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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I think it's fair to say that the secret to success in the WWE is having a two- or three-syllable name.




You have a point. It's nice to have a chant-able name, but it's by no means a pre-requisite.

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You forget that HBK is a nick mane. Shawn Michaels isn't exactly a "chantable" name. All you have to do is give a guy a nickname and honestly chantable names don't make money so I'm not too worried about it from that aspect. Its names that are easily pronounceable and roll off the tongue and thats where this one falls short.
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Yeah, but he came into it with a chantable nickname, the Heart Break Kid. That was his nickname when he was a midcard tag nobody. Which, for the record, is how I feel about all people who do only tag wrestling. Might not actually be fair.


Undertaker doesn't get chants. He seems to have gotten success from longevity, and from really good booking, neither one of which I expect to find from the current WWE.

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Undertaker gets the occasional "Un-der ta-ker" chants. Had absolutely no bearing on his success either way, of course, but his name is chantable and he has had it chanted.


Think Hennig having a chantable name or not really isn't going to have any impact at all on his success. Hell, Hennig doesn't even come off as easily as a chant as other two syllable names like Ce-na and Or-ton, at least not to me.

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Just in case it hasn't been mentioned or is several pages back. The real reason for the battle royal to replace the Undertaker at Fatal 4-way:


The Undertaker vs. Rey Mysterio match on last week's SmackDown! has potentially changed the main-event dynamic on WWE's number two brand.


According to F4WOnline.com, Undertaker suffered a broken orbital bone, a broken nose and a concussion in the match with Rey Mysterio. Taped last Tuesday, the match aired on Friday Night SmackDown.


Though no plans have yet been etched in stone, the recommendation from doctors was that Undertaker take time off to recover. The original recommendation would have Undertaker missing the Fatal 4 Way pay-per-view, for which is he scheduled in the World Heavyweight Championship match, although the latest belief is that it is "50/50" as to whether he can wrestle on the show.


As WWE awaits a final decision on Undertaker's status, Rey Mysterio has reportedly been put on standby from what was to be a month-long vacation. WWE reportedly wants him available as a replacement for Undertaker on the road and on television; if needed, he would also be the logical substitute for the Fatal 4 Way title match.

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Yeah, but he came into it with a chantable nickname, the Heart Break Kid. That was his nickname when he was a midcard tag nobody. Which, for the record, is how I feel about all people who do only tag wrestling. Might not actually be fair.


Undertaker doesn't get chants. He seems to have gotten success from longevity, and from really good booking, neither one of which I expect to find from the current WWE.


Actually he came about it as an upper mid card I.C champion when he was with Sherri Martel after throwing Marty threw the window.


He wasn't "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels as a member of the Rockers. My point is anybody can get a nick name. Not everyone gets chants and really these days chants are few and far between anyway. He became the "sexy boy" the love 'em and thus the name Heartbreak Kid since this kid was breaking the hearts of all the ladies etc.


Kind of silly that he kept the nickname I guess you could argue it transitioned into his own "heartbreak" of not winning the championship before finally winning it.


The names are dumb but the syllables and where their placed have less than a percent worth of reason for these names being a bad idea.

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Just in case it hasn't been mentioned or is several pages back. The real reason for the battle royal to replace the Undertaker at Fatal 4-way:


The Undertaker vs. Rey Mysterio match on last week's SmackDown! has potentially changed the main-event dynamic on WWE's number two brand.


According to F4WOnline.com, Undertaker suffered a broken orbital bone, a broken nose and a concussion in the match with Rey Mysterio. Taped last Tuesday, the match aired on Friday Night SmackDown.


Though no plans have yet been etched in stone, the recommendation from doctors was that Undertaker take time off to recover. The original recommendation would have Undertaker missing the Fatal 4 Way pay-per-view, for which is he scheduled in the World Heavyweight Championship match, although the latest belief is that it is "50/50" as to whether he can wrestle on the show.


As WWE awaits a final decision on Undertaker's status, Rey Mysterio has reportedly been put on standby from what was to be a month-long vacation. WWE reportedly wants him available as a replacement for Undertaker on the road and on television; if needed, he would also be the logical substitute for the Fatal 4 Way title match.


Yep WWE losing ME talent left and right. They must be glad they god pushed Swagger and Sheamus outta nowhere.

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... and I'd hesitate to call any of them 'God pushes'. Since lucking his way to winning the belt, Swagger has lost to John Morrison, Kofi Kingston and had to get a DQ to retain over Big Show. He's getting promo time, sure, and that's good, but not exactly a strong push.
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You forget that HBK is a nick mane. Shawn Michaels isn't exactly a "chantable" name. All you have to do is give a guy a nickname and honestly chantable names don't make money so I'm not too worried about it from that aspect. Its names that are easily pronounceable and roll off the tongue and thats where this one falls short.


Easily pronouncable names are not even a little more important than chantable names. They both matter a little, and only a little. It's what a guy does on TV when he's on TV that matters. If Hulk Hogan was named Longfellow MacGhilleseatheanaich, he still would have been a superstar.

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So, I just watched Kane's funeral promo for Undertaker from Smackdown yesterday. Best thing WWE has done in a long time. I really hope they elevate Kane to full fledged main event threat and gets a go at Swagger now.

That's funny; I thought it was one of the worst things they've done in a long time. Maybe it's just hard for me to believe Kane could be so upset about something happening to his "brother", considering all the things he himself has tried to do to him over the years. Suspending disbelief is one thing, but that was over the top for me. Of course, they've pretty much retconned (is that the word?) Kane's entire character over the years, so it's hard for me to ever take him seriously or be interested in anything that he does.

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I would have to agree. While I was watching the Kane promo, my mind flashed back to Kane "killing" the Undertaker on at least two occasions. But I'm interested in where they take this storyline. I feel like this could be the perfect chance to turn Kane heel and reveal it was him all along. But that might be too obvious. I was also left wondering where Shad was in the battle royale, I don't remember seeing him in it. I thought all the male members of the Smackdown! roster where supposed it be in it bar the already qualified for Fatal 4 Way.
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... and I'd hesitate to call any of them 'God pushes'. Since lucking his way to winning the belt, Swagger has lost to John Morrison, Kofi Kingston and had to get a DQ to retain over Big Show. He's getting promo time, sure, and that's good, but not exactly a strong push.


Yeah I went the easy route with my wording but Swagger had been losing left and right and was mediocrly featured and then MITB and Bam champ which he has held onto. Sheamus kills Noble, Champ, remains champ for a while. They where not over the top maximum god pushes but they where damn quick.

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I would have to agree. While I was watching the Kane promo, my mind flashed back to Kane "killing" the Undertaker on at least two occasions. But I'm interested in where they take this storyline. I feel like this could be the perfect chance to turn Kane heel and reveal it was him all along. But that might be too obvious. I was also left wondering where Shad was in the battle royale, I don't remember seeing him in it. I thought all the male members of the Smackdown! roster where supposed it be in it bar the already qualified for Fatal 4 Way.


Wasn't Shad moved to raw with JTG staying on Smackdown?

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So, I just watched Kane's funeral promo for Undertaker from Smackdown yesterday. Best thing WWE has done in a long time. I really hope they elevate Kane to full fledged main event threat and gets a go at Swagger now.


I agree...I rolled my eyes after Teddy's announcement, but that was an excellent promo by Kane. Hopefully this is a sign of big things to come for him.

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While tag team wrestling is certainly on a decline in the WWE, considering 10 years ago the division was stacked with great teams. I think tag team wrestling in the casual fans eyes do not matter.


All my friends who on occasions watch wrestling always ask me why tag team wrestling is even done. I personally see tag team wrestling as a unique form.


But then again I found Cody Rhodes bland in Legacy, and now that he is solo on Smackdown! I actually see some of the hype surrounding the 2nd generation star.


I noticed Josh Matthews mention a new system for season 2 of NXT. Where the fans have 50/50 say on the eliminations or something along those lines. I am not sure if that is a wise choice by the WWE. I feel this will become a popularity contest just like "x-factor" or "american idol", by that I mean popularity will be more important for the "contestants" then their actually talent. But then again it depends on how the term "50/50" is meant in the WWE dictionary.

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I'm sure it'll be just as rigged as the first one. I figure the '50-50' announcement is to try to get folks more emotionally invested in the show and maybe increase website traffic.


Tag team wrestling is only seen as unimportant because WWE treat it as unimportant. If main event stars were in teams and acting like they really wanted those tag belts, the division would mean so much more. When DX had them, they were almost treated as joke titles. Jericho only wanted them so he could be on RAW. Every other tag team are midcarders. Of course fans see it as unimportant.


Cody has seemed better (the few times he's actually been) on Smackdown, but that to me is just Smackdown. It's a place for lesser guys to breath and thrive and not be crushed by RAW's glass ceiling.

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While tag team wrestling is certainly on a decline in the WWE, considering 10 years ago the division was stacked with great teams. I think tag team wrestling in the casual fans eyes do not matter.


All my friends who on occasions watch wrestling always ask me why tag team wrestling is even done. I personally see tag team wrestling as a unique form.


But then again I found Cody Rhodes bland in Legacy, and now that he is solo on Smackdown! I actually see some of the hype surrounding the 2nd generation star.


I noticed Josh Matthews mention a new system for season 2 of NXT. Where the fans have 50/50 say on the eliminations or something along those lines. I am not sure if that is a wise choice by the WWE. I feel this will become a popularity contest just like "x-factor" or "american idol", by that I mean popularity will be more important for the "contestants" then their actually talent. But then again it depends on how the term "50/50" is meant in the WWE dictionary.


Well that is kind of the problem with having such a clear and dominant no1 by ignoring and de emphasizing the tag team division it eventually becomes less valuable in most casual fans eyes. If said same casual watching friends of yours where watching in the peak years of the 80's and 90's they would have a different opinion.


You don't even need main eventers constantly battling over them but you need the division to be given time and effort and be competitive, same thing goes for cruiserweights. Where there any ME's competing for it in WCW? nope was it one of the highlights and attention grabbers for the show? Yep.


One of the reasons why I like that other company is that they have two actual competitions in that respect even though the booking is flawed or shoddy from time to time.

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This is correct. There's nothing British about Ireland. People from Scotland are technically British, but depending on their political view a Scot may either be proud or offended by being called British. The closest North American comparison that I can make would be Quebec in Canada...technically they're Canadian, but usually they're referred to as a Quebecer or French Canadian because some (not all) don't consider themselves Canadian. I have no idea where Drew stands on this issue...


But I believe Finlay is from Northern Ireland(I know he was billed from there...no idea where he was actually born), which would mean he's technically British as well, since Northern Ireland is part of the UK.


Not to nit-picky, but British is a term to describe those from the geographical area rather than to describe those from the UK. However you are right, technically speaking N. Irish are British because they got lumped under that name with the rest of us as they are part of the UK. The official demonym is British for them by default, which should offend them more than any Scot, who actually live on the British Isle so are definitely British.

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