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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I thought the ending to the PPV was top notch and quality booking. WWE messes a lot of things up, but that main event was really good. Didn't expect to be saying that it was good, but it was solid and better than I expected. I thought the ending to the match was a bit sketchy with them keeping Cena out... but the referee tossing the keys into the crowd? That had me hooked because I'd never seen that before. It was the easiest way for Nexus to get into the cage and the referee took it away from them. I thought that was awesome.


Coolest spot was Kofi off the ladder onto (who I forget?) on the table. I also thought Airbourne directly after the RKO which had Orton still on his back from the RKO and Bourne nails it. That was sick. I don't ever watch SD and don't plan to so none of their matches meant anything to me, but I enjoyed the show as a whole. It was packed with WRESTLING... WWE really delivered in that respect because even the segments backstage were promos to hype the matches. WWE owned TNA this month. :eek:

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For a PPV with four matches I couldn't care less about that was awesome, found both of the MITBs really entertaining - better than any of the recent Mania ones, because they felt much less rushed - and happy with the winners. Kane cashing in on Rey was great, it's a few years too late to say the least but still I don't mind, he's been the main man on SD these recent months so let him have the gold and see where it goes, that's fine. Nice pop for it as well. Miz, meanwhile, absolutely delighted with that, his promo was great as well and I can not wait until he ascends to the top. He has all the tools to be the next huge star this company creates.


Pre-show I wasn't too pumped for the main event but the MITB excitement followed by a great video package had me interesting and I thought the end was well done, very nice touch with the referees.

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And his chin mannerism leaves you "dry" and "apathetic"? Whaaa?


Uh, why the disbelief? If you encountered a person who walks around with their nose in the air, would you be all happy go lucky to see/deal with them? Most people would automatically come to the same conclusion and wish to avoid a person like that. Same with people with the pea**** walk (chest out, nose in the air, butt sticking out). A snarl tends to send a particular message to people around you. Likewise, more subtle expressions can also accomplish similar results.


I understood what he said.


I'm not sure who are worse, the "we want everything even though we hate everything" IWC or the response to that which is "don't be a smark, watch some horrible crap and enjoy it otherwise you are an elitist douchebag".


Yeah, for real.


I hope they give Kane an honest run this time. I think he's earned a shot at being "top guy" (for Smackdown, at least).

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does anyone else see a cena turn coming? I think he will be behind the NXTUS


I was really thinking about how a Cena turn would go down on PPV and then I realized it could never happen on just an average PPV. I think if Vinnie Mac decided to turn his golden boy... he'd do it like Austin and at Wrestlemania. It only makes sense that you'd turn him when you have the biggest audience.


And I'm pretty sure that if you're the mastermind behind a group you don't cost yourself the Championship. There is zero logic behind that. Nexus hates Cena.

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I was really thinking about how a Cena turn would go down on PPV and then I realized it could never happen on just an average PPV. I think if Vinnie Mac decided to turn his golden boy... he'd do it like Austin and at Wrestlemania. It only makes sense that you'd turn him when you have the biggest audience.


And I'm pretty sure that if you're the mastermind behind a group you don't cost yourself the Championship. There is zero logic behind that. Nexus hates Cena.


Maybe they were meant to help him win it back but the one man rock band failed to blow Sheamus' mind in time.


Cole's comments about Miz further enhance my feeling that Cole is behind it, perhaps with Miz by his side.

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I am so glad that they finally had someone cash in the MITB breifcase the same night they won it. I also think that when The Miz cashes in he should be the first guy to lose the briefcase they have yet to do it and would like to see it happen just once.


Although not in an actual title match, Mr. Kennedy lost his briefcase after winning it.

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does anyone else see a cena turn coming? I think he will be behind the NXTUS


I dont see it. After all thats happened he wouldnt reveal that he got the **** kicked out of him, lost championship matches, all to trick the fans. If he is going to turn with the Nexus it should be a "If you cant beat them, join them" type deal.


I could see The Miz being behind it, saying he grouped the rookies together during season 1, and he was responsible for getting rid off "Daniel Bryan". He sent them down during the cage match to weaken both Sheamus & Cena so he could cash in his briefcase after the match, but of course that didnt go to plan.

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As a massive Kane fan I'm really happy to see him get a run with the title. He's probably just keeping it warm until 'Taker returns but I don't mind.


It's about blast time Kane finally gets his world championship back. Poor guy only held it for a day. Hopefully they'll let him have it for a while!


Kane-a-nites unite!!!!! Awesome chain of events at MITB and cannot wait for Miz to cash his case in.


About Sheamus--did anyone else get goosebumps when he almost turned the title over to McMahon a few weeks back? I cannot remember the last time a hated wrestler had me on the edge of my seat.

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About Sheamus--did anyone else get goosebumps when he almost turned the title over to McMahon a few weeks back? I cannot remember the last time a hated wrestler had me on the edge of my seat.


I really enjoyed when he did that. He had the crowd in the palm of his hand. It was an awesome promo.

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'Meh' PPV. Hated Kane's win (although I'm sorta glad it wasn't McIntyre). Loved Miz' win (and his promo after). The other matches were all pretty dull. Well, Swagger/Rey was good times until the post match lameness. Skipped the women (and I usually like watchin' the women) checked my email during the tag. I fast-forwarded through the Cage Match until Nexus showed up. The interference was pretty fun. Way to go Gabriel.
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I'm not saying anybody has to love Kane or Miz, I'm saying anyone who says "oh I won't watch the show any more someone NEW is being pushed" needs to stop being such a smark.


And his chin mannerism leaves you "dry" and "apathetic"? Whaaa?


Yes... so what?


I'm talking about these things many oh so like about him but as for me, they leave me dry. I hate his schtick and his style, like if he's forcing it. I will concede he's improving, that's something I can't ignore, besides I couldn't stand him even more in the beginning with his Chick Magnet gimmick. Either way, the way he does things annoy me. But I know he's here to stay(his multiple World titles are probably imminent), and I know I'll have to get used to him.


Kane though... boo-yah.

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I'm not sure who are worse, the "we want everything even though we hate everything" IWC or the response to that which is "don't be a smark, watch some horrible crap and enjoy it otherwise you are an elitist douchebag".

We don't hate everything. In fact, the real issue is the IWC likes only a select few things. And a like some said before, the IWC tries to stay ahead of the curve... that claim is probably true.

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Miz is like Marmite. You love him or you hate him.


Reading a lot of positive reviews for this show. I'm quite stunned. I was far from blown away. I like spot-fests as much as the next guy, but I find MitB matches, especially those with 8 guys, totally lacking in drama. It might just be because I'm not watching WWE TV right now, but I found it really hard to root for anyone. There's a lot of story possibilities with these type of matches (get a tag team in one) and I'm always let down.


I thought Big Show was far and away the star of the Smackdown match. His adventures with ladders, breaking one, struggling with the big one, getting buried were fantastic. He's not my kinda guy, but I thought he saved this match. Most of the other guys were bland insert-fall-here dudes.


The RAW MitB looked clunky to me, with inordinate amounts of Ted Dibiase. I liked Randy Orton (walking) I liked Maryse (go!) I liked Mark Henry and the finisher's parade. That's about it.

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As someone on the internet who is part of the wrestling community, I hate very few things. I just want things to be more like what I like. I like CM Punk. I honestly don't think he could POSSIBLY be over-rated. Though he could be mired in the midst of a horrible storyline that bores the tar out of me (right now).


I like technical, mat wrestling. I like promos. I like shining wizards and kimuras. That's about it. Get me closer to those 4 things, WWE.

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Based on his 2009 I was sure that in 2010 he would become an absolute superstar, moving to Raw as the predominant heel threat. When he stayed on SD I was disappointed but thought at least he'll be the main bad guy on the brand, but it hasn't happened at all and now they even look like splitting up the SES. Gutted.
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As a member of the IWC I like alot of things in wrestling and dislike nothing much. I like good gimmicks that are have more than one side to them, I like (as odd as it seems) Russo booked/Crash TV booked wrestling when it has a good logical reason to most of it, I like Punk, Swagger, MVP, NXTUS. I dislike Miz I(although he is growing on me just a little but still not MITB leval yet IMO, WWE's product/creative which ever is to blame for the recent slump WWE has had, and Promotions that are base just on wrestling with little amounts of angles.
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I think Punk is sometimes a little over-rated in his ring work. His kicks are very hit-and-miss and I've rarely seen him raise the game of his opponents. He's has great matches against Rey Mysterio and Jeff Hardy, but awful matches against guys like Kane. I love his promos and his character work, but in the ring I wouldn't say he's great. He's merely very good. :)
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I think Punk is sometimes a little over-rated in his ring work. His kicks are very hit-and-miss and I've rarely seen him raise the game of his opponents. He's has great matches against Rey Mysterio and Jeff Hardy, but awful matches against guys like Kane. I love his promos and his character work, but in the ring I wouldn't say he's great. He's merely very good. :)


Punk's a solid hand but I think what a lot of the IWC is whining about when Punk goes from being everybody's favorite to "overrated" is the adjustment in style that absolutely everybody goes through when they work for WWE 200+ days a year. Punk's matches in ROH were great and all but that style doesn't fit what WWE wants to showcase in front of 10,000 people, never mind the fact that it would tear apart guys' bodies. I mean as much fun as wrestling was in 1998 when the big two were still doing high spots on free TV, it got people hurt, shortened careers and in some cases ended careers.

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