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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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They were sloppy, slow on getting into transition, and didn't do anything to show they deserve more than 3 minutes. For making such a huge deal about giving divas a chance, four of the six with actual talent just screwed the pooch.


Nah it was a good competitive match

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except Roman Reigns and becoming the world heavyweight champion you mean


Dude didn't BEAT anyone. This Mania didn't resolve _ANYTHING_, without burying the people who kinda needed to look good.


But hey. Taker won! That's cheer value of about 3 minutes.


Not like we need new stars.

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Dude didn't BEAT anyone. This Mania didn't resolve _ANYTHING_, without burying the people who kinda needed to look good.


But hey. Taker won! That's cheer value of about 3 minutes.


Not like we need new stars.


Did you actually watch it? If you did then yeah stop fu***** focusing on just the winners and losers and focus on the moments and matches on the card.


And it did resolve things nimrod, IC Title, Cena-Rusev, Mizdow turns on Miz, etc

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Dude didn't BEAT anyone. This Mania didn't resolve _ANYTHING_, without burying the people who kinda needed to look good.


But hey. Taker won! That's cheer value of about 3 minutes.


Not like we need new stars.


I'm bummed Wyatt lost, but maybe they are building this up to be more, instead of a 3 minute storyline. I mean they haven't been doing this part for long. I'd like to see arematch sometime soon with Bray winnings, they had a decent match tonight and Taker looked good.


Also, Rollins won the WWE title, so not like we need new stars....I think they are going to push him and maybe some others up, they need it. Tonight was just the beginning..

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If you didn't enjoy that show, Sports Entertainment isn't for you so might as well get a new hobby because that was a near-perfect Sports Entertainment show. They made the right call with every result IMO.


So much this. WWE finally showed that they hear their audience. You want more importance to mid-card titles. Boom, your two biggest faces are now IC and US champ. Don't like Roman? We won't put the title on him. Want more title matches with your World Heavyweight Champion? Lesnar loses title. And you want new stars? Seth Rollins new champ. Wyatt lost to The Undertaker, but looked great. Roman is STILL super strong. Ambrose and Sandow are super over.


Seriously, what more do you want out of one night?? Easy A* show!

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So much this. WWE finally showed that they hear their audience. You want more importance to mid-card titles. Boom, your two biggest faces are now IC and US champ. Don't like Roman? We won't put the title on him. Want more title matches with your World Heavyweight Champion? Lesnar loses title. And you want new stars? Seth Rollins new champ. Wyatt lost to The Undertaker, but looked great. Roman is STILL super strong. Ambrose and Sandow are super over.


Seriously, what more do you want out of one night?? Easy A* show!


Sting to win but I'm just nit picking

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So much this. WWE finally showed that they hear their audience. You want more importance to mid-card titles. Boom, your two biggest faces are now IC and US champ. Don't like Roman? We won't put the title on him. Want more title matches with your World Heavyweight Champion? Lesnar loses title. And you want new stars? Seth Rollins new champ. Wyatt lost to The Undertaker, but looked great. Roman is STILL super strong. Ambrose and Sandow are super over.


Seriously, what more do you want out of one night?? Easy A* show!


Sting to win his match? Curtis Axel or Damien Mizdow to win the ARMBAR? A less shoddy-build up to what's supposed to be the biggest pay-per-view of the year? Sting to come out to his own proper music, not to some Japanese band? Hunter not to be such a ****ing try-hard with his entrances as he always is? The Divas not to **** up their one Wrestlemania match? No dumb-as-**** music performances or time-wasting 25 minute promos where Stephanie just gloats and gloats about how she's little miss perfect?


This card worked beyond wonder considering how shit preparations were for it. But that doesn't mean it didn't have a load of shit amongst the gems.

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Even though I loved the ending, it's somewhat strange that the new world champion lost cleanly earlier in the night. Has that happened before?


EDIT: Also, even though at the time of the musical performance I hated it. At the same time as I was listening to that song all I could think is "This might be the last time I hear this damn song" and that made me happy.

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If you want to know how effective the booking to the ending of WrestleMania was tonight, when the ref's hand hit three when Rollins pinned Reigns, I literally jumped out of my chair and started pumping my fist in the air. I felt like a kid who didn't know wrestling was a form of entertainment all over again. :o
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Even though I loved the ending, it's somewhat strange that the new world champion lost cleanly earlier in the night. Has that happened before?


EDIT: Also, even though at the time of the musical performance I hated it. At the same time as I was listening to that song all I could think is "This might be the last time I hear this damn song" and that made me happy.


Edge against Ric flair New Years revolution 2005 he lost the IC title and went on to cash in the first brief case after Cena retained in the elimination chamber.

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Edge against Ric flair New Years revolution 2005 he lost the IC title and went on to cash in the first brief case after Cena retained in the elimination chamber.


Almost forgot about that! I think that's what made Edge's cash-in, along with Cena being decimated, such an "Oh crap!" moment.


Even though I loved the ending, it's somewhat strange that the new world champion lost cleanly earlier in the night. Has that happened before?


EDIT: Also, even though at the time of the musical performance I hated it. At the same time as I was listening to that song all I could think is "This might be the last time I hear this damn song" and that made me happy.


I was wondering why Rollins lost cleanly to Orton too, though I can't lie. I loved that RKO tonight. And I wonder if they booked Orton/Rollins that way so that we would forget all about Rollins thinking about cashing in MITB.

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Even though I loved the ending, it's somewhat strange that the new world champion lost cleanly earlier in the night. Has that happened before?


EDIT: Also, even though at the time of the musical performance I hated it. At the same time as I was listening to that song all I could think is "This might be the last time I hear this damn song" and that made me happy.


Bret lost to Owen at Wrestlemania X, then beat Yokozuna in the main event. Don't remember Owen cheating. And I think it is more than just about wins and losses - Rusev, Reigns, Lesnar, Rollins all looked strong (even before the cash in).

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Even though I loved the ending, it's somewhat strange that the new world champion lost cleanly earlier in the night. Has that happened before?


EDIT: Also, even though at the time of the musical performance I hated it. At the same time as I was listening to that song all I could think is "This might be the last time I hear this damn song" and that made me happy.


Wrestlemania X, Owen beat Bret to open the show by pinfall, Bret later walked out champion.


I don't know why people are complaining, that was a great great show. Top 10 wrestlemania for sure, maybe even top 5 if you actually went through and ranked them all with details. Best one I've seen since I was a kid for sure. I was hoping Lesnar would walk out champ still, but the way they went with it was the absolute best for business (other than keeping the belt on Brock haha). I am excited to be a WWE fan for the first time in years after that one. Only part I didn't like was I was hoping hhh vs. sting would end with that HBK Superkick and we would get a build to Sting vs. HBK for Summerslam, but that could still happen (unlikely, but a man can hope).


Edit: Oops, someone beat me to the Bret Owen knowledge haha.

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Even though I loved the ending, it's somewhat strange that the new world champion lost cleanly earlier in the night. Has that happened before?


EDIT: Also, even though at the time of the musical performance I hated it. At the same time as I was listening to that song all I could think is "This might be the last time I hear this damn song" and that made me happy.


The closest one I can think of was at New Years Revolution 2006 where Edge lost to Ric Flair earlier in the night by hitting Flair with his briefcase. Then, of course, later in the night he cashed in on Cena after Cena won the Elimination Chamber match that night. I remember it well because I also remember being pissed off when Edge only had the title for about 2 weeks because Super Cena.


Besides all that, I absolutely loved Wrestlemania tonight. A number of my personal favorites won tonight which include Cesaro & Kidd, Bryan and Rollins. Sting vs HHH was really entertaining with the whole DX and nWo run ins but I felt the wrong man won. I hope that means Sting gets a rematch at Summerslam or something.

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If you want to know how effective the booking to the ending of WrestleMania was tonight, when the ref's hand hit three when Rollins pinned Reigns, I literally jumped out of my chair and started pumping my fist in the air. I felt like a kid who didn't know wrestling was a form of entertainment all over again. :o


Totally agree, this event had a very old school feel as far as the booking and the transitioning of stories and what we are left with heading into the next show. I liked it. Just my opinion though.

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The interesting thing about Mania tonight was that every match except for Sting vs HHH had at least one NXT alumni in it. Every single one.


There wasn't anything wrong with the divas match. Though, if you wanna see what the future divas can do, just watch NXT, it's really depressing knowing for them, getting called up is really a demotion.

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I'm bummed Wyatt lost, but maybe they are building this up to be more, instead of a 3 minute storyline. I mean they haven't been doing this part for long. I'd like to see arematch sometime soon with Bray winnings, they had a decent match tonight and Taker looked good.


Also, Rollins won the WWE title, so not like we need new stars....I think they are going to push him and maybe some others up, they need it. Tonight was just the beginning..


Yeah. We don't need new stars.


Main Event Scene:


Rollins (Champion)


Brock (Only gonna be there a hand full of times)

Cena (US Champ)

Bryan (IC Champ)




MAN. That's one loaded main event scene where anyone could be champ at any time.:rolleyes:

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Rollins 28, Reigns 29, Bryan 33, Orton 34. Break out the walkers, those guys are ready for the scrap heap.


Lesnar is the biggest star they've had in years and his part time schedule actually HELPS that.


Plus the rest of the IC match except Truth are in a good place to compete at the next step down. Cesaro and Kidd are getting decent exposure as the tag champions, along with the Usos. Rusev is in a good spot to get pushed higher if they need him. Bray actually comes out of the Taker match well despite the result.


So what if they gave Big Show the Andre Battle Royal as a thank you for his years of dedication? Or that they decided not to kill off 'Taker so he can continue to add something to future shows? Or that they had a nostalgia filled match with DX, NWO and Sting in the middle of a show that is the only show some casual fans from the Attitude Era will watch all year? Of course Triple H beat Sting, it's a WWE vs WCW thing but they made Sting look very strong in the build up, constantly getting the better of Triple H, and it took four guys interfering and a sledgehammer for Triple H to do it. And having that nostalgia act is great for the guys in the IC match, and Rusev, and Reigns, and Rollins because the casual fans tune in to see their old favourites and might like the new guys they see.


Basically, you're talking out of your arse. You don't like WWE. Good for you. Don't watch it. And not in the usual "IWC keyboard warrior bitching about Raw so don't watch" way, in a "you clearly do not like this form of entertainment, it isn't for you, so do yourself a favour and watch something you do enjoy" way.

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Review/Thoughts/Ramblings of a mad man


7 Man Ladder Match

I think the gimmick is really played at this point but this was still fun and solid. Using Bryan to elevate the title should work well.



Very good and I really liked the finish.



What is there to say? So bad yet hilarious at the same time. Terminators, chinlocks, DX, NWO, Monday Night War rehash, "You've still got it" chants after Sting hits a shitty looking dropkick, finisher spams, HHH calling the match super loudly and HHH going over. The aftermath as some ridiculous end to the Monday Night War with the final burial of WCW from HHH with all of his buddies standing there looking on. Russo couldn't have booked this mess in his wildest dreams.


Paige/AJ vs. Bellas

Solid even if somewhat disjointed. I was hoping for more from this



Marked out for Rusev coming out in a tank. This wasn't as good as their Fast Lane match but they have good chemistry. Another solid effort.



An epic moment for sure, segment dragged until Rousey came in but still a great moment.



Not as bad as expected and better than last year's Taker match. It still wasn't good though. Taker is visibly sucking wind and the match is pretty average.



This is up there with my favourite Mania matches ever. The stiffness from the get go is great. The way Lesnar brutalises is engrossing. Reigns does a fantastic sell job too. They build well into the comeback perfectly with Lesnar gushing after being rammed into the ring post, adding a further quality visceral effect. It looks like Reigns has it won but Lesnar counters the comeback. I've completely forgot about Rollins at this stage but then his music hits and the crowd lose it. Cash in happens and all three do a further great tease leading into the finish with Rollins picking up the title. Awesome. Not one of them comes out of the match looking weak. It isn't often that I can praise WWE booking but this was so well done.



Thought this was a good show actually. It for sure exceeded my low expectations.

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Rollins 28, Reigns 29, Bryan 33, Orton 34. Break out the walkers, those guys are ready for the scrap heap.


Lesnar is the biggest star they've had in years and his part time schedule actually HELPS that.


Plus the rest of the IC match except Truth are in a good place to compete at the next step down. Cesaro and Kidd are getting decent exposure as the tag champions, along with the Usos. Rusev is in a good spot to get pushed higher if they need him. Bray actually comes out of the Taker match well despite the result.


So what if they gave Big Show the Andre Battle Royal as a thank you for his years of dedication? Or that they decided not to kill off 'Taker so he can continue to add something to future shows? Or that they had a nostalgia filled match with DX, NWO and Sting in the middle of a show that is the only show some casual fans from the Attitude Era will watch all year? Of course Triple H beat Sting, it's a WWE vs WCW thing but they made Sting look very strong in the build up, constantly getting the better of Triple H, and it took four guys interfering and a sledgehammer for Triple H to do it. And having that nostalgia act is great for the guys in the IC match, and Rusev, and Reigns, and Rollins because the casual fans tune in to see their old favourites and might like the new guys they see.


Basically, you're talking out of your arse. You don't like WWE. Good for you. Don't watch it. And not in the usual "IWC keyboard warrior bitching about Raw so don't watch" way, in a "you clearly do not like this form of entertainment, it isn't for you, so do yourself a favour and watch something you do enjoy" way.


Had no problem with Show winning. Had no problem with Sting/Trips, though I think the nWo helping Sting was meh. It served it's purpose.


I enjoy wrestling, and I enjoy sports entertainment. I liked the Rollins cash in mid match surprise. I like Bryan as IC champ and hope the belt actually gets booked so the champion isn't jobbing to Sin Cara cleanly now.


I'm fine with Cena beating Rusev, as long as creative has something for Rusev to do from here. I'd hate to see him fade away after this loss. Guy's fun to watch.


I don't see the business sense in booking someone with charisma, workable ring skills, and a fan base, to lose to someone who could very well NEVER WRESTLE AGAIN. I like the Undertaker. YAY UNDERTAKER! I wish he could wrestle every year until the sun explodes. Simple fact of the matter is, he can't, and he wont. He gained nothing. Bray would've been a made man.


I think it's a shame the divas underperformed considering their recent actions and claims that they could step up. I personally think the last few months had better stuff from the divas than Mania. They seemed off tonight.


I wish Roman would've got more offense and been able to appear to be IN the match more than just rope a doping Brock. Roman's a POWER HOUSE of a young man with all the raw talent in the world. He looked like a guy with a lot of stamina praying the monster runs out of steam first. I would've rather them look closer to equal.

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I did not watch Mania tonight, in fact I have not watched a Mania live since WrestleMania 22. Wrestling does not interest me enough to pay for pay-for-views anymore (Yes I know about the network). But I do want to say that I was so terribly wrong about Seth Rollins and Daniel Bryan. I remember when they both left ROH, my thoughts were...


"Okay Bryan Danielson is never going to make it and he will be back in ROH within a couple of years or he might end up in TNA."


With Seth Rollins I thought...


"Tyler Black in the WWE? Really? What the heck are they going to do with him?"


I thought Bryan was a little to much in the mold of Bob Backlund. A great wrestler who was a little too bland. Never in a million years did I expect him to become one of the most over wrestlers in the WWE.


With Seth Rollins I thought he would end up being put into a tag team and used pretty much like how they are using Tyson Kidd.


Now both of them have walked out of WrestleMania as WWE World Champions. So yeah I am wrong but I am happy to be wrong because I am a fan of both guys and I like what they are doing.


I still stick with my scratching of the head at the Brodie Lee signing though, even if he has become a serviceable midcard guy.

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