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"American Dragon" Bryan Danielson to WWE


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This could be great. His style is something that he could easily pull off in WWE, which isn't the case with quite a few of the Indy styles. Plus he is very good on the mic, though his blander look could hurt him in the WWE.


I so wish I had the money so I could go to New York and see his last 2 Ring of Honor shows.

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To be honest, I don't know much of his work (mostly because I haven't followed the indy scene for awhile), however, I've heard great things. So, if he is as good as people project then it could be a great great signing by the WWE. Possibly showing that they are focused on bringing in new talent that have developed a following for themselves on the indy scene. (see CM Punk)
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Well I really hope that they give him a chance. Do I think that they will? I am not sure CM Punk got a much bigger push then I ever thought they would give him. I am just not sure Bryan has the look, in ring skills aside he has the look of a mid 80's jobber.
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This guy sucks. I hope he gets BERRIED by the Great Khali and fired the next day.


lol, that is a new one. Never heard anyone say that about the american dragon.


I will mark out like crazy if they let him use cattle mudilation and actully call it that.


I think he is a great technical wrestler but his look is very anti wwe. Next up i hope we get the brisco's.

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Good for him. I'm sure he'll spend a good year in FCW and then make his debut on ECW. Three years ago I would've said he doesn't have a chance of success, but lately they've been giving legitimate pushes to smaller guys who can wrestle...CM Punk, Evan Bourne, Tyson Kidd, etc.


Appropriate that the signing is announced on the same day CM Punk wins his first legitimate World title.

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I have no idea but regarding looks Dibiase and Rhodes don't exactly fit the WWE look now do they so Bryan has a shot I think


See I would agree with you on Cody, he actually looks something like Dustin did way back in the early 1990's in WCW. However, Ted Dibiase Jr. has the looks of a future star. And now that I feel weird talking about a guys look I will leave and try not to think about it again...:D

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What is The American Dolphin without The Dolphin Master?




I don't know about this news. I hope Bryan gets some nice paydays out of it but I cannot see this being a good thing given how horrible WWE has been in recent times.


Please Bryan, no tanning just because you are in the WWE now. I love you just the way you are, as a white man who feels no shame in letting his pale show.

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I don't know about this news. I hope Bryan gets some nice paydays out of it but I cannot see this being a good thing given how horrible WWE has been in recent times.




And he'll have to tan. His pale skin mixed with WWE lighting would create such a glare, you couldn't see the ring. :p

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I hate when people complain about when a guy signs with WWE saying that he's going to be buried. The man hasn't even stepped into an FCW ring, much less a WWE one. This WWE isn't a big man's promotion anymore. That ship started to sail in 1993.


Give this some time. It took Punk like a year in OVW to debut (a perfect debut BTW). Danielson also has more "friends" in WWE right now than Punk had during his debut too.


Not saying there isn't a chance of them dropping the ball on him, but at least wait till it happens.

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As noted just moments ago here on the website, ROH sent out the following statement stating that Bryan Danielson has agreed in principle to a contract with WWE. Danielson has been one of ROH's top stars since 2002 and is considered one of the best technical wrestlers in the world. WWE had Danielson under a developmental contract years ago but eventually released him. ROH On HDNet moving to Mondays has caused WWE to look at them a bit more seriously and has apparently caused WWE to look at the contract status of several of ROH's top names. I'm told WWE is interested in four or five names.

I just thought this was a little intresting I wonder who there looking at? My best guess would be Chris Hero for one but Necro Butcher could be but his style is not really whay WWE looks for.

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