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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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55 minutes ago, Dawn said:

Yeah? Would you then not complain it's taking forever for that match to happen? Like everyone was doing during Bray Wyatt's return and feud with LA Knight. That setup took three months. What would you have Cody and Nakamura doing until the blowoff match?

Let's go with your suggestion then, plus let's be generous and assume they'd save it until the go home Raw before the Rumble. How are you filling two months of television for a feud supposed to elevate both men before the Rumble without more than one 1v1 (AND after Nakamura just lost his feud to Rollins, which means he NEEDS to be established as a threat specifically TO CODY)? Is really a month fewer than Bray v Knight's setup going to spare this program of complaints?

And what would it be until then? Infinite brawls? Infinite tag team matches? Please, I opened up that discussion hoping that you'd reply in kind and let us know of ANY solution you'd like to the DQ ''problem''. Shout out to guyver for actually making the research. ONE DQ in an entire month of television (the one I've been addressing this whole time, even) is nothing at all.

Shouldn't a good booker be able to figure out how to do a three month build without a DQ

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I don't think there are any more or fewer DQ's than there used to be. It's both a difference in fan perception ("boo, that dastardly heel" vs "boo, that uninspired promotion") and a confusion over what constitutes a DQ these days. When matches can continue after falling off ladders, chairs, barbed wire, flipping powerbombs to the floor, etc... What can you do that will make fans legitimately feel "This needs to stop. This is a conclusion"? Which has been a problem since the ECW era. When "No Disqualification" matches are promoted as a positive stipulation that provide fun entertainment (and none of your favourites are going to be off TV to recover for more than a few days afterwards), or course disqualifications are going to feel bad. When Triple Threats matches and Royal Rumbles are No DQ, for reasons I don't fully understand. When wrestling matches are afterthoughts or stunt shows for star ratings and the 'stories' happen in the promo bits or on Twitter... It's unsurprising. 


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2 hours ago, Self said:

I don't think there are any more or fewer DQ's than there used to be. It's both a difference in fan perception ("boo, that dastardly heel" vs "boo, that uninspired promotion") and a confusion over what constitutes a DQ these days. When matches can continue after falling off ladders, chairs, barbed wire, flipping powerbombs to the floor, etc... What can you do that will make fans legitimately feel "This needs to stop. This is a conclusion"? Which has been a problem since the ECW era. When "No Disqualification" matches are promoted as a positive stipulation that provide fun entertainment (and none of your favourites are going to be off TV to recover for more than a few days afterwards), or course disqualifications are going to feel bad. When Triple Threats matches and Royal Rumbles are No DQ, for reasons I don't fully understand. When wrestling matches are afterthoughts or stunt shows for star ratings and the 'stories' happen in the promo bits or on Twitter... It's unsurprising. 


Three way matches are no disqualification because there is no way for them not to be.

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1 hour ago, Matt_Black said:

Except for that one installment of Smackdown vs. Raw. 2005, I think. That was OBNOXIOUS. The titles could change hands that way, too. The heck?!?

I know exactly what you mean. Had a Triple Threat, ran to get a weapon, got it, and got DQ'd instantly. I believe there was an instance on that in Day Of Reckoning in a Fatal Four Way story mode as well.

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7 hours ago, Self said:

I don't think there are any more or fewer DQ's than there used to be. It's both a difference in fan perception ("boo, that dastardly heel" vs "boo, that uninspired promotion") and a confusion over what constitutes a DQ these days. When matches can continue after falling off ladders, chairs, barbed wire, flipping powerbombs to the floor, etc... What can you do that will make fans legitimately feel "This needs to stop. This is a conclusion"? Which has been a problem since the ECW era. When "No Disqualification" matches are promoted as a positive stipulation that provide fun entertainment (and none of your favourites are going to be off TV to recover for more than a few days afterwards), or course disqualifications are going to feel bad. When Triple Threats matches and Royal Rumbles are No DQ, for reasons I don't fully understand. When wrestling matches are afterthoughts or stunt shows for star ratings and the 'stories' happen in the promo bits or on Twitter... It's unsurprising. 


This was very well said. I agree wholeheartedly with this. That’s one big issue I’ve had with Rumbles and Battle Royals. Why would anyone stay in the ring? If it’s legal to be out of it I’m not going in until the end. Also why would someone’s stable not just come out and stay in the ring to help since they can’t be DQed.

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1 hour ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

The match would be stopped in a case like this. A no contest.


could also say anyone who interferes is fired. Then no interferences happen and that’s no longer an issue.


1 hour ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

I personally think so much of this hot shotting like interference, weapons, ref bumps, etc have occurred there needs to be a major break from using these crutches. 

I bet you'd write all this in a dynasty and I'd love it tbh.

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6 hours ago, FellaLibby said:

I know exactly what you mean. Had a Triple Threat, ran to get a weapon, got it, and got DQ'd instantly. I believe there was an instance on that in Day Of Reckoning in a Fatal Four Way story mode as well.

If I'm not mistaken, that was the same installment that classified the Dudley Boyz as Light Heavyweights.?!?

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5 hours ago, Dalton said:

Nope. If someone runs into the ring and attacks one of the three wrestlers, who gets disqualified?

I agree with The Blonde Bomber.

Context matters. Referees shouldn't be impotent robots, unable to step in unless there's a specific written rule. They should be authorities, using their own judgement to determine the correct solution to unexpected events. And by "own judgement" I mean, "what they are booked to do". First priority should be "who is at fault?" and then punish that person. If they're part of the match, disqualified. If they're not part of the match, have security restrain them. Either way, proper punishment would be decided later by the real bosses. Second priority should be "are the victims okay?" and "can the match continue?". Context matters. Was it Brock Lesnar? Answer's probably No. No contest. Rematch when the injuries heal. If it's Grayson Waller, you can probably restart after an ad break. Did one guy take a bigger beating that the others? Referee needs to use their judgement. Maybe may make the 'wrong' decision and you make a story about it. 

It's not something I'd book often, but the threat should to be there. 

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10 hours ago, Self said:

I agree with The Blonde Bomber.

Context matters. Referees shouldn't be impotent robots, unable to step in unless there's a specific written rule. They should be authorities, using their own judgement to determine the correct solution to unexpected events. And by "own judgement" I mean, "what they are booked to do". First priority should be "who is at fault?" and then punish that person. If they're part of the match, disqualified. If they're not part of the match, have security restrain them. Either way, proper punishment would be decided later by the real bosses. Second priority should be "are the victims okay?" and "can the match continue?". Context matters. Was it Brock Lesnar? Answer's probably No. No contest. Rematch when the injuries heal. If it's Grayson Waller, you can probably restart after an ad break. Did one guy take a bigger beating that the others? Referee needs to use their judgement. Maybe may make the 'wrong' decision and you make a story about it. 

It's not something I'd book often, but the threat should to be there. 

So....no one gets disqualified, unless the referee is able to recognize that the person doing the run-in is buddies with one of the competitors, but only if they can identify that they're buddies? And if the intruder can't be identified as a friend then the match continues if possible (which would mean that the match is.........no disqualification by the way)? That is an arbitrary set of circumstances that moves the goalposts so far that it proves my argument that it isn't possible lol. 

Sure, if we uproot the rules and logic of WWE and wrestling as a whole (and leave them up for interpretation rather than having actual rules I guess?) then of course, you can do literally anything you want. You could make every match submission or surrender if you'd like to. You could make everyone have one rope break. You could make suplexes illegal. 

Remember, your original statement was that three ways are "no DQ, for reasons [you] don't fully understand," so I mentioned the main reason that is the case. Ideally there'd never be interference in any match ever but that wasn't the topic at hand. 

Edited by Dalton
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35 minutes ago, Dalton said:

So....no one gets disqualified, unless the referee is able to recognize that the person doing the run-in is buddies with one of the competitors, but only if they can identify that they're buddies? And if the intruder can't be identified as a friend then the match continues if possible (which would mean that the match is.........no disqualification by the way)? That is an arbitrary set of circumstances that moves the goalposts so far that it proves my argument that it isn't possible lol. 

Sure, if we uproot the rules and logic of WWE and wrestling as a whole (and leave them up for interpretation rather than having actual rules I guess?) then of course, you can do literally anything you want. You could make every match submission or surrender if you'd like to. You could make everyone have one rope break. You could make suplexes illegal. 

Remember, your original statement was that three ways are "no DQ, for reasons [you] don't fully understand," so I mentioned the main reason that is the case. Ideally there'd never be interference in any match ever but that wasn't the topic at hand. 

Well no as I said if someone just assaulted someone else in the middle of a three way match than that would be a no contest. If that’s still no DQ to you ok. 
what would you call a match that can end in a no contest? 

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39 minutes ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

So let’s say we have a triple threat. Triple H v Shawn Michaels v Edge in 2004. The entirety of Evolution comes out and assaults Michael’s and Edge in front of the ref.

what should happen? 

No contest would be logical, in my opinion.  WWE doesn't do elimination style Triple Threat matches after all, otherwise Triple H could be DQ'd and eliminated.  Not super fond of DQ finishes myself but they should be a thing sometimes, if only to provide the illusion that there are rules and consequences for breaking those rules.

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7 hours ago, FellaLibby said:

I just checked and yes, they are light heavyweights... Somehow.

If memory serves, that was the game after they did the story where Spike and the Dudleys were feuding with Taker, and Taker was mopping the floor with all of them. I believe THQ/ Jukes did the weight classes to reflect that, even if it didn't make a lick of sense (Bubba Ray is like 300 lbs!).

2 hours ago, MightyDavidson said:

No contest would be logical, in my opinion.  WWE doesn't do elimination style Triple Threat matches after all, otherwise Triple H could be DQ'd and eliminated.  Not super fond of DQ finishes myself but they should be a thing sometimes, if only to provide the illusion that there are rules and consequences for breaking those rules.

And that's fine, but it should be used sparingly. AEW doesn't rely on DQ finishes or no contests very often.

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On 12/21/2023 at 6:16 PM, Matt_Black said:

And that's fine, but it should be used sparingly. AEW doesn't rely on DQ finishes or no contests very often.

Because the main complaint there is that refs are (willfully?) oblivious to what's happening and have no control whatsoever. Perhaps the pendulum swings too far in that sense.

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