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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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Sound like TEW10 is going to be yet another solid game from this Wrestling sim franchise, I've been playing this game since it was call EWR(those was the days) and it never seem to let me down in the fun department, good job Adam and keep them coming at us, we love them!
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I love this feature but I'm wondering if promotions can team up on you. You declare war on a rival promotion and 2 other promotions who are friends with the one you decided to go to war with decide to strike back by declaring war on you. I know i know i have war games in my brain but would be interesting.:)
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This is an excellent feature! Not only will it bring that much more of a challenge to the game, it'll also serve to make the game more realist.....


Hey, wait a minute....


Depending on the owner's personality? Start wars?


That sounds like it'll try and throw a roadblock in the way of my General Sherman-like march to unquestioned world dominance...


Can't have that!!!! This is something that can be turned off, right?


I'm kidding, only kidding.



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Very pleased with this feature. I do wonder whether promotions will offer to be your development territory, though - it's obviously not an option at present, but with the AI proposing deal it could make it in.


I wonder as well whether week one will see a flood of relationship changes, or if it will play out more gradually?

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It's going to take a lot of tweaking on the modder's part to get this feature to work right, but I'm very excited about it. This is a major and necessary step.


Maybe now modders will actually pay attention to that part of a worker's profile. :p Making a Vinnie Mac/Richard Eisen type has taken on new significance. ;)

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Woooooooooooo, no more unbreakable treaties :D


Well that sucks.


Granted, with the new regional overness thing it's easier to make stars but I still really struggled on 2007 every time I lost stars. Without relationships to ensure I keep the guys I want there's no point pushing my favourite guys, otherwise they'll just get stolen.


That said, hopefully the personality thing will provide some safety.

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Well that sucks.


Granted, with the new regional overness thing it's easier to make stars but I still really struggled on 2007 every time I lost stars. Without relationships to ensure I keep the guys I want there's no point pushing my favourite guys, otherwise they'll just get stolen.


That said, hopefully the personality thing will provide some safety.


No you just design a good product and produce guys that the main players won't want.


Like BSC which can produce Dharma Gregg as a main eventer or a spot monkey/daredevil fed(Remmy Skye would get stolen but maybe somebody like Brett Biggz could stay under the radar) or a realism fed focusing on getting guys with high menace and brawling like The Big Problem over or now a comedy fed etc.


Only problem is cornellverse is short on specialized workers but churns out workers that everybody wants like Amber Allen(LRL, High Sex Appeal, Good Wrestler) or the Gauge brothers.

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The thing to keep in mind is that you can still propose agreements with companies. So if you are afraid of a company poaching your talent, you have to be proactive and get that agreement in place.


I think this makes the AI much more Intelligent and it will be a very good thing to find out through something the AI inititates, that Promotion X wants to play nice with you while Promotion Y hates you.

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No you just design a good product and produce guys that the main players won't want.


Like BSC which can produce Dharma Gregg as a main eventer or a spot monkey/daredevil fed(Remmy Skye would get stolen but maybe somebody like Brett Biggz could stay under the radar) or a realism fed focusing on getting guys with high menace and brawling like The Big Problem over or now a comedy fed etc.


Only problem is cornellverse is short on specialized workers but churns out workers that everybody wants like Amber Allen(LRL, High Sex Appeal, Good Wrestler) or the Gauge brothers.


True if that's what you're into. I tend to play old-school feds like NYCW, where I value quality brawlers and technicians, both of which lead to guys like Nicky Champion, Maksed Patriot and Ernest Youngman, all of whom would be prime targets for the big leagues.


As GDE points out, though, I don't think it specifically says that they'll break pacts- and if the SWF does break a non-aggression pact it does mean I can finally steal John Greed and Lassana Makutsi like I've always wanted to. :D

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This is a HOOGE feature. Now, I have no idea how all the current personalities I've got set up will play into this (everyone has some kind of personality set, but it is always possible that that all the guys I've got set as owners are driven egomaniacs) but I love the idea that this will all be taking place with or without you. Mods with a lot of future promotions/owners could be especially fun in this area.


Most likely it will also mean that a modder can set things up so that if you don't want your gameworld to begin with promotion pacts already in place, you can still use owner settings to nudge everything in a certain direction without it being set in stone.


This alone makes it a lot more appealing for me to populate my gameworld with more promotions, just to see how things shake out.

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As GDE points out, though, I don't think it specifically says that they'll break pacts- and if the SWF does break a non-aggression pact it does mean I can finally steal John Greed and Lassana Makutsi like I've always wanted to. :D


But that's the whole point. You won't be able to throw out a dozen non-aggression pacts and then safely ride the same worker all the way to A* popularity. That's not to say that the AI is going to be ruthless and break every single pact it ever gets, but if you have a bunch of good workers and SWF or TCW needs to raid some rosters, you'll no longer be immune to the raids. It might be unlikely as the AI might be reluctant to break a pact with you, but it will happen.

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But that's the whole point. You won't be able to throw out a dozen non-aggression pacts and then safely ride the same worker all the way to A* popularity. That's not to say that the AI is going to be ruthless and break every single pact it ever gets, but if you have a bunch of good workers and SWF or TCW needs to raid some rosters, you'll no longer be immune to the raids. It might be unlikely as the AI might be reluctant to break a pact with you, but it will happen.


You can't anyway- once they make it to C+ they tend to leave (I've only had protracted games with regional companies, and I've never actually got one to Cult).


Whilst I'll admit to not being a huge fan of this feature, I suspect this is one those 'proof in the pudding' features that I'll only really get the whole deal with when it's here. It'll probably end up like regional battles in 08- something that I didn't really like when I first heard about it but doesn't actually change anything for me once I'm playing.

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This will make a huge impact in organic style mods, like the Effganic one. It should now be possible to watch promotions rise, fall, and maybe even be swallowed up as a developmental fed.


I'm really excited about this. But then, my ideal mod would be a History of Professional Wrestling mod, starting in, say, the mid-20s, with all the upcoming promotions and workers set to debut at the appropriate time. Combine this with the ability to pre-program events and changes to the game universe, and the "what-if" scenarios are infinite.

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