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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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derek b should give me a coke :D



I remember, though not which particular thread, saying that the database changes the popularity of each product over time (got confused :()


He then told me that that is not the case, and that he could only dream of that because he didn't know how it would be implemented.


At least, my recollection of the event.


This so far is the best feature, as it will make the entire wrestling landscape more realistic, meaning that my australian hyper realism company may have a chance! (Doesn't exist, but will in TEW '10...)

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Pretty meh feature to me, but a lot of people seem to like it so thats good :)


I hope what Apu said earlier rings true though, that'd make the feature great.


If Canada goes pure hardcore, and Decolt is willing to change his product and Stone isnt it could bring an interesting dynamic to the game.


Pretty cool that features I dont really care for can still add something to the game for me.

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The gravity of it is though is that it will completely change the way you play.


You wouldn't open up a hardcore-only company if it's very unpopular (unless you wanted that to go along with a 0/0/0 game for extra challenge).


But if you were a company trying to usurp another ala TCW or 21CW or make a name for yourself like MAW or 4C then you'd try and capitalise on any popularity boosts you could. You'd make the product more hardcore when it's time came, less mainstream if that started losing popularity etc.


A rising star company such as CZCW could have it's progress killed off almost instantly with the right combinations of unpopular settings, yet a company like NYCW would make no headway by not capitalising on industry changes.


I like the sound of this feature, it makes you play smarter and more competitively.

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I definately remember suggesting something like this a while back before the last TEW game came out ;)


This is such an awesome feature to the game and will certainly mean that you don't get the powerhouse feds that are so dominant they can't be overtaken. No longer will CGC be consigned to be NOTBPW's whipping boy... TCW could finally have overtaken SWF... ROF could actually have achieved something...


It will also mean that even running the likes of SWF, no matter how much you batter TCW you'll always have to be looking over your shoulder which definately adds longevity to those games.

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So far its been mostly pre game database stuff and thats cool. Like last years personality features its going to be awesome for the default database and the few mods out there that actually take advantage of these extra features.


That being said just I have a few problems with this latest entry. Not that its a bad entry because its not but if used in correctly it could seriously screw your game up pretty badly. I mean if you set for a national trend to bounce all around it could be really difficult to grow your promotion. Or the fact that although it makes the default database more fun and thats the one I mostly play with the fact that a lot of these new features will go unused by modders because it will simply take too much time and they don't have a deep enough understanding of them. Ala the personalities of 08.


This pregame stuff is fine but I'm more looking forward to how the actual in game playing is going to change.

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So far its been mostly pre game database stuff and thats cool. Like last years personality features its going to be awesome for the default database and the few mods out there that actually take advantage of these extra features.


That being said just I have a few problems with this latest entry. Not that its a bad entry because its not but if used in correctly it could seriously screw your game up pretty badly. I mean if you set for a national trend to bounce all around it could be really difficult to grow your promotion. Or the fact that although it makes the default database more fun and thats the one I mostly play with the fact that a lot of these new features will go unused by modders because it will simply take too much time and they don't have a deep enough understanding of them. Ala the personalities of 08.


But that's the case with every new feature, isn't it? Many modmakers go with the 'low hanging fruit' method and don't bother with depth, in a bid to get the data out the door (gee, they sound almost like....game developers!). This approach tends to lead to really bland worlds overall. National trends allow your more ambitious modmakers to create scenarios that truly become scenarios, beyond the typical 'this worker jumped ship to this company and this happened' kind of thing. This feature combined with narratives is going to be a boon to those modmakers who have been clamoring for ways to truly make the world exist as they envision it in their mods. So sure, the 'lemme get this real world data out ASAP regardless of quality' mods are going to look like the Emperor with his "new" clothes. But it'll only make those well crafted mods look that much better.


In short, if a modmaker creates a mod where national trends 'bounce around all over' without the necessary baselines (i.e. Lucha = always popular in Mexico, Pure = always popular in the UK/Europe, etc), that's a bad mod. However, if the point of the mod is to shake things up continuously for no reason other than shaking things up, that's a Russo mod. :p

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So far its been mostly pre game database stuff and thats cool. Like last years personality features its going to be awesome for the default database and the few mods out there that actually take advantage of these extra features.


That being said just I have a few problems with this latest entry. Not that its a bad entry because its not but if used in correctly it could seriously screw your game up pretty badly. I mean if you set for a national trend to bounce all around it could be really difficult to grow your promotion. Or the fact that although it makes the default database more fun and thats the one I mostly play with the fact that a lot of these new features will go unused by modders because it will simply take too much time and they don't have a deep enough understanding of them. Ala the personalities of 08.


This pregame stuff is fine but I'm more looking forward to how the actual in game playing is going to change.


Not really seeing the problem here (besides modders not using it). While a poor national trend could make it hard for your promotion to grow, it could help it greatly as well. Take TEW 08 for example. Hardcore feds have an insanely hard time getting over because there just isn't a lot of interest from the in-game fans (not to mention low sponserships and TV slots). 2010 will allow a chance for hardcore to come into vogue again. As long as the modders set proper limits (protecting traditional in NA, LL in MEX, and so on) the feature should add a lot to the game experience.

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I agree it should add something to it. I'm excited to see how it works with the default data since thats the one I play.


My point is that it will continue to be one of the only ones I play since the others never seem to take into account the features that actually make this game great. A lot of these modders seem stuck in the EWR days where it was you edit ther workers stats and shove it out the door. Especially since 07,08 and now 10 thats not going to be the case anymore.


No problem I just hope any potential mod makers realize thats why the C Verse is now I would dare to say THE data to play with this game. Its got little to do with wrestling being out of trend, after all we all still watch SOME wrestling and who wouldn't want the chance to turn it around if given a mod on the level of the C Verse default data. The problem is these data's fall well short of the high mark of the default and therefore wind up looking bland and feeling boring.


No problem with it I was just pointing out it will be one more thing a ton of modders say "I can't wait to use this in my new mod" until they get working on that mod and this happens, that happens and a year later they realize its just too much work. I'm stoked to see how mods that use the entire game like the history C Verses, the default and DOTT all use these new features.


I mean you can actually pinpoint the moment Hulk Hogan goes into Rocky III to spike his popularity or whatever else you wanna do. I'm all for it I'm just hoping for better use of it by modders in 10 than 08. I truly feel 08 wasn't the best year for mods compared to the other incarnations of this series.

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This sounds like a really interesting feature and I assume that some AI promoters, depending on personality, may be willing to bend with their product with the times while someone like the Stomper would steadfastly refuse to admit it is no longer 1983.


That being said just I have a few problems with this latest entry.



No problem I just hope any potential mod makers realize thats why the C Verse is now I would dare to say THE data to play with this game. Its got little to do with wrestling being out of trend, after all we all still watch SOME wrestling and who wouldn't want the chance to turn it around if given a mod on the level of the C Verse default data. The problem is these data's fall well short of the high mark of the default and therefore wind up looking bland and feeling boring.


No problem with it I was just pointing out it will be one more thing a ton of modders say "I can't wait to use this in my new mod" until they get working on that mod and this happens, that happens and a year later they realize its just too much work. I'm stoked to see how mods that use the entire game like the history C Verses, the default and DOTT all use these new features.


I'm confused: do you have a problem or not? :p

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But that's the case with every new feature, isn't it? Many modmakers go with the 'low hanging fruit' method and don't bother with depth, in a bid to get the data out the door (gee, they sound almost like....game developers!). This approach tends to lead to really bland worlds overall. National trends allow your more ambitious modmakers to create scenarios that truly become scenarios, beyond the typical 'this worker jumped ship to this company and this happened' kind of thing. This feature combined with narratives is going to be a boon to those modmakers who have been clamoring for ways to truly make the world exist as they envision it in their mods. So sure, the 'lemme get this real world data out ASAP regardless of quality' mods are going to look like the Emperor with his "new" clothes. But it'll only make those well crafted mods look that much better.


In short, if a modmaker creates a mod where national trends 'bounce around all over' without the necessary baselines (i.e. Lucha = always popular in Mexico, Pure = always popular in the UK/Europe, etc), that's a bad mod. However, if the point of the mod is to shake things up continuously for no reason other than shaking things up, that's a Russo mod. :p


I think part of the problem is that people are still behaving as if it's 2003, when it was entirely reasonable to expect a big industry-changing event to make it into a RaveX update over a long weekend. Back when every character was distilled into seven stats, you could do that. These days? It's insane.


I say this with full respect intended to the RaveX guys and what they've done for the community, but it is my personal belief that anyone working on a real life mod would be well served to abandon the RaveX mode of thinking. Rather than putting out a shiny, new, mostly untested update on a monthly basis, modders should probably pick a solid cutoff date and develop from there. Update from there. I can count on one hand the number of TEW 2008 mods I've played for an extended period, and part of that is because the mods I have played were so well developed. If the mod community is going to thrive this year then it's going to have to be on the mod community's terms, rather than attempting to live up to unrealistic expectations.

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I think part of the problem is that people are still behaving as if it's 2003, when it was entirely reasonable to expect a big industry-changing event to make it into a RaveX update over a long weekend. Back when every character was distilled into seven stats, you could do that. These days? It's insane.


I say this with full respect intended to the RaveX guys and what they've done for the community, but it is my personal belief that anyone working on a real life mod would be well served to abandon the RaveX mode of thinking. Rather than putting out a shiny, new, mostly untested update on a monthly basis, modders should probably pick a solid cutoff date and develop from there. Update from there. I can count on one hand the number of TEW 2008 mods I've played for an extended period, and part of that is because the mods I have played were so well developed. If the mod community is going to thrive this year then it's going to have to be on the mod community's terms, rather than attempting to live up to unrealistic expectations.


I agree completely I never got the point of having to have a new version out every month. Make one massive game world ala The C Verse and go from there. If people want to move this guy around or that guy around go for it but the modder's focus shouldn't be constantly changing who's working where and how many more promotions are in it.


Develop a guidline of how many promotions, workers, etc you want in there and take on each task with the same merit. I would love to see a rw mod that truly encompasses everything the game world has to offer and not just shiny new worker stats and promotions I've never heard of and likely won't play.


Its important to remember this is a game and its impossible to take a snapshot of real life and import it into the game perfectly. Make a mod thats fun to play over completely up to date as of midnight of that day.


Of course this isn't a shot at modders just a gentle urging to take on all parts of the game not just the ones that are most noticeable.

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