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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I'll reserve final judgement till the supplemental thing is done but that was just awful. I can't imagine them making Raw any less appealing. The main event looked alright but by that point I was so disappointed with the draft I barely paid attention. Jericho moving was the real kicker, just when I thought Edge was going to get away from him and be entertaining again.


Maybe I expected a bit too much from it, but really, when they hype up how big a shake up it is and yet nothing comes out of it looking at all interesting...blah. Good thing it's reached a time of year when I won't be watching for a few weeks anyway :o


I'm not really worried for Smackdown though. If anything it could be better with Edge and Jericho gone, new people could potentially step up (which makes Morrison's move even more baffling). Thing is with Swagger as champ, matches like him vs. Show and him vs. Rey wouldn't be terrible but as feuds I really wouldn't bother tuning in.


With that being said I did love the DiBiase/Truth segment.

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Can't say I'm surprised to see the RAW roster stacked with the top stars, especially with HBK retiring, Batista apparantely calling it a day and Triple H taking time off. What confused me the most is the dispositions of Edge & Randy Orton.


Orton is face at the moment, cementing that by interupting Sheamus who is riding a ton of heel heat at the moment. Then Edge gets thrown into the mix, a fully fledged babyface right now, and attacks Orton, the man who interupted Sheamus who everybody hates after what he did to Triple H? I dunno, maybe I'm just reading too much into it.


Looks like Morrisson & R-Truth are going to be pushed more as a tag-team. Unless, Morrisson turns heel again and re-united with The Miz. Definitely interesting.


Rather than worry me, SmackDown actually interests me. It's a fresh Main-Event scene which I hope will consist of:


Jack Swagger

CM Punk

Big Show


The Undertaker


Rey Mysterio


I think there could be some good matches/feuds there. Swagger vs Christian would be pretty good, I think. Both are good in the ring, Christian is golden on the mic and Swagger could really benefit in-terms of promos from feuding with him.


And then there's Kofi. Hopefully he'll shine on SmackDown and get a push into the Main Event. The stuff with Orton last year where he went nuts and smashed his car up really got me interested in Kofi and I was gutted when they halted his push.


All in all, an interesting draft.

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Smackdown's coming to NZ this year. I said to myself I would love to go... except I couldn't see the following four all surviving the draft:







Looks like I was right. Damn them all to hell!


I got given tickets for when they come out to Australia ... I knew not all those guys would survive but my deal breaker was Punk. If he got traded those tickets would be on ebay so freakin' fast.


Looks like I am still going at this point though.

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Can't say I'm surprised to see the RAW roster stacked with the top stars, especially with HBK retiring, Batista apparantely calling it a day and Triple H taking time off. What confused me the most is the dispositions of Edge & Randy Orton.


Orton is face at the moment, cementing that by interupting Sheamus who is riding a ton of heel heat at the moment. Then Edge gets thrown into the mix, a fully fledged babyface right now, and attacks Orton, the man who interupted Sheamus who everybody hates after what he did to Triple H? I dunno, maybe I'm just reading too much into it.


Struck me as pretty much Edge turning heel again.

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Struck me as pretty much Edge turning heel again.


Maybe, but maybe it was just Edge making an impact? He was one of the top guys on SmackDown! but now he's in a different pond with others who consider themselves the 'top guy', one of those people being Randy Orton.


It'll be interesting to see what happens next week.

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Jericho moving was the real kicker, just when I thought Edge was going to get away from him and be entertaining again.


That was really it for me. I get RAW being by far away the Number One show, and needing some Star Power with some exits, I get Jericho being a top draw, but really this was the time to seperate Edge and Jericho. Now granted, with a pretty deep Main Event pool they can be seperated... but I'm not sure how logical that is, considering the intensity of their feud. Oh well.


As a minaly Smackdown man, however, it's not looking too bad. Swagger, Punk, Mysterio, Show, Kofi and Christian works fine for me - frankly, adding someone like Orton into that mix wouldn't do anything for me. However, if that's the Main Event, it's the Upper midcard that's looking weak. Mercury and Gallows could be promoted. Mr Ziggles will be there. Drew, of course. I almost forgot a about Kane - one more Main Event run for him?


I'd expect to see a few NXT wrestlers end up trying to make it on Smackdown once the show's over.

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I almost forgot a about Kane - one more Main Event run for him?


I'd be very happy if that happened.


Just one more run, even if it's just for a few months. I'd say make him balls-to-the-wall psycho again, trying to set people on fire etc but that's not gonna happen thanks to all this PG stuff.

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On the subject of NXT (I'm already over the draft) whatever happened to the whole Miz/Bryan thing? Remember early on, when they had a lot of scenes together, and Daniel Bryan accompanied Miz to the ring and pushed his feet off the ropes. That feud rocked, but it's just sorta faded away into the background. Couldn't Daniel Bryan have been hanging out with ShowMiz these past few weeks? Getting yelled at. Getting KO'd by Big Show. Getting thrown in the path of the Hart Dynasty. Getting his face on television and letting the tension slowly build until folks can't wait to see Bryan knock his block off.


It's not like the other NXT rookies have been relegated to the one show. Wade Barrett has been on Smackdown 3 weeks in a row, giving Jericho someone to talk to backstage ("I am in awe of your presence") and Darren Young hit the motherload getting put with CM Punk. As much as the guy bothers me, he has a storyline and a feud with Gallows... shame they bungled his babyface turn.


I'm not just complaining about the lack of American Dragon. Justin Gabriel should be accompanying Matt Hardy to the ring every week. Ditto Heath Slater & Christian. It's harder for Tarver & Sheffeild because their Pro's barely do anything on the major shows, and R-Truth & Otunga are too much of a poorly conceived pairing to ever hang out, but come on, WWE! The mentor-student relationship is rife with dramatic possibilities!


I'm so psyched for NXT tonight... When's the supplemental draft starting?


P.S. Couldn't they have timed NXT and the draft to have ended at the same time? So the rookies all show up to the draft, nervous, in ill-fitting suits, wondering which, if any, show they get drafted to.

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Truth to be said, this means they are going to push some "fresh meat" to the main event. (I see Christian grabbing a spot, wich is good) Let's wait and see who they push before we call it a day on SD. I do understand these decisions however. I mean, keeping Jericho and Edge on a show beeing broadcast by B networks was kind of a waste.
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wow, they actually don't have a gimmicky pay per view next month?


Actually this is a gimmick PPV- the idea was brought to them by Jake Roberts and Scott Hall. Every wrestler has to drink a bottle of Thunderbird and take 4 shots of Jack Daniels before their match. The referee then breathalyzes them before the match to make sure they blow "Over the Limit".

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Supplemental Draft first picks.




-- Chavo Guerrero To SmackDown!

-- Cody Rhodes To SmackDown!




-- The Great Khali w/ Ranjin Singh To RAW

Natalya to Raw


Totaly stupid to break her from Hart Dynasty

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Man Smackdown got butchered




-- Kelly Kelly To SmackDown!

-- The Big Show To SmackDown!

-- Kofi Kingston To SmackDown!

-- Christian To SmackDown!




-- John Morrison To RAW

-- R-Truth To RAW

-- Edge To RAW

-- Chris Jericho To RAW


But raw DESPERATELY Needs Jericho and Morrison is a Solid Upper Card guy


SD still has Punk, Taker and Swagger


Show and Christian plus Kofi will freshen up SD


Christian vs Swagger was gold on ECW, should see a feud between them soon

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Totaly stupid to break her from Hart Dynasty


I don't think that matters much for now though, no? Since they're the unified tag champions, they'll appear on both shows. Depends I guess on how long they'll be champs and what comes after that.


And yeah, we all know SD!'s looking bright. The only thing is Raw looks like a pile of trash now. I don't think they needed Jericho as much as one thinks, whatnot with Edge, Orton, H, Cena, Sheamus and even Batista sticking a little while longer.

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But raw DESPERATELY Needs Jericho and Morrison is a Solid Upper Card guy


SD still has Punk, Taker and Swagger


Show and Christian plus Kofi will freshen up SD


Christian vs Swagger was gold on ECW, should see a feud between them soon


Really hope they put focus on Christian on Smackdown, since EcW folded he has just been lost in the shuffle sadly.

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I guess the Hart Dynasty will get a push for tag titles then?


even though no Nattie :(


Didn't they win the belts last night?


Honestly not sure. I didn't watch.


EDIT: Cody Rhodes. Chavo Guerrero. Chris Masters. I can't believe they're not just cutting these guys.

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Didn't they win the belts last night?


Honestly not sure. I didn't watch.


EDIT: Cody Rhodes. Chavo Guerrero. Chris Masters. I can't believe they're not just cutting these guys.




Morrison seemed in line for a huge push on SD, on Raw he's lost in the shuffle, but at least he'll get seen


The draft has always been stacked towards the A show, and I know SD is moving to SyFy but good lord...why would I even bother to tune in?

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Morrison seemed in line for a huge push on SD, on Raw he's lost in the shuffle, but at least he'll get seen


The draft has always been stacked towards the A show, and I know SD is moving to SyFy but good lord...why would I even bother to tune in?


If Punk isnt reason enough to tune in...

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