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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Dayum...RVD/Cena was epic. Edge/Foley/Dreamer/Funk likewise. Tazz choking out Lawyer. Angle slapping Orton around. Just great stuff!


And Unforgiven that year was amazing. Trish's farwell with the sharpshooter, DX/McMahons HIAC (+ Big Show lol) and the TLC main event. And then also in 06 there was of course NYR, which though mostly forgettable had the best ending to any PPV ever. The whole EC match was brilliant and the aftermath...I still have that. On video.

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I honestly didn't like ONS 06. 05's was the one of the greatest PPVs I had ever seen, but 06's.....bleh. I just could not get into it.


Yup. 05 was very good! Unfortunately VInce had to do some bs by bringing back ECW just because of it. that was crappy thinking. Maybe he'd be better enjoying success with a couple of more ONS,maybe even 5 or 6 and then forget ECW. It died in 2001, it won't be back period. At least never in a permanent way.

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Dayum...RVD/Cena was epic. Edge/Foley/Dreamer/Funk likewise. Tazz choking out Lawyer. Angle slapping Orton around. Just great stuff!


And Unforgiven that year was amazing. Trish's farwell with the sharpshooter, DX/McMahons HIAC (+ Big Show lol) and the TLC main event. And then also in 06 there was of course NYR, which though mostly forgettable had the best ending to any PPV ever. The whole EC match was brilliant and the aftermath...I still have that. On video.


OMG! John Cena losing the Title when i thought i would have to witness another of his boring wins? Priceless. Definitely one of my "most amazing things in wrestling". (Forgot to put that on the topic we have) Ah well...good times. I was watching it live (not on the audience, i mean live transmission) and i celebrated with champagne. :D

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OMG! John Cena losing the Title when i thought i would have to witness another of his boring wins? Priceless. Definitely one of my "most amazing things in wrestling". (Forgot to put that on the topic we have) Ah well...good times. I was watching it live (not on the audience, i mean live transmission) and i celebrated with champagne. :D


I still need to get ONS 06 on DVD, but I want it just for the RVD/Cena match. The crowd dynamic is amazing from what I heard.


ONS 05 is still one of my top PPVs of all time. It was true celebration of wrestling, I wish WWE did it all the time.

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I think it would be a fun project to make a list of who we would cut


This was a good idea brought up in the TNA thread and I'd thought that it would be worth bringing to the WWE thread.






The Big Show


Chavo Guerrero

Chris Masters


Cody Rhodes

Evan Bourne


Jack Swagger

John Cena

Kofi Kingston

Mark Henry

The Miz




Randy Orton

Santino Marella

Shawn Michaels


Ted DiBiase

Triple H

Vladimir Kozlov

William Regal

Yoshi Tatsu

Zack Ryder




Alicia Fox

Brie Bella


Gail Kim


Katie Lea

Kelly Kelly



Nikki Bella

Rosa Mendes








Caylen Croft

Chris Jericho

CM Punk

David Hart Smith

Dolph Ziggler

Drew McIntyre

Drew Galloway


Ezekiel Jackson



The Great Khali

Jimmy Wang Yang

John Morrison



Kung Fu Naki

Luke Gallows

Matt Hardy

Mike Knox



Shelton Benjamin

Slam Master J

Trent Barreta

Tyson Kidd

The Undertaker




Beth Phoenix


Michelle McCool

Mickie James







Daniel Bryan

Darren Young

David Otunga

Heath Slater

Justin Gabriel

Michael Tarver

Skip Sheffield

Wade Barrett


Who would you cut and why?

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More difficult than the TNA question. The rosters are of a manageable size, and WWE are pretty good at choosing their featured players and sticking to them week-to-week.


From RAW (aiming to cut to 20 males, 8 females) I'd cut Chris Masters, Chavo Guerrero, Mark Henry, Primo & Vladamir Koslov. I like them all to an extent, but they're played out. From the girls I'd drop Jillian and The Bella Twins. Kelly Kelly's on the bubble.


From Smackdown (aiming to cut to 22 males, 6 females) I'd cut Funaki, Slam Master J, Kane, Jimmy Wang Yang, Ezekial Jackson & Mike Knox. Tough choices there. Kane & Knox have a lot of value. Common sense would dictate cutting The Dudebusters, but no can do. They're too awesome. From the girls I'd lose Tiffany.


From NXT (aiming to keep 4) I'd cut Darren Young, Heath Slater, Michael Tarver and... um... Toss up between Otunga & Gabriel. Otunga's got a great gimmick, but Gabriel's got the mobility to be a good job guy. Screw it. Wade Barrett is cut. His appeal is all-Jericho atm.

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xD lol yeah apologies, just based on different logic to the tna one I suppose.


My answer is simple: Heath Slater.


It's the hair right! :p


Personally, I wouldn't cut many people from the WWE just try different people to push. Possibly make the Womens div's stronger too.


I'd cut:


Slam Master J

Jimmy Yang (His talents are of better use eslewhere)

Croft and Barreta need to go back to FCW



More difficult than the TNA question. The rosters are of a manageable size, and WWE are pretty good at choosing their featured players and sticking to them week-to-week.


From RAW (aiming to cut to 20 males, 8 females) I'd cut Chris Masters, Chavo Guerrero, Mark Henry, Primo & Vladamir Koslov. I like them all to an extent, but they're played out. From the girls I'd drop Jillian and The Bella Twins. Kelly Kelly's on the bubble.


From Smackdown (aiming to cut to 22 males, 6 females) I'd cut Funaki, Slam Master J, Kane, Jimmy Wang Yang, Ezekial Jackson & Mike Knox. Tough choices there. Kane & Knox have a lot of value. Common sense would dictate cutting The Dudebusters, but no can do. They're too awesome. From the girls I'd lose Tiffany.


From NXT (aiming to keep 4) I'd cut Darren Young, Heath Slater, Michael Tarver and... um... Toss up between Otunga & Gabriel. Otunga's got a great gimmick, but Gabriel's got the mobility to be a good job guy. Screw it. Wade Barrett is cut. His appeal is all-Jericho atm.


I agree with alot of those, most I didn't include in my list because I like them or see other uses.


I always thought the Bella twins could be used as valets for the ultra c0cky upper/midcard heel. Kozlov could of been an awesome heel, I've missed most of his run so I don't know if he failed or WWE dropped the ball.

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HBK/Undertaker - Am I the only one who thinks this should've been a casket match?


- With Taker being the "master of mind games" they could've used a casket in the build-up to play off the fact HBK was put on the shelf for a few years because of one.


- It'd be symbolic for 'Your career will/your streak will rest in peace'.


When Taker said, 'On one condition', I was sure it was going to be a casket match... but after I was just left thinking, 'Eh?'


I'm hoping it'll just be a one on one match with no interference, but it stands a chance something's going to happen. Although if Bret interferes, which leads to HBK losing, i'd probably giggle like a schoolgirl. (if HBK wins i'm gonna fly to Connecticut and pee through Vince's letterbox)

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(if HBK wins i'm gonna fly to Connecticut and pee through Vince's letterbox)


Professional. :D


I was expecting a gimmick match. From what I've heard (drunken banter, so not 100% reliable) they have a problem with the stadium they are using and couldn't get a hell in the cell in. Casket could have worked, I don't see any problems with having that.

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Symbology wise casket would've worked but really....it makes for such a sloppy way to finish a match and would really have a very negative affect on how it all builds up to a finish IMO. One on one...career vs. streak, is more than enough.


I hope nobody inteferes, but if they position it as the main event, it wouldn't surprise me xD

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Actually now that you mention it, there really are not any gimmick matches for such a big show, i.e. even last man standing and with them makig their PPV whole gimmick PPV's you think they would like to plug gimmick matches.


Somewhat off topic, but when Undertaker's retired (which seems soon) how long do you guys think until WWE brings in a new undead type character? They've tried a few variations but as long as Taker is with the company a new undead guy will never get over fully but the Taker gimmick has been so popular you know they will have to try again when he's gone

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I hope yes. I don't know the "twists" and "turns" of the feud, but isn't it just that Shawn Michaels is obsessed with breaking Taker's streak, not like he hates him or wants to kill him etc.?


He isn't obsessed with the Streak, he is just obsessed with beating Taker since Taker beat him last year at WM and as Shawn said he wrestled a perfect match except for the end so its hard for him to imagine he can't beat him. His original plan was to win the Royal Rumble since that would guarantee him a match with Taker (if he kept the belt) and since his plan failed and Taker wouldn't just give him a match he cost him the belt to piss him off causing Taker to want revenge but as Taker mentioned, he HBK wins he also breaks Taker's streak, hence the career stipulation since if Taker won he wouldn't be getting anything (no title and he's already beaten HBK once so he had nothing to prove) so I agree a fun stipulation could have made it even bigger like HIC since there are no other stipulations and would have been a great Main event with the cage coming down after all the titles have been decided, which someone said they already tried but it wouldn't work in the arena (if its true, don't doubt the poster, more the source) b/c looking back the two didnt have a whole lot going on after the match was finally accepted

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It's the streak he wants to break, he's beaten Taker before, but this is all about Michaels, Mr. Wrestlemania, wanting to do what nobody else has done. Mania being relatively gimmick free except the MITB spotfest and token No Holds barred/hardcoreish match is great, especially given that extreme rules is a month later lol.
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It's the streak he wants to break, he's beaten Taker before, but this is all about Michaels, Mr. Wrestlemania, wanting to do what nobody else has done. Mania being relatively gimmick free except the MITB spotfest and token No Holds barred/hardcoreish match is great, especially given that extreme rules is a month later lol.


Agree 100%


Michaels and Taker are such high level performers they don't need any stipulation, and I'd say in this case, I don't even want to see it. Plus, WWE does have those gimmick match rape PPV's.

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No Holds Barred/hardcoreish match? MATCH? Try matches, three of em, including Taker/HBK of course.


Three? There's Vince/Bret and maybe Taker/HBK will have some weapons etc. And I mentioned MITB separately. But I'm fairly sure Punk/Rey is just one on one now. So I'm not sure if I'm missing something.

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