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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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Bidding wars will be interesting, if balanced right. I suppose bigger promotions will be dominant, but a smaller promotion that is willing to pay "over the odds" can snap up the occasional talent.


Some good features so far. Look forward to the next batch in a week.

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I wonder if it will work like WMMA2's


Offer a deal. Its matched. Improve the offer, Its matched. Improve it again. Matched again. Improve it YET again, matched again and finally the worker has lost patience and goes to work for the other promotion at a cheaper rate ?!? :mad:

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I wonder if it will work like WMMA2's


Offer a deal. Its matched. Improve the offer, Its matched. Improve it again. Matched again. Improve it YET again, matched again and finally the worker has lost patience and goes to work for the other promotion at a cheaper rate ?!? :mad:


I haven't played WMMA2, so I'm not really familiar with how it was setup in there, but if people found the same frustrations as you I'm sure Adam has tweaked it and made it better for TEW10.

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Bidding wars will be interesting, if balanced right. I suppose bigger promotions will be dominant, but a smaller promotion that is willing to pay "over the odds" can snap up the occasional talent.


And screw up their current pay scale, whic means that the current stars in the promotion go "if Darryl Devine gets $X, and I've been here longer, I should get at least $X too..."



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I wonder if it will work like WMMA2's


Offer a deal. Its matched. Improve the offer, Its matched. Improve it again. Matched again. Improve it YET again, matched again and finally the worker has lost patience and goes to work for the other promotion at a cheaper rate ?!? :mad:


Hahaha...never happens to me unless im not too fussed about losing someone. Ive found i offer an initial bid, gets topped, offer another, topped, offer another accepted with plenty of patience left.

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And screw up their current pay scale, whic means that the current stars in the promotion go "if Darryl Devine gets $X, and I've been here longer, I should get at least $X too..."




Or screw up your pay scale if you get Devine, cause workers A B and C on your roster gonna want the same amount.


So being a small company and trying to outbid a larger promotion even if you have some extra cash to do it might not be the thing to do.

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I wonder if it will work like WMMA2's


Offer a deal. Its matched. Improve the offer, Its matched. Improve it again. Matched again. Improve it YET again, matched again and finally the worker has lost patience and goes to work for the other promotion at a cheaper rate ?!? :mad:


No, if only because of this. (- Time limits on negotiations are turned on) You can turn that off.


And it looks like folks are really digging into the depth of the feature. Yes, you can outbid a larger promotion for a worker (and if you're within the requirements, you can even give the worker a written deal) but the knock-on effects might be undesirable. If your 'star of the future' comes up for a new deal and you have to pay them main eventer money (due to a bidding war), that means 'the future' is now, for all intents and purposes.

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Hey, that works for me -- it makes sense. Some guys will stay with your small fed, but only if they get more money than they could get with the big guys. (I'm sure worker personality has large effects here...)


I'm liking a lot of these common-sense kinds of changes -- this, the promotion-owned dojos, AI hiring/relationships becoming more proactive. Anything that creates that sense of a living world -- of workers and rival promotions pursuing their aims in a reasonable fashion -- is a major improvement for me.

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No, if only because of this. (- Time limits on negotiations are turned on) You can turn that off.


And it looks like folks are really digging into the depth of the feature. Yes, you can outbid a larger promotion for a worker (and if you're within the requirements, you can even give the worker a written deal) but the knock-on effects might be undesirable. If your 'star of the future' comes up for a new deal and you have to pay them main eventer money (due to a bidding war), that means 'the future' is now, for all intents and purposes.


And of course, if you give them the hard push to make sure you're getting your money's worth, then you could easily end up with a locker room cancer with an ego the size of Jupiter. Feature interplay is awesome. :D

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Whose hoping that somehow there's a tick box for masks that can help rather bland looking workers have cool masks.


Of course the result of how much of a look improvement should be random, and there should be negative results as well.


I'm hoping there is something there to determine a masked/gimmick role that is already popular...


For example, when Kane's "Masked" self attacked him, everyone knew what that represented, and it did get a pop. We know that it was Festus, but we didn't know when it happened, and "Festus" himself had nothing to do with the actual pop, etc. The only downfall would be it would realistically only last till you seen the character using it in action a few times, after which it would depend on the character if the gimmick stays as "Popular" as it is.


The downfall would be that whomever used it last, would be the one that "Sets" the gimmick's overness up. Meaning, if you ruin the gimmick on someone not geared to do it as well, it will lose it's "Overness" and you will have to build it back up all over again, just as you would a person (or while your building up the person).

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What I'd Like to See


Firstly this is my first post... Accidently Found TEW2008 online, downloaded the demo and have been hooked ever since..


What i would like to see are..


The ability to have a creative team... These guys from time to time would drop suggestions on fueds, pushes, who needs training, who to use in storylines, angles to use,


The ability to "loan" wrestlers to friendly promotions.. much like WWF did to ECW and does to WWC. wrestlers that you don't quite have a spot, loan them to other companies, brakus, doug furnas and al snow where all in ECW on loan from WWF.


The ability to Rehab wrestlers with drug/drink problems.


More random events.. wrestler's requesting time off etc...


An AI starts won promotion buttons.. Workers from time to time start their own promtoions.. depending on the popularity of the worker depends on what size it stars as.


the ability to control child promotions..

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Can't wait


Firstly this is my first post...


secondly i really can't wait for TEW 2010...


So far the Tweeks annouced are not earth shattering but will make gameplay for more simpler (drag and drop) and in some case (bidding wars, Cult size promotion using written contracts,) will make gameplay more realistic..


There are a couple of things im hoping for.. Some have already been mentioned


1. NWA promotion system.. sharing titles wrestlers etc..

2. The ability to to loan wrestlers that you don't have spots for and don't need to go back to development to friendly promotions, much like WWF did with Brakus, Taka, Doug Furnas and Al snow in 1997.. All wrestlers didn't have spots so were sent to ECW on loan..

3. Be able to sign 1 shot deals with older wrestlers. When WWE ran the legend killer angle with Orton wrestlers such as Jake Roberts, Harley Race and others where brought in on 1 shot deals, also like TNA is doing now with his invitational (Anvil and Tatanka have already appeared).

4. To be able to put together a creative team.. The creative team from time to time would make suggestions on storylines to run, people to team together, people to hire (much like the hidden gems section), who may be good to fued together, gimmicks to use, matches to use, who to push etc..

5. More input from wrestlers. Such as who they would like to fued with or team with, request to take time off, or do further training or spend time in another promotion, or become a road agent.

6. Scouts.. Much like Gerald Brisco and JR did/do for WWF, the make appearances at smaller promotion and scout potential recruits,

7. Be able to use ring annocuers as ring annocuers... such as justin roberts, tony chimel etc

8. To be able to offer a development contract straight from the negotiation screen.

9. To be able to rehad wrestlers with drug problems.

10. To be able to donate to charity to get prestige

11. to be able to run memorial events such as the brian pillman memorial, any promotion would be able to send workers to the event.

12. interpromotional pay per views..

13. More random events... worker a praises worker b, worker a takes up acting classes to improve skills, worker a takes a hiatus to find himself, worker b is invited to a hollywood party, etc.... each event having a merit or disadvantage..

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Firstly this is my first post...


Firstly this is my first post...




#3 is already in TEW08 (and has been since 07, if I remember right). It's called the short term contract. And even with regular contracts, you can specify number of appearances that are tied to the contract (with the length as a 'within this time span' like with loans).


#7 isn't going to happen. Ring announcers add nothing. Adam's already shot this one down last year. Simulating them is easy enough (just carry more announcers or personalities than you need) but making them matter in TEW is an issue. If they matter, then all promotions will "have" to have them. If they're fluff, why add 'em at all?


#10 is fraught with peril. It screams 'exploit'.


#2 and 11 are kinda iffy, in terms of validity. With every one of those workers having creative control (which is necessary to prevent exploitation), they may not be quite as useful as people think.


And technically, both those posts go here: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=143


Welcome to the forum though! If you check out the above linked forum, you might find some things you can add your voice to. :)

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Whose hoping that somehow there's a tick box for masks that can help rather bland looking workers have cool masks.


Of course the result of how much of a look improvement should be random, and there should be negative results as well.




Are you saying you want to be able to repackage workers with limited appeal due to their look with something more interesting?


Just change their gimmick. And if you want the visual aspect to match, request an alt in the mods forum.


Nevermind...this is off topic..this thread is going sideways..

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Are you saying you want to be able to repackage workers with limited appeal due to their look with something more interesting?


Just change their gimmick. And if you want the visual aspect to match, request an alt in the mods forum.


Nevermind...this is off topic..this thread is going sideways..


He got a point. In reality it is impossible to give someone "super star looks" just by giving him the right gimmick or a mask. A gimmick bonus alone is far too little to match such a successful move.


But even in reality this isn't an accepted fact. Most promoters believe otherwise (despite Paul Heyman and Rey Mysterio (!!!) becoming a wrestling icon).


Also, it would destruct the basic mechanism of the "appearence" setting. It would be an awesome feature, but the tick - instant success - box is no solution. I doubt, Adam will put much effort into a complex feature that basically throws one of the major skills out of the window (looks in general become totally variable) and isn't even accepted enough.

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