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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Y'know, I hadn't given it a great deal of thought...


I may open up a thread in the Mods section, a la ReapeR's belts and Kamchatka's logos. If I do, don't expect turnaround time to be stellar...


There actually was something I was thinking of asking for, which may or may not be a little easier then a shirt, but I doubted anything would come of it..

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Wednesday April 24th 2008

Just barely Wednesday, but it's an overnight flight this time. I don't usually like to do diary entries just after the show, but I don't want to forget this one – Frankie Perez came up to me after I got back to the Crippler Position at show end, making a point of thanking me for putting him up against RDJ.


Frankie's a smart guy. Like Barry, Shingen, the Naturals and the bulk of the All-Action Division, most of his recent work has been in the dark, with the occasional on-screen job or an appearance as an extra warm body in a multi-man PPV spot* match. Any match he gets on TV is a chance to get past that – but a match against RDJ, win or lose, can really change things. Perez handled it pretty well, I thought, and it'll be interesting to see how the feedback on that goes.


Thursday April 25th 2008

Weekly ritual; I get together with my kids and we watch through Total Wrestling, the competition, and Combat TV when 5-Star are touring. (Thank God for Tivo).


Didn't think much of the competition's show this week – Genghis Rahn actually did OK for himself, but when your second-best match involves Big Smack Scott in tag competition there's a problem, though my boys seemed to help him pull his standards up. What I saw of Kate's stuff for 5 Star looked pretty good, though. But the big reaction of the day's viewing was Frankie Perez – sure, a lot of matches were better, but we expect that of the people involved.



Internet favourites: Frankie meets former TCW competitor Donnie J's dive with a kick in CZCW, August 2007


Perez seems to have had the same effect on the online fans, too. That leaves him popular with a small minority, sure – but a vocal, active sure minority. It's a step forward; his name recognition and buzz has significantly spiked since we signed him near the start of the year.


It's a shame we can't just immediately repeat the same formula with other solid unknown talents like, say, Shingen – it'd look too obvious a play, and Frankie's success against Ricky was partly due to his ability to switch up from matwork and make it a fight, that being RDJ's strong point. Shingen is a mat man first and foremost; with the benefit of hindsight, we positioned him badly on debut.


At the same time, Eric Tyler's program with Joey, Aaron and Freddy (and yes, I expanded it after Tyler tried to close it off) will provide some valuable forward motion for Aaron and Freddy – but it also probably absorbs a lot of the airtime we can actually afford to give over to developing young talents. What I wouldn't give for a second show...


So what do I do with Shingen? How do I persuade the fans that he's worth watching?


What I wouldn't give for his Burning Hammer tapes to be free for our use on air, but they're not; the rights would be a pain in the neck and they'd cost an arm and a leg. It's physiologically irresponsible.


Side goal for the next little while; figure out how to begin building Shingen Miyazaki. Whether he ever makes it all the way, he's useful – and he deserves some support.


* Spot, noun, a particular planned moment in a wrestling match, also see Spot, adjective, descriptor for a match that goes from big moment to big moment with no significant rationale to them. The All-Action championship is rife with spot matches.

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PPV logo by hakk99


It's here, folks. It's upon us. We have come Where Angels Fear To Tread. As we head into the Alabama Field Row for this year's April Pay-Per-View, let's take a look at what's coming...


A combined total of eleven tag team championship reigns to date; the Tag Team Specialists have a bone to pick with former tag standouts now united with new partners, Ricky Dale Johnson and their main target, Danny Fonzarelli. Which of these teams will prevail here tonight?


Eric Tyler's quest for respect continues, as he aligns with young All-Action star Freddy Huggins against Aaron Andrews and the former 'Suplex Kid' Joey Minnesota who's standing up for today's youth.


Speaking of the All Action Championship, we've received word that Mr Cornell is determined to see it contested Where Angels Fear To Tread. So Sammy Bach will be in title action - but who will he face? Mr Cornell refused to give us an answer when we pressed for details. Will it be an All Action regular, or will someone new step into the frame?


American Buffalo has promised to explain his grudge against Tyson Baine preparatory to their match. What could drive a man to Stampede someone the size of Tyson Baine from the entrance ramp through a steel barricade?


What of the Blonde Bombshell's return? Who will she be bringing with her to Alabama, and what role will he play?


The Syndicate's run of title matches begins as The Machines face off against Painful Procedure. The challengers were left battered and bleeding last edition of Total Wrestling - can they turn things around tonight and come away with the gold?


The Championship Board have spoken, and Wolf Hawkins' International Championship will be on the line against Koshiro 'the Kobra' Ino. The Kobra was one of those who took revenge against Hawkins for the Syndicate's attack on Painful Procedure, but he lost out in a gruelling match later that night - with neither man likely to be on top form, the title could end up with anybody.


Lastly, the main event of the evening; Troy Tornado, freshly returned from a shoulder injury and victorious last week against the Kobra, sets his sights on Tommy Cornell and the TCW World Heavyweight Championship. Cornell left the arena rather than attempt to rescue Hawkins from Tornado and Ino - has the challenger got inside the head of the champion?



Prediction Key:

Tag Team Specialists vs. Danny Fonzarelli & Ricky Dale Johnson


Aaron Andrews & Joey Minnesota vs. Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins


TCW Tag Team Championship

The Machines © vs. Painful Procedure


American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Tyson Baine


TCW All Action Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. ????


TCW International Championship

Wolf Hawkins © vs. Koshiro Ino


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Tommy Cornell © vs. Troy Tornado

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Tag Team Specialists vs. Danny Fonzarelli & Ricky Dale Johnson - I don't bet against RDJ in TC-Dub diaries.

Aaron Andrews & Joey Minnesota vs. Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins - Both teams seem pretty even, so I'll plump for the one with the difference-maker

The Machines © vs. Painful Procedure - Outclassed

American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Tyson Baine - Outmonstered

Sammy Bach © vs. ???? - Bizarre. A mystery opponent on a PPV.

Wolf Hawkins © vs. Koshiro Ino - One title has to change hands. I reckon it's gonna be this one

Tommy Cornell © vs. Troy Tornado - Not yet.

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Tag Team Specialists vs. Danny Fonzarelli & Ricky Dale Johnson


Aaron Andrews & Joey Minnesota vs. Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins

Mainly just because I really like what your doing with Tyler, but I could see it going the other way for storyline purposes.


TCW Tag Team Championship

The Machines © vs. Painful Procedure


American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Tyson Baine

Nt real sure why lol...it has something to do with what u said about using him in th begining of the diary though



TCW All Action Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. ????


TCW International Championship

Wolf Hawkins © vs. Koshiro Ino

Its a good way to try and get him over with the fans


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Tommy Cornell © vs. Troy Tornado

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Tag Team Specialists vs. Danny Fonzarelli & Ricky Dale Johnson Okay, a tough choice to make - but I always think established tag teams should go over random singles...


Aaron Andrews & Joey Minnesota vs. Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins Yeah, this one has legs


TCW Tag Team Championship

The Machines © vs. Painful Procedure Pssh. Leave them where they are - no benefit in switching at this point.


American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Tyson Baine Baine is more suited to a push right now


TCW All Action Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. ???? I could see this being the new Syndicate guy, and even if not, Bach retaining keeps him strong


TCW International Championship

Wolf Hawkins © vs. Koshiro Ino You've already hinted at Ino being aimed above this level


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Tommy Cornell © vs. Troy Tornado For the shock factor, this would definitely have potential

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Tag Team Specialists vs. Danny Fonzarelli & Ricky Dale Johnson

Established team or not, RDJ getting a loss to either of the Specialists on Pay-Per-View doesn't even seem like a logical thing.


Aaron Andrews & Joey Minnesota vs. Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins

Tough choice here..but if Tyler's going to be feuding with Law afterwards, then I see him as needing more momentum then that.


TCW Tag Team Championship

The Machines © vs. Painful Procedure

I don't see PP ever winning the tag titles again..


American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Tyson Baine

I really wanna vote for Baine, as I see him as being something of an Undertaker equivalent, (Probably way off on that, but hey, you never know) but I've seen indictators that you're building up Buffalo, and this is a match I could see Baine eventually being forgiven for losing.


TCW All Action Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. ????

Sammy Bach defending his title against a mystery opponent, in the first PPV of the TCW diary? Gee, where have I seen this before.. :p


TCW International Championship

Wolf Hawkins © vs. Koshiro Ino

While trying not to make any assumptions about where Hawkins will be for the immediate future, as he can be used very broadly - from being the catalyst that ends the Syndicate, and ends up winning the World Title before '09 starts, to being the Syndicate's main jobber, if only to keep him from becoming arrogant - but the fact is he starts out as a Main Eventer, and getting the International title off him early seems like something most would do. And Ino seems like a good enough fit for the belt.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Tommy Cornell © vs. Troy Tornado

Tornado with the belt sounds pretty sweet, but I don't really see this diary changing World Champions so fast..I mean, it's two months in, so that's kinda moot, but still.

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Prediction Key:

Tag Team Specialists vs. Danny Fonzarelli & Ricky Dale Johnson

Cannot bet against RDJ.


Aaron Andrews & Joey Minnesota vs. Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins

Aaron isn't going over Eric, I don't think, and for Joey to win it would be ridiculous considering he's a last-minute addition.


TCW Tag Team Championship

The Machines © vs. Painful Procedure

But the title does not change hands. DQ, countout or some such.


American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Tyson Baine

Match gets thrown out, I'd like to guess.


TCW All Action Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. ????

I rarely bet against ????, but in this case I'll make an exception.


TCW International Championship

Wolf Hawkins © vs. Koshiro Ino

Not clean. Never clean.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Tommy Cornell © vs. Troy Tornado

But in such a way that Troy gets his rematch.

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Tag Team Specialists vs. Danny Fonzarelli & Ricky Dale Johnson


I agree with Zeel, can't see RDJ dropping one to a couple of guys on the way down and Fonzarelli gets the rub here too, even if his team with the cowboy seems unlikely to be a regular thing.


Aaron Andrews & Joey Minnesota vs. Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins


This feud will probably run for a while, so the heels take this


TCW Tag Team Championship

The Machines © vs. Painful Procedure


Surely there would be better teams to switch the titles too than Painful (to watch) Procedure.


American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Tyson Baine


Some kind of double DQ draw which will lead to some kind of No DQ match with some lame name to try and make out that it's a bigger deal than it really is - I'm thinking something in the vein of a 'Monsters Ball' match at the next PPV.


TCW All Action Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. ????


May well as well keep this belt round Bach's waist, even if he has apparently out-grown. Seems like almost everyones aim in TCW is to make the All Action belt mean something.


TCW International Championship

Wolf Hawkins © vs. Koshiro Ino


Is Ino ready to main event, possibly but giving him a trial run to see if he can carry a Title round his waist with the International belt wouldn't be a bad idea and it's a good idea early on to keep Hawkins ego in check.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Tommy Cornell © vs. Troy Tornado


Cornell's going to retain but I think Tornado will be booked strong enough to remain in the title hunt for the forseeable future.

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Tag Team Specialists vs. Danny Fonzarelli & Ricky Dale Johnson

The promo did a nice job of establishing both RDJ and Fonzarelli as guys with tag team experience, so this isn't just a singles guys vs. tag guys match. RDJ carries the day.


Aaron Andrews & Joey Minnesota vs. Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins

I'm thinking Huggins gets the win, with a whole pile of cheating. Hardly a lesson in respect for Aaron & Joey, but still not a loss for Tyler, whose stock is still too high.


TCW Tag Team Championship

The Machines © vs. Painful Procedure

They've had their fun, looking credible, but honestly....


American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Tyson Baine

This won't end here, but Buffalo's got to pick up the victory somehow. Maybe a countout, or something. Anyway, Baine will get his revenge eventually, possibly in a cage.


TCW All Action Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. ????

Sammy's not done with the All Action belt yet.


TCW International Championship

Wolf Hawkins © vs. Koshiro Ino

Wolf will keep the title, but Ino needs to stay hot, to challenge for Cornell's title. This'll help keep Hawkins' ego in check.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Tommy Cornell © vs. Troy Tornado

The whole universe is named after him. Come on.

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Tag Team Specialists vs. Danny Fonzarelli & Ricky Dale Johnson


Aaron Andrews & Joey Minnesota vs. Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins


TCW Tag Team Championship

The Machines © vs. Painful Procedure


American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Tyson Baine


TCW All Action Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. ????

Bach retains


TCW International Championship

Wolf Hawkins © vs. Koshiro Ino


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Tommy Cornell © vs. Troy Tornado

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Prediction Key:

Tag Team Specialists vs. Danny Fonzarelli & Ricky Dale Johnson


Aaron Andrews & Joey Minnesota vs. Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins


TCW Tag Team Championship

The Machines © vs. Painful Procedure


American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Tyson Baine - DDQ


TCW All Action Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. ????


TCW International Championship

Wolf Hawkins © vs. Koshiro Ino


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Tommy Cornell © vs. Troy Tornado

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Tag Team Specialists vs. Danny Fonzarelli & Ricky Dale Johnson - I don't bet against RDJ in TC-Dub diaries.

Aaron Andrews & Joey Minnesota vs. Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins - Both teams seem pretty even, so I'll plump for the one with the difference-maker

The Machines © vs. Painful Procedure - Outclassed

American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Tyson Baine - Outmonstered

Sammy Bach © vs. ???? - Bizarre. A mystery opponent on a PPV.

Wolf Hawkins © vs. Koshiro Ino - One title has to change hands. I reckon it's gonna be this one

Tommy Cornell © vs. Troy Tornado - Not yet.


I was about to make my picks when I looked over those of Self. Going to second his picks, as they are the same ones I was about to make and based on much the same logic.

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Tag Team Specialists vs. Danny Fonzarelli & Ricky Dale Johnson

One side has a main eventer. I wonder which sides winning?


Aaron Andrews & Joey Minnesota vs. Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins

Tyler isn't getting any younger, might as well push him now before start making him "give back" to the business


TCW Tag Team Championship

The Machines © vs. Painful Procedure

The joke ends here


American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Tyson Baine

Baine gets his revenge


TCW All Action Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. ????

Bach holding the title makes your undercard that much better


TCW International Championship

Wolf Hawkins © vs. Koshiro Ino

I think it's time for Hawkins to pass that strap and Ino seems to be the man for the job


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Tommy Cornell © vs. Troy Tornado

If Hawkins is losing the belt, there isn't a chance in hell of Cornell losing his too

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Tag Team Specialists vs. Danny Fonzarelli & Ricky Dale Johnson


Aaron Andrews & Joey Minnesota vs. Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins


TCW Tag Team Championship

The Machines © vs. Painful Procedure


American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Tyson Baine


TCW All Action Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. ????


TCW International Championship

Wolf Hawkins © vs. Koshiro Ino


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Tommy Cornell © vs. Troy Tornado

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Tag Team Specialists vs. Danny Fonzarelli & Ricky Dale Johnson


RDJ's probably the top face right now -- he's big enough to put Fonz over the Specialists.


Aaron Andrews & Joey Minnesota vs. Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins


Gut reaction: Huggins costs them the match somehow.


TCW Tag Team Championship

The Machines © vs. Painful Procedure


I say one title changes hands, and I say it's this one.


American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Tyson Baine


Goldworthy interferes to get his guy the win.


TCW All Action Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. ????


I thought Sammy would get himself DQed to maintain last time... that didn't happen. I think I'm going to predict it until it does.


TCW International Championship

Wolf Hawkins © vs. Koshiro Ino


This could be the title change... but I don't mark for Ino yet.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Tommy Cornell © vs. Troy Tornado


I don't expect to bet against Cornell any time soon.

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Prediction Key:

Tag Team Specialists vs. Danny Fonzarelli & Ricky Dale Johnson

They may be singles guys put together, but the TTS are likely to be putting people over left, right & centre


Aaron Andrews & Joey Minnesota vs. Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins

I'd think the Tyler/Huggins combo probably has more going for them at this point


TCW Tag Team Championship

The Machines © vs. Painful Procedure

I think this is probably a case of giving PP a nice title shot whilst you figure out new challengers. I don't see them winning it.


American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Tyson Baine

Yeah, some kind of schmozz ending. Double DQ or count-out. Baine will get him in the end though.


TCW All Action Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. ????

I'll go with Bach as the safer bet at this point.


TCW International Championship

Wolf Hawkins © vs. Koshiro Ino

I think of the two main matches, one change is likely and this seems the likelier one.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Tommy Cornell © vs. Troy Tornado

I don't think Tommy will be dropping this belt yet.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Sunday Week 4 April 2008


Live on


Held at Alabama Field Row (South East US)


Attendance: 26,822




Jason Azaria – Kyle Rhodes - Horatio Dangerous



Tommy Cornell and Sam Keith make their way along a corridor backstage, talking quietly together, intercut with shots of the fans settling into place.


“...giving a woman a footrub is serious business, man,” Cornell offers. There's a pause.


“Look,” Keith says eventually. “You sure you want to do this?”


“Bach won't go with us,” Cornell says. “We haven't made a choice yet, haven't seen enough. But you saw the contract she's got; he's good.”


“Good? I saw him train. I can't believe he left them.”


“It's the Blonde Bombshell,” Cornell chuckles. “Point is, if he gets the belt off Sammy, he might listen. If he won't, we can deal with that at the time.”



With that, Cornell raps on a door which is swiftly opened. The Bombshell's head appears; smiling, she holds up one finger, closes the door, and reopens it a moment later with a towel wrapped around her.


“Your man,” Cornell says. “He's here tonight?”


A nod, an amused smile.


“Ready to wrestle?”


She giggles, then nods.


“Then he's facing Sammy,” Tommy says. “The All Action Championship goes on the line.


“Good luck to him.”


The two Syndicate members carry on down the corridor, a cynical expression on Keith's face. Cornell raises a hand and pats him on the shoulder twice, reassuring.


The Blonde Bombshell turns back into the room, letting the towel drop, then steps in and closes the door behind her.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoelBryant.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RobertOxford.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DannyFonzarelli.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg

The Tag Team Specialists vs. Danny Fonzarelli & Ricky Dale Johnson

There's been speculation on this one from time to time during the pair's two or three outings in tag matches over the past months, but it wasn't confirmed until this moment; Danny Fonzarelli and RDJ have reached an intuitive level of understanding together that makes them a great team to watch, easily helping them reach the levels of teamwork that the Specialists have made their forte.


That evens the playing field on the question of experience, and you can visibly see Fonzie and RDJ loosen up as they realise how well they've come to gel together. The Specialists still have a tactical advantage, where their rivals have power aplenty to retaliate with – and that makes this, for some while, an entirely even fight. It's great to get an advantage with a thumb to the eye, but when your victory-roll follow up sees you dropped across the top rope by someone who refuses to be tugged forward, there's only so much you can use that to pick up the pace.


As the match sails past the ten minute mark, the legal man distinction breaks down, first on the Specialists side and then on their opponents as they look to even the score. From there hell seems to break loose but Ray Johnson lets it all go while two teams battle to settle a grudge; climaxing when RDJ levels Oxford with the Leaping Lariat before taking Bryant down with the Southern Justice.


Oxford once again receives his own finish as Fonzarelli keeps him from breaking the pin with a top rope knee drop – but RDJ has the cover assured.

Danny Fonzarelli & Ricky Dale Johnson defeated the Tag Team Specialists

Rating: B




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AaronAndrews.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoeyMinnesota_alt.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EricTyler.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FreddyHuggins.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

Aaron Andrews & Joey Minnesota vs. Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins

Not on the same level as the match before it, but no one expected it to be; it's still a pretty good contest, showing Andrews and Huggins both in their best light to date in TCW. Tyler and Huggins' chemistry is not the surprise that Fonzie and RDJ's was, but is still a good boon to the match.


The two DaVE stalwarts divide time with their less heavily supported allies more or less equally, allowing Huggins to show the beginnings of a new trace of ruthlessness in his assault and Andrews to begin to play to a finally-sympathetic crowd a little without being entirely overshadowed.


At the finish, Tyler locks the Tradition Lift in on Andrews, and as Minnesota moves to break it Laura Huggins tugs his feet from the apron, leaving him to drop jaw-first into the canvas as she struts away. Andrews fights for a long time, Tyler keeping up a running litany of demands for respect, but in the end Andrews yields, his face contorted in pain. Tyler promptly dumps him face-first on the mat and steps on him on his way to shake Huggins' hand.

Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins defeated Aaron Andrews & Joey Minnesota

Rating: C





The camera takes us swiftly to the back, and the American Buffalo is seated at a table, contemplating a stack of photos of Tyson Baine in action. Goldworthy, microphone in hand, frets around the edge of shot, a sheet of paper in hand. He coughs nervously, and the Buffalo glances up, then nods slightly.


Goldworthy raises his microphone to his mouth. “Ah... My client wishes it to be known that Tyson Baine, who he faces tonight, has brought this upon himself.


“Twelve years ago the man called Tyson Baine was wrestling throughout the smaller companies under a name you all know. Under the name BLZ Bubb.


“Bubb was part of the biggest, most dangerous tag team wrestling at the time. The...” Goldworthy reaches the next part of Buffalo's statement and halts, clearly visibly agitated.


“Say it,” the Buffalo growls.


“...The weaker half,” Goldworthy continues. “He wrestled with a man who called himself Morpheus. They had been allies for a long time.


“Morpheus believed they were friends.


“Twelve years ago, Tyson Baine was offered a contract with the Hollyweird Grappling Company, a new wrestling promotion that would eventually become TCW, home of the best wrestling to be found in the United States.


“Baine refused to bring Morpheus with him. He entered more fully into his BLZ Bubb character.


“Morpheus believed his friend was mentally disturbed. He forgot his dreams of stardom. His avenue to the top had been closed off by betrayal.” Goldworthy's delivery is unusually flat; the intensity in the words seems only to resonate with their author, still clear in shot behind the Fast Buck. It's like Goldworthy is trying to distance himself from the words of his client.


“But this past year, Baine returned to his real name. He has behaved entirely like the Baine of old.


“And Morpheus has still not been congratulated. Not for making it anyway. Not for his restraint in allowing his so-called friend the chance to apologise, to take the time to talk.


“Because Morpheus made it. Morpheus shed the silly persona that Baine stayed locked into.


“Morpheus became the most dangerous man in the sport. The only man worthy of a Stampede, whatever Canadians may think, and the master of the Colt Killer.


“Morpheus is my client, the American Buffalo.


“And tonight, the man who was Morpheus pays off a debt long-owed.”





All belts credit to ReapeR

TCW Tag Team Championships

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The Machines © vs. Painful Procedure

Power versus wrestling skill. Resilience versus arrogance. The Machines have been, despite their Syndicate stylings, deserving champions throughout their tenure – in fact, to be fair, the Syndicate as a whole have been strong champions, setting aside a few incidents of illegal retention and a general attitude problem.


Still, the clash isn't as firey as either tag match beforehand, an indicator that something needs to change around the top of the tag division. It's less the champions' issue than the challengers, who by now are beginning to lose their edge somewhat. Mindful of this, the match plays out like a greatest hits compilation of Machines/Procedure matches of the past, touching on all the big spots, shifting their order, punching things up a bit. Maybe it's in tribute to that, still, that the match ends when Hill secures a handful of Hopkirk's tights to mark the fall...

The Machines defeated Painful Procedure

Rating: C





This Corrosion starts to play, and Sammy Bach emerges, microphone in hand, All Action Championship around his waist.


“So,” he begins. “I find myself Where Angels Fear to Tread. From the heights of elation, the heights of victory, to this hell.


“Facing a man I don't know. A man who hasn't been identified.


“A man who doesn't matter.” He chuckles. “So sure, I defend my title again. But that's not the point.


“I crave immortality. I crave legend. And I face a nobody.


“Why did no one care when Adrenaline Rush became tag champions in DaVE? Certainly not entirely because Teddy Powell was less important than the fifth Beatle.


“We faced nobodies.” He closes his eyes beatifically, sighing happily, then glances around. “There are legends here.


“Why did I come here, Cornell, if you will feed me nothing satisfying?”


He shakes his head. “Let us deal with this, then,” he says. “Next month I may receive better.”



The Bombshell emerges, posing to a massive crowd reaction. Bach watches impassively. “Make your big announcement,” he says. “I still gotta feed.”


She simply gestures to the entryway.





Last seen as the NOTBPW Canadian Champion, Johnny Bloodstone throws his hood back to a strong response from those portions of the crowd who follow Canadian wrestling.


Bach looks taken aback, then nods to himself. “OK,” he says. “You'll do, Bloodstone. Let's feed.”





TCW All Action Championship

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SammyBach_alt1.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JohnnyBloodstone_alt2.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg

Sammy Bach © vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell

No amount of talent can camouflage the issues in the ring, sadly, as Bach and Bloodstone can't find a matching pace to keep to and work with each other. It hurts things, but they do the best they can.


The best spot, a transition from Bach on your Back to Bloodstone Mutilation, fails to work smoothly enough to the fans' regret; nonetheless, the pair manage to work through, finishing the match when a frustrated Bach rolls free of the ring and creams Bloodstone with the belt.

Johnny Bloodstone defeated Sammy Bach by DQ

Rating: C-




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AmericanBuffalo.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FloydGoldworthy.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TysonBaine.jpg

American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Tyson Baine

Short and sweetish; Buffalo and Baine let loose in one of the fastest-paced matches either man has worked. It's hard to say which man hits harder – or, for that matter, which man can take more – in a contest reminiscent of EWA at its best.


Toward the end, Baine finally manages to get an advantage when Buffalo's rage leaves him overextended. A series of knees into the gut, a whip to the corner, five punches and a quick splash, and the Buffalo is reeling.


Baine hoists him for the Hades Bomb and steps forward to deliver it – only to find Goldworthy's hand around his leg. Baine stops, turning his head, and something not unlike a DDT ensues from the Buffalo as he drops. Baine collapses, the Buffalo down too. Ray Johnson begins a ten count.


The Buffalo is up at seven, Baine by that stage using the ropes to pull himself up. A Stampede follows and Buffalo covers, hauling on the second rope for leverage.


Johnson misses the foul, counting three to give American Buffalo probably the biggest win of his career to date.

American Buffalo defeated Tyson Baine

Rating: C+





TCW International Championship

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WolfHawkins_alt3.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/KoshiroIno.jpg

Wolf Hawkins © vs. Koshiro Ino

Poor Eugene Williams. If there are two competitors in TCW with the determination, speed, and power to work so hard that the two of them can, on their own, outpace a referee to the degree that he can't keep up, it's these two.


The bell rings and both men launch themselves at their opponent like the predators they've taken the names of. Impact happens in literally less than a second, and no clean lock-up here either.


They clash, break apart, and circle multiple times before truly settling to the business at hand, but the pace never lets up. Maybe, toward the end, Ino once again gets the measure of Hawkins. Maybe that's the Kobra's Bite he's setting up for.



It's difficult to be certain, because that's when Sam Keith gets involved. Williams is briefly occupied checking a cut opened up on Hawkins' forehead, and the veteran needs very little time. A Neutron-Plex occurs, and as Ino rises, Keith already back out of the ring, the Full Moon Rising snaps crisply off. Hawkins gets the cover and keeps the title off the back of interference – the second straight month cheating has blocked Ino from the title.

Koshiro Ino defeated Wolf Hawkins

Rating: B





“LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,” Shawn Doakes' amplified voice booms, Doakes obviously greatly excited by whatever's coming, “May I introduce to you...


“Live in concert...




Part of the main stage slides open, and a platform bearing the band's gear slides out...



Randall Hopkirk on bass...



Billy Jack Shearer on drums...



Troy Tornado charging out, fist raised in celebration, to take the microphone, guitar slung by his side...


And at keyboard and on rhythm guitar...



The Young Guns!


“This one's to you, Tommy,” Tornado announces with a cheerful, knowing grin. “Watch yourself. It ends tonight.” He launches into a song Painful Procedure were touting for a while before their breakup. One the crowd know. One they can respond to. And respond they do...






TCW World Heavyweight Championship

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TommyCornell_alt5.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TroyTornado_nacht6.jpg

Tommy Cornell © vs. Troy Tornado

Tornado comes off a massive wave of momentum following the song, and the fans can clearly feel something in the air. Even the discovery that Cornell has issues matching the pace of yet another of his employees doesn't dampen their zeal – there's just too much talent with too much support in the ring.


The contest goes for a full half an hour before the end, and during the match both men throw absolutely everything they have at the other. Around the twenty minute mark Tornado manages to hit the Star Maker dead centre rather than the slight awkwardness of his first attempt.




Cornell doesn't kick out, but Brent Hill is there to prevent that being a problem. Tornado takes the fight back to Hill, Ray Johnson loathe to give the challenger only a DQ win after the All Action match earlier, and for a couple of moments the crowd rejoice. A DDT is swiftly followed by a third Star Maker, this time on Hill.




Then Randall Hopkirk appears, yanking the man who beat him by nefarious means out of the ring and laying him out with a punch. Bought time to recover, Cornell comes back, trying for the Rough Ride only for Tornado to spring back off the transition, avoiding the impact of the move and dropping the champ with a dropkick as he turns. Another pinfall comes up just short; Tornado tries for a fourth and final Star Maker not long afterward, but this time Cornell is ready and the Guilt Trip is quickly applied in counter.


Tornado squirms clear, reaching the ropes, and Cornell releases the hold. The double-handed blade chop is quickly followed by a missile dropkick of Cornell's own, and the Guilt Trip goes right back on. This time, Tornado has no choice, tapping out in the centre much to the fans' frustration.

Tommy Cornell defeated Troy Tornado

Rating: B+


Show Rating: B

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Random notes:


- Double helping of unchecked bad chemistry, including the Main Event, hurt this one. Unfortunately I'd positioned myself such that I felt I had to commit to Troy this month before he recovered from injury, and after that became clear I felt I was better off not knowing in advance in case I did something stupid while trying to compensate.


- At least Troy and Tommy did well anyway


- Seriously, I've tagged RDJ and Fonzie up three or four times in the undiarised months and never got that note until now. That one really made me happy.


- No, NOTBPW didn't have Johnny drop their most prestigious title before he left. It's on Maverick around about now.


- Tommy Cornell has bad chemistry with three guys floating around the UM/ME level on the face side - so far. This could get painful.

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Seriously, Sammy Bach has already grown on me enough that I want to see someone shut him up. He has that little something that makes a good heel. It won't be Bloodstone unfortunately, thanks to poor chemistry. Still, I can't wait to see the kind of impact Bloodstone can have, I really like that guy.


Good thing you explained the grudge between AB and Baine, I had forgoten that they used to tag.


I've had those games two where my top star has poor chemistry with every other talented individual. Micky Starr is my now dead SWF75 diary had that issue, I had to throw some curveballs to dodge the problem. At least, it's Tommy Cornell in your case. He could get a decent match out of Tank Bradley.

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Monday May 1st 2008


Busier weekend than normal with the PPV. Usually at this point I'd be in the air toward wherever the show's coming from tomorrow, ready to get an early night, but we're down in Coastal Zone country this week and I decided to take a much earlier plane. I've a connecting flight later, but it gives me a chance to give Cliff Anderson's contenders a proper look over.


Tommy, Joel and I spent a long time debating who to bring here on developmental contracts. We took even longer selecting the men we were going to bring in as coaches. The net result, of course, is that none of us are perfectly satisfied with the trainees – though I think we're all happy with the trainers.


While who's here is the responsibility of a group of us, who gets called up and when is mine – because, ultimately, I'm the man who has to find things for them to do when we bring them up. That also means I'm the only person who has to come down here – though, on chatting with Cliff, I find that Joel stops by whenever we run house shows near enough, and Tommy makes it down here once a month. Between that and a monthly FedExed DVD to each of us containing their TV show and big event – none of us live in or even near the broadcast area for Watch This Space – we keep up pretty well.



Coastal Zone training team, April 2008:

L-R Bairei Yasujiro, aerial expert, Louis Figo Manico, mat ability and out-of-ring work, Masutaro Kataoka, all-rounder and brawling specialist, and Steve Flash, fundamentals and all-rounder


The biggest argument we had, early on, was a trio of British wrestlers from the same small federation. Chances are only UK readers will have heard of the company – at time of writing it doesn't have TV and only runs a few places within England. The three men we took are three of their best, though they need both US exposure – at least to the fans online – and some more work before I'll be entirely happy letting them on TCW programming.


The issue we had was simple; Tommy was uneasy about taking three of Britain's current key talents away from the British scene, feeling that it's in an unstable state and needs encouraging. While I pretty much agree, there are two big problems I have with this argument.


First, it's entirely possible they'll wash out – but they'll do so after a couple of years honing their skills against trainers and other wrestlers who are, and I hate to say this, a cut above all but the very, very best in Britain. They'll improve a lot faster here, and if they wash out, then the British sport should be re-energised simply by their level of ability.


Second, and more importantly, the man saying this is Tommy Cornell. Who is, first, one of the two or three best wrestlers on the planet and, second, English. TCW – and HGC before it – worked hard to make Cornell a household name in the United States, and he is still held in greater renown in Britain than he is here.


Has to be noted, also, that with the specific trio we have here one of them was, before we signed him, concentrating more and more on his work in a company based out of Japan. Whatever we do, the fate of the best of British workers is to leave and go where the money is. Unless more money's there, that's going to be the case.


Another trio are the main focus of my attention, here; the recently-arrived Ronnie V. Pain, who might be showing some minor improvement – or it might be my imagination – the dedicated Giant Tana, now an occasional main event in the Coastal Zone and clearly loving that fact – and Texas Pete.



As he was then: Texas Pete squares off with Steve Flash in CZCW, 2008


Pete went straight to the Coastal Zone when we acquired it by unanimous decision of myself, Joel and Tommy. Tana came along a little later, and seems to be having more fun with it; but Pete is fascinating me.


Tana's showed significant improvement – a lot of which I put down to the new 'lease of life' from working at the top – but Pete Goldman, the man behind Texas Pete, seems to have taken his new status like a drunk being dumped in a bath of ice water.


The drunk wakes up and may well look at his situation with a new clarity; the shock of being the first roster regular consigned to the Coastal Zone has given him a purpose and a fire. He's listened to our trainers – and to anyone else around the place who can offer him anything – and his all-around game is much improved. He's still hardly Syndicate-ready, but in just four months he's significantly better in the ring than he was before. I'll have to ask Steve and Louis to concentrate on his cardio later – make sure he can actually hang in for a full match without blowing up – but I suddenly have real hope for him. He may never win any titles – but he'll do more than give Edd Stone competition in cleaning out the bars.

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Seriously, Sammy Bach has already grown on me enough that I want to see someone shut him up. He has that little something that makes a good heel. It won't be Bloodstone unfortunately, thanks to poor chemistry. Still, I can't wait to see the kind of impact Bloodstone can have, I really like that guy.


Good thing you explained the grudge between AB and Baine, I had forgoten that they used to tag.


I've had those games two where my top star has poor chemistry with every other talented individual. Micky Starr is my now dead SWF75 diary had that issue, I had to throw some curveballs to dodge the problem. At least, it's Tommy Cornell in your case. He could get a decent match out of Tank Bradley.


Playing the 97 mod recently, Baine and AB's old alliance is stuck in my head. It's still common enough currency to be mentioned in AB's background - Buffalo having finally been hired on Baine's recommendation - so I figure it's just about fair game.


I can confirm that I won't be asking Tommy Cornell to get a decent match out of Tank Bradley. I won't be asking anyone to get a decent match out of Tank Bradley. (And now, watch the Tank Bradley votes come in if I ever do a 'which worker would you like to see come to TCW' poll)

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