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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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This 300 days a year figure is YEARS out of date. Guys like Cena who do tons of promotional work and Make-A-Wish appearances might be on the road 300 days a year but the average worker has a 4-day a week schedule. With some time off at Christmas it's closer to 200 days a year, not 300. International tours add maybe an extra 10 shows a year.


If you are working 4 shows a week you are forgetting travel time. I know four young guys on the e roster who have not been home in over a month. most mid level guys don't ride big airplanes....they drive from show to show. Christmas time does not mean time off.....you work harder and more in the summer and holidays. Don't get me wrong.....they all know what they are getting into and except it. When i was in my prime of doing multiple companys i went two month one time before i even went home. It is a fact of life for wrestlers. The wwe just pays there guys to do it better. They give them hotel....rental cars and so forth.

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I've spoken out about Batista in the past. I would actually say he has gotten to the point where he is nearly competent. Is he a good wrestler? No.


But since the heel turn he seems to have a new fire to his ring work. I've always believed most wrestlers are better performers when heel. It does show. I still think he's as safe to work with as an active torpedo (he he he... trawlermen) and he is still too stiff. He can't sell for tofee and he struggles technically but he is improving.

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There is a bit of talk on forums and news sites that WWE won't be able to get their wrestlers to New Jersey in time for Raw due to the smoke and ash from a volcano in Iceland. Most of the Raw roster is in Belfast, NI for some house shows and with British airspace closed, WWE may have to improvise a show. I think the Smackdown roster is is Spain which I also think has a flight ban right now.
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A bit of a random one here guys, but I think someone needs to remind the pr and advertising guys at WWE who is currently on the roster.


In a photo slideshow at http://www.wwe.com/shows/raw/2010draft/draftgallery/ the first four pictures feature 8 different characters, 6 of them are now in TNA, one of them has left the industry and the other is Vinny Mac.


Now, I know that there is a history of "referencing" the opposition, with cases such as The Huckster and The Nacho Man, but I really can't remember anything for a long time with regards to WWE making reference to TNA. I really don't see how they can think that people aren't going to look at pictures of nWo, Rob Van Dam, Eric Bischoff and say to themselves "hmmm....I wonder what happened to them, I think I will have a look"

I know if I wasn't aware of TNA then I would definitely have a search for these guys after seeing those pics.

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There's no restrictions when it comes to event photos, I mean hell a lot of 2004 PPVs still have Benoit on the main picture.


They can't exactly start to prune those photos, imagine if down the line in a few years 3/4 of the WWE roster in 2006 are somehow in TNA(hypothetical exaggeration but hey)... that's gonna cause a bit of a problem if they do such a thing. They're not gonna show small portions of whatever PPV or past event back then, they're still gonna show the photos of stuff that mattered, as much as they can.


Before it was easier, back in the early years of TNA there wasn't much WWE talent rummaging in there but we're now at a time where the talents pretty much intertwine and there's no going back. Fact is, guys like Bischoff and Flair have been a huge part of the WWE in the past decade. They don't hide Kurt Angle anymore either(in TV segments/hype promos). Nothing to be done about it, history is history.

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Well yeah, that's why I said they don't choose to go down that road anymore. Clearly they have no qualms of opening themselves on that end, picking their spots is just gonna alienate things in the long run and I'm sure they can't be assed anymore. Before they could afford it, but now it's harder. If they can show X guy on the pictures board, they'll be apt to show X guys as well.


They're not gonna closet a part of the draft(Flair) and then show Evolution in its full grandeur, where are you gonna draw the line?

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Yes I know this? It's going to be interesting to see how taped competitors go on a live stage.


Ah ok, thoguht you didn't. It will certainly be interesting to see how they handle this. Trips will be all over this show I'd say.


I read that the SD guys took a 11-12 hour bus journey to get to an airport to make the flight, why couldn't the RAW guys do that?

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Ah ok, thoguht you didn't. It will certainly be interesting to see how they handle this. Trips will be all over this show I'd say.


I read that the SD guys took a 11-12 hour bus journey to get to an airport to make the flight, why couldn't the RAW guys do that?


Different situations. The situation wasn't as dire for the SD! crew as it was for Raw.


Raw ropes change color every now and then, just like those few shows in the past where the ropes were black. The ropes are white now but it likely won't be permanent.


Great start to the show, loving Punk. Also, the R-Truth bit was.. interesting, haha.

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This a random thing I just noticed.


In all of the different promotions I've watched over the years.....


Has there ever been a WWE chant? You hear it weekly on TNA, of course ECW was the big dog in that. I've heard it in CZW I think, ROH and PWG definitely.


Just curious. Cause, didn't Vince say that was his idea or something once? I don't know if I remember that correctly or not.

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I agree with both of you. I was just thinking, when hearing the T-N-A chant.. WWE just doesn't have a ring to it. Don't know that WWF would have either.


And, definitely. I've heard more "this is awesome" chants at one PWG show that I've ever heard in all my years of WWE viewing. That is one thing I do like in TNA over WWE. You can hear the fans. I've gotten used to hearing chants, boos, cheers, and all that, and WWE just lacks that by booking giant empty arenas.

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How long have the RAW ring ropes been white? Only noticed last week. Definately seems strange given the red and black colour scheme of the show.


I haven't seen Raw in a while, but wasn't last week a Supershow in London? They'll often change to a non-show specific coloured rope set for those.

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I like the white ropes, and wouldn't mind if they kept those. I know it's all in my head, but I've even decided that the WWE-promotion of my own TEW universe has white ropes now too. It's cool, I think.


Not so sure about tonight's show though, sure seemed like an awful lot of talking and surprisingly little wrestling for my tastes.



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I like the white ropes, and wouldn't mind if they kept those. I know it's all in my head, but I've even decided that the WWE-promotion of my own TEW universe has white ropes now too. It's cool, I think.


Not so sure about tonight's show though, sure seemed like an awful lot of talking and surprisingly little wrestling for my tastes.




I was thinking the same. I'm giving them a bit of a pass, due to the circumstances. But, it seems like there was just nothing.


Also, to be serious now... the guest host shtick has to stop. I like some of the storylines on Raw, but, I'm starting to get embarrassed by the crap they're doing. I imagine it's in a hope to catch non-viewers. How the hell any of these hosts are doing that by what they book, is all lost on me.

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