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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Triple H is no worse than Jericho in that spot. Both would totally over-shadow Barrett & Co, and lead to Main Events we've seen a hundred times before. Wade Barrett should be the leader of the NXT Rejects. Simple as that.


On the NXT topic, I saw the Kaval/Rlley match. Good stuff. Kaval got his stuff in, and for once it didn't look like two rookies trying to wrestle. Perfectly acceptable wrestling, and I liked the kick Michelle taught him. He's learning fast.

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Random question: Why is everyone so high on Percy Watson? Are we watching the same person? The goofy Dudley-Urkle amalgam glasses and a goofy look on his face constantly really equals charisma? I don't see it.


Kaval and Alex Riley had a pretty good one this week though. Glad they're letting Kaval be Low Ki.


LayCool really really took away from the match though. Their awful mic skills and complete lack of charisma really didn't lend well to being guest commentators.

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Random question: Why is everyone so high on Percy Watson? Are we watching the same person? The goofy Dudley-Urkle amalgam glasses and a goofy look on his face constantly really equals charisma? I don't see it.


Kaval and Alex Riley had a pretty good one this week though. Glad they're letting Kaval be Low Ki.


LayCool really really took away from the match though. Their awful mic skills and complete lack of charisma really didn't lend well to being guest commentators.


I am not sure why i like watson so much but i really do. Look at the guys build. He has typical bad ass writen all over him but he plays a dorky guy. I mean come on......when does that happen in wwe any more. It would be like a great wrestler play a mentaly challenged person .........no wait......i mean it would be like a mexican worker playing a white racist.........hmmmm no i don't see any of thoes two things work....lol


I don't know if watson has any real charisma to be honest its just something diffrent for me.

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I am not sure why i like watson so much but i really do. Look at the guys build. He has typical bad ass writen all over him but he plays a dorky guy. I mean come on......when does that happen in wwe any more. It would be like a great wrestler play a mentaly challenged person .........no wait......i mean it would be like a mexican worker playing a white racist.........hmmmm no i don't see any of thoes two things work....lol


I don't know if watson has any real charisma to be honest its just something diffrent for me.


The something different probably explains it. I dunno, I don't hate him. I mean, I've only seen him wrestle once. I don't know how good/bad he is in the ring quite yet. He may grow on me, but I hope he's given a chance to grow on me. I'm becoming a little more open minded as I get older(I'm only 23, but still). I try not to let first impressions last

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Random question: Why is everyone so high on Percy Watson? Are we watching the same person? The goofy Dudley-Urkle amalgam glasses and a goofy look on his face constantly really equals charisma? I don't see it.


Kaval and Alex Riley had a pretty good one this week though. Glad they're letting Kaval be Low Ki.


LayCool really really took away from the match though. Their awful mic skills and complete lack of charisma really didn't lend well to being guest commentators.


So far I'm with you. The look on his face seems to be a cross between someone who just smelled a rotten fart, and something Eddie Murphy used to do on SNL 230 years ago.

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You're right. When you're right, you're right, and in this case you're right.


Almost. WWE built up their empire in a time when pro wrestling wasn't fake, and to my knowledge wasn't the butt end of a joke. I'm no expert, but I think it'd be fair to say that they had a somewhat easier road to success than a TNA or an ROH.


Even if you go back historically, this isn't true.... At least not with the WWE/F. Firstly you have to realise that Pro-Wrestling wasn't real in the 20th century, not just the 21st. At the turn of the century, people were so upset about it that there was a true possibility of it perishing. Rumor's were abound that Pro-Wrestling might be fixed... then the Gold Dust Trio formed.


That promotion was formed by Ed "Strangler" Lewis, Billy Sandow and Joseph "Toots" Mondt. I think you can find these guys in Tommy's MOD :).


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_Dust_Trio I found this link not long ago, don't know how it evaded me before, but it's much easier to just link that and give the "brief" version of what I want to say.


Around 1919, wrestling matches were long and as far as fans were concerned, dragged out tremendously (like 60 minute match's). The only match's that did great were pre-determined ones, and so that is where "Slam Bang Western Style Wrestling" come into existance.. They started booking, and finishers and routines were carefully planned by Toots. The Gold Dust Trio broke up in a power struggle, but Toots moved on.


To shorten the whole story, Toots eventually makes a deal with "BOXING" Promoter Vince McMahan Sr., and they made the World Wide Wrestling Federation.


They broke away from the NWA in 1963, although on good terms, and were not seen as the enemy at this time period. Jim Crockett Promotions actually invaded WWWF's territory (In other words, WWWF was invaded before they invaded anyone else... Something that no one ever seems to talk about).


However, the WWF never started going all out until the 1980's as far as trying to go National (viewed Nationally on TV, etc). It wasn't "Easier" back then, you didn't have alot of national area's you could venture in.... Now even really small stations can be seen nationally.


The fact is, Vince Jr. took it where no Wrestling promotion has ever been, and they are now the leader's with the exception of a few years where WCW gave them a run for their money.


WCW is exactly the perfect example of showing how it is possible to like something besides WWE/F television, and you can succeed if your willing to actually give the people what they want to watch, not what YOU think they should be watching.


My whole example of my personal life, was to show that just because someone else thinks they could just take over "IF" they had everything the other (WWE) company has, doesnt' mean they could. You can have the best Network, the best Time Frame, the best of everything and fail misserably if your not willing to actually pay attention to the people, instead of saying "This is how it should be done" and thinking you can force people to watch what you think is the more "Mature" or "Better" way of doing things.


It's obvious that for a fake sport, people want to see "Cartoony" type things, not someone trying to act as though everything is real. WWE has made their whole company on this princeple. I remember an Interview with Vince a while back when he just plainly said something that I thought made alot of sense... You can't act as though your audience is not in the know, when most of them are indeed in the know. You don't have to tell them, they know. You don't have to make things look real to tell the story. You just have to have characters that look like they think it's real. Your fans know it's real.



The whole thing about Kafabe, is that a certain number of people thought they knew something the rest of the world did not... and that they were in the "in" crowd that knew that wrestling was fake. This is just silly....


People that didn't think wrestling was fake were ussually people that loved wrestling, and only a very small percent of them actually believed. There was never a "small" group of people in the know, everyone has thought Pro-Wrestling was fake for almost a century. I knew it when I was no more then 8, My dad knew, my whole family knew... My neigbors knew, etc. There was always that one friend, or those couple of people that "thought" it was real, but in no way was it looked at as legit as say Boxing or Football, even 20 or 30 years before the 1980's.


Now, TNA has their national cable show that they're still dropping the ball with, and I guess you could argue that ROH has their chance with HD Net. But when my mother tells me the main event on RAW because she was watching the US Open and happened to see the commercial for it 10 times, that's really not the same as having a premium channel with a weekly show and no real advertising.


Most people know about TNA Wrestling "now"... Hogan made sure of it. People are just not liking something about it... The majority probably never will. At some point fans of TNA are going to have to just admit that the rest of the world does not agree with what they think wrestling should be... no matter if some think it's the "bestest" or not. I watched a couple of ROH shows because of all the hype about them here on this board, for example.... My over-all thoughts (at that time) was... Wow, looks like a circus formed a wrestling promotion... Not a bad thing since that is where it's roots come from, carny talk vs. kafabe talk... bassically the same thing. But people pay to see the midget take on the giant, they watch gymnast perform at the olympics and school auditoriums (their kids school


On the other hand, iMPACT is pretty solidly advertised and nobody watches it because they keep dropping the ball with good workers and [potentially] good storylines.


Everyone says "dropping the ball", but I think they have found their niche... They don't ever have to get better ratings, because they chose who they wish to appease, and for the most part they do. It's just not as many people as the people wish it were.


Personally, I find TNA fun to watch most of the time... as opposed to a few years ago the first time I tried watching them. I think they can expand and grow, I just don't think they ever will because they don't think that far ahead. One person being signed will change up everything on the show so they can showcase that ONE person. It's how they do it everytime, and there will always be that ONE person that signs in the middle of when people actually are starting to get into it.

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who will it be against?


Parden? lol........i could tell you all but then i would have to kill you.....and since gdf is vied by thousend of people........and well i would have to kill each and everyone of them.......i just can't kill off that many fans ;)


in all honesty though......that is a question for mike ;)

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Only in the IWC do 1,000,000 weekly viewers = nobody watches it.


That's not my IWC kicking in. It's drawing, what, a 0.8? That's not especially good. A year ago they were pulling a 1.0! It's a lot of people if I were to meet them all, sure, but statistically they're doing poorly.

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NItro wasn't killed for low ratings, Nitro had higher ratings than that when it was dying. In fact it had almost three times that. The lowest rating they had was a 2.1 in 2001. Six years after they debuted. They highest they had in 1995 was a 2.9 and the lowest they had in their white hot year of 96 was still a 1.9


So in their dying year they nearly tripled the TNA rating and in one of their hottest years they still beat it by 2 and a half.


My point isn't "hahaha omg tna suks". My point is most network or cable television shows would kill to have the numbers they started with at the end of their run. Now sure the ideal is to have higher but to have not lost any viewers (roughly) from when you first started is pretty impressive.


Nitro was cancelled because they were owned by AOL and Time Warner. The merger happened and nobody wanted wrestling on their television shows anymore. With WCW bleeding money it gave them the excuse they needed to cancel it.


So Nitro being cancelled had nothing to do with ratings and everything to do with finances and politics.

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Same could have been said about Nitro on it's dying days.


Very true. Nitro was still doing OK when it was dying but if the network doesn't want to air it it doesn't matter. I don't see Spike TV getting fed up with TNA anytime soon though. Their product is exactly what that network is all about (18-34 males). I really don't like seeing glass in a wrestling ring though. That's garbage in my opinion.

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Very true. Nitro was still doing OK when it was dying but if the network doesn't want to air it it doesn't matter. I don't see Spike TV getting fed up with TNA anytime soon though. Their product is exactly what that network is all about (18-34 males). I really don't like seeing glass in a wrestling ring though. That's garbage in my opinion.


I don't mind a little garbage as long as it is used to tell a story. The glass tonight helped tell a story and give re-birth to 'The Monster' Abyss


If it helps matters it was sugar glass that was in the ring.

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I don't mind a little garbage as long as it is used to tell a story. The glass tonight helped tell a story and give re-birth to 'The Monster' Abyss


If it helps matters it was sugar glass that was in the ring.


I thought everything they did besides the glass got the point across fine. I didn't think it was needed whether it was real glass or not.

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