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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Also, their fame aside...does anyone find it strange that the WWE has tamed down it's content to be more child/family friendly, yet last night's Raw featured numerous drug references and Tommy Chong, who is a big legalisation advocate and spent time in prison a few years back on drug-related charges?


Far out man...


The best part is with how they were making out the Lucky Charms cereal to replace the usual drug consuming product... and near the end of the show they have Hornswoggle throwing Lucky Charms into the crowd. :D

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Still, I'm 25, and Cheech and Chong are...well, a bit before my time...Up in Smoke was 6 years before I was born. Does any of the WWE's target audience even know who these guys are? Are they still that popular in the US?


Also, their fame aside...does anyone find it strange that the WWE has tamed down it's content to be more child/family friendly, yet last night's Raw featured numerous drug references and Tommy Chong, who is a big legalisation advocate and spent time in prison a few years back on drug-related charges?


Far out man...


They are still relevant Tommy Chong was on that 70's Show in a reoccuring role also Cheech Martin has done numerous voiceovers in flim (Lion King any1). Now true I didn't like how they used the *magic* cereal were the writers smoking something when thinking about that idea and they are also relevant because they have a comedy tour.

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Click for Smackdown spoilers!

Couldnt see spoilers tags?

Morrison and Truth? wtf?


I agree with Morrison and Truth all of a sudden getting a title shot they were made a tag team what two weeks ago?


so it's


World Heavyweight Championship Match

Edge vs. Jericho


WWE Championship Match

Cena vs. Batista


Streak vs. Career

Michaels vs. Taker


Hart vs. McMahon


Sheamus vs. Triple H


Money in the Bank

Christian vs. Ziggler vs. Kane vs. Shelton vs. Swagger vs.M.V.P. vs. Hardy vs. ???


Also look for WWE to use Drew McIntyre in some way at this year's Wrestlemania. Punk and Rey also looks like it could be a matchup.

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Bah. Thought NXT was going to be 'The Justin Gabriel Show' this week, but it seems it's settling into a more typical wrestling programme.


- The Otunga/Young rematch had some bizarre, but I guess not totally unexpected crowd reactions.

- Maybe it's just because I spent time up North, but I really don't like Wade Barrett's accent. It rubs me the wrong way.

- Justin Gabriel's entrance outfit needs work. I can see what he's going for, but the material made it look cheap and... not good. I thought he had little wings at first.

- I also realised tonight that I don't like watching William Regal wrestle. His style strikes me as stilted and awkward, and the match was a mess for a while.

- I love Skip Sheffield. He is gloriously ridiculous. The things he said in his hype video entertained me thoroughly. Sweet splash too. Smooth and solid. Star of the night in my book.

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This week was a let down to me after last week.


Otunga/Young rematch was odd. Instead of pushing Otunga it appears they are going to try to keep all the rookies on an even level so you dont know who they will vote for. But if theyre doing that I dont see why you have Young get squashed in thirty seconds last week then wrestle for 10 minutes this week.


The voting, what is up with that? Sounds pretty important. I guess thats why WWE isn't explaining it to us...stupid.


Wade Barrett- Stupid gimmicky character. The man his huge, there has to be something better.


Overall not as entertaining, def. came off as a car crash again, either cut down the workers or get Syfy to give 2 hours (what else is on SyFy Tuesday/Wedneday from 8-11?) I would also like to see some tag teams/alliances formed in the upcoming weeks.

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Im thinking Barret will be my early pick to "win". (To set up a Danielson SHOULD have won storyline.)


Michael Cole is a very poor heel announcer. At least, I guess thats what hes going for...


Didnt care for any of the matches. Danielson/Barret should have been given more time, cause it had promise.


Skip should wear longer trunks so I dont have to see so much of his ass hang out during the match. Actually he should just go away, because a big /yawn at his character.

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How about two eight man tag matches? Two pros and rooks per team or even 4 rooks per team? if it's a rookie showcase, why are Hardy and Regal wrestling?


Sheffield, Barrett, and Ortunga will get deals at some point based on looks alone. Maybe instead of one contract, they could each be wrestling to showcase their talent and then will be picked by the Raw/Smackdown GMs in a minidraft with a title shot being awarded to the first pick from each brand. This gives them something to work for while also allowing them time to develop. Again, you still have the interclass feuds that can develop as they try to surpass each other and move up the ladder.

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Liked NXT even less than last week. It's just so akward! There's just way too much of the announcer standing with the entire cast just standing behind him staring at the camera. And the crowd being so dead makes it worse. Bring back ECW.
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I might be alone in this but I am enjoying NXT way more than I have enjoyed any WWE show in years. Mainly because with new guys all coming in at once it isn't as obvious what is going to happen.


Daniel Bryan's flying knee off the apron was cool. I am concerned however that this is his second week of jobbing. It made sense and he wasn't buried though, but you know how WWE can be.


Skip Sheffield is so gloriously goofy.


Justin Gabriel's outfit was bizarre, it was nice to see a 450 splash but between his haircut, his outfit and the fact he is South African not sure I can get behind him as a babyface.


I found the Otunga/Young match interesting as I am not sure where they are going with it. First week it seemed that R-Truth and Otunga were made for each other, two black guys, one a rapper and the other linked to the entertainment industry who seemed like they would get along while Punk and Young were chalk and cheese. This week with Punk helping out Young makes me curious as to where they are going to go in the relationship between those two while R-Truth and Otunga end up brawling.


Overall I think it was pretty entertaining.

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I thought NXT was ok last night as you could see their developing stories which each guy.


Gabriel-Loves his coach because he is a face

Sheffield-Showboater who needs to improve in ring work(that is why Regal was barking orders at him).

Barrett-The big UK Brawler who only fights for the money and enjoys his coach due to he is a heel

Young-Wants to do anything to impress his coach even going so far to as to going Straight Edge

Otunga-The talker who has been around the big lights of Hollywood and doesn't like his coach taking his spotlight(You can see this when he enters because he ignores Truth)

Bryan-The Indy Darling who has more expierence then his coach which rubs his coach the wrong way. His coach then runs him through a series a tests.

Slater-The arrogant West Virginia who thinks he is hot stuff when his coach tells him he really isn't. He is also a hothead and takes everything serious (Carlito spiting the apple in his face)

Tarver-The crossover boxer who has multiple personalites as he has a good side and a bad side (Angel/Devil).


Some of you guys are looking way over some of these guys if this is what I gathered from two weeks of these guys.


Also I thought I'd mention this along with the possibly of Batista,Taker,Shawn and now....TRIPLE H has plans of taking time off after Wrestlemania meaning WWE would be without 4 of it's main eventers. This could be a great time to make Dibiase and others into Main Event talents.

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What you don't like his diplomatic immunity? :p


Haha nice reference. Nah, just when I think of South Africans I don't really think of babyfaces. Like British guys being posh or Russian guys being jacked up bald heels, Samoans having hard heads, Japanese guys knowing "martial arts" etc. Plus the only wrestler I recall who claimed to be from SA was Colonel DeBeers who was such an awesome and timely heel.

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I dig the South African thing. It puts more 'World' into World Wrestling Entertainment, and I find the accent quite pleasant. He's a very 'obvious' babyface, what with the pretty boy looks and high flying stuff. I can see how some might find his look heel-ish (the anti Zac Efron/Chad Michael Murray brigade) but personally I want to cheer him.


NXT is like my favourite wrestling show nowadays. I was bummed out by the lack-of-revolution last week, but now I'm just interested in seeing how they go about building these characters. I'm actually tempted to start a 'NXT' dynasty. I'm curious as to what I could do with the concept.


The current NXT guys in order of how much I like them.


1) Skip Sheffield - 'Yep Yep Yep'

2) Daniel Bryan - Loved him last week, and his Ong Bak knee kicked.

3) Justin Gabriel - The kind of guy I like.

4) David Otunga - Awesome video package last week

5) Michael Tarver - I like the Raul Hughes-iness of his gimmick

6) Daniel Young - Hated a wacky face, like him as wacky heel

7) Wade Barrett - Accent rubs me the wrong way

8) Heath Slater - I did sorta like his skit with Christian, but it wasn't his doing.


In other news, I watched the Batista/Cena promo a few minutes ago, and... I thought it was good. Not great. Dave's outfits are phenomenal, but the segment didn't light my world on fire.

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Mickie James, who's country music CD is set to be released shortly, underwent surgergical procedures Monday and earlier in an attempt to clear out a bad staph infection.


I haven't heard exactly where the infection is located but it was bad enough that doctors advised James to undergo surgery and she followed up with another procedure.


There is no timetable for her return to the ring





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I really, really, hate Wade Barrett's gimmick. The bareknuckle champion of Europe? Really?


Otunga - Celebrity lifestyle-leading, arrogent, etc...believeable.


Tarver - Intense former boxer...believable.


Skip - classic comedy character.


Young - Partyboy...believable.


Dannielson/Bryan - Indy Star...fact.


...But Bareknuckle champion of Europe? That's really...gimicky. First of all, it's clear to anyone who sets eyes on him that he isn't a bareknuckle champion of anywhere. Has anyone in the WWE ever seen a bareknuckle/unlicenced boxer? If he looked like Tank Abbott, fine. But he doesn't. And you already have a guy with a boxing gimmick who at least looks like he knows how to throw a punch. Sort of.


They might as well say he's a Repo Man, Trash Collector or a Hocky Player :-p


I think they missed a trick by not matching him up with Regal. I like the contrast between WR and his rookie, but I think the idea of the English Gentleman that Regal does so well mentoring a rough around the edges Brit would have worked well.

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Rob Van Dam’s WWE Universe Profile was just deleted. The page was still up just over one hour ago. RVD himself has said that WWE did disable his page when rumors first began to fly around that he had signed with TNA. This is further proof that RVD has signed with TNA.


Guess WWE heard the news to

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I dig the South African thing. It puts more 'World' into World Wrestling Entertainment, and I find the accent quite pleasant. He's a very 'obvious' babyface, what with the pretty boy looks and high flying stuff. I can see how some might find his look heel-ish (the anti Zac Efron/Chad Michael Murray brigade) but personally I want to cheer him.


NXT is like my favourite wrestling show nowadays. I was bummed out by the lack-of-revolution last week, but now I'm just interested in seeing how they go about building these characters. I'm actually tempted to start a 'NXT' dynasty. I'm curious as to what I could do with the concept.


The current NXT guys in order of how much I like them.


1) Skip Sheffield - 'Yep Yep Yep'

2) Daniel Bryan - Loved him last week, and his Ong Bak knee kicked.

3) Justin Gabriel - The kind of guy I like.

4) David Otunga - Awesome video package last week

5) Michael Tarver - I like the Raul Hughes-iness of his gimmick

6) Daniel Young - Hated a wacky face, like him as wacky heel

7) Wade Barrett - Accent rubs me the wrong way

8) Heath Slater - I did sorta like his skit with Christian, but it wasn't his doing.


In other news, I watched the Batista/Cena promo a few minutes ago, and... I thought it was good. Not great. Dave's outfits are phenomenal, but the segment didn't light my world on fire.


You do know his name is Darren not Daniel!!!!

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I really, really, hate Wade Barrett's gimmick. The bareknuckle champion of Europe? Really?


Otunga - Celebrity lifestyle-leading, arrogent, etc...believeable.


Tarver - Intense former boxer...believable.


Skip - classic comedy character.


Young - Partyboy...believable.


Dannielson/Bryan - Indy Star...fact.


...But Bareknuckle champion of Europe? That's really...gimicky. First of all, it's clear to anyone who sets eyes on him that he isn't a bareknuckle champion of anywhere. Has anyone in the WWE ever seen a bareknuckle/unlicenced boxer? If he looked like Tank Abbott, fine. But he doesn't. And you already have a guy with a boxing gimmick who at least looks like he knows how to throw a punch. Sort of.


They might as well say he's a Repo Man, Trash Collector or a Hocky Player :-p


I think they missed a trick by not matching him up with Regal. I like the contrast between WR and his rookie, but I think the idea of the English Gentleman that Regal does so well mentoring a rough around the edges Brit would have worked well.


Do you hear what the rest of Barrett's gimmick is he's all about the money he doesn't care about the people he just does it for the money and that is his purpose to win NXT and get the contract.

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So I'm watching Smackdown, and I'm trying to work out: What is the point of Matt Hardy?


Can anyone help me out? When was the last time he had a memorable match? When was the last time, come to that, that he did anything memorable that wasn't related to Jeff in some way?


I get that he's a good wrestler, and he's popular with the fans, but WWE seems to push him for a month once a year or so, and then forget about him.


And boy, he's getting a gut on him.

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So I'm watching Smackdown, and I'm trying to work out: What is the point of Matt Hardy?


Can anyone help me out? When was the last time he had a memorable match? When was the last time, come to that, that he did anything memorable that wasn't related to Jeff in some way?


I get that he's a good wrestler, and he's popular with the fans, but WWE seems to push him for a month once a year or so, and then forget about him.


And boy, he's getting a gut on him.


What is the point of Matt? Well he's always going to be reasonably over because he's been featured on TV for the past decade and has won every belt except for the top titles. His job is basically to make the guys WWE is high on look good. But yeah, he's incredibly bland, as a heel and as a face, and basically the only reason he has a job is his brother is/was a pretty big draw.


And WWE doesn't sustain his push because he's getting old and out of shape, he's not great on the mic, not that big, etc. Seriously whose push on Smackdown should he take? Mysterio's already got the #2 babyface spot locked down and can still work, Morrison is younger, has a better look and can do more in the ring, R-Truth has abs and has gotten himself over on more than nostalgia: Hardy doesn't appear on PPV much because he's not really good enough to warrant it. That said, he has a spot on the roster as a borderline trainer and guy to get others over: it's the same reason finlay and goldust have jobs.

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