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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Best of Raw:


Sting/Steph/HHH. LED boards on the ring apron like NXT! IC tag match. Bill Simmons breaking kayfabe. Good long divas match. Axel/Snoop/Hogan. Rusev destroying Cena. Wyatt promo. Tyson/Nattie Burger King commercial. Bryan vs Ziggler and the following carnage. Bork, Heyman & Reigns (until they cold cut instead of letting them brawl).



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I liked RAW (a lot actually; only the ending was kinda retarded), but there's things I don't get:


- How they use Wade Barrett.


- How Miz vs Mizdow isn't a match at Mania: sure, it could be a 'moment', but they'd be crazy in the head to just leave them out.


And the Rhodes Brothers should at least have a moment somewhere. I get that the match is not on Mania, but there should be some reference, right?


Here's wondering if Lana will somehow backstab Rusev at Mania. If would be awesome if she somehow attained American citizenship now. I don't know if she has been trained for in-ring action, but that'd be the ideal gimmick-shift.


Treating BNB like crap was just creative's stupid way of kicking off this crazy but entertaining IC title build. The tag titles have been relegated to the pre-show so they can fit in a musical performance at Mania. Miz & Mizdow are doing their thing at the Battle Royale and probably have a quick blow-off match at Extreme Rules. Goldust/Stardust has been canned because the awful crowd at Fastlane crapped on their match and Vince panicked. I'd like to Goldust interfere in the IC ladder match but I'm not holding my breath.

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Treating BNB like crap was just creative's stupid way of kicking off this crazy but entertaining IC title build. The tag titles have been relegated to the pre-show so they can fit in a musical performance at Mania. Miz & Mizdow are doing their thing at the Battle Royale and probably have a quick blow-off match at Extreme Rules. Goldust/Stardust has been canned because the awful crowd at Fastlane crapped on their match and Vince panicked. I'd like to Goldust interfere in the IC ladder match but I'm not holding my breath.


The awful crowd at Fastlane I remember being pretty loud for the two matches that were actually promoted decently


It was a bad feud so nobody cared

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The awful crowd at Fastlane I remember being pretty loud for the two matches that were actually promoted decently


It was a bad feud so nobody cared


Goldust and Cody are both great promos and workers. The stagnant pace of the WWE kills almost any momentum a midcard worker gets and turns hot storylines into the artic. The Rhodes Boys during their feud with The Shield were hot as hell. Goldust was the beloved veteran who was proving that age means shit, Cody was the good looking young superstar who the crowd had seen grow for years, and they had Dusty their HoF father. They beat the The Shield and won the tag titles as the crowd erupted.


Then they lost to the transitional NAO, lost the the new champions the Usos over and over, kept losing until Cody turned into Stardust, won a few random matches, wrestled the Usos twice a week on TV and losing, then months and months passed with them losing against whatever new tag contender there was, random turn, one week build to match, dead match with botched finish, then nothing.


Basically WWE's midcard

Face Champion - Beat all opponents weekly then beat them again on PPV.

Heel Champion - Lose clean weekly, win on PPV

Face contender - Beat heel champions 10 times in a row then lose at PPV.

Heel Contender - Lose every match then lose on PPV.

Not Champion or Contender - Lose every match to whoever we are pushing because you're a meaningless jobber who's past accomplishments and character arcs mean nothing this PPV cycle.

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I never said it was their fault, because I've been a Cody fan since his very first raw match so I obviously know about the frustrations with the WWE midcard.


I just hate when people criticize the crowd and call crowds bad because they dont react to terribly written storylines or matches that you have no reason to care for, especially when they are never called bad crowds that same night when they are into matches with a little bit of effort put in them.

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I never said it was their fault, because I've been a Cody fan since his very first raw match so I obviously know about the frustrations with the WWE midcard.


I just hate when people criticize the crowd and call crowds bad because they dont react to terribly written storylines or matches that you have no reason to care for, especially when they are never called bad crowds that same night when they are into matches with a little bit of effort put in them.


Its true that the fans shouldnt give a crap about terribly written feuds.


That being said, the crowd was terrible for the entire night. They responded well to the main events but even they werent as loud as they wouldve been in a more energetic crowd in another city imo.

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Brock was just on Sports Center and said he just signed a new Contract with WWE


I didn't see that, but it's good to hear about. For some reason, these past couple of days, I've just had this... feeling... that Brock was gonna win at 'Mania. I'm not rooting either way, at the moment, just had that feeling is all.


If this information is true, it might make it that much more likely.


We'll see.

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Is it reasonable to assume that WWE knew all along he would re-sign? They've made it official today, sure, but do you put Cena and Bryan in secondary title matches when you're unsure about the long term status of your primary champion? It seems odd that they were putting all their eggs in the Roman Reigns basket, no?
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Is it reasonable to assume that WWE knew all along he would re-sign? They've made it official today, sure, but do you put Cena and Bryan in secondary title matches when you're unsure about the long term status of your primary champion? It seems odd that they were putting all their eggs in the Roman Reigns basket, no?


You absolutely do because you can't tell if Roman is going to pan out, and having them anchor the other titles gives him more time to get running because they have those two with belts if he's not up to snuff initially.

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I never said it was their fault, because I've been a Cody fan since his very first raw match so I obviously know about the frustrations with the WWE midcard.


I just hate when people criticize the crowd and call crowds bad because they dont react to terribly written storylines or matches that you have no reason to care for, especially when they are never called bad crowds that same night when they are into matches with a little bit of effort put in them.


Not criticizing you but agreeing with you in every way including blaming crowds for not being happy about shitty storylines.


Does anyone here listen to Aubrey Sitterson and his Straight Shoot youtube channel? I've listened to a few but most of the time I end up hating how much he defends WWE no matter what. At least that's the way I see it. Just wanted to know if anybody else has their own opinion of him and his show.


As a positive I do like the diversity of guest he gets on his shows.

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Sting vs Triple H is a dream match in the way that they are two icons/legends of their respective companies in the same era finally fighting each other for the first time, but not necessarily something everybody have been asking for.


That being said, I would've loved to see Sting destroy the McMahon-Helmsley Faction back in 2000.


See I do not think of HHH as being on the Icon level. He just married the right person, maybe that is me being a little bias but that is my opinion.


I just see Sting at a higher level than HHH. Others might disagree but those are my feelings.

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Does anyone here listen to Aubrey Sitterson and his Straight Shoot youtube channel? I've listened to a few but most of the time I end up hating how much he defends WWE no matter what. At least that's the way I see it. Just wanted to know if anybody else has their own opinion of him and his show.


I listen to his show weekly and yeah he is a WWE sympathizer but he has his reasons for it mainly that he used to work for them. So if he ever has a chance to go back to the company he probably doesn't want to damage that. He just seems to see the silver lining on everything and I actually find it refreshing even if he catches a lot of flack for it.

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Sure, Trips got the right treatment 'by chance', but that treatment made him an icon. It's like Cena, who's an icon as well, by being pushed to the moon and back. But one could indeed argue that he never got to A*-level if you are quite selective in what that means (Austin, Rock, Hogan,...).
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I still don't know whether I buy the whole "Triple H only got what he got because he married Stephanie" argument.


He was already WWF Champion (in his 3rd reign) and the top heel before they got together. He was one of the top stars of the Attitude Era (Not on the level of Austin/Rock/Undertaker but I'd say he was definitely #4).


If Triple H didn't marry Stephanie; who steps up as the company's top heel in 2002/3? Who carries the Raw brand (and therefore the WWE) until Cena comes along?


Yes he probably wouldn't be running NXT right now; or being all over TV as an authority figure. But I'm pretty certain he would still have had a HoF career. 13-time World Champion? maybe not - but probably not far off.


If Triple H married Stephanie whilst he was at, say for example, the level of Test and then went on to become 13-time World Champion, booker of NXT, etc. then yeah - without a doubt, all due to who he married. But when he was already a top star pegged for a long term run at the top - then I think you're selling him short.

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If Triple H didn't marry Stephanie; who steps up as the company's top heel in 2002/3? Who carries the Raw brand (and therefore the WWE) until Cena comes along?

Anyone else? Anyone at all?


Hs was great in 2000. In '02-'03, he was awful and dragged the entire product down, at least IMO. I agree with your overall point though, which is that he would've been and in fact already was one of their top stars with or without Stephanie. Maybe there wouldn't be the degree of asskissing and retrospective self-promotion and inflation of his level of stardom, but you're probably right in saying he was the #4 guy of the Attitude Era.

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Anyone else? Anyone at all?


Hs was great in 2000. In '02-'03, he was awful and dragged the entire product down, at least IMO. I agree with your overall point though, which is that he would've been and in fact already was one of their top stars with or without Stephanie. Maybe there wouldn't be the degree of asskissing and retrospective self-promotion and inflation of his level of stardom, but you're probably right in saying he was the #4 guy of the Attitude Era.


There's no denying from me that he was far from good during that initial World title run. The point I was hoping to get across was that who else was on that level and could've taken that spot without the view of hindsight?


Austin is gone, Rock is gone, Foley is gone. Taker in 2001 was awful - granted his heel turn at the turn of the year was great and he was rebuilding himself. They clearly had little faith in Jericho.


Angle, Undertaker, Triple H - who else was at that level? Obviously Brock came along and got pushed to the moon. RVD and Booker with a bit more behind them could've got there - but they missed the best chance with both of them in 2001.


I don't know, maybe I'm misremembering the time.

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You absolutely do because you can't tell if Roman is going to pan out, and having them anchor the other titles gives him more time to get running because they have those two with belts if he's not up to snuff initially.


Which is why I think either Lesnar is retaining or Reigns is turning heel and winning the belt. Heyman could easily turn on Brock, Reigns could join The Authority and they could maybe turn Rollins face and line him up as Reigns' first challenger.


There's no way you give your two top faces the two secondary belts, and then give Reigns the WWE title as a face. The heel side of their roster is so weak, who, outside of Rollins, can reasonably challenge Reigns? Bray Wyatt, I suppose, but if he beats Taker, surely he can't just then job to Reigns? But faces? Reigns has Ambrose, Ziggler, Rollins, Cena, Bryan, Ryback & Orton. I don't see any way that face Reigns wins the belt, it isn't happening.

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