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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Nothing ever seems marketable to you in the beginning. There's an uproar every time a former TNA/indy superstar is signed because they get given some Joe Blow American name that could pass as an accountant's name. But further in time, they build up the name. And then you forget about it.


Just like Evan Bourne and Jack Swagger, if McGillicutty manages to stay in the game, his name might catch on some way or another. He might be permanently dubbed "McGee" down the line with some city slick gimmick or something.


The difference is a bad name is still a bad name. Would "Frosty McFreeze" get over with the fans? Also does Swagger even count as a re-name? His name is actually Jake Hagar- his ring-name is basically just his real name said with a speech impediment. But your point does have some merit- if you don't know anything about wrestling, the idea that a guy became a multi-time champion while calling himself "Edge" sounds ridiculous. It's too short to chant, too goofy to sound real, and is already used by a more famous guy who at least calls himself "The Edge."

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Some names are just... bad. Would "IMAPIG URAPIG" get over as a name? Heck no.


McGillcuty (sic) is not THAT bad, but it's certainly a couple of levels lower of bad. At least Jack Swagger is an alright name, and Evan Bourne is a pretty nice name.


The problem is, this isn't just ANYONE... it's Curt Hennig's son. Heck, even the admit it's Curt Hennig's son. This isn't some indy name... this is a name they themselves have used before. Besides, Hennig is easy to remember, McGilucuty (sic), isn't.


Hell, this makes their "Daniel Bryan" name change look good. Seriously, WWE needs more creativity when it comes to making up not-so-bad names.

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anybody know why they dropped the ball on Dolph Ziggler?


around this time last year he had a LOT of heat and was having good matches with Mysterio over the IC title (especially at NoC). Then it seems like Morrison won the title, they feuded for like a month and he went back into the comedy hornswoggle jobber (before chavo did) and they gave Drew the IC title a few months after that

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Yeah, there are always really bad names, but whenever I see one I always think of ways the WWE could work around it in the future. Dolph Ziggler is probably a better example; the uproar was one for the ages. And I was part of it. But really, it's easy to visualize. Eli Cottonwood? Scrap the last name and make him a bumbling one-name giant. Then there's McGee, Showtime, Titus somewhat fits for a muscle-bound black guy. Husky Harris, sounds lame but at least they got the alliteration down. Lucky Cannon... yeah I'm out.


As for dropping the ball on Ziggler, I don't know. It could be that they set him aside to push other up-and-comers, maybe. From what I last saw, they used Christian to put him over and they have that little thing with Vickie Guerrero that hopefully would lead him to the Intercontinental title, other than that I don't know.

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can't blame it totally on rey can you?


as much as I dislike the guy now he really helped Dolph rise up the card


he was the only hope for the group formerly known as the spirit squad


What you can blame on Rey depends on how far you trust the dirt rags.


After that odd sequence where Rey retained the title against dolph and dropped it to Morrison the next night to rest for a month and a half after surgery, the rumor sites were adamant that the original plan was for Rey to drop the title to Dolph at SS, but that rey told Vince "he's no where near ready, and if you make me drop it to him it's going to be a huge problem for me."


With Rey's contract up late this year, creative reportedly picked it's battle and didn't force Rey to drop it to dolph, but instead put it on Morrison, who Rey is tight with and thinks is a future star.


Now again, thats a rumor site reporting, so who knows. But if it was that way, i think you can assign at least some of Dolph's stall to rey.


After all, creative is not going to piss off one of it's major M/E's for a guy who, much as I'm a fan of his, probably has a ceiling of UMC.

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I just dont like Ziggler and haven't liked him since he came to WWE he's just so bland he needs something i wish they would redo his look or something, but thats the problem with half of the new workers in the E their bland.


Edit: Also Rey droped the belt to morrision before he was susspended for thrity days not before he took a break

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Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter


The latest thing that has been banned in WWE by Vince McMahon is chops (Ric Flair style chest chops) not being allowed. This does not include the straight down chops performed by The Great Khali or the hand print chops by The Big Show.


The general feeling is that McMahon doesn't want people doing the chops as the reaction live among wrestling fans is to do the Ric Flair "Wooooo!" and it reminds people of Flair, something they obviously don't want given he is working for the opposition at the moment.


well that IMO is stupid

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I'm actually surprised they didn't put this into place sooner. The knife-edge chop pretty much belongs to Flair, and it does bring the Nature Boy to mind every time one is performed. Why would you want to advertise a guy you don't have on your shows?


It's totally nitpicky, sure, but it's not like the knife-edge-chop is an important move. It does nothing a punch can't do, except make people go 'Whoo'. It's not like it's someone's finish. It's not something that will damage the story of matches. Just don't use it for a while until Vince forgets about it.

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I can understand why WWE wants to give fake names to wrestlers. I understand. But they don't have to be LAZY or STUPID about it, or even just moronically selfish. Seriously, Daniel Bryan? Lazy. McGillicutty? Moronically Selfish. Husky Harris? Bad. Dolph Ziggler? Stupid. Come on! Your are the #1 promotion in the USA, in North America, probably even in the world, but you can't come up with "so-so" names?
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I can understand why WWE wants to give fake names to wrestlers. I understand. But they don't have to be LAZY or STUPID about it, or even just moronically selfish. Seriously, Daniel Bryan? Lazy. McGillicutty? Moronically Selfish. Husky Harris? Bad. Dolph Ziggler? Stupid. Come on! Your are the #1 promotion in the USA, in North America, probably even in the world, but you can't come up with "so-so" names?


Whats "moronically selfish" about McGillicutty?

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actually GD, the noise is more of an IM sound, and I know I can type and send an IM that fast so I buy that it "could" be someone actually typing... although we both know its not, but it is realistic IMHO that it "could" be. My kids are sitting here thinking it is someone real.
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