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The Jobber's Guide to Superstardom: 'The Tutorial'

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OOC: Wow, thank you everyone who commented on this thread, to be honest I'm really surprised of the feedback this far! :cool:










Before Advancing to Day 2 in the GCG save, let's recap what actions I have done:
  • Started negotiations with Masutaro Kataoka, SUKI and Isei Deushi. More on that if and when they sign with us. A veteran wrestler, a future superstar and the best available announcer..

  • Started negotiations with PPV Carries 'Jade 237' (Very Small) and 'J-Remote 1' (Small) just to see which one we will get. We already have a TV-deal with 'Japanese Sports Vision 3'

  • Added the two 'Weekly' shows into the schedule for Friday and Sunday.

  • Raised the ticket prices +4 in every category and changed 'Production System' to 'Just In Time' in Merchandise menu.

In this GCG save the Economy is on D+ and 'Rising' and 'Wrestling Industy' is on D and 'Rising' so that's good news for everyone of us in Japan. Like I said we already have a TV-deal and with 'Touring' promotions the TV-shows are highlight packages which means that one doesn't hold a TV-show like in normally schedule promotions, the schedule consists only from the normal events. However, just like any other TV-show in TEW08, the highlight show affects the promotion's popularity aswell as worker overness.



Let's recap the roster one more time under different categories, these are not from 'Creative Meeting' menu, this is my own list but using somewhat the same terms. Self explanatory here, first group is the talented guys, second are the performance veterans who can carry people trough matches and so on.


The Show Stealers

Jimmy Cox, Toshiharu Hyobanshi, Pistol Pete Hall, Hiroyasu Gakusha

Our four main eventers aren't main eventers for nothing. These four people will get the most victories and generally be the four aces of this promotion.


The Ring Generals

Barry Griffin, Nathan Coleman, Stuart Ferdinand, Shotaro Ikina, Naonobu Murkami, Harumi Okazawaya, Henry Bennett

Performance overdose. These guys job is to train each other and youngsters and remain as 'stepping stone's' in the roster as none of them deserve a good push. Besides, they are all getting really old.

Almost Ready

Yasuhide Tayama, Takayuki 2000, Kiminobu Kuroki, Eagle Kawasawa, Namboku Makuda, Mabuchi Furusawa

These are the young guys who aren't in their prime yet and have little things from here and there left to learn or are too young to be pushed (Furusawa).


The Wrestlers who will probably leave us before the year ends:

Jack Marlowe, Samoan Machine, Rhino Umaga, Julian Watson, Shingen Miyazaki

These are the five guys who are very likely to leave the promotion during first year. Let's see if I'm right at the end of the year





  • Shingen Miyazaki was featured on the internet news (The first page which you enter when advancing a day) as some insiders have singled him out as a future superstar or so. These little hints are given troughout this game, whether it's about 'one to watch' or 'future superstar' and so on, these news are extremely valuable to a player who has the access to these wrestlers or already have them on the roster. Especially in a case if an unknown and poorly skilled worker is featured it's really wise and good future planning to invest in a worker like this for several different reasons: If he's 25 or under, he will become 'Loyal' to you if you are in Japan, thus meaning he will be with your company as long as you extend the worker's contract and he won't even accept PPA contracts from other companies which is really handy. Second thing would be that a poor worker isn't going to be scouted by bigger companies that quickly and sometimes even a really good worker can fall below the big company's radar when they are only looking wrestlers with high 'Star Quality' or high popularity.





  • We have now signed SUKI (age 21) to a PPA contract, thus making him 'Loyal to us (300$ + Travel expenses) and Masutaro Kataoka (age 40) to a Touring contract (1,500 + 800 downside + 5% merchandise + Travel expenses) and thus Kataoka won't be leaving us until the end of the tour. We won't be selecting gimmicks for them as explained in the product analysis. I always use 'autopush' button and so Kataoka is now pushed as 'Midcarder' and SUKI is now 'Enhancement Talent'. Kataoka is quite similar to Jimmy Cox and they both share the same amount of quality in their skill arsenal, Kataoka has C+ in Rumble and Technical and B- in Performance, expect him to rise to Upper Midcard by the end of the tour. SUKI on the other is a 'Young Lion' since he has E- in 'Respect' and he is under 32 years old and so we can't give him any victories over workers who have D- or higher 'Respect' because the fans won't like it (Altough he can get victories over other Young Lion's on the roster (Namboku Makuda is the only one, haha). It's part of the Japanese tradition in wrestling, the 'Young Lions' will have to pay their dues and get beaten until they have earned the respect in order to start winning in matches. Even in real life guys like Misawa, Kobashi and other main eventers lost and lost in their early days.




Here are the five (5) goals that the owner Hanshiro Furusawa has given me.






Honestly, these are probably the easiest five goals one could get with GCG and I actually wishes more challenging ones but hey, they might come in the future when these goals have been passed. None of the goals really restrict us in anyway since we won't be falling back to Regional or lower nor are we going to fall in debt. I would assume that everyone on the roster already has D- in 'Basics' and 'Stamina' and we won't be used Super Juniors and we already have Eagle Kawasawa on the roster and the goal doesn't imply resigning so he's safe. Every goal completed already I'd say.. The most challenging Owner Goals have to be the momentum and popularity based worker goals when an owner has a friendship etc. with a wrestler on the roster or the 'Can't sign anyone from Cult size promotions' if you are a big company yourself. Perhaps later we will get an owner goal about Mabuchi Furusawa, the owner's son and I believe that that is going to happen when Mabuchi isn't a Young Lion anymore.






Wow, here we go huh? Finally!

GCG Tiger's Roar Tour (Fri)

Medium, 2hrs


Just to keep things simple we will be touring from start to finish in the list of regions, beginning in Chubu and ending in Tohoku, the last region in the list when choosing the region and venue when holding the show. I always go with the recommended venue size as they are most of the time correct venue to choose so I'll just choose 'Tiny' size venue in Chubu.



How I book a show:


I always book from finish to start biased on match importance (Main event, semi-main event, opening match), always making the three important matches first and then going down the card all the way to pre-show matches. I'm not going for a completely realistic feel for this diary but let's say that each title will be defended once a week and on every big event. Not that realistic but hey, we are here to learn how to book our shows and not care about logic or storylines for that matter.



Main Event.


I'm going for a #1 Contender's sort of match between our two main eventers: Hiroyasu
and Toshiharu
. Here's few reasons why:
We will immediatly know if they have any chemistry which will prevent us from blowing up a big event if they infact have bad chemistry
Hyobanshi has A* momentum, Gakusha has B- and because Hyobanshi isn't ready for the title yet while Gakusha is, we want to give Gakusha good momentum as he will be booked against the champion Pistol Pete Hall in the big event of the month named 'Parade Of Champions'. One could always argue that I'm wasting one match between them already but I stand behind my reasons.



Choosing the right amount of time for the match:


I'm going for 25 + 2min so that's 27min match. Here's why: Altough Gakusha has B- in 'Stamina' which is enough and Hyobanshi has B+, so 'Stamina' won't cause any trouble. Gakusha has B in 'Psychology' while Hyobanshi has C+ so Gakusha is able to carry Hyobanshi troughout the match. But wait, here's the reason why the match isn't longer: Gakusha has C- in 'Selling' which will drag the match down if it's an even match or a long match. We could of course try to 'Keep strong' note on Gakusha but I'm afraid that it would drag down the match grade because the audience wants to see competative matches. I'm still a bit afraid that the 25min is still too long for Gakusha's selling and I hope that it won't take away from the match. I'll expect a nice B grade match from this but a C+/B- if the 'selling' factor will take away from it.



The booking notes:


"Victor", which is going to be Hiroyasu Gakusha and "
All Out
" since we want to end the show with a blast.



Semi-Main event


Pistol Pete
vs. Masutaro
, non-title, 17+2min and here's why: We want to give Kataoka good momentum right from the start in his debut match and thus he is going to lose against the champion in a non-title match: The loss won't have a negative effect on him and if the match is good it will give Katoaka nice momentum. Since Kataoka is a Midcarder he won't be able to have any longer match than 16-19min due to the push and because Pistol Pete Hall has C- in 'Stamina' the match lenght of 17+2 is ideal for these two for these reasons. Expected grade: B-/B


Booking notes:

"Victor" - Pistol Pete Hall



3. Opener


We want a good opener but nothing too good so I'm going with Jimmy Cox vs. Shingen Miyazaki, 16+2. Expected grade: C/C+



"Victor" - Jimmy Cox and "All Out"



Now we have three segments done: Main event, semi-Main Event and Opener. Now we can pretty much just throw the rest of the card together and we have 55 minutes left in the card. I'll go with these matches, winner is highlighted.


Naonobu Murkami
vs. Namboku Makuda - Veteran vs. Young Lion, 10+2min. Exp. Grade: D/D+


Ikina & Tayama
vs. Samoan Destuction Inc. (Rhino Umaga / Samoan Machine), 13+2min. D+ - C


Jack Marlowe vs.
Eagle Kawasawa
(Jobbing Marlowe, preparing for him to leave us), "All Out", probably C- / C


Takayuki 2000 & Kiminobu Kuroki
vs. Coleman / Ferdinand (Youngster getting victories over veterans and to see if Takayuki and Kiminobu have any chemistry) D+ - C



Pre-show matches:


Harumi Okazawaya ©
vs. Mabuchi Furusawa, 8+2, Openweight Championship, Exp. grade: D/D+


Barry Griffin
vs. SUKI, 8+2 (Veteran - Young Lion). Exp. grade: D/D+



So the screen looks like this with 9 segments: 2 Pre-show matches and 7 Main card matches, 20+120min used. If you want a bigger picture just erase the number '2' from the url.






That's about it. Unfortunately I have to go work now but I'll post the show and write it probably tomorrow and I'm actually really interested in seeing how this card will do (I'm just about to start the show in the game) because I actually paid extra attention to it for the sake of this diary.



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The only thing I hate about this diary is that you kind of stole my thunder. ;)


Anyway, it's good to see that I'm not the only one who books in the manor of main event, semi-main, opener, and who gives a crap*. This strategy works insanely well for entertainment based feds since you can fill the "crap" with angles.


* = By who gives a crap, I am talking about the ratings of the match. The undercard is a vital area where some of the better stories come from.

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Hey FIN can I pose some questions?


1. Having tried WEXXV thanks to this thread I found Menace did indeed seem to improve a wrestler's pop when the focus of an angle. But what kind of stuff makes a menace angle other than let's say some kind of brutal attack?


2. Does Larry Wood have to steal Omura's and Ohishi's popularity too become really popular himself?

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Hey FIN can I pose some questions?


1. Having tried WEXXV thanks to this thread I found Menace did indeed seem to improve a wrestler's pop when the focus of an angle. But what kind of stuff makes a menace angle other than let's say some kind of brutal attack?


Undertaker entrances, would be one thing. Huge feats of strength might be another; video packages of a really, really sick move hit on dozens of people by a huge, scary guy, the occasional shot (WWE used to do this with Goldberg and a few others) of someone just standing, totally focused, looking intimidating and scary before their match.


Anything Menacing, basically. ;) My rule of thumb tends to be 'if they're there to look scary, not to talk, it's Menace', same way 'if what they look like is more important than what they say, it's Sex Appeal'.

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Hey FIN can I pose some questions?


1. Having tried WEXXV thanks to this thread I found Menace did indeed seem to improve a wrestler's pop when the focus of an angle. But what kind of stuff makes a menace angle other than let's say some kind of brutal attack?


Sure you can and this goes for everyone: Whatever comes to mind, just ask! Menace skill affects the wrestler's gimmick choices for one thing but apart from angles that are based on 'Menace' I have no idea of what other things that skill could do or have an effect to.. If a beatdown angle is based solely on popularity I really don't believe that 'Menace' skill could raise the segment grade and even if it does, it wouldn't that much in the end for one to notice. You can always create your own angles though and I believe I did this with my Cornellverse '97 game with BBW when I designed more 'Menace' based monster angles where for example a manager hyped up a menacing worker and in that angle the manager was rated on entertainment and the menacing worker was rated on menace, of course.


2. Does Larry Wood have to steal Omura's and Ohishi's popularity too become really popular himself?


He doesn't actually need that many deciside victories in the end as long as he keeps on randomly attacking people who are more popular than him so you could infact protect Omura and Ohishi from losing that much.. I've always thought of that let's say that Larry is on D pop and goes over a worker who's at D+ and his menace angle rates B-/B, he could even jump straight from D to C- in one show if the angle is long enough. While 6min is the minimum for a worker to gain overness in an angle, a longer angle let's say 12min could very well raise the grade from B-/B to B+/A, I've noticed that this works especially on entertainment based angles. A promo that is over 10+ or even 20 minutes will surely grade far better than an angle that's just 6min.

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I've always thought of that let's say that Larry is on D pop and goes over a worker who's at D+ and his menace angle rates B-/B, he could even jump straight from D to C- in one show if the angle is long enough. While 6min is the minimum for a worker to gain overness in an angle, a longer angle let's say 12min could very well raise the grade from B-/B to B+/A, I've noticed that this works especially on entertainment based angles. A promo that is over 10+ or even 20 minutes will surely grade far better than an angle that's just 6min.


That could explain why I always get disappointed with my angle ratings. I have this habit of booking short angles (7 min max) thinking how people have the attention span of a 4 years old these days and how anything longer than that would simply lose them.


Keep up the good work. It's very informative and well presented so far. I usually don't follow Japanese diaries 'cause quite frankly, I don't have a clue about how things goes in that country (not to mention I'm not a big fan of long match writeups), but I'm interested in the ongoing discussion about the game mechanics.

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this is great work - lots of neat tips and hints to use along the way (for newbies like me, but would think even long-time players might glean a few extras along the way). Plus the insights of other players who may disagree and offer their counter points are cool - since there is more than one way to skin a cat
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GCG Tiger's Roar Tour (Fri)

Medium, 2hrs








Harumi Okazawaya defeated Mabuchi Furusawa
in 8:18 by pinfall with a Hurricane Harumi. Harumi Okazawaya makes defence number 1 of his GCG Openweight Championship title. C-

Mabuchi Furusawa is improving in Performance skills.

This one was a positive surprise as I perhaps underestimated both contenders or perhaps the importance of the Openweight title caused the grade to be so strong. Notice how Furusawa learned a bit of performance from the ten year older veteran.




Barry Griffin defeated SUKI
in 8:08 by submission with a Powerbomb Deathlock. D-

The match was too long given who was involved. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Barry Griffin is improving in Technical skills.

Ouch. I had forgotten that the max time for 'Enhancement Talent' was even lower than the 8min and thus the segment bombed because of people didn't want to see SUKI for even 8 minutes.






Jimmy Cox defeated Shingen Miyazaki
in 15:32 by pinfall with an Immortal Driver. C

Nothing special here, just the grade that was expected.




Naonobu Murkami defeated Namboku Makuda
in 9:42 by pinfall with a Belly To Belly Suplex. D+

Naonobu Murkami is improving in Rumble skills. Namboku Makuda is improving in Technical skills.

Exchange of skills here.




Ikina & Tayama defeated Samoan Destruction Inc.
in 13:06 when Yasuhide Tayama defeated Rhino Umaga by pinfall. D+

Yasuhide Tayama is improving in Rumble skills. Yasuhide Tayama is improving in Performance skills. Shotaro Ikina is improving in Performance skills. Samoan Machine is improving in Flying skills. Samoan Machine is improving in Performance skills. Rhino Umaga is improving in Rumble skills. Rhino Umaga is improving in Technical skills. Rhino Umaga is improving in Performance skills.

This is why tag team matches are vital in performance based product, Umaga learned something from three different areas, Tayama & Samoan Machine from two and Ikina from one area.




Eagle Kawasawa defeated Jack Marlowe
in 8:25 by pinfall with a Vision Quest. C

Jack Marlowe is improving in Flying skills. Eagle Kawasawa is improving in Performance skills.

Another nice exchange of skills. Starting to see a pattern here?




Takayuki 2000 and Kiminobu Kuroki defeated Coleman & Ferdinand
in 15:44 when Kiminobu Kuroki defeated Stuart Ferdinand by submission with a Mercury Sleeper. C

Kiminobu Kuroki was visibly tiring toward the end. Nathan Coleman was visibly tiring toward the end. Stuart Ferdinand was visibly tiring toward the end. Kiminobu Kuroki is improving in Rumble skills. Kiminobu Kuroki is improving in Performance skills. Nathan Coleman is improving in Performance skills. Stuart Ferdinand is improving in Rumble skills.

Weird how three wrestlers were exhausted but hey, that is the best way to increase their stamina levels, especially in the case of Kuroki who's young enough for raising his stamina levels to matter, if you know what I mean. Sorry about weird sentence there but I hope you guys got my point.




Pistol Pete Hall defeated Masutaro Kataoka
in 18:23 by pinfall with a Pistol Whip Lariat. C+

Pistol Pete Hall was visibly tiring toward the end. Masutaro Kataoka was visibly tiring toward the end.

Nothing special here, we got everything that we needed from this match.




Hiroyasu Gakusha defeated Toshiharu Hyobanshi
in 24:41 by pinfall with a Gakusha Golden Bomb. B-

Hiroyasu Gakusha and Toshiharu Hyobanshi have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown. The announcing job done by Masatake Hori was pretty weak. The announcing quality wasn't up to the same standard as the match. This match lifted the crowd. Hiroyasu Gakusha is improving in Rumble skills. Toshiharu Hyobanshi is improving in Rumble skills.

Wow, the match was still too long for the 'Selling' factor to come in and screw up the match. Not only did that make the match bad, our poor announcer Hori who has only C- in 'Announcing' pretty much 'ruined' the match even more. Don't get me wrong, B- is awesome but with better booking we could have gotten a nice B/B+ from this
Let's look at the bright side:
Great chemistry!




Overall Grade:


The B- grade is awesome and all we need at this point since we are just D/D+ all over Japan so any show that raises our popularity is a good show! These B- or even C shows will do just fine for months and months. Here's the aftermath and few things I'd like to point out:




The first pre-show match with Okazawaya and Furusawa produced a nice C- grade match. Mind you that Okazawaya has D- pop and Furusawa had E+, it's now D- even though he lost the match but because the match grade was so good compared to their popularity it raised Furusawa's pop, perhaps due to his 'Star Quality' which is on B. This is one aspect in the game where the effect of high 'Star Quality' is clearly noticeable as Furusawa will become a superstar no matter what, even if he's going to lose constantly. This is actually a good thing since while it's great that he will get mor and more popular and product quality matches we are not risking the change of him developing an ego. We don't want a 21 year old superstar to get too egotistical as he's already "humble, ruthless, manipulative and mercenary". We'll pay closer attention to Furusawa's personality in the long run.



The debuts of SUKI and Masutaro Kataoka: SUKI has now E momentum, Kataoka has C+. I'm fine with that since SUKI doesn't even need that kind of high momentum in the first place as he'll be losing. Momentum in itself will even itself out in the roster and in the longrun it will represent the match grades that the workers produce in this kind of product. SUKI also has B in 'Star Quality' but because his match with Griffin was the worst of the night and nowhere near the C- grade that the first pre-show match got, SUKI's pop remained the same.



The change of momentum between Gakusha and Hyobanshi: Gakusha went up from B- to B and Hyobanshi dropped from A* to A just like we wanted to.












  • We have now signed Isei Deushi and put him to our announcing booth alongside Hori (Announcing C-) and Furusawa (C+ Colour commentator), Deushi has B in Announcing. With automatic pushing Hori is now being pushed as Personality but we are still going to keep him. When WLW rises up to Cult their prestige could jump higher than us and thus it's good to have Hori around, just in case schedules conflict and Deushi won't make to our show.

  • In other news, Samoan Machine has now signed a Written deal with BHOTWG, happens in every game. One gone, four more to go, referring to the list of wrestlers who are bound to leave us.

  • The two PPV providers, Jade 237 and J-Remote 1 have both rejected negotiations. We will renegotiate with them when we jump to Cult size which will happen in just few shows time.

  • We gained a profit of 1.750$


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Mhhh...I see where I was falling down. I normally keep my angles around 5 minutes long, regardless of the promotion. I see now that was a major mistake. Would the same go for say the like of PSW? Would a good and long angle result in increased overness?


Also I was having Wood kill jobbers with his menace...I'll be changing that up soon enough.

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Mhhh...I see where I was falling down. I normally keep my angles around 5 minutes long, regardless of the promotion. I see now that was a major mistake. Would the same go for say the like of PSW? Would a good and long angle result in increased overness?


Also I was having Wood kill jobbers with his menace...I'll be changing that up soon enough.


For angle to have any effect on the worker's momentum, overness etc, the angle has to be atleast 6min long. Anything lower than that is just waste of time and just for storyline purposes. No matter what the style of the entertainment or the product, this applies to any promotion that uses angles. Longer angles mean better ratings and 6min is the minimum.

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Weird how three wrestlers were exhausted but hey, that is the best way to increase their stamina levels


This is false the best way is to take them to the limit anything over does not result in larger gains and only lowers the match grade.




Anything less - 6 minutes max (even 0% stamina!)

Low D- (35.1%) - 6 minutes max

High D- (41%) - 10 minutes max

Low D (41.1%) - 10 minutes max

High D (47%) - 10 minutes max

Low D+ (47.1%) - 10 minutes max

High D+ (53%) - 15 minutes max

Low C- (53.1%) - 15 minutes max

High C- (59%) - 15 minutes max

Low C (59.1%) - 15 minutes max

High C (65%) - 15 minutes max

Low C+ (65.1%) - 15 minutes max

High C+ (71%) - 34 minutes max

Low B- (71.1%) - 34 minutes max

High B- (77%) - 34 minutes max

Low B (77.1%) - 34 minutes max

High B (83%) - 49 minutes max

Low B+ (83.1%) - 49 minutes max

High B+ (89%) - 49 minutes max

Low A (89.1%) - 49 minutes max

High A (95%) - 90 minute max

Low A+ (95.1%) - 90 minutes max

High A+ (100%) - 90 minutes max



Push and max Screen time:


Enhancement talent: 6 Min

Opener: 8 Min

Lower Mid: 10 Min

Mid: 10-15 Min

Upper Mid: 15-20 Min

Main Event: 20+ Min


Overness also plays a slight role so a very over midcarder can go 20 minutes sometimes for instance.

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This is false the best way is to take them to the limit anything over does not result in larger gains and only lowers the match grade.


I stand behind my words and I'm thinking that you are confusing the terms here and infact while I did mention that they were exhausted, I didn't mean that in the game terms as in game terms they were just visibly tiring. The thing is, like you said, that one would want the wrestlers to be visibly tiring and not completely exhausted!


".. visibly tiring toward the end" - GOOD and raises their stamina.


".. was exhausted and barely able to finish the match" (Or something like that) - BAD


To me these levels have been:


Enhancement talent: <6 Min

Opener: <9 Min

Lower Mid: <12 Min

Mid: <16 Min

Upper Mid: <30 Min

Main Event: No limit

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This is false


Tbh, i'm reading this thread for FIN's input, and he hasn't said anything blatantly wrong, i'm all for debate but just going "this is false", especially from someone who's peddled a fair bit of untruths about the game (even with the best intentions) is a bit much.

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Tbh, i'm reading this thread for FIN's input, and he hasn't said anything blatantly wrong, i'm all for debate but just going "this is false", especially from someone who's peddled a fair bit of untruths about the game (even with the best intentions) is a bit much.


Could be I am confusing the tiring and completely exhausted but that info I read from DLyrium and Derek B one or both of them so it is not that I am pulling it out of a hat. And I thought that Fin encouraged others to make comments etc. Plus I haven't made that many snafus and if I have I immediately corrected them and apologized.


Edit on the minutes thing per push that was a general guide not set in stone as it depends on the company and overness as well and it was erring on the conservative.

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Yeah people, calm down. I didn't take any offense from Hyde's comments, none at all. :)


Like Hyde Hill, I have to get my information from somewhere first and like Hill, most of my information is also based on stuff from derek_b and D-Lyrium (gasp) as the two have been with the game series a long, long time and I'm fairly certain they were in the betatesting team aswell, developing the game. But a lot of this comes from experimenting myself and learning from the game in the way of actually playing the game, observing the stuff and learning from my mistakes.


For one thing I'm not claiming to be 100% correct on stuff regarding the game (no one can except for Adam, obviously) but I'm certain enough for the most part that I could start a diary based on stuff like this. It would be somewhat amusing and foolish if one wouldn't know anything about the game and then start a tutorial. :p


I encourage people to comment and question things, whether it's the booking or explaining game terms, stuff like that.. There's nothing like good conversation about TEW08 related stuff. And I'm happy to say that already players have found numerous tips and hints from this thread (sorry Celt for pulling the matress from under you with the angle thingy :D).


On to the 'Stamina' question: I used a bad term when saying exhausted as they weren't exhausted in the 'game terms'. They were just visibly tired, not exhausted.


All in all: "Visibly tired" comes before going "completely exhausted and barely able to finish a match" and this I'm 100% certain. Anyone can test this and I'm going to test this one right now infact.




Test results, the stamina is within the ( )


Hiroyasu Gakusha (B-) vs. Jimmy Cox (B), 72+2min match :D Gakusha was exhausted in the end.


Harumi Okazawaya (C-) vs. Toshiharu Hyobanshi (B+), 28+2min match, Okazawaya was visibly tiring toward the end.


Shotaro Ikina © vs. Nathan Coleman (C+), 58+2min match: Both men were exhausted by the end.


Masutaro Kataoka © vs. Yasuhide Tayama © 28+2min, noth men were visibly tiring toward the end.

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".. visibly tiring toward the end" - GOOD and raises their stamina.


".. was exhausted and barely able to finish the match" (Or something like that) - BAD


While "...was exhausted and unable to even finish the match, thus handing a rival promotion the GCG World Title." would be considered VERY BAD. Just ask Tenzan.


Excellent thread, it collects together in one place alot of the stuff I've been reading on the boards scattered over multiple threads and brings it all together. Very helpful.

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