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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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A nice touch, especially for real world mods. I wonder if TV Show logos will now appear in the internet section now, rather than just the TV Show section. I'd assume so, either way, it makes the internet section more visaully interesting.

These will show up in the Internet section when a show is being reported on, as well as during the booking process.

It's not about cats in space. ;)

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It's for PPVs, not "Random Events". You know, like how TV shows got Logos in TEW08... That's why it mentions the booking screen.


Ah yes, so it is. Must stop reading and posting while still waking up. Hum, ok then im excited about Narratives more so. Event logos were seemingly inevitable so time to get cracking on them I guess.

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Is it possible to clear up whether or not Narratives will have the ability to have graphics linked to them?


Hmm I could just be thinking cats in space, but I could have sworn I read that it was possible... If so, I hope that the picture dimensions are generous.

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Hmm I could just be thinking cats in space, but I could have sworn I read that it was possible... If so, I hope that the picture dimensions are generous.

As an example, the user could choose to create a "Wall Street Crash II" for the last Friday in October 2010 - this could take the form of a story on the web site explaining that stock prices have fallen, complete with a picture of a panicked investor, and have all the Western economies plunge into a deep depression.

Cats, space and all that. :p

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You have clearly misunderstood your role as a TEW fan. If there is an optional feature you personally don't care for, you're supposed to tirade against said feature, just because you personally won't be using it, eventhough it's optional and other people want it in.


Then I've been misunderstanding my role for years upon years. I've responded just as reasonably (and accurately) as Brother Orange did on many occasions. I guess we're part of the TEW reasonable fan underground. :)

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Here is a question. or well a few


1) Is travel being paid now out of contracts? it sounds like the company can arrange travel for everyone. Does that mean everyone who has travel paid for?


2) does having messages and ciropracters backstage have any added health benifits? i mean a loose worker is less likely to get hurt then someone who is tense.


3) will not allowing smoking cause some people to stop smoking?


I might be thinking way to much about this stuff. Maybe they are just what they are....rules with no added benifit although i don't see that being the case.

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How many wrestlers (athletes) actually smoke? I imagine it cant be many, these guys have to be in tip top condition and smoking just makes you winded.


Do the known smokers in TEW have declining stamina? Ive never paid much attention to all that stuff outside of drug usage.

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#45: Media Group \ Network Umbrella


A Media Group is a new concept which is essentially a grouping of TV Networks to show that they are all owned by the same parent. There are two reasons for this alteration. The first is that this allows the game to handle the movement of TV shows better. For example, if you have a show being broadcast on Sky Sports 3 and want to move it to Sky Sports 1, the AI can take into account that they're not actually rivals, even if they show in the same regions. The second reason is explored in the next entry.


#46: TV-Driven Promotions


Based on the real life Wrestling Society X, this new feature allows a promotion to be owned by a specific TV Network or Media Group. When this is the case, several special conditions are invoked. Firstly, the promotion cannot gets it TV shows broadcast anywhere else, but it does have a much easier time of getting (and maintaining) TV deals on its parent network(s) than normal promotions would. Also, if the promotion ever loses its TV deal, the network can choose to close them down (even if they aren't losing money). Obviously it's a bigger advantage to be owned by a Media Group than an individual TV Network, as it allows for a wider range of potential broadcasters.


IIRC, this is how AAA came into being too. Great addition.

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With the new feature when I saw Umbrella I got excited.....still a really cool concept. You can simulate in the real world NBC/USA network or the old school TNN/MTV slots that the WWE had.


What I wonder is if this feature is a foreshadowing of a new promotion or an altered promotion in the C Verse. Thats what I think about most is how will these new features effect the C Verse since thats mostly what I play.

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