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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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"There is nothing special about him: if he didn't have a unique and marketable look he wouldn't have anything."


Not a fan of a big monster heels holding the title via DQ. Just have Cody botch the interference or something and let Sheamus hit his big finish. The dude's a hoss, and a perfectly acceptable placeholder champion. I'm a little surprised Orton's not getting the belt: I wonder what the plan is for him re: Wrestlemania. He was red-hot teasing a face turn last year. I still think Randy Orton, crazy bad-ass would be a big money babyface.


Sheamus: if his big selling point is his look, then he's in trouble, because it really isn't that unique or marketable. There's only so far you can go with "world's scariest ginger"


Orton: I can see that. I agree.

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Don't take this the wrong way...but you're all liars.


Everyone predicted Edge to Eliminate Jericho and that was it. If you seriously called the WWE making Edge, who is shaking off injuries and Ring rust, the most important guy on the roster you were probably mad.



Realistically, everyone has already been "done". The only guy who might have justifiably won and is a "new" guy is Morrison. No one else was really ready, not even Kofi.

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Don't take this the wrong way...but you're all liars.


Everyone predicted Edge to Eliminate Jericho and that was it. If you seriously called the WWE making Edge, who is shaking off injuries and Ring rust, the most important guy on the roster you were probably mad.


I was obviously sarcastic.... haha.


I dont know if I like Edge winning. The only way this really works is if WWE changes both top champs before Mania. I mean, Edge vs. Sheamus or Taker doenst sound that good. So you'd assume they want Edge vs. Jericho, applying Taker lose and go to face HBK on the lowercard. Then Sheamus faces who? HHH straight up? what does Cena do? Orton has Legacy to fight... Cena vs. HHH would be good for the world belt, but that means Sheamus must loose.

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I know man. Everyone called Edge winning it. Who didnt? TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT WWE!


Aww Man, I feel so out of the loop :D


I completely forgot that Edge was coming back tonight, so to all my buddies' surprises, I jumped up and screamed 'WOO!'.


I figured Edge was going to win as soon as I heard the music though.


As for the road to Mania, Here's my thoughts:


Money in the Bank

Probably will wind up with Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne, Matt Hardy, Shelton Benjamin, Mark Henry (They Need a Big Guy), The Miz, CM Punk & Luke Gallows


They had 8 last year so they'll probably do it again. Evan Bourne and Shelton provide some awesome spots like Shelton did last year, with Mark Henry providing some of the big power moves as will Gallows. Gallows will probably be there just to help Punk win a third time in a row. Kofi will hit some solid spots while Hardy will probably just work on the guys at different levels of Power/High Flying. Kofi will probably take it this year.


World Heavyweight Championship

Edge vs Jericho ©


Jericho somehow manages to take the belt off of Taker at the Elimination Chamber, probably with HBK's help. Thus setting up the re-match with HBK and Taker. Edge takes it, and becomes the World Heavyweight Champion


WWE Championship

Sheamus © vs Randy Orton


Not really knowing who to put in this one. Kinda just went with my gut. Thinking that Sheamus probably won't lose the belt at Elimination Chamber, so Orton, wanting a re-match after the interference of Rhodes at Royal Rumble, sets up for this match. Orton will probably take this one


ECW Championship

Christian © vs William Regal


Really just hoping for this one. Christian probably takes it though.


Unified Tag Championship

Hart Dynasty © vs Big Show & The Miz


Filler, Miz and Show discover they have more and more chemistry and face off with Hart Dynasty for the belts. Show and Miz take it due to the massive size of the Big Show


Undertaker vs HBK


HBK and Undertaker go at it again, and not sure whether Taker is retiring sooner or later, so not sure if they're going to keep the streak going, or have Michaels finally beat him.


Just some quick thoughts, no real cemented predictions though

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Aww Man, I feel so out of the loop :D


I completely forgot that Edge was coming back tonight, so to all my buddies' surprises, I jumped up and screamed 'WOO!'.


I figured Edge was going to win as soon as I heard the music though.


As for the road to Mania, Here's my thoughts:


Money in the Bank

Probably will wind up with Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne, Matt Hardy, Shelton Benjamin, Mark Henry (They Need a Big Guy), The Miz, CM Punk & Luke Gallows


They had 8 last year so they'll probably do it again. Evan Bourne and Shelton provide some awesome spots like Shelton did last year, with Mark Henry providing some of the big power moves as will Gallows. Gallows will probably be there just to help Punk win a third time in a row. Kofi will hit some solid spots while Hardy will probably just work on the guys at different levels of Power/High Flying. Kofi will probably take it this year.


World Heavyweight Championship

Edge vs Jericho ©


Jericho somehow manages to take the belt off of Taker at the Elimination Chamber, probably with HBK's help. Thus setting up the re-match with HBK and Taker. Edge takes it, and becomes the World Heavyweight Champion


WWE Championship

Sheamus © vs Randy Orton


Not really knowing who to put in this one. Kinda just went with my gut. Thinking that Sheamus probably won't lose the belt at Elimination Chamber, so Orton, wanting a re-match after the interference of Rhodes at Royal Rumble, sets up for this match. Orton will probably take this one


ECW Championship

Christian © vs William Regal


Really just hoping for this one. Christian probably takes it though.


Unified Tag Championship

Hart Dynasty © vs Big Show & The Miz


Filler, Miz and Show discover they have more and more chemistry and face off with Hart Dynasty for the belts. Show and Miz take it due to the massive size of the Big Show


Undertaker vs HBK


HBK and Undertaker go at it again, and not sure whether Taker is retiring sooner or later, so not sure if they're going to keep the streak going, or have Michaels finally beat him.


Just some quick thoughts, no real cemented predictions though


Needs moar Triple H.

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It was soo predictable that people were saying HHH was going to win it and face Sheamus at WrestleMania. Opps, didn't happen. But if it did, the response would be "ohh that was predictable." Only insert one of the appropriate predictions made and bang bang...it would have been said regardless who won....if you made multiple picks, say HHH (because rumors were he was facing Sheamus), HBK (because of challenging Taker at WM), Cena (because he's super man and promised to not lose until he gets his title back), Edge (because he was suppose to come back and get a match with Jericho...ohh that means Jericho gonna win the title at the next PPV), there is no way to lose....this prediction game is already rigged.
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After watching the Rumble, this is how I think the Main matches of Wrestlemania 26 should stack up.


Taker's Streak: Undertaker vs. John Cena

Cena not facing Taker at Mania while Taker is still able to wrestle at a high level is outright back business. Plus it would be somewhat unpredictable because you could potentially see Cena winning that match (Hogan/Andre 2.0 anyone?). Personally I'd have Taker go over, but that's just me.


World Heavyweight Championship: Chris Jericho vs. Edge

Jericho wins the Elimination Chamber match for the WHC. That makes Edge's choice real easy. I honestly can't see this match not happening now. It's a feud made for Mania


Grudge Match: Triple H vs. HBK

If you were thinking "why the hell is HBK not facing Taker," this is why. Much like Taker facing Cena, HBK/Trips is an easy choice for Mania. HBK is still is the show stopper and while they've feuded in the past, it would be the first time that HBK was the heel.


Hair vs. Mask: CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio

WWE might be using Punk's new shaving gimmick to bring up some new blood into the main roster, but everyone must know that they are building it to something big. And what's bigger than a match at Mania? As for the opponent, Rey's the perfect opponent for this match (not to mention this match has been rumored to be happening).


WWE Championship: Sheamus vs. Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase vs. Cody Rhodes

My how the WWE title has fallen. I could easily see this just being a one on one match between Orton and Sheamus, but at this point the real story isn't between Sheamus and Orton. It's all about the breakup of The Legacy.


Add in the Money In The Bank Match, the Unified Tag Team Title match, the Women's Title match, the ECW title match, and whatever Bret Hart and Vince are going to do and that's a mighty fine Wrestlemania in my books.

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I have seen this punk head shaving thing coming for a while. I do think it will be punk vs someone at mania in a hair vs something match. I would love to see it be rey. I do also hope that punk wins but the heel will always loose in a situation like that. The blow off of this head shaving thing has to be punk getting shaved.
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I have seen this punk head shaving thing coming for a while. I do think it will be punk vs someone at mania in a hair vs something match. I would love to see it be rey. I do also hope that punk wins but the heel will always loose in a situation like that. The blow off of this head shaving thing has to be punk getting shaved.


That's a terrific idea. Maybe go with a CM Punk vs. Christian match in a hair vs. vs. hair title match.


Or Punk vs. Morrison in a hair match would be terrific. Though you'd assume Punk has to lose.

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This predictable thing is BS. If Cena, Triple H, HBK, DiBiase or Jericho won people would say the same thing.


There's no way for WWE to win because people have to decipher entire theories/outcomes and potential WrestleMania cards before the f'ing Rumble PPV actually happens. SaySo's right, 'predictable' is a foregone conclusion. :\



I'll say it, I was shocked and thoroughly enjoyed the move as I thought Edge wouldn't be back 'till Mania. And that maybe they wouldn't pull the same thing they pulled two years ago with Cena. But eh.

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Cena vs. HHH would be good for the world belt, but that means Sheamus must loose.


In what world is ANOTHER World Title match between Cena and Triple H a good thing? Especially at Mania. I too have to wonder how Triple H will work his way into his 8th consecutive (barring injury) Wrestlemania World Title match though...




Anywho, here's what I came in to say. I *loved* the story presented through the Royal Rumble. Last year the action was okay but the story was super boring with Legacy. This year was just great. CM Punk getting a bunch of exposure - I love that even though he's dropped down the card, he still gets a lot of mic time (hardly anyone in the company gets it, when you look at it). Very cool with him eliminating 5 people and pushing his cause.


The Beth/Khali spot was beyond awesome. Just so well done, everyone playing their gimmicks well. I also like that we got to see Bourne pull out most of his moves, including the Air Bourne.


I really thought Kane would do more than he did - he only had 4 eliminations to go to beat Austin's record! Oh well, it's down to three for next year :p


The star of the show, HBK. Great story, really good build up. He got enough eliminations, enough close calls, took out Hunter just like he did to Diesel in 1996... Too bad Batista had to botch the finish, but it still had enough impact. Love him SCM'ing li'l Naitch.


EDGE! As the clock was winding down, I was worried he might not show up, but did he ever :) I called the last three in order after Kofi came out. That's not a bad thing, because it makes the most sense from a story point of view. You have to have Jericho just before Edge for the revenge, and then Batista to make people think a Dominant #30 could do it again.


The entrance times of Triple H, HBK and Cena were also all very much set up. I called each of them. "CM Punk saying he's better than everyone? I bet Triple H would have somehting to say to that". "Triple H fighting with everyone in the ring? Here comes HBK". "DX alone in the ring? Must be time to bring in Cena". All very enjoyable, apart from Cena's embarassingly bad wrestling, he just never looks credible doing his signature moves.

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How is something highly predictable a twist?


How is something that not one person predicted highly predictable?


Clowns like this are what's wrong with the world. There's nobody in the company that could've realistically won that wouldn't be 'highly predictable' to some people. Triple H, HBK, Edge, Jericho, Cena, Batista, DiBiase, Rhodes, Kingston...all highly predictable, right? I'm probably forgetting somebody. And if anybody else won, these same people would be talking about how stupid it is. Imagine Swagger or Masters winning. These same people, who ironically never predicted Edge would win before the Rumble, would be talking about what a bad decision it is and how they can't main event Wrestlemania. Just look at Sheamus winning the title. I honestly don't get why these people even follow the WWE. You'd think they have something better to do with their life than follow something just so they can complain about anything and everything.

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