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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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This new feature is too complicated for my brain!


You press a button, and the crap on the screen gets written to a spreadsheet, so you can do all kinda of crazy sums and crap with it to find stuff out, or just save it for use as a reference sheet.


For example, you could save a spreadsheet containing the stats, contract details, etc, for your entire roster, and then several years down the line (when the game has long-since lost track, due to file size constraints), you can export it again and compare them to see how the remaining roster members have evolved over the years.


Better? ;)

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You press a button, and the crap on the screen gets written to a spreadsheet, so you can do all kinda of crazy sums and crap with it to find stuff out, or just save it for use as a reference sheet.


For example, you could save a spreadsheet containing the stats, contract details, etc, for your entire roster, and then several years down the line (when the game has long-since lost track, due to file size constraints), you can export it again and compare them to see how the remaining roster members have evolved over the years.


Better? ;)


My head hurts worse. :(



But it sound like it is useful to many, so I'll let it slide.

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Importing data back in would have made mod making a cinch.


But simply exporting it to Excel make mod balancing so much easier. For one thing, you can analyse the Cornellverse and see its constants, and you can see how it is built to achieve the balance it has.


And then you can export your own database in Excel, sort and query it, see where it is unbalanced in comparison to the C-Verse, and fix it.


Not to mention, Excel has some programming potential, so you can build an app in support of your mod. Also, you can take your exported Excel data and export it again to another program, where you can maybe dress it up a little, maybe creating a yearbook type of deal for your promotion, complete with images and sound!


Great feature, great potential.

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Sounds like we have a few stat monkeys on the board lol. I for one use a wordpad doc and that is about it. Never thought of going as far as a spreedsheet to keep track of everything. But it sounds like a ton of people are super excited about this haha.
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Ever want to print out your roster, in full detail? Spreadsheet.


Exactly. It'll also be a good help for diary makers.



I'll surely use it. I'm a big fan of having a printed copy of my roster on my desk while playing. I do it at the beginning of a game, but it is a bit of work to maintain it up-to-date and like others have said I use time to do it that I'll now be using to actually play the game as it will probably be possible to get it with a simple click of the mouse.


It's a really cool feature. :)

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I doubt I will use this feature, therefore I hate it and would like it replaced with some sort of feature that gives bad players a minor electric shock for playing the game poorly.


Well, there goes any feeling I had left in my hands...

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Shame it can't be imported, but that's still a very useful feature.


I keep data for wrestlers in my promotion in a spreadsheet already. If the game can save my the tedious task of typing everything out, then that's a massive timesaver.


Plus I can either update it from there, or just export again.


Terrific feature.

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I don't use spreadsheets to me they take away from the game experiance. In EWR I used to play it strictly on numbers and stats, etc. It felt like a math problem and not a game so I try to play with less spreadsheets and just go with what I see on the game screen.


That being said I know a ton of guys here do play on a spreadsheet and this should be a great addition for those guys. Hard to believe we're inside two weeks of this game being released.

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But then I wouldn't be around to answer questions!


Eh, I guess you'd still have Remi and Derek...


Sorry, I'm not a spreadsheet guy myself so I'll be getting the big shocks too. I'll probably give it a try once I've got a proper game going on the full release, but otherwise spreadsheets have never really appealed to me. I can hold data in my head. :)

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Ive never used spreedsheets for this game but I might to do searches.


Im assuming the spreedsheet would allow me to search for wrestlers with B power, B menace and other stats that dont show up in the search feature in the game. Of course those stats could be searchable in 2010 anyway making it a moot point.


So basically a feature that seems rather useless to my TEW experience actually might have some use.


I know others obviously love this feature, so glad its in the game.

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We're now closing in on the 50th update of the Journal, I've been keeping the OP up-to-date so you guys might want to review the list again (and again :)) Just go to the first page and first post to find the list of contents of the whole Dev. Journal.
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