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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Not sure it hurt anyone else in the EC


Can't say I agree. If some of Raw's top guys repeatedly get mauled by Brock like that, why bother watching weekly shows? Rollins, Riddle, Styles - all looked like some jabronis. Like really, they invest 3 hours of weekly programming into their 'stars' just to one hit KO them inside a few minutes, like their act really doesn't matter. I am not mad, just baffled how Raw draws one and a half million if their regular workers get dad whipped like that

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Can't say I agree. If some of Raw's top guys repeatedly get mauled by Brock like that, why bother watching weekly shows? Rollins, Riddle, Styles - all looked like some jabronis. Like really, they invest 3 hours of weekly programming into their 'stars' just to one hit KO them inside a few minutes, like their act really doesn't matter. I am not mad, just baffled how Raw draws one and a half million if their regular workers get dad whipped like that


Better than finishers not being finishers, which they do a lot of already. With Brock in, there was no way he wouldn't win, , and obviously they had to protect Lashley. Maybe have Riddle get the pin on Styles, and Rollins beat Riddle, but ultimately you get Brock destroying anyone still there. They had me almost believing Rollins could beat Reigns last month, but Reigns destroying Goldberg was the right move.


Also, I would say they spend/waste 3 hours. The ROI on that weekly PPV on Mondays could be significantly better for it to be an investment.


For the story they are telling most of the EC made sense to me. The one disappointment to me was the Viking Raiders, because they constantly shaft the tag division unless you act street tough or throw pancakes, so this was likely a one off. I won't know for another 6 weeks though.

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I can just imagine Vince is laughing his fool head off backstage, so proud that he swerved some members of the audience during that MizTV bit.


or he wanted to float a trial balloon, which if that was the case not a great look that (at least on youtube, I can't be bothered to watch full shows anymore) there was no like... "cody! cody!" chant or pop. People were just like "ok"


If they were seeing how much the WWE audience cares about Cody coming in, I can't imagine that's a good look for Cody and his spot on the card.


It seems like they are teasing Edge vs Cody but even in that segment, when Edge mentioned him it didn't get much of a response.



We've talked about this here before, but I question how many WWE fans really know or care about the AEW product, there doesn't seem to be much crossover TBH of watching both shows and keeping up with the product.


Cody might find that if creative control of his character is what he seeks, this match at Mania better blow Vince's mind or he'll be back to Stardust in no time.

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I watched some of Monday Night Raw last night for the first time in a long while. I was surprised...what happened to The Hurt Business? Where is Asuka? She used to be on every week. What happened to Nia Jaxx and her tag team partner?


The little tribute to The Undertaker was nice.

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or he wanted to float a trial balloon, which if that was the case not a great look that (at least on youtube, I can't be bothered to watch full shows anymore) there was no like... "cody! cody!" chant or pop. People were just like "ok"


If they were seeing how much the WWE audience cares about Cody coming in, I can't imagine that's a good look for Cody and his spot on the card.


It seems like they are teasing Edge vs Cody but even in that segment, when Edge mentioned him it didn't get much of a response.



We've talked about this here before, but I question how many WWE fans really know or care about the AEW product, there doesn't seem to be much crossover TBH of watching both shows and keeping up with the product.


Cody might find that if creative control of his character is what he seeks, this match at Mania better blow Vince's mind or he'll be back to Stardust in no time.


The problem with that is that it assumes Vince listens to crowd reactions and adjusts his plans accordingly, and the past several years have lead me to believe that that is not the case.

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I watched some of Monday Night Raw last night for the first time in a long while. I was surprised...what happened to The Hurt Business? Where is Asuka? She used to be on every week. What happened to Nia Jaxx and her tag team partner?


The little tribute to The Undertaker was nice.


Hurt Business broke up, reunited and then broke up again. Bobby Lashley just got injured so probably won't see him or MVP for awhile.


Asuka wasn't drafted to Raw or Smackdown and hasn't wrestled since Money in the Bank. I'm not sure if she's injured or what.


Nia Jax was fired and Shayna is on Smackdown now.

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The problem with that is that it assumes Vince listens to crowd reactions and adjusts his plans accordingly, and the past several years have lead me to believe that that is not the case.


Right, but Cody has to be making the case he should have some stroke, right?



and if the crowd treats him like a midcarder, what are the chances Vince gives him any say in n his character? all signs point to the fact that's a very, very small list and you better be at the top of the money making heap for the company.


or I dunno, maybe Cody is cool with everything as long as the check clears

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Hurt Business broke up, reunited and then broke up again. Bobby Lashley just got injured so probably won't see him or MVP for awhile.


Asuka wasn't drafted to Raw or Smackdown and hasn't wrestled since Money in the Bank. I'm not sure if she's injured or what.


Nia Jax was fired and Shayna is on Smackdown now.


Gee whiz! I step away from the show for a little while and everything changes. Why was Nia fired? And why did the Hurt Business break up?

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  • 2 weeks later...
It was very nice to see Cleveland on Monday Night Raw! But I didn't appreciate the announcer's comment about "the mistake on the lake," and I REALLY didn't appreciate The Miz going negative on his home town. But I guess that's part of his thing.
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I post maybe twice a decade.


But... Butch? Seriously!?


Vince... does seem to have lost his mind.


In other news, it seems Big E suffered a broken neck on that belly to belly suplex from Ridge Holland. Seems pretty serious, from his post on the Twitter.

Here's hoping he makes as full and speedy a recovery as possible.

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Vince... does seem to have lost his mind.


In other news, it seems Big E suffered a broken neck on that belly to belly suplex from Ridge Holland. Seems pretty serious, from his post on the Twitter.

Here's hoping he makes as full and speedy a recovery as possible.


Vince lost his mind in the mid 2000s, not sure how anyone could be surprised at this point. Pete Dunn was never going to work on the main roster and he'd have been a cut if he didn't sign a new deal right before the NXT transition. This is the absolute best case for him in that company.


The Big E suplex is one of the nastiest things I've seen, and he's legit lucky to be alive. Thought he was dead but looks like he got off with a compression C1 fracture, probably won't even need surgery. Could be back in time for Summerslam.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wrestlemania weekend, and nobody has posted in here in almost a month.


Not even people trolling about how hard Cody is going to get buried. 200M people over two nights... impressive how unwatchable that company is in all forms.

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Watching Hall of Fame.


Steiners made me cry. They're my all time number one tag team and seeing them get honored before Scott dies just makes me so happy. I wish their speech could have been longer, but Scott's Macho Man story was phenomenal.


Shad's induction made me ugly cry so bad. It ended five minutes ago and I'm still blubbering. His son doing the Cryme Time taunt with JTG killer me.


Now Vader's son is killing me.


God I love pro wrestling.

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