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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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What is the point of Matt? Well he's always going to be reasonably over because he's been featured on TV for the past decade and has won every belt except for the top titles. His job is basically to make the guys WWE is high on look good. But yeah, he's incredibly bland, as a heel and as a face, and basically the only reason he has a job is his brother is/was a pretty big draw.


And WWE doesn't sustain his push because he's getting old and out of shape, he's not great on the mic, not that big, etc. Seriously whose push on Smackdown should he take? Mysterio's already got the #2 babyface spot locked down and can still work, Morrison is younger, has a better look and can do more in the ring, R-Truth has abs and has gotten himself over on more than nostalgia: Hardy doesn't appear on PPV much because he's not really good enough to warrant it. That said, he has a spot on the roster as a borderline trainer and guy to get others over: it's the same reason finlay and goldust have jobs.


I don't think Matt Hardy is bland. Maybe uninteresting, but not bland. They keep Matt Hardy mostly because he has decent to good "Performance" skills, and so he can't be in another promotion.


In any case, being a Midcard guy isn't that bad. SOMEONE has to be there. Not everyone can be a top player, or has to be. Matt Hardy gets the job. Period. There is no reason NOT to keep him.

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So I'm watching Smackdown, and I'm trying to work out: What is the point of Matt Hardy?


Can anyone help me out? When was the last time he had a memorable match? When was the last time, come to that, that he did anything memorable that wasn't related to Jeff in some way?


I get that he's a good wrestler, and he's popular with the fans, but WWE seems to push him for a month once a year or so, and then forget about him.


And boy, he's getting a gut on him.


I remember him saying that he has had some back problems over the last few years and he hasnt been able to do as much at the gym as he would like. Hence why he has gained a few.


Maybe just a excuse who knows :rolleyes:

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I remember him saying that he has had some back problems over the last few years and he hasnt been able to do as much at the gym as he would like. Hence why he has gained a few.


Maybe just a excuse who knows :rolleyes:


Back problems or was it an untreated intestine problem ? I can't remember what he said. Then again, many wrestlers say **** on the internet.

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I thought he took time off to get that fixed, though. He seems to have gone back to the trousers over tights because of the weight.


I don't know what it is - I used to be a big fan. When he was doing the stuff with MVP he seemed set to finally make the step up. It's amazing that after years of being seen as the more talented Hardy, he was really showing charisma in a big feud that had the crowd's interest...


And then he got injured.


Ever since he came back from that, it just seems to have been one thing after another.


It's strange. I like Goldust. I see the point of Finlay. It's just seems like WWE seem to be keeping Matt Hardy around just in case it all clicks into place and he gets up a head of steam again. In the last year alone he's turned on Jeff, reunited with Jeff, teamed with Khali, hooked up with Maria for two weeks before she got released, and now he's a trainer on NXT. He keeps getting time, keeps getting decent reactions... But he's now actively annoying me whenever he shows up on TV.

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I've always been a massive Hardy mark, Matt in particular... but nowadays it is getting a bit of a stretch to cheer for the guy. He's moving slow, reduced his already shallow moveset, and never developed the promo skills or the character to make up for it. Still, he's one of those guys who, for some reason, manages to stay over despite how much he's buried. That's useful to have around. He can put people over, and still keep folks interested in him.


He came back too soon from his abdominal injury. If I were fantasy booking WWE, I'd give him 2-3 months off for him to get back into shape.

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Finaly managed to see skim through Smackdown last night and one thing is realy confusing me. Drew Macintyre lost to Kane, only to have his loss expunged....


...did I miss something? Was there a reason for VKM to wipe his loss from the record books? It was all treated very 'matter-of-factly', so I'm thinking that my skimming of Smackdown for the last two weeks has caused me to miss something.


Either that, or this maked no sense whatsoever...

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Not a huge fan of the storyline, but it didn't seem matter-of-fact to me at all. I thought the announcers played it up quite well that despite losing clean-as-a-sheet to Kane, McIntyre is still being called undefeated because he cried to Vince and got the loss scrubbed from the record. I expect his loss to Matt Hardy will be similarly expunged next week. Not exactly a surefire way of getting someone over, but playing up the Vince relationship makes Drew a lot more interesting than he is without it.
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Once again why I hate the VKM card. They could have had him lost in a meaningful match then just go crazy after the lost (which it seemed like they were going to do) but now he has gone from potential crazy heel to wuss heel. Its just a creative crutch to me, dont know what to do? Use VKM, I mean, hes the owner he can do anything guys!


Of course there was always the idea of just have him keep winning until they could come up with a new storyline/fued for him...

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A long time ago (and possibly in a galaxy far, far away) I heard someone compare Matt Hardy to Bret Hart in that he was a talented tag wrestler who appeared to have the ability to be a singles star. That comparison has stuck with me and I see it being less and less possible now. Keep in mind though that once Austin and the Rock got rolling, that guys like Bret and HBK were less important. I'd say the same for Hardy. His chance for stardom was a few years ago before Cena, Orton, Batista, etc established themselves. Now Matt is in midcard pergatory with little signs of getting out. If the WWE would ever establish a credible tag division, I could see guys like Hardy filling the Arn Anderson role (veteran wrestler who knows all the tricks) as the 2nd half of a talented team.
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Not a huge fan of the storyline, but it didn't seem matter-of-fact to me at all. I thought the announcers played it up quite well that despite losing clean-as-a-sheet to Kane, McIntyre is still being called undefeated because he cried to Vince and got the loss scrubbed from the record. I expect his loss to Matt Hardy will be similarly expunged next week. Not exactly a surefire way of getting someone over, but playing up the Vince relationship makes Drew a lot more interesting than he is without it.


I'm not really well up on the Smackdown storylines...is there some history with Drew and Vince then?


By matter of factly, I ment that there was no reason given for *why* he was able to get it overturned. Was it a fast count? Did he get his shoulder up? Was Kane wearing non-regulation boots, thus making the bout invalid? Or can anyone just go to Vince and say:


"Heeeeey, big guy...you're looking ruggedly handsome for a man of 64...did I ever tell you that you we're my favourite millionaire? And that 'Kiss My Ass Club' thing...genious. Erm, anyway...about my match last week...any chance of getting the loss wiped off my record? Oh, no reason, I just don't like losing. Yes? Brilliant. See you Thursday then Toodles." :)


If I'm missing something and he's Vince's long lost nephew, then fair play...but at least tell me how/why he can get a loss wiped.

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Didn't Vince endorse Drew McIntyre in the beginning?


I don't get what's the big deal really, so they went with "wuss heel" instead of "potential crazy heel", is that so wrong? At the end of the day, it's a direction... now, for so long I've been wanting to get interested with Drew, he's done nothing for me so far but this finally looks like something I may check out. Who knows, maybe he doesn't work well as a crazy heel, maybe this FITS him better because they could use the fact he got it way too easy upon his first few months in the WWE(undefeated record AND early IC title win) and now that he's coming face with a loss, he shows his true colors.


The crazy heel schtick always looks like the swifter idea on paper, but this could turn out well too.

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Didn't Vince endorse Drew McIntyre in the beginning?


I don't get what's the big deal really, so they went with "wuss heel" instead of "potential crazy heel", is that so wrong?


Not at all, thats not my issue. I like the 'wuss heel' thing. What I didn't understand was how a wrestler can all of a sudden get a loss wiped off his record. Can HBK do it if he loses at Mania? Can anyone do it for that matter?


It's not a big deal, just a plot hole that stuck out. I only brought it up because I skipped through the show and thought I'd missed a skit explaining how or why a midcard wrestler can ask the chairman of the company to expunge losses from his record, no questions asked.


How much effort would it have been to give a quick reason *why* he was able to get the loss wiped? Something pathetic, a technicality, whatever. Just *something*. Otherwise it's just insulting to the intelligence.

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Drew debuted when Vince McMahon came to Smackdown (a rare occurrence) and introduced him as a 'future world champion' who he 'personally signed'. I doubt an episode of Smackdown has gone by since when Grisham & Striker haven't made reference to Drew being Mr. McMahon's chosen one for the future... although if you're skimming I can see how you'd miss it. We haven't had it shoved down our throats, but its a thing, I assure you.


As for a reason to get it expunged, there doesn't really need to be one. Drew wanted the loss expunged, and his friend Vince is so powerful he can do anything he wants. Perhaps Vinny Mac wanted to save face after his (kayfabe) chosen one was defeated. It's not the best story, but it all makes sense.

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Drew debuted when Vince McMahon came to Smackdown (a rare occurrence) and introduced him as a 'future world champion' who he 'personally signed'. I doubt an episode of Smackdown has gone by since when Grisham & Striker haven't made reference to Drew being Mr. McMahon's chosen one for the future... although if you're skimming I can see how you'd miss it. We haven't had it shoved down our throats, but its a thing, I assure you.


As for a reason to get it expunged, there doesn't really need to be one. Drew wanted the loss expunged, and his friend Vince is so powerful he can do anything he wants. Perhaps Vinny Mac wanted to save face after his (kayfabe) chosen one was defeated. It's not the best story, but it all makes sense.


Cool, thanks for clearing it up. I had *zero* idea of any history between VKM and Drew, so if there is something there, it makes...well, maybe not perfect sense, but it's not completely out of left field :)

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So, do you guys think that they have already announced all of the matches for WM26, or do you guys think that they will add more matches. I'm hoping for another match myself.


They are going to be more matches there are like what 6 matches already announced Mania usually books 10 because it is a supercard.

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