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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I'm not going to mention those reasons, because I'm almost positive this was a discussion before, that you were a part of. The "whatever" reasons part is a BIG reason and understandable reason of why.


And I'm pretty sure most people know that Hogan is wrestling again, is in TNA if they bother to check, and thus most know about TNA. Believe it or not, I know quite a few people that watch, or sometimes flip, between WWE Superstars and TNA at this time. The one's I'm talking about didn't know about TNA 2 years ago, so it's probably an important point.


I am not just talking about the UK and yes there are legit reasons why that is the case in the UK. But I have seen reports indicating that Germany and India are close or sometimes beating WWE as well. Not that I know the channel situation there. Even given those channel situations the gap in viewership is still smaller then in the US.


And yeah most people can't flip between them and you are talking about watchers of superstars which is rated lower then TNA. Those people are wrestling fans beyond general, casual or potential fans. Maybe not IWC level but definitely not representing the majority.


Anyway this debate should be moved to the TNA thread.

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Makes no sense, the game show is being hyped on WWE TV. A WWE worker hosting a show and everyone knowing he's a WWE wrestler is bad for the WWE how?


and there ticked he's the host on a major network, so pissed they are promoting the snot out of it?


Pull the other one.


They're actually not promoting it nearly as much as you'd make it sound(and by that I mean I've yet to see them promote it once, other than commercials airing during WWE shows...but maybe I've missed a snotfull of spots), but either way, they're mad because he either didn't tell them about it all beforehand or didn't tell them how much time it was actually going to take. They're also worried this may pull him away from wrestling permanently, like when Stacy Keibler did DWTS...which they DID promote the snot out of, only to suddenly drop entirely when they realized she wasn't coming back.

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They're actually not promoting it nearly as much as you'd make it sound(and by that I mean I've yet to see them promote it once, other than commercials airing during WWE shows...but maybe I've missed a snotfull of spots), but either way, they're mad because he either didn't tell them about it all beforehand or didn't tell them how much time it was actually going to take. They're also worried this may pull him away from wrestling permanently, like when Stacy Keibler did DWTS...which they DID promote the snot out of, only to suddenly drop entirely when they realized she wasn't coming back.


Yep and generally the E does not like it when their talents do entertainment projects outside of the E umbrella. Now they have some reason for that with people like The Rock and Keibler leaving because of success but they do seem to go overboard sometimes. Most recent examples Maria and Micky.

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They're actually not promoting it nearly as much as you'd make it sound(and by that I mean I've yet to see them promote it once, other than commercials airing during WWE shows...but maybe I've missed a snotfull of spots), but either way, they're mad because he either didn't tell them about it all beforehand or didn't tell them how much time it was actually going to take. They're also worried this may pull him away from wrestling permanently, like when Stacy Keibler did DWTS...which they DID promote the snot out of, only to suddenly drop entirely when they realized she wasn't coming back.


The show's first season, from every report I've read, is already shot and canned. took them 5 days of filming. Only Wrestlezone is reporting that this has annoyed the WWE.


I mean, It's a half hour taped Game show, one 6 hour session of filming nets them 4 Episodes or so on tape.


I'm going to need alittle more than a wrestlezone report before i believe they WWE has put one of it's main eventers in the dog house because he did a high visibility show that will only help the WWE's Q rating.


If there was anything to this report, one of the more "reputable" Rumor sites would be all over it.


I swear, every single time a main eventer/ Upper carder loses a match, it's because they are in Vince's "doghouse" according to rumor sites. whatever drives clicks i suppose.


I mean, It's been very clear that the Jericho losing streak is a storyline, not just punishment. My only concern is it's a rehash of the awful "this guy loses so much he's a babyface now" MVP storyline to turn jericho face, since the Fans have been very vocal in chanting Y2J and cheering him.


Jericho is at that stage of his career now where he's winding it down and the fans are uncomfortable with him being a heel on the back 9, i think. The crowd reactions from this last year have pretty much confirmed the fans want to see one more run as a face before he goes.


Hopefully if they turn him face, It's with something better than the MVP storyline part 2.

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Random question for everyone; what's your favorite memory or moment in WWE history? It can be you at a live show, a house show, something you watched on TV, meeting someone...anything.


Seems like it'd be a fun topic.


Mine would be Unforgiven 2008. Seeing Matt Hardy win the ECW title was mind blowing. He got one of the biggest pops of the night when he won. It was like all eight thousand of us wanted to jump in the ring to hug him.


I also got to witness Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho in a hellacious fight that went all over the arena. The crowd HATED Jericho. There were like four people in our area cheering for Jericho; my best friend, two drunks, and myself. After the match was over people were chanting for more. I just couldn't believe people were so greedy.


The horrible ending to the Smackdown scramble ruined that match for me. Plus, it would have been amazing for Jeff and Matt to both win that night...sigh


But, now to the best moment of the night. Chris Jericho winning the Raw scramble to become World Heavyweight Champion. What's weird is when he won, nearly half the crowd starting going nuts for him. It was a shame Punk got screwed, but at least Jericho won. Jericho is second only to Sting as my favorite wrestler, so witnessing him win the world title for the first time in almost seven years was just...wow. Couldn't even describe it.


So how bout you guys?

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Random question for everyone; what's your favorite memory or moment in WWE history? It can be you at a live show, a house show, something you watched on TV, meeting someone...anything.


Seems like it'd be a fun topic.


Mine would be Unforgiven 2008. Seeing Matt Hardy win the ECW title was mind blowing. He got one of the biggest pops of the night when he won. It was like all eight thousand of us wanted to jump in the ring to hug him.


I also got to witness Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho in a hellacious fight that went all over the arena. The crowd HATED Jericho. There were like four people in our area cheering for Jericho; my best friend, two drunks, and myself. After the match was over people were chanting for more. I just couldn't believe people were so greedy.


The horrible ending to the Smackdown scramble ruined that match for me. Plus, it would have been amazing for Jeff and Matt to both win that night...sigh


But, now to the best moment of the night. Chris Jericho winning the Raw scramble to become World Heavyweight Champion. What's weird is when he won, nearly half the crowd starting going nuts for him. It was a shame Punk got screwed, but at least Jericho won. Jericho is second only to Sting as my favorite wrestler, so witnessing him win the world title for the first time in almost seven years was just...wow. Couldn't even describe it.


So how bout you guys?


Attending Wrestlemania 17, hands down. Amazing to hear the "Rocky Sucks" chants during the peak of his face run, but shucks, the hometown crowd was behind Stone Cold all the way. Might've made his heel turn then even more shocking.

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mania 18 being there and hearing the crowd unable to pick between rock and hogan. while it was never going to be a clasic match up like savage steamboat it has been my fav wrestlemaina momment as the e call them.


and on jericho turning face i think most fans know that isnt going to be around aslong as some due to his outside gigs mainly his role in fozzy and i dont think the tv game show gig is a big deal as far as him leaving for good. and it makes sence on turning him as raw is a bit heel heavy in the main event/upper midcard and no1 seems sure of when HHH will be back so and jericho as a face always gets good reactions

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On recent memory, it had to be Jericho winning at the Scramble. I saw the match through some puny 320x240 screen stream and I marked enough to wake up the whole neighbourhood.


Live, it would have to be when I assisted at the Breaking Point PPV and saw the awesome - overdone, but awesome - ending of Punk making Taker 'submit'. At first, there was a wide reaction of "WTF" but about a minute later everything clicked into our heads and I just loved it. Teddy's serious face was the icing on the cake.

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I have to go with the very first wrestling show I ever want to. It was Dec. 8th of '97 and the night after the DX (In Your House) PPV. It was the first (and only) Monday Night RAW in Maine and I went with my two older brothers. It was the night Austin turned over the IC title to The Rock (an awesome segment with McMahon in the ring). The funny thing about it is I don't remember any of the matches (I was 8 years old) besides the fact that LOD was there and I was a big fan of them. Kane came down and interrupted someones match completely dominating everyone... I remember that vividly because I was scared to death of him. And HBK, HHH, and Chyna played strip poker in the ring.


I also remember not going to school the next day and my older brothers had to (I was in elementary while they were in middle and high school). Its funny the things we remember. :rolleyes:

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On recent memory, it had to be Jericho winning at the Scramble. I saw the match through some puny 320x240 screen stream and I marked enough to wake up the whole neighbourhood.


Live, it would have to be when I assisted at the Breaking Point PPV and saw the awesome - overdone, but awesome - ending of Punk making Taker 'submit'. At first, there was a wide reaction of "WTF" but about a minute later everything clicked into our heads and I just loved it. Teddy's serious face was the icing on the cake.


Assisted in what way if I might ask?

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great promo by jericho and a good match so far with jericho vs borne....so far this has actuly been a good ppv. the divas match was what it was.....the hass of pain was a little mark out moment though *atleast for stryker it was lol*
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even wins a great match. Kicks out of the code breaker also!!!!! I hope they have finally pulled the trigger on the evan push. Jericho is no cena or ortan any more but jericho is still a huge name. Props to both men for a good match.
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