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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I'm truly stunned people believe this is legit. Honestly. Whatever the WWE is doing backstage is convince all the "insiders" that it's real, you have to give them a TON of credit.


Now, keep in mind he probably won't be on Raw this Monday. If they're going to all this trouble to make people buy it, his return has to be at a HUGE time...like, I don't know, a Cena vs. Barrett WWE title match on pay-per-view.


I can, theoretically, see why it could've happen. If someone outside the `E voiced concern, said it was "way over the line" or whatever, to protect the stock hit, they may have actually done it.


That said, the reasoning is goofy. Children's influence shouldn't be a factor at 11 PM at night. And it could've been removed from replays and such, as it has been. Any child who is watching wrestling at 11 PM, and sees a tie choking as a "fun" thing to do, has bigger problems in his/her life. However, this digresses into a separate discussion, that is probably best left outside this thread.


i supose im off to TNA discusion thread for less money and lighter work load :D


Gotta wait 90 days to post. :p

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i supose im off to TNA discusion thread for less money and lighter work load :D


Dammit, time to pull out the 411mania's posters favourite line...






Posted by Chris Lansdell on 06.12.2010


- Michael Cole has claimed responsibility for Daniel Bryan's firing on Twitter:


Yes. I fired Daniel Bryan.



IT'S A WORK! Thank the gently caressing Deity in the motherloving sky!


Yes GDS, Celt has been officially WWEPG'd :p

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If the firing is legit and WWE really is upset about the whole choking thing, seems a bit odd they got such a darn good camera angle of it, and that that angle got so much screen-time.


On the other hand, they did edit the whole scene from their repeated airings of the whole angle.


I'd say it's more than likely a work. Nowhere near 100% sure though.

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its a fake cole account i found this through official WWE twitter account



I don't understand twitter and I'm not going to pretend to, but wouldn't a bio saying;


Tracking dumb/stupid/random or even funny things Michael Cole says each week on WWE Raw. Oh my!


suggest that maybe this isn't his real one either?

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ok i beleive this is the real michael coles twitter account



this is what he has tweeted


Gotta go head off now....the winds of change are calling me! See you all later.


now daniel bryan has tweeted something similar earlier on today


Just changed my twitter name to Bryan Danielson. The winds of change are stirring.


wade barrett also mentioned these mysterious winds of change i wonder what it all means

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Sounds like WWE had a chili cook-off, and now everyone has gas!




I kid anyway.


Yeah, this is starting to smell a little like a storyline. Never know though.



maby its an elaborate scheme to advertise JR's new bbq sauce

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No that's a fake one.


I was about to say the same thing. Or the WWE doesn't require their announce team to have even a basic grasp of the English language.


It is inappropriate for what Daniel Bryan did this past Monday.


I mean, that isn't even a sentence!

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I was about to say the same thing. Or the WWE don't require their announce team to have even a basic grasp of the English language.


It is inappropriate for what Daniel Bryan did this past Monday.


I mean, that isn't even a sentence!

not really remember this guy



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