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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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Anyone want to guess on the other toggle buttons?


I'm guessing that pre-set potential or chemistry will be able to be toggled.


Anyway, great feature Adam. This guy is so awesome.

I REALLY hope you're right. I would love to be able to set up chemistry. Not for a brand-new game, but for continuing my current TEW08 game. I already have the ability to edit skills, popularity, relationships, etc., so the only thing really holding me back from continuing my diary game in TEW2010 is the issue of chemistry. If we're given the power to edit it this time around, TEW2010 will be an absolute must-buy for me, no matter what other new features Adam announces.


Getting back on-topic, I like the ability to edit preferences within the game. Not sure if I'd be toggling any of these things off (with the possible exception of the rigid advance booking, in case of an injury), but it's nice that players will have the option.

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User Preferences:


I'm all for giving players more ways to play as they want. Although, like a couple of people said, I too probably won't be using this. Don't have anything against it, nice little feature, but I just don't see myself turning off any of the options. I may, you never know.



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User Preferences:


I'm all for giving players more ways to play as they want. Although, like a couple of people said, I too probably won't be using this. Don't have anything against it, nice little feature, but I just don't see myself turning off any of the options. I may, you never know.




I like it for people that really desire it, and it's been something they have asked for a while now. The thing I think myself, and possibly you will be into, is the one's not mentioned.... 3 more, and I don't think I can stop my mind from wondering...... As for the ones mentioned, won't be turning them off, but I have the option to if I want.

So if you turn off owner goals for example it's the equivalent of playing in freestyle mode (as the owner) like in TEW 08?


Each player in the game has access to their own User Preferences screen, from which they can enable or disable any of the fourteen choices.



This feature replaces the more rigid Straight Edge vs Free Style choice that was in TEW08.


What this bassically means, instead of the "MORE RIGID Straight Edge/Free Style modes, we now have

fourteen choices
To choose from. Making the feature bassically give the player multiple options of playstyle. Do I want this, do I want that? I don't want this? Litterally over 100 different ways to play the game now (or options).


I think alot of people are going to benefit quite nicely from this, as it gives you more and more freedom to play how you want to play. Like the way the game was in 2005? 2007? 2008?, adjust these options to make it so (or at least as close as possible).


Realising this is only the 2nd feature, that actually gives us over 100 options (at least 196), and still have 198 features to go (at the very least). I think people might not understand how great the new game is already, without going past feature number 2.

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This came at an awesome time for me overall.


Come out of hospital, TEW2010 is there to make my day.


Hurt arm playing wii tennis, hello drag and drop.


Now I have incredible stomach problems and user preferences come along.



I'm half tempted to get involved in a car crash just to tempt another great feature out...



This game sounds good. Heck, anything with "TEW" in the title is bound to have a lot of effort put into it, whether it be the games, a mod or a heck lot of other stuff.



I was talking to a dude who used to play this game (gonna make him buy 2010 ;)) and he said that Adam's got it easy cos he's only working for half the year.


I then spent the next fifteen minutes schooling him on coding, the patches Adam makes, the trouble he goes to publicizing the games, the endless test work, his reading of the forums.


You really gotta have a lot of respect for Adam when you realise how much work he puts in to go the extra mile.


Awesome features so far.

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- Show all stats as grades rather than number (see note 1 below)

- Owner goals are turned on

- Penalties for small rosters are turned on

- Penalties for repetitive booking are turned on

- "Perfect Show Theory" is turned on

- Characters can become stale over time

- Worker morale effects are turned on

- Momentum effects are turned on

- Time limits on negotiations are turned on

- Advance bookings cannot be deleted

- Industry and economy effects are turned on


I love this feature, as I stink at the game!:)


Looking at the list the only things that I see on there that will always be turned off for me are:


1. Penalties for repetitive booking: I have always hated this feature. I know why it is there, but that does not mean that I have to like it. That was one thing I liked with 07. If I wanted to have Big Smack Scott face Jack Bruce twenty times in a row, I could. And now once again I can!:D


They funny thing is, repetitive booking is one of the reasons why I do not watch the WWF all that much anymore....


2. Owner goals are turned on: Well I have never used this feature anyway as I always hated it.



The rest of the stuff will remain on for me, as I do want some kind of challenge.:D


You really gotta have a lot of respect for Adam when you realise how much work he puts in to go the extra mile.

What I like about Adam is just what you said, he actually listens to his customers. Many people, like myself, love this game but are not great at it. We voiced our opinions and what does Adam do? He gives us a new feature that makes the game more playable to the casual fans. I also can see more people wanting to play this game just for the on/off feature alone.


Thank you Adam!

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I absolutely love the Penalties for smaller rosters being able to be turned off. I like to run a small fed, and when I get to cult/national, I end up having 10-20 people I never use.


As for the other stuff, I'll never use it unless I accidently book the wrong match/wrong date.

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This new feature could open up the game to alot of new fans...i started off enjoying 08 but in the end fell out of love with it due to, well me being rubish at it, which has prevented me getting into a long term game. But know all the features that ticked me off are optional, im glad i can turn off the 3 match rule and momentum, as i like booking best of series but that was limited to 3 matches on 08, so this is great for me, when i find good chemistry i can milk it for abit, while keepin it realistic (not running it every show for a year) and usually after about 6 months all my workers momentum is dry, due to me never being able to keep it up. So this feature is great.


Hopefully i get better at actually pushing workers this year :rolleyes:

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Yeah. I suck at booking. Mostly because I don't actually watch wrestling :D


I think I was into it a bit during the late Attitude Era but I only watched it occasionally and went to just a single house show.


I'd like to but I just don't have the time anymore...


Anyway, I'd probably tick off Advanced booking (I always mess that up) and I might turn owner goals off if a really nasty one triggers and ruins my roster :D


Seriously, try getting the D- Psychology owner goal while playing as RIPW!

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I love this feature, as I stink at the game!:)


Many people, like myself, love this game but are not great at it.


This new feature could open up the game to alot of new fans...i started off enjoying 08 but in the end fell out of love with it due to, well me being rubish at it, which has prevented me getting into a long term game.


Hopefully i get better at actually pushing workers this year :rolleyes:


Yeah. I suck at booking. Mostly because I don't actually watch wrestling :D


Okay, I hope you guys can give me some insight because I don't understand how you can 'suck' at TEW. When you say you 'suck' or you're 'rubbish at it', what do you mean? I might look at things a bit differently but IMO, if you're enjoying yourself, you OWN (not suck!).


I started with TEW05. My first 11 games, I bankrupted the promotions (including NOTBPW....FOUR TIMES!). That's what taught me not to use every worker on every show. As time went on, I started to love pursuing certain paths (like developing your own talent) and went from there. But basically, I book shows that appeal to me (shows that I'd like to see) while pursuing a goal of developing workers in a certain way. I tend to keep a pretty good balance sheet as a result. But every show that I book is a show that I'd pay to see. I'm just curious as to how you 'suck' at a game with such open ended gameplay. I don't see too many really bad diaries from you folks. So how can you suck? :p


I like this feature because my preferred style of booking doesn't fit the 'perfect show' formula and repetitive booking has its place in my plans (I like to build to gimmick matches by having a few matches over say 3 months that don't end decisively. Then I use the gimmick match to suggest a decisive finish). Owner goals were always too random for my tastes and often unrealistic. I've never had the small rosters problem (:p) but the workers getting stale toggle will keep me from having to have two versions of every major gimmick for those workers who didn't change for long periods ('People's Champ', 'Show Stopper', 'Excellence of Execution', etc), if not their entire careers. And seriously, how many years has it been that people have been clamoring for 'real numbers'? 5? :p

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Okay, I hope you guys can give me some insight because I don't understand how you can 'suck' at TEW. When you say you 'suck' or you're 'rubbish at it', what do you mean? I might look at things a bit differently but IMO, if you're enjoying yourself, you OWN (not suck!).


I started with TEW05. My first 11 games, I bankrupted the promotions (including NOTBPW....FOUR TIMES!). That's what taught me not to use every worker on every show. As time went on, I started to love pursuing certain paths (like developing your own talent) and went from there. But basically, I book shows that appeal to me (shows that I'd like to see) while pursuing a goal of developing workers in a certain way. I tend to keep a pretty good balance sheet as a result. But every show that I book is a show that I'd pay to see. I'm just curious as to how you 'suck' at a game with such open ended gameplay. I don't see too many really bad diaries from you folks. So how can you suck? :p


I like this feature because my preferred style of booking doesn't fit the 'perfect show' formula and repetitive booking has its place in my plans (I like to build to gimmick matches by having a few matches over say 3 months that don't end decisively. Then I use the gimmick match to suggest a decisive finish). Owner goals were always too random for my tastes and often unrealistic. I've never had the small rosters problem (:p) but the workers getting stale toggle will keep me from having to have two versions of every major gimmick for those workers who didn't change for long periods ('People's Champ', 'Show Stopper', 'Excellence of Execution', etc), if not their entire careers. And seriously, how many years has it been that people have been clamoring for 'real numbers'? 5? :p


I just feel i sucked because i could never build a new star myself, i just relied on initial popularity, biggest push ive ever achieved is from Upper Midcard to Main Event woo woo woo :p. And after a while all my workers had about D momentum, which generally sucks.And like you i would go to see all the shows i book on the game, but that is because i hardly use people below midcard...i just book packed shows (except for match every third match to fit the perfect show).

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Okay, I hope you guys can give me some insight because I don't understand how you can 'suck' at TEW. When you say you 'suck' or you're 'rubbish at it', what do you mean? I might look at things a bit differently but IMO, if you're enjoying yourself, you OWN (not suck!).


I started with TEW05. My first 11 games, I bankrupted the promotions (including NOTBPW....FOUR TIMES!). That's what taught me not to use every worker on every show. As time went on, I started to love pursuing certain paths (like developing your own talent) and went from there. But basically, I book shows that appeal to me (shows that I'd like to see) while pursuing a goal of developing workers in a certain way. I tend to keep a pretty good balance sheet as a result. But every show that I book is a show that I'd pay to see. I'm just curious as to how you 'suck' at a game with such open ended gameplay. I don't see too many really bad diaries from you folks. So how can you suck? :p


I like this feature because my preferred style of booking doesn't fit the 'perfect show' formula and repetitive booking has its place in my plans (I like to build to gimmick matches by having a few matches over say 3 months that don't end decisively. Then I use the gimmick match to suggest a decisive finish). Owner goals were always too random for my tastes and often unrealistic. I've never had the small rosters problem (:p) but the workers getting stale toggle will keep me from having to have two versions of every major gimmick for those workers who didn't change for long periods ('People's Champ', 'Show Stopper', 'Excellence of Execution', etc), if not their entire careers. And seriously, how many years has it been that people have been clamoring for 'real numbers'? 5? :p


I personally KNOW that I suck! :p Why you ask? Because I always, no matter what the circumstances are, make my promotion lose popularity levels! Once I made SWF go clear down to Regional size! If that doesn't mean I suck, then I don't know what does! :D Anyways, the new User Preferences feature will allow us to have virtually fully customizable games!

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I dont think the new features will make anyone book better.


Yeah, but it'll be more forgiving :D


When I say I suck I mean more on a long-term story diary basis. I don't have the skill or experience to book beyond the immediate short term.


i.e. I dont' think far enough ahead to say "Hey, I should have these guys build up to THIS SPECIFIC SHOW".


I just kinda throw people together until I think it's time to blow off and they do. The build up is there but I don't capitalize on it like I should. I just now started advanced booking and was amazed at how much higher match and shows can be if you build up to them by hyping on earlier shows or having draws.


I'm almost there though. I can write storylines and I feel (hope?) they're entertaining enough to watch, but they're not so much planned as winged :D


I don't bankrupt companies (anymore) and I know how to gain popularity (little by little). I can pull off cards high enough to gain popularity up to a regional level, cult if you include DaVE which had such a phenomenal roster it's sick that it collapsed, but then again that was in '05.

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The Morale is in there, but I can't help to wonder if bringing in a toggle button for it might mean that there is going to be "other" ways for morale to complicate things (in a good way), that there wasn't in '08... like Would diva X really do a jello match in a bikini, if this were a real promotion? Or would Wrestler a really do a promo that controversial?


That seems like morals rather than morale. But IIRC, in EWR a woman's morale had to be super low to do the "Buck Naked match", so maybe you're on the right track. Although if a wrestler had really low morale, I wouldn't expect them to cave in and do super controversial promos, etc just 'coz he feels down or angry...

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