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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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It's an old and tired refrain but my biggest issue with the main event wasn't Roman going over or even really the match itself... it's was the logic of the whole thing.


Roman's always been booked as being highly resilient and they stressed that early in the match itself with JBL recalling the beating he took against Brock in their Wrestlemania match before coming back. But there's a point where the resilience just becomes stupidly over the top. Over the course of the match Reigns took the calf-crusher and got out pretty quickly (and never massively sold the effect of it), he took the Phenomenal Elbow to the outside through a table, he took Gallows and Anderson's finisher (I'm not going to start calling it the Boot of Doom...) and another Phenomenal Elbow shortly after, he took yet another Phenomenal Elbow (this time off the barrier) and then a springboard 450... and each time he kicked out. Reigns took pretty much every one of Styles finishers and got up each time. Styles? He took one spear when presented as being fairly fresh and then he was done.


That leads into the second point which is focused even more on the lack of logic. Why does Styles deserve a rematch? Yes, he was "screwed" twice by the count out and the DQ... but the match was restarted twice so that doesn't matter. Gallows and Anderson attacked Roman, not him, so that's not a consideration. There was nothing dodgy or controversial about the finish... his foot wasn't under the rope and Reigns didn't grab his tights. Instead what you had was Styles give Roman everything he had (and that his friends had) and it still not be enough... hardly the stuff rematches are made of.


More logic issues; Steph and Shane come out to say that in this new era finishes like DQ's and count outs won't be allowed to decide title matches. I'm sure Natalia is very happy to hear that after both the "screwjob" finish and her DQ win in previous weeks. The only real kayfabe explanation for that is that the powers that be in the WWE care about the world title but don't about the woman's title... which is an awkward fit considering the way the woman's title has been rebranded and the fact that Stephanie literally called out Shane for misogyny during their "debate".


Further logic issue: Not so very long ago a big deal was made out of the fact rope breaks don't matter in NoDQ matches (for either submissions or pinfalls) by the commentators. Then Roman grabs the ropes to break up a pinfall in a NoDQ match.


Are these minor and somewhat wrestling nerd points? Sure. And if the WWE has taught us anything over the past few years it's that internal consistency isn't really a big consideration of theirs and expecting it is only asking for disappointment... look how many times Reigns was put into title matches despite the Authority trying to keep him away from the title for example. But that doesn't mean it doesn't bother me or take away from my enjoyment to an extent.


In my lack of sleep I didn't see as many plot holes as you pointed out so now I'm even more perplexed by the ending. I thought it was dumb that Roman took so many Phenomenal Forearms but the second AJ got speared it was lights out. I know AJ was supposed to be the underdog in this scenario (I can't believe I'm saying this) but a dusty finish would have been better for this.


It would have even told a better story if when Roman put his foot on the ropes and the ref continued counting (as he should). Roman could have a case that if his title match wasn't restarted twice he would still be champ. Then he could have gotten the belt back at Extreme Rules.

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I have a question..


How is it that Roman can go over so many people who is better than him..(Bryan, AJ, Trips, etc) but yet Ambrose has to get jobbed out to everyone....and their mother...

Maybe because Ambrose is bad, fake and soft!?!

Have you seen even a single match with him? You can take even this Payback match against Jericho - he runs the ropes almost as bad as most of divas, his comeback offense was almost as bad as Jenna Moresca's offense in her match against Sharmell and overall he works so soft that it looks so bad and fake, that it was hard to watch and buy into it!

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Maybe because Ambrose is bad, fake and soft!?!

Have you seen even a single match with him? You can take even this Payback match against Jericho - he runs the ropes almost as bad as most of divas, his comeback offense was almost as bad as Jenna Moresca's offense in her match against Sharmell and overall he works so soft that it looks so bad and fake, that it was hard to watch and buy into it!


Careful luv' you're enterin' into backlash territory. Lots of people 'ere like the man.

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I didn't understand the "screwjob" angle at all. I get the Montreal screw job, I was there for that, but this made 0 sense, I'm very disappointed in the finish of the women's match.


I enjoyed the Reigns match more than I thought I would. I'll be honest though, I was a Roman fan before Mania and now I'm less of one. I really HATE the "I'm not a good guy, I'm not a bad guy, I'm the guy" line. I understand what they re trying to pull off but it seems forced and makes him unlikable (not like a heel unlikable, just an annoying go away unlikable).


Overall, the show was better than I anticipated, but the end of the last couple matches really had me scratching my head.

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I didn't understand the "screwjob" angle at all. I get the Montreal screw job, I was there for that, but this made 0 sense, I'm very disappointed in the finish of the women's match.


It also had Charles "Lil' Natch" Robinson as the ref. He has history with Ric Flair. I thought the whole thing was pretty clever.

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Maybe because Ambrose is bad, fake and soft!?!

Have you seen even a single match with him? You can take even this Payback match against Jericho - he runs the ropes almost as bad as most of divas, his comeback offense was almost as bad as Jenna Moresca's offense in her match against Sharmell and overall he works so soft that it looks so bad and fake, that it was hard to watch and buy into it!


Actually I have seen Ambrose wrestle. I also have seen him wrestle in CZW as Jon Moxley, so I know the guy can wrestle, but here is the thing that just annoys the every living p*ss out of me. and NO I am not a Reigns hater, I just calls it down the middle. Dude has lost majority of his PPV matches... and I am not against putting anyone over if it progresses the storyline or what not... but lets get real, that program with Lesnar? What was the point of it. Hes been beaten by Reigns, Wyatt, Owens, Lesnar and for what? Now, with "Golden Boy" last night, in addition to what consortium put out (masterfully done by the way), Reigns is nothing short of freakin SUPERMAN.. I mean what is it gonna take I counted 5 finishers last night......FIVE!!!!! And I never thought I would say this. Even CENA wasnt this bad!


I guess its true what they say. "Careful what you wish for, you just might get it"

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Payback Review:


Enzo & Cass vs The Vaudevillians - LOL at New Day chilling ringside. Best Enzo & Cass promo since they got called up. This was a good NXT-style tag match until the unfortunate injury.

Owens vs Zayn - MOTN. Underdog chasing the big win is Zayn's best role so Owens winning made sense.

Miz vs Cesaro - Good match. The ending with Cesaro losing because of Zayn & Owens fighting was unique. Owens on commentary is always gold. Cesaro deserves new entrance music.

Jericho vs Ambrose - Good match.

Charlotte vs Natalya - Good match until the silly ending. At least Brett put Ric in the Sharpshooter so it wasn't a wasted appearance.

AJ vs Reigns - Good match despite the overbooking.


Verdict: Good for a "B" PPV. I like that there were less matches on the main card so they all got the attention they deserved.

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Growing up I had three favorite wrestlers.


Shawn Michaels


And Brett.


Brett was my number 1 so when the screw job happened I was beyond pissed.


Now many years later being a female fan of WWE I want to see the women's division thrive. Both Charlotte and Nattie can wrestle. They have had some good matches, but payback seemed so lackluster. Between them seeming to not care, Brett just looking like he didn't want to be there...now I know why.


I really think that's a slap in the face to the Harts. It's disgusting. Why bring Brett in for this match and do that?


I get its fake, but for the long time fans it's a pretty shitty thing to do.


Also Ambrose is WAY better than Reigns. Reigns is such a generic character with no personality. There is a reason the majority of the fans hate him.


I mean we boo heels, but like them. He's just a no on both sides.

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Changing the topic a bit; what did everyone think about the premiere episode of Camp WWE?


I thought it was so stupid, in a good way. I imagine the pilot is the worst episode as well. I liked the pure, unbridled joy on Taker's face when he found out his parents were dead. I'll keep watching.

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I loved Camp WWE. It was nonsense and great. Vince almost stole the show, but Flair and Slaughter were so great.


Young Triple H was hilarious too. I loved how they gave him the Terra Ryzing era hair.


My thoughts exactly. Quick question: Am I the only one who loved the Raw battle royale?

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Careful luv' you're enterin' into backlash territory. Lots of people 'ere like the man.


If he had any other gimmick, I'd understand the criticism, but honestly: being awkward is kind of his thing, and he does it brilliantly. Just take his "Ambrose Asylum" skints: pure gold.

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My thoughts exactly. Quick question: Am I the only one who loved the Raw battle royale?


I enjoyed it too and thought it was booked very well. I'm not even a huge Zack Ryder fan and he was booked real well in the battle royal. I thought Baron Corbin was the star of the battle royal even though he didn't win. Although, I'll admit that I'm biased because I'm a Corbin fan. Also, not even bothered that Rusev won. It'll be another big man that Kalisto can beat and I'm sure that'll be a really good match too.

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Random thought but I really cannot buy into Dean Ambrose, I caught a bit of his match on a replay last night with Jericho. Everything he does in terms of offence just comes off as weak and pathetic. I'd never really watched anything of his recently but to think he is so high up the card is baffling.
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