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Diary Preview Thread

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Hey this is my new diary. I know I've done alot of them and have not kept them going but I would like you all to give me another chance I've taken a month to plan this out and have the first five months booked out. I also have a new match write up format that I need to know what everyone thinks.:cool:


Thank you



This reminds me of somebody... Somebody who used the same line awhile ago... But I Can't put my finger on it

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I am toying around with something very similar to this. I got the original idea from this based on J Silver's original diary where he did a much of mini-diaries of various promotion because he didn't actually own the game at the time.


However, the diary wouldn't be limited to a scenario/mod and instead of a set month I would be trying to showcase an idea, a size, or a mechanic. So I might start out with a 0/0/0 game (very much like my old NEO dairy) and when I hit Small, I would switch companies and/or mods to give the reader something a different stage of the game from a creative or mechanical (ie size or product) perspective.


An example of the diary after a couple of completed "chapters" might look like this:


1. 0/0/0 Local Promotion to Small (Budget management and character creation)

3. Regional Promotion to National TV deal (Expansion outside of home region and juggling storylines due scheduling problems)

4. Cult Promotion (Survival on a financial and talent basis)

5. National+ Promotion (Interweaving storylines & happiness with a massive roster)

6. DOTT mod (Realistically changing the past; tweaking past storylines)

7. World of Immortals mods (Interaction between different ages of wrestlers/Dream matches)

8. GDS Verse (because we made it)

9. Over-9000 verse (because I can)


Anybody like this idea or am I nuts?





I really like it, Foolinc, but I certainly agree with Crayon that some sort of continual presence throughout the run of diaries would be a good thing. In that regard, I would think that sticking with one 'verse or another would be the best way to go about it, as you could go from the bottom of your list to the top, promotion and objective wise, and still have a tie between them.


But a cool idea regardless.



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Quite a cool idea that. I think I'd mark even more if there was some kind of thread which managed to connect one chapter to the next (or all chapters to each other, even). Even if it was just your user-character remaining the same person and acknowledging where he had previously come from, it'd be more compelling than starting with a completely blank slate each time.


Then begin to mark more because there definitely will be some connection between the "chapters." The two ideas that I thought would work the best is either to jump from one chapter to the next ala Quantum Leap or to go with a classroom setting where my avatar character would be the professor going through the chapters of a TEW lesson plan. I think both of them would be fun. I just need to figure out which one I would enjoy more to run. The QL one would be more kayfabe and have a lot of fun comedy segments via the character talking to himself or another character that he can only see. The classroom one on the other hand would have more opportunity for reader interaction (in theory) and would have a ton of comedy segments from Prof. Heatly and his students.


Of course this kind of project could run the risk of turning away those who are only interested in this or that kind of mod. You could probably hold everyone's attention if you cycled chapters frequently enough.. but then that's not exactly giving you time to showcase a particular mechanic or creative idea.. hrmmm, toughie


I really like it, Foolinc, but I certainly agree with Crayon that some sort of continual presence throughout the run of diaries would be a good thing. In that regard, I would think that sticking with one 'verse or another would be the best way to go about it, as you could go from the bottom of your list to the top, promotion and objective wise, and still have a tie between them.


But a cool idea regardless.




I can see your points with keeping people interested through different chapters, especially if I am changing mods. To lessen this potential problem (I say potential because no one has really tried this before), I was thinking of making sure that the bigger chapters would be in one of the more popular mods like the different C-Verse mods, DOTT, or a Real World mod. With the lesser known mods I might run a month or even just give a nice overview with 4 or 5 one shot events from some of the different promotions in that mod.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Hello" a smooth Jerry Eisen looks onto the camera as we see him in an old fashioned arena in the Tri-State Area named The Ministry, where many independent bookings had been made and showed for the last decade.


"And welcome to SWF 24/7. In the next following episodes, we are going to be showing you the sudden chain of events that led to the ever so called the East Coast War. A time where wrestling was becoming more just than a contest. A time where wrestling was just becoming more like a sport. And it this cases, it is a time where men fought for their dignity. In this special series, we are going to be looking at some of the most controversial but yet what has the East Coast Wars had to offer. And in a time where the war really got personal, drama and entertainment were put on the same page. The conditions were extreme. The risks are real and the destruction is wild. Some critics might say that this promotion took wrestling and turned it into something new. Something that fans would want to pay to see. And something that wrestlers would love to do. It is all where it came from as history say it."


We hear the arena getting set up for the next show to come as workers are arranging the chairs. " Everything has to begin somewhere and it was where XFW took their talent and turned it into a revolutionizing style that would impress the fans. But as it leads to its own consequences, it also looks upon of who would love it and who would hate it. Historic fact, where did this all started? The blood, the weapons, the brawls, the mayhem, the drama, the risk."


As Jerry Eisen comes into a pause, the camera changes its angle and zooms on Jerry. "In association of SWF: Worldwide Productions and Phil Vibert, we present you, XFW: The Origins Of Hardcore."


OOC: Any thoughts of this start?

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"Hello" a smooth Jerry Eisen looks onto the camera as we see him in an old fashioned arena in the Tri-State Area named The Ministry, where many independent bookings had been made and showed for the last decade.


"And welcome to SWF 24/7. In the next following episodes, we are going to be showing you the sudden chain of events that led to the ever so called the East Coast War. A time where wrestling was becoming more just than a contest. A time where wrestling was just becoming more like a sport. And it this cases, it is a time where men fought for their dignity. In this special series, we are going to be looking at some of the most controversial but yet what has the East Coast Wars had to offer. And in a time where the war really got personal, drama and entertainment were put on the same page. The conditions were extreme. The risks are real and the destruction is wild. Some critics might say that this promotion took wrestling and turned it into something new. Something that fans would want to pay to see. And something that wrestlers would love to do. It is all where it came from as history say it."


We hear the arena getting set up for the next show to come as workers are arranging the chairs. " Everything has to begin somewhere and it was where XFW took their talent and turned it into a revolutionizing style that would impress the fans. But as it leads to its own consequences, it also looks upon of who would love it and who would hate it. Historic fact, where did this all started? The blood, the weapons, the brawls, the mayhem, the drama, the risk."


As Jerry Eisen comes into a pause, the camera changes its angle and zooms on Jerry. "In association of SWF: Worldwide Productions and Phil Vibert, we present you, XFW: The Origins Of Hardcore."


OOC: Any thoughts of this start?

What happened to your WWF 97 diary you said it wasnt over???

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Some more ideas for anyone to use:


-- A full on brand split. Find a product that allows the brand focus to really alter how the company is presented, and then use your company's two/three brands as completely separate entities - titles, workers, and so on. The odd cross-brand supercard would then be an epic event. This could be taken to the extent of using different presentation styles for the different shows.


-- Body wars. Complete fantasy-based, but it occured to me earlier today how cool it would be to have body parts fighting one another. Would the knees be a team, or feuding brothers? Would anyone want to pick a fight with the nose? Would the brain be the GM? Would a virus invasion unite the team, or see the organs turn traitor and start producing pus? (Yeah, complete nonsense - but it made for some interesting idle speculation).


-- Watcher's Diary. I know it's been done, but it must be time for someone to do another one :p

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I almost did a Japanese version of the "brand split = 3 companies". One mainstream with men only, one intergender/hardcore and one traditional with womens division with world titles for each brand and an overall world title for the company. It just failed once i realized you couldnt brand split events and it would take too long to manually work out who's who. But i wouldnt mind trying it perhaps as a multi-writer dynasty. Maybe one writer for each brand and stuff.


And body parts :p "Oh my god the spleen just did a heel turn!"

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I almost started up a diary with FCW where i was a young up and coming wrestler/booker. Now the catch is the focus of the diary is the backstage politics and you let the readers decide how to handle it. For example my first dillama was Carlos Gonzalez wanted me to play an exscaped excon that has esaped to Puerto Rico and together we would form a decent tag team. However, Hector Galindo also thought i would make a great addition to the Latino Kings.


Of course, the writer would have to come up with his own consequences for each path. Example, if I choose the route of the Kings then Carlos complains to his brother who all the sudden decides either he doesn't like me, or perhaps he complain to PR Power and I lose some credit with him.


Anyway, it seemed like a fun interactive type game that I gave a lot of thought to, but I can barely keep up with my SWF diary as it is.

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So I'm about to start up a SWF game called 'Enforcing The SWF'.


My user character Theo Kingston is the businessman and former owner of Cornellverse TV company 'GNN Total Sports' recently sold.


The backstory on the project is Richard Eisen in December 2008 is caught having an affair with his secretary and for the sake of the company he brought up from nothing's reputation and future decides he wants to sell on.


A number of candidates come through looking to purchase including an offer from one J.K. Stallings, however its Kingston's willingness to keep the remaining Eisen sons on the roster and keep to SWF values that persuades Eisen to sell to him.


From their the actual diary data will start in March 2008 as it means I can get my second brand readily set up, all graphics completed and it has given me some time to see if the game would work (it has)


So with 2 brands, a host of names I want to make big time (the roster is around the 50-60 wrestlers as well as a re-do on whos in the developments) some custom belts by ReapeR, and merchandise like this (With gratitude to my friend Simo for doing these) for some real life approaches...




I hope you all have fun reading my diary when it starts soon :)


I didn't really know what to post here so I thought I'd post this :)



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Okay, so i just had an idea for a watchers game:


An Australian Four-way war.


We up Australia's importance a wee bit (say 90%) for all of the zones. Then create four identical companies (well apart from the owner, starting zone and product). Give them all a Saturday night primetime TV deal. A PPV deal. All equally size. The same popularity level (at national no less, and each with a slight advantage in their homearea). And then see all four of them crash to the ground.


Four companies fighting for the same viewers, same PPV dollars, same hilariously unpopular and limited talent pool and all of them trying to stay just about cult for various reasons.


The four companies i had would like this:


New Zealand Championship Wrestling (same product as 5SSW and INSPIRE)

Attitude Wrestling Federation (central) (Mainstream, risque. Attitude area anyone?)

Southern Wrestling Association (western) (Mainstream, just family friendly)

Capital Oceans Wrestling (eastern) (Cult. With splashes of... cult...)


APW is out because... Just because. And to speed up the odds of one of them dying quickly, they will all start with 1 million dollar each. None of them would start with any workers, they would have six days to put out a roster to work on the first show.


Between the lack of over workers in Australia, the lack of people willing to work for a national company even in Australia, and the low amount of money, its a war that could end in less than a year with only one company alive... and at cult.


Is it an idea?

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It looks like you've put a lot of thought into it, which is always helpful. Sounds good, i look forward to it :)


Thankyou for the positivity :)


My only concern is at its a SWF diary with 2 brands I can just see it being compared to BigPapa's (which was amazing)


I just wanna do my best, I have so much creativity in this head of mine about the product and I just want it to be seen as well...my own masterpiece.


It could be up soon dependant on graphics and such :)

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Well... I could take creative license and make stuff up... Or cheap out by making Big Smack Scott one of the company owners, that should create enough conflict in itself.


I don't even think you'd necessarily need to make stuff up - there's bound to be rumours and disciplinary things floating around (especially if you turn Relationship Frequency up to High) that will add flavour to your world.


The one thing to bear in mind is owner mindsets, though - a savvy businessman might cut back on costs to save his company. What sort of relationship would exist between the companies?

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I don't even think you'd necessarily need to make stuff up - there's bound to be rumours and disciplinary things floating around (especially if you turn Relationship Frequency up to High) that will add flavour to your world.


The one thing to bear in mind is owner mindsets, though - a savvy businessman might cut back on costs to save his company. What sort of relationship would exist between the companies?



I always play with relational frequency at high as it spices up the game. As for relationship, it will just be war in order to create an even more cramped enviroment for them to fight in.

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Would there be a need/interest for a 'learning curve' diary of somesort? This was inspired by the WEXXV topic that there was on the general discussion where I mentioned how to book Warrior Engine and gave the user a lot of tips regarding the promotion.


I'm thinking of a diary which revolves around the game itself. The neat little tricks and stuff of how I play the game. The diary would be directed to the 'rookie's' or players who haven't played the game that long and want/are interested in advice.


There would not be no in-depth storylines, just notes of how to book the promotion and how to pay attention to the gameworld and booking your shows, managing business side and stuff like that.:cool:

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Would there be a need/interest for a 'learning curve' diary of somesort? This was inspired by the WEXXV topic that there was on the general discussion where I mentioned how to book Warrior Engine and gave the user a lot of tips regarding the promotion.


I'm thinking of a diary which revolves around the game itself. The neat little tricks and stuff of how I play the game. The diary would be directed to the 'rookie's' or players who haven't played the game that long and want/are interested in advice.


There would not be no in-depth storylines, just notes of how to book the promotion and how to pay attention to the gameworld and booking your shows, managing business side and stuff like that.:cool:


I think it would be interesting. There are a lot of intricate parts to the game, so it would almost be like a tutorial or something. What size league would you run? (or one of each - since they have all have different issues to overcome)

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Would there be a need/interest for a 'learning curve' diary of somesort? This was inspired by the WEXXV topic that there was on the general discussion where I mentioned how to book Warrior Engine and gave the user a lot of tips regarding the promotion.


I'm thinking of a diary which revolves around the game itself. The neat little tricks and stuff of how I play the game. The diary would be directed to the 'rookie's' or players who haven't played the game that long and want/are interested in advice.


There would not be no in-depth storylines, just notes of how to book the promotion and how to pay attention to the gameworld and booking your shows, managing business side and stuff like that.:cool:


I sure hope there is interest in this. Or I guess my mini-diary idea is going to be screwed.

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Would there be a need/interest for a 'learning curve' diary of somesort? This was inspired by the WEXXV topic that there was on the general discussion where I mentioned how to book Warrior Engine and gave the user a lot of tips regarding the promotion.


I'm thinking of a diary which revolves around the game itself. The neat little tricks and stuff of how I play the game. The diary would be directed to the 'rookie's' or players who haven't played the game that long and want/are interested in advice.


There would not be no in-depth storylines, just notes of how to book the promotion and how to pay attention to the gameworld and booking your shows, managing business side and stuff like that.:cool:


Not only would I be interested in seeing this, as you always do a good job with WEXXV, but I wouldn't mind this becoming something of a diary subcategory. I know that just by looking at the general discussion forum, there are a plethora of people here who are new to the game, and it would help them immensely to see somebody play a game through and show tips, road agent notes strategies, and storyline ideas. Hell, I've been playing the game nonstop since TEW05 and I could use with seeing better players showing how they play the game.


Pure example, I recall a situation where a month or two after 08 was released, I sent a PM to TrekkieMonsta and you, FIN, regarding your booking strategies. I was playing a game with PGHW and was getting awful ratings for PGHW. You and Trekkie were getting fantastic ratings with WEXXV and WLW respectively. Based on the advise you both gave me regarding match placement and road agent notes, I saw improvements in my own game. I think somebody putting the "behind the scenes" of how they play the game would be a great help to just about everybody on the boards (well, maybe not Remianen :cool:).

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