the main-event. My only Achilles heel is when the match-up in question has been done 50 times already, which is the case with about almost any potential match-up in the books here. Cena vs. Orton. Cena vs. HHH. Edge vs. HHH. Edge vs. Cena. Orton vs. HHH. They've tried to keep the "first time" tradition in WM main-events and most of the time they've succeeded, but they've come at a crossroads and there is chance they'll just summon one of those bouts anyway. Would be fitting but can't help and think you want something different.


Next year, they should really give Punk the belt and let him hold onto it. Punk vs. HHH or Cena could pay off big.


I just wish they'd let someone be Champion though. For an extended period of time, just let someone be the best on one of the brands.


No doubt, I'm sure this is all a swerve-a-mania phase they're going through right before Mania and all. I do hope they tone it down with the Edge opportunistic stuff in the future. Survivor Series, Royal Rumble, alright. Last night was a bit over the top, thing is the way it happened itself was nothing short of awesome for many reasons(i.e my first post in the thread)

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Edge getting eliminated in 4 minutes in the first chamber match was awesome. Him beating up Kingston and locking himself in the pod, and somehow magically he's in the match...not so much. It's one of those things that's surprising, but the stupidity of it really hurts. Saying "wow!" is good. Saying "huh?" is not.


Right now I would guess that both titles are going to stay on Smackdown!, since the announcers kept stressing that Edge is a SD superstar. I think Orton will challenge Triple H for the World title at Wrestlemania, and maybe they'll ackowledge the HHH-Stephanie marriage on screen since this seems to be about Orton making Stephanie suffer as much as possible.


Of course, John Cena gets a WWE title rematch against Edge, so they'll probably fight at Wrestlemania. So both title matches will be Raw vs. Smackdown! and I would say one brand will probably have both titles since the draft is the night after Wrestlemania.


Wrestlemania card:

Triple H vs. Randy Orton

Edge vs. John Cena

Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker? (I don't see it but everybody else seems to think so, so...)

Hardy vs. Hardy

Chris Jericho vs. ...Mickey Rourke? Ric Flair? Steve Austin?

MVP vs. Shelton Benjami maybe, they could be in MITB

Jack Swagger vs. Christian, same


There's still a lot to clear up, but it's 7 weeks away so that's to be expectedI suppose.

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