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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Do they Really Think Having Dana go over women that everyone (or at least the majority) knows are better than her is a good idea.


Better question, why did they sign her when they know she can't wrestle her way out of a paper bag. Seriously WWE needs to stop filling their Diva's division with fitness models that are completely worthless.


Sign women who can actually I don't know... Wrestle that way you wouldn't have to put that much work into them before they came up.

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Actually Sami had ALOT of finishers in CZW,


Headlock Driver

Stretch Muffler

Koji Clutch (Which the OTHER Sami, Zayn that is, uses)


and my personal favorite...Jobber Clobber.


That the one thing I hate about WWE, is that they water down

alot of the moves, because Sami was a beast in CZW and

the Indy's that I saw him in..



Callihan Death Machine

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Better question, why did they sign her when they know she can't wrestle her way out of a paper bag. Seriously WWE needs to stop filling their Diva's division with fitness models that are completely worthless.


Sign women who can actually I don't know... Wrestle that way you wouldn't have to put that much work into them before they came up.


Why would they sign rookies and place them on a developmental show?


Let's not forget Charlotte was terrible when she first started as well.

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Actually Sami had ALOT of finishers in CZW,


Headlock Driver

Stretch Muffler

Koji Clutch (Which the OTHER Sami, Zayn that is, uses)


and my personal favorite...Jobber Clobber.


That the one thing I hate about WWE, is that they water down

alot of the moves, because Sami was a beast in CZW and

the Indy's that I saw him in..



Callihan Death Machine


They have to water them down, otherwise they wouldn't survive a WWE schedule.


See Dannielson, Bryan.


Hell, even Cena used to do some semi-impressive stuff prior to "adapting" his style to WWE-Lite.


That said, I still haven't connected with Crowe's "hacker" gimmick.

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Better question, why did they sign her when they know she can't wrestle her way out of a paper bag. Seriously WWE needs to stop filling their Diva's division with fitness models that are completely worthless.


Sign women who can actually I don't know... Wrestle that way you wouldn't have to put that much work into them before they came up.


She's in NXT man. Why did they sign a rough prospect with potential to their Developmental program? is that a trick question?


That's like asking why your local baseball team drafted a kid with a cannon for an arm but no control and stashed him in triple - A.

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Let's not forget Charlotte was terrible when she first started as well.


Charlotte's different. She's got the industry backing because she's the "daughter of".


Of course people can grow and learn, but here's the thing: there's plenty of talented workers on the indy circuit. Why does WWE keep signing the bodybuilders and fitness models? (wait, don't tell me: it's probably Vince's influence) Of course the occasional greatness comes along, but you can increase the odds by having people that know the craft when you sign 'em. They can always Hulk up (I mean bulk up) to fit Vince's cosmetic standards. The thing with Dana is: I don't like her. And while that's not a problem on itself, it's just that I liked EVERYONE of the NXT Divas before she came along. Now I don't anymore. That said, it's just one appearance so far (but a baaad one).


As for KotR: nothing against the workers involved. Good ones, they are. But it's not the KotR of 2001 and before. It's really not. It's like Extreme Rules which is not the ECW of before, though that's a little different.

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Well I do believe Dana has potential (definitely not realized yet but it's there) it bothers me to see her going over better and more over performers.


KOTR is different, mostly because WWE is currently in a bad spot they don't have a lot of big stars and need to rebuild which simply means they don't have the names to make KOTR as special as it was, so they have to focus on building stars, which KOTR can do, it was a good show and should boost everyone that did well (Bad News, Neville, Sheamus) perhaps in a few years they will have built up the roster enough for it to be amazing again instead of good.

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NXT Review:


Owens, Zayn & Regal - Good segment. Zayn goaded Owens into putting the title on the line at the next Takeover. Owens is so damn good even the Full Sail smarks are booing him now.

Enzo & Cass vs Blake & Murphy - Solid match.

Bayley vs Brooke - OK match. Brooke won after Bayley stupidly got distracted by Emma. That's main roster booking. Wins aren't going to get Brooke over. Smoother wrestling and better acting will.

Itami vs Rose - Solid match.

Becky vs Dawson (Crazy Mary Dobson) - Solid match. I like how they use female indy wrestlers for squash matches and let them get in some offense before eating a pin.

Zayn vs Riley - Solid match. Owens was great on commentary. Riley dominated but just when Zayn took control, Owens ambushed him and then powerbombed Riley onto the apron.


Verdict: Average show in terms of wrestling but there was some good storytelling. We also got lots of William Regal and interesting backstage segments.

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Charlotte's different. She's got the industry backing because she's the "daughter of".


Of course people can grow and learn, but here's the thing: there's plenty of talented workers on the indy circuit. Why does WWE keep signing the bodybuilders and fitness models? (wait, don't tell me: it's probably Vince's influence) Of course the occasional greatness comes along, but you can increase the odds by having people that know the craft when you sign 'em. They can always Hulk up (I mean bulk up) to fit Vince's cosmetic standards. The thing with Dana is: I don't like her. And while that's not a problem on itself, it's just that I liked EVERYONE of the NXT Divas before she came along. Now I don't anymore. That said, it's just one appearance so far (but a baaad one).


Is this a real question? Because the answer is that actual athletes are far more likely to be successful at high levels for a number of reasons both in terms of what they can physically do and in terms of making the company money.

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Is this a real question? Because the answer is that actual athletes are far more likely to be successful at high levels for a number of reasons both in terms of what they can physically do and in terms of making the company money.


I'm sure gathering 'boos' makes the company trillions. :rolleyes: (heck, it worked for Super Mario) (and actually, it worked for Cena too).


And in terms of physical prowess: there's the Red Arrow, and there's the - what? - powerslam / powerbomb, that most people can pull off. The people with athletic background might be more resilient and get injured less, which is worth quite a lot, I agree. And there are some physical factors that need to be met for them to be truly succesful for prolonged periods.

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I'm really not understand what you're getting to here. Only hiring established wrestlers is the same closed minded concept as hiring people from other sports. You can't really argue one success rate over the other considering Batista and Cena didn't exactly work their entire lives with hopes of being in WWE.
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Sometimes it is easier to train someone from scratch to fit a WWE mold then it is to break all the old habits. Lets face it...most of the wrestlers in the indies look like every day people. WWE is a circus like show. They want the freakish looking athletes
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I'm really not understand what you're getting to here. Only hiring established wrestlers is the same closed minded concept as hiring people from other sports. You can't really argue one success rate over the other considering Batista and Cena didn't exactly work their entire lives with hopes of being in WWE.


John Cena began training pro wrestling almost immediately after he finished college didn't he?

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John Cena began training pro wrestling almost immediately after he finished college didn't he?


I'm pretty sure he entered bodybuilding straight out of college, but don't quote me on that. I remember him and Jericho talking about it on Live with Jericho, but I may be remembering that wrong.

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that was great. also it fees like wwe has decided the Bellas are face without ever actually doing anything to turn them... well maybe Roman will join Naomi and Tamina.


Reigns turning heel and joining them won't help. He needs character development badly! He's been the same frickin' character ever since he came in with The Shield. And the goofy crap he did (like suffering suckatash on a past episode of Smackdown) is not what I'm talking about.


WWE creative need to give me, and many other fans, a reason to like Roman without having to resort to some backstage special on the WWE Network that I don't give two sh*** about!


As a matter of fact, I want to see Reigns show more than just "I'm part of a huge Samoan family" and "I'm super badass!" And don't get me wrong, he's actually growing on me. The Last Man Standing match against Big Show was great and entertaining. In fact, that feud could've used at least one other gimmick match since their normal matches were so unbearable to watch.


He just needs better writing. Period. That's all. It's almost like the same writers that do Cena's crap (that's if he even has writers) are also doing Reigns' character development. It's boring and doesn't make me want to see him. Actually, I really hope WWE hiring Jimmy Jacobs as a writer will help Reigns and some of other guys that need something different. I'm not saying Jacobs is the answer but its good to see they're getting someone that actually KNOWS how wrestling works. Apologies for using your comment for a rant but I needed to get that off my chest.

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And injured himself on hisway to the ring. Hope this isn't a sign of things to come. :(




I was wondering where the injury happened. Even went back to watch the match again to see. Poor guy. Hopefully it's nothing major and he'll bounce right back. He'll know to tone it back a little next time, but I would've been excited and all out in an entrance there too, and I probably would've hurt myself.


Doubt it's going to be a pattern of any sort.

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Raw Review:


Opening segment - Highly entertaining. "Montreal Boo-Hoo Job" :D

Orton & Reigns vs New Day - Good match. That's how you book your tag champs.

Brass Ring Club vs Ascension - Solid match. Cesaro was a beast!

Ambrose vs Rollins - Great match that could have headlined a PPV. I marked out for Ambrose winning. Payback just got interesting. I'd rather Ambrose eat the pin in the main event than be stuck in the midcard with no feud.

Fandango vs Rusev - Solid match. I love Lana's slow face turn.

Truth vs Goldust - Handy midcard guys that can cut etertaining promos let down by poor booking.

Cena vs Zayn - Cena handled the heated crowd really well. Adding Bret Hart and Slater to the mix was cool. Good match that followed the blueprint of Zayn's first NXT match against Cesaro and tied in nicely to the "Never Give Up" theme of the impending I Quit match.

Bella Twins/Naomi & Tamina - Did it's job at cementing the Bella's face turn. Charlotte needs to debut ASAP and be built up to win the title at SummerSlam.

Barrett & Sheamus vs Ziggler & Neville - Solid match. All hail King Barret, who's already being booked better than when he was IC champ.

Reigns vs Orton - Solid match considering how short and overbooked it was.


Verdict: A near-perfect Raw. The booking was mostly of a higher quality than usual. New Day stole the show.



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So when can we call Big Cass and Enzo up to the main roster? They are the most entertaining team in wrestling right now.


I'd like to see Ryder put with Enzo and Cass but I don't know how it would go, I think if booked well it good be an entertaining stable.

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