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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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It's gone now, the WCW and ECW guys are pretty much gone, the original reason for the brand split isn't there anymore. If WWE does anymore roster cuts (and they likely are), then they have to get rid of the brand split.


Well, no. The roster is still absolutely huge. The brand split is needed, even if some exceptions are made, else even less guys will get TV time. Ask Punk...Edge...Jeff Hardy...

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For now, yes. But Jack Swagger won the SD main event title while on RAW, while Batista won the RAW main event while on SD. What does that tell you on how strongly the feel about having a true brand split? If they keep this up, they will only have a brand split in name only.


Jack Swagger won the Smackdown strap on Smackdown.


The brand split is pretty lax right now, which seems intentional given the upcoming draft. Not how I'd do it, but there you go. I love the brand split. As mentioned above, without it we probably wouldn't have gotten decent exposure to Jeff, Punk, Edge, Rey, Eddie, Benoit and so on and so forth. Maybe a couple would have broke through, but not all of them. I'm pretty sure we wouldn't have gotten both Cena and Batista on top either. One? Sure. Both? I doubt it. Cena probably floats the entire second brand on his merchandise alone.


A world without the brand split, seeing Triple H twice a week? No thanks.

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Jack Swagger won the Smackdown strap on Smackdown.


The brand split is pretty lax right now, which seems intentional given the upcoming draft. Not how I'd do it, but there you go. I love the brand split. As mentioned above, without it we probably wouldn't have gotten decent exposure to Jeff, Punk, Edge, Rey, Eddie, Benoit and so on and so forth. Maybe a couple would have broke through, but not all of them. I'm pretty sure we wouldn't have gotten both Cena and Batista on top either. One? Sure. Both? I doubt it. Cena probably floats the entire second brand on his merchandise alone.


A world without the brand split, seeing Triple H twice a week? No thanks.

You misunderstand me. It's not the fact that Swagger won the SD title on SD. He was a RAW guy that won a SD title. That's the issue.


As for the brand split, I thought it was only necessity that WWE had very little to no choice at the beginning. Anyone that thinks there are other major reasons why they started it is... well, just plain wrong.


As why they kept, well, even when they knew the brand split at the time wasn't doing one of their intended minor goals, doing away with it made them look bad... and they would have had a huge roster to deal with.


They don't have that huge roster to deal with anymore. Even NXT, that's nothing compared to when they bought ECW and WCW.


I'm not saying whether the brand split is good or not... I'm just saying WWE is seeing at less necessary day after day, week after week, month after month, and sooner or later, year after year.


As for Triple H... I'm not so sure he worries about his position as he does years ago. He's slowed down a lot lately. He's friend just hanged up his boots. He has pretty wrestled everyone that people want to see him wrestle with. He doesn't have much else he has to do.

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Well, to be fair, Chavo is the only WCW/ECW guy left, period. With Dreamer's departure.


Chris Jericho... ECW and WCW...


Big Show... WCW....


William Regal.... WCW....


Triple H.... WCW...


Finlay... WCW...


Goldust... WCW...


Jimmy Wang Yang... WCW...


Kane... WCW...


Rey Mysterio... WCW... ECW..


Theodore Long... WCW...


The Undertaker... WCW...



... = periods... haha.

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The days of any sort inter-promotional struggles are gone and as disappointing as the Invasion storyline/time period was, there's no value in revisiting the NWO, ECW, WCW, etc in the current day. So unless there's suddenly a fresh storyline focus for the brands to compete and a justification for talent to be exclusive to a single brand, I can't see the WWE moving from their current and 'loose when convenient' model. Still, the brand split theory is very important in blooding new main event talent, filling ppv's with meaningful feuds and despite how stale the WWE may feel at times, how on earth would they logically find storylines that keep the likes of HHH, Cena, Batista, Undertaker, Edge, etc away from the belt long enough give anyone else a look in if the brands were merged?


The fan in me would love a return to the undisputed title principle, established figureheads for both brands and some sort of civil war style storyline to renew hostilities, but from a business point of view, there's no motivation for the WWE to 'fix' a system that's still working for them.

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To be fair, how many guys from WWE in 2000 are still with the company, anyway? I mean Triple H, Undertaker, Edge and Christian, Jericho, Kane, Regal... WWE doesn't have too many 10 year vets on the roster from either company.


Cole called Shelton a ten year vet at Mania, after a brief "really?!" I quickly assured myself "no"

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Chris Jericho... ECW and WCW...


Big Show... WCW....


William Regal.... WCW....


Triple H.... WCW...


Finlay... WCW...


Goldust... WCW...


Jimmy Wang Yang... WCW...


Kane... WCW...


Rey Mysterio... WCW... ECW..


Theodore Long... WCW...


The Undertaker... WCW...



... = periods... haha.


I thought of making a list like that. But, I also meant consecutively. I know, I always forget to put something in there.


Also, I doubt anyone really counts Mean Mark and Terra Ryzing as really being WCW guys.


Big Show came over after leaving WCW before it closed.

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About eight years sice he begun in the WWE...


...but ten if you include OVW. Cole probably got his figures confused. Gotta expect that from Cole.


While I expect that from him... OVW isn't on national TV, therefor does not count, nor exist.


Unless that only goes for people like Danielson.

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While I expect that from him... OVW isn't on national TV, therefor does not count, nor exist.


Unless that only goes for people like Danielson.


But it was a WWE developmental fed at the time. Also, they broadcast free on the web. Which is how I've seen a few episodes and live in Michigan.

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So, with his lack or... well, everything, is Tarver trying to count on one of his lame ass shirts catching on?


If this NXT is a sign of anything to come, its really only meant to focus on maybe the top 4-5 guys. Are Darren Young, Skip Sheffield, or Michael Tarver going to amount to anything? No.


I mean one HAS to see promise in Wade Barrett. WWE seems fond of David Otunga (I'm not sold) and one has to assume Daniel Bryan is going to have at least a medicore run alongside Justin Gabriel who might flame out if you ask me (his high risk stuff isnt as good as Evan Bourne's, so they dont need another guy like him, unless he proves he can talk). And Heath Slater seems like he'll fail... Unless WWE puts focus back on tag team wrestling where I think Slater could flurish.

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I do like Barrett. My Danielson markdom aside, Barrett is the guy I've been most impressed with. I'm with you on Otunga, too: I just don't see it. The guy comes across okay in pre-taped vignettes, but I haven't been impressed with any of his "live" promos (I didn't see much of his stuff on Raw, as I was flipping back and forth quite a bit, so he may have looked better there.) And he's pretty dreadful in the ring from what I've seen.
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I think we three agree. I'm still out on Otunga, cause I don't care who he's sleeping with. Is that what Cole means by the "it factor"? Cause, I swore that used to mean something else.


I'm not sure how things will go.. I assumed they'd break Danielson down, and start building him up.. but, yeah, jobbing to Young didn't make sense.


I had assumed he'd win (which he still may) then challenge The Miz for the US. But, the pros don't even seem to be involved now. So, we'll see.


Also, maybe it would be smart to make a tag team, or two, from these shows. Kinda like how Morrison and Cappotelli teamed up for the one or two matches they had early on.


Also, Barrett has potential. I like Gabriel, but, his 450 isn't that great. It looks clean, so that's a plus, but, Bourne is more exciting, and we see what that gets you.


also, don't know if anyone knows, but, here's who my vote goes to....



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If this NXT is a sign of anything to come, its really only meant to focus on maybe the top 4-5 guys. Are Darren Young, Skip Sheffield, or Michael Tarver going to amount to anything? No.


I mean one HAS to see promise in Wade Barrett. WWE seems fond of David Otunga (I'm not sold) and one has to assume Daniel Bryan is going to have at least a medicore run alongside Justin Gabriel who might flame out if you ask me (his high risk stuff isnt as good as Evan Bourne's, so they dont need another guy like him, unless he proves he can talk). And Heath Slater seems like he'll fail... Unless WWE puts focus back on tag team wrestling where I think Slater could flurish.


I think Skip Sheffield could be a perfectly useful undercarder, I find him somewhat entertaining. Gabriel is there for the South African fans as I think WWE is in the process of making their roster more international. I think he will be around at least for a short run to see if he catches on. I agree on Otunga, dude is everything I don't want to see. Heath Slater is growing on me and I cannot begin to imagine why.



Just watched NXT and Bryan getting another loss is just frustrating as all hell. Dude needs to win sometimes otherwise your casual WWE fans will never buy into him. I am starting to suspect NXT is not in fact some beautiful plan designed to present Bryan to WWE audiences but rather an evil underhanded attempt to destroy the credibility of all indy wrestling.


Is anyone else getting sick of those guys being wild and young?


Also, the lack of pros being on the show is starting to do my head in. The shows are feeling more and more thrown together as we go.

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Keg Carrying Challenge?


Keg. Carrying. Challenge.


Bizarre as this was, it was an interesting little event. The crowd seemed pretty hot, so it was nice to hear the different reactions folks were getting. Once again ranking the guys best on 'How much I like them' rather than 'How well I think they'll do'.


1 - Daniel Bryan. Coming across as a cool, humble guy. The loss to Young hurts (couldn't he have gotten his feet on the ropes) but I get the feeling this show is only half-kayfabe. They're trying to see if these guys have what it takes to be on the WWE roster, and for Bryan that means checking on his ego. Getting a nice reaction from the crowd, which surprises me.

2 - Justin Gabriel. Getting over on his move, but there's nothing wrong with that. Doubt he'll ever be a good personality, but he's good looking, has some fancy kicks, getting some good wins, and Matt Hardy's music helps his pop in a way that (unlike the others) doesn't seem like a swerve.

3 - Michael Tarver. Dropping the keg was the best thing that could ever happen to him. People noticed. People reacted. He came off as a heel. Decent live promo too... although the inset promo was one of the worst things I've ever seen.

4 - David Otunga. Not hugely charismatic, kinda awkward in the ring, but I like his gimmick. I like his poise on the microphone. Losing to Barrett hurts him, and surprised me. He looked kinda small in the RAW rebound too.

5 - Wade Barrett. I don't see what the major fuss is about, but he's a perfectly acceptable big man wrestler. I miss Chris Jericho in his corner. I hope they're still friends after NXT.

6 - Heath Slater. I can't believe he won the keg-thing. Good for him. He didn't seem so annoying this week, and took a good squashing from Kane.

7 - Skip Sheffield. Did he just drop his gimmick? No more knuckle sandwiches? No more 'Yup yup yup. What it do?". If so, I no longer care about Skip Sheffield. Shame on you. Intensity is boring.

8 - Darren Young. I want to punch that grin off his face... which I guess means he's an effective heel... the jerk.

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