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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I know I may be a little late but, Cottonwood is awesome.


Also on the NXT invasion deal, I would like to see them try to make it work without Danielson. The 3 people that always had a chance of winning were Danielson, Otunga and Barret. The others are sorta meh, without Danielson taking the work-rate spot instantly maybe it will force others to step up.


I always liked the idea of Danielson but he does nothing for me, I'd much rather watch the other guys scramble to be the go-to guy for this stable.

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Posted by Larry Csonka on 06.11.2010


Future endeavors….or is it?


UPDATE x2: According to Dave Meltzer, the word within WWE is that the firing of Bryan Danielson is a legit firing as they informed the higher-ups in the company of the firing before the item was posted on WWE.com. Meltzer notes that while the timing of the release is interesting, that working high-up executives like Donna Goldsmith and Michelle Wilson on a wrestling angle is hard to believe.


UPDATE: Danielson posted the following on his Twitter last night…


Just changed my twitter name to Bryan Danielson. The winds of change are stirring.


Dave Meltzer is reporting that the firing is a "fake" firing, and that this is the first time that they have used the website to fake fire someone.



ORIGINAL: From WWE.com...


WWE has come to terms on the release of NXT first season rookie Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson ) as of today June 11, 2010. We wish Daniel Bryan the best in all future endeavors.



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According to Dave Meltzer, the "people that needed to know" were told that Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson) was fired for choking ring announcer Justin Roberts with his own tie during the NXT invasion angle on RAW this past Monday.


The shot was edited from some replays of the angle and was described as being too violent for what WWE allows on it’s programming.


Word is that someone very important complained to WWE officials about the angle with the idea that kids who were watching may think it’s fun to choke people with their ties. It’s unknown who actually complained but it had to be someone with a lot of power.


Bryan is being described as a scapegoat. WWE does want to bring him back to the roster once the whole thing blows over.


Danielson was described as the type of person you would want your locker room filled with.


if posted before sorry about double post.


That is such bull**** i'm about done with WWE all all their lame choices.

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If it looks like a work and smells like a work, it usually is a work ;)


On a very different forum to this one (still a gaming site, but not for a wrestling game) some guys thought that Benoit and the whole "incident" was a work before all the details were released.


They were repremanded for that later by other posters, not a great discussion to see unravel.

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I don't weigh in on wrestling stuff often...but I just thought I'd say that reading though this it seems like WWE is having fun messing with the online community. I don't give them credit for a lot, but it's only been a matter of time now before they use the internet against us the way we used it against them. We've been able to criticize and scrutinize everything they've done instantly for years and we take some sort of pride in being able to say "I called it" or "I knew it all along" rather than try to enjoy what they are putting out. Now with them having wrestlers post in character on Twitter and posting what could be a fake firing on their website puts an element of kayfabe back in wrestling that has been missing for a long time.


I think this is all an elaborate plan and Bryan is still employed, but in the end, I'm just happy they are keeping us guessing. Knowing everything is what took away a lot of wrestling's luster.

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I don't weigh in on wrestling stuff often...but I just thought I'd say that reading though this it seems like WWE is having fun messing with the online community. I don't give them credit for a lot, but it's only been a matter of time now before they use the internet against us the way we used it against them. We've been able to criticize and scrutinize everything they've done instantly for years and we take some sort of pride in being able to say "I called it" or "I knew it all along" rather than try to enjoy what they are putting out. Now with them having wrestlers post in character on Twitter and posting what could be a fake firing on their website puts an element of kayfabe back in wrestling that has been missing for a long time.


I think this is all an elaborate plan and Bryan is still employed, but in the end, I'm just happy they are keeping us guessing. Knowing everything is what took away a lot of wrestling's luster.

I called it before (;)) Bryan Danielson's character is one giant work of the internet wrestling community. I'm loving it so far. Funny thing is 75% of WWE's fan base will be caught by even more surprise when he comes back.

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Didn't Brian Pillman get legit released from WCW to go work for ECW to legitimise the beginnings of his loose cannon personna? Apparently, Bischoff and Pillman agreed to terminate Pillman's contract so he could develop the character in ECW, and then come back again. Ultimately he didn't go back, but i can see this being the same sort of arrangement - Danielson is released and by extension can say anything about WWE that is not PG and work the angle in ROH and other indies, reaching a wider audience. I find it hard to believe that Vince would give Danielson so much air time and then release him off the back of the most newsworthy angle on Raw for a long time.
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I think you're thought that going to ROH is reaching a wider audience than weekly national TV is a bit off.


Ok, fair enough - that's a bit of a mistype. i'm guessing though that a lot of ROH viewers are turned off towards WWE programming, and although they probably were aware enough to catch the angle from Raw, it probably won't be enough to turn them back onto WWE programming. Having Danielson go to the indies and sound off on the company adds legitimacy to the angle and gets the ROH loyalists etc perhaps getting passionate about Danielson's treatment over the release.


Though saying that, I'm sure Vince and Stephanie don't particularly care about the indie fans whatsoever, so i might be off completely. Plus, in the storyline, Danielson technically doesn't have a WWE contract atm, having lost NXT, so it does seem a logical plothole for the WWE to announce that he's been released from a contract he never had unless it was a legitimate firing. It's a case of wait and see i guess.

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I don't weigh in on wrestling stuff often...but I just thought I'd say that reading though this it seems like WWE is having fun messing with the online community. I don't give them credit for a lot, but it's only been a matter of time now before they use the internet against us the way we used it against them. We've been able to criticize and scrutinize everything they've done instantly for years and we take some sort of pride in being able to say "I called it" or "I knew it all along" rather than try to enjoy what they are putting out. Now with them having wrestlers post in character on Twitter and posting what could be a fake firing on their website puts an element of kayfabe back in wrestling that has been missing for a long time.


I think this is all an elaborate plan and Bryan is still employed, but in the end, I'm just happy they are keeping us guessing. Knowing everything is what took away a lot of wrestling's luster.


Really...we're the ones keeping ourselves guessing, out of hope.

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Why would ROH let Danielson some back just to work a WWE angle. It makes no sense, unless WWE were to give them something in return.


Because he's Bryan Danielson? He can work great matches and ROH fans will pay to see him. Attendance goes up. DVD sales go up. Ch-ching. Even as a short-term deal he's a good get.

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Why would ROH let Danielson some back just to work a WWE angle. It makes no sense, unless WWE were to give them something in return.


Of course they'd let him back - why wouldn't they let one of their most famous and most successful stars come back to heighten some dvd sales for a month or two, as well as gaining exposure for a star that was on WWE programming laying out John Cena on his last appearance?

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Of course they'd let him back - why wouldn't they let one of their most famous and most successful stars come back to heighten some dvd sales for a month or two, as well as gaining exposure for a star that was on WWE programming laying out John Cena on his last appearance?


Why would ROH let him come back to campaign about WWE in his angles and work a couple matches? I can see the ROH crowd crapping all over it tbh.

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