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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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Multi-delete HUZZAH! Was just thinking about this last night as well, seeing as how things have been getting slicker for modmakers.


I like the skin switcher as well. In the past I have held back on trying certain themes out just because of the hassel required. Will be able to give everyone a much fairer shake now.

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Owner goals differ by both owner and product, so the AI has already been imposing hiring restrictions on you (if you play straight edge).


Now, the user can formally control those restrictions being placed on the AI.

Uh, know that. What is your point? I was taking about the new feature, Hiring Rules. They have nothing to do with owner goals.

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I think the multi-deletes will come in very handy!


speaking of which, I found it a little annoying when you do brand split and trying to put more than one person in a brand at a time. Each time you make your selection, it goes back to normal. Maybe a multi-brand split that works like the multi-delete but you get to place more than one person on a brand at a time..


or if the system recognizes that you have a tag team and asks if you want to move the tag team partner on a brand as well...

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#15: Title History Overhaul

I had a feeling this would be the Friday update and I wasn't disappointed. :) What can I say, I love it. I was still hoping that we could do title history entries in the worker editor screen for title belts that don't exist in the game world. You know, making Flair an X times NWA World Champion without creating the belt itself, but it's not a big deal, since it's now much easier and faster to create the entire title lineage anyway.


Very, very much welcomed addition!

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I had a feeling this would be the Friday update and I wasn't disappointed. :) What can I say, I love it. I was still hoping that we could do title history entries in the worker editor screen for title belts that don't exist in the game world. You know, making Flair an X times NWA World Champion without creating the belt itself, but it's not a big deal, since it's now much easier and faster to create the entire title lineage anyway.


Can't you make an inactive belt for an inactive promotion? Or for a future promotion due to open in 2099? I don't know, I've never tried it. Doesn't seem like it would be too hard. Time consuming, but not hard.


Lots of solid additions this week. Nothing that particularly floats my boat, but on 'mod week' I hardly expected it to. Looking forward to what next week has in store.

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It's not that bad. Sure it's a lot of clicks, but it ain't that bad. I like doing them.

Actually, me, too. It's not the fact that it's so absolutely horrible doing them, it's just that it's time consuming with a lot of titles. But this will no be changed.

Can't you make an inactive belt for an inactive promotion? Or for a future promotion due to open in 2099? I don't know, I've never tried it. Doesn't seem like it would be too hard. Time consuming, but not hard.

Sure you can make an inactive belt and set its promotion as None, but then I have to create the entire history of the belt. But yeah, as I said, it's not going to be nearly as time consuming now to make the histories so I'm fine.


Hey! I just thought of this: no auto-name feature in the title lineage editor? I can live with it, but it's still kind of a bummer.

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Hooray! Admittedly I had gotten used to the going in and out for title histories bit, but this is such a time saver. I might even update the DDT Ironman Heavymetalweight title... maybe. There was a reason I stopped updating it last year...


How many changes are they up to now?




Oh my freaking lord.


Doing that one is like a project on its own!


And ahhh...


606-Yuko Miyamoto. 153rd reign. Length: ??/2006-??/2006.

Note: The 607th-730th champions are Shinobi & Miyamoto trading the title 62 times.



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How many changes are they up to now?




Oh my freaking lord.


Doing that one is like a project on its own!


And ahhh...


606-Yuko Miyamoto. 153rd reign. Length: ??/2006-??/2006.

Note: The 607th-730th champions are Shinobi & Miyamoto trading the title 62 times.




Damn... alright, maybe I won't do it. That's saved me about... two weeks of work!

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Damn... alright, maybe I won't do it. That's saved me about... two weeks of work!


I'm doing an open source belt history file for modmakers right now, and after I'm through with ROH's tag team title, I'm doing it.


I mean, if there's one title that nobody will never bother doing more than once...this is it!


In 2009...the following people/things have won this title.


- A Pro Wrestling WAVE poster (somewhere in the middle of the whole WAVE roster winning it)

- A BJPW truck

- A desk at Shin-Kiba 1st Ring arena.

- A desk

- A plate

- A bowl of rice

- A bowl of curry

- A cut of meat

- Yoshihiko the doll (x3!!)


And a brief peak at 2008 gives me Porn Star, 3 elementary school girls. 2 fans, a ladder and a miniature dachshund.


...this title belt has 0 Prestige. :D


Anyways, all to say that title histories can get naughty, and the newest feature is totally fine.

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