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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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-- Inaugural and reigning Wrestlicious Champion Glory (a/k/a Christie Ricci) posted the following message on her Facebook account after watching prospective WWE Diva AJ's match on Tuesday's episode of NXT: "I just saw a match on NXT. Obviously these girls are not trained! This girl, "AJ" went from a total dead sell to getting up, flipping her hair and beating the crap out of a dude! BRILLIANT! I have a good idea, WWE! Why don't you get Orton to sh*t in a bag, then through it in the ring... at least that would be interesting and more realistic. And just think.. next year this girl will be PWI's top wrestler!!!"





It's funny because it's accurate. Except for that part about Orton's crap in a bag. I feel that it relies too much on rest holds.

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Christine Ricci - "went from a total dead sell to getting up,"


I saw Jeff Hardy on iMPACT do the same thing w/Kurt Angle and Jeff has no problem pushing merchandise. And it was 5 minutes or more into their match on iMPACT. AJ Lee match only lasted two minutes lol. Hardy been in the business for 10+ years. Main evented pay per views and an upcoming TNA one. Then there is Kendrick who had no problem with his match with a seven foot giant Matt Morgan. It took Kendrick only two minutes to chop down the enforcer of Fourtune. Like Tommy Dreamer said, the next goofy kid will be the next Matt Morgan, aka Eli Cottonwood "moustache."


When will Ricci fight on television next? I bet the company she works for is getting offers from TV networks because they are awesome in the ring. So awesome that millions are watching them at home. Ricci probably makes more money than those NXT divas with all their ticket sales. Or that's her imagination. Reality check.

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PWInsider reported the following


A user on Twitter asked Matt Hardy the following:




@MATTHARDYBRAND What r the chances 2 c u @ WWE Europe tour in November? Or would it be better 2 buy tics 4 TNA in Berlin in January?



Hardy replied:



I'd go with Berlin..



This is Matt Hardy so take it for what you will, but it certainly is an interesting response.


from PWI copied from TNAsylum, so sue me for reading a rumour site it's the only rumour site I read and I treat them as such.


Lolz on the Ricci comment love it.

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WWE held Elijah Burke in the dog house for like a year or so and squandered one of my WWECDub faves of 2007.


They should do the same with Matt so he can get back in shape by the time he debuts with TNA, once his contract expired. Plus he can hang out on Twitter. Not sure how long till his contract expired. But i'm sure he can wait like the time he's waiting for that tummy to shrink.

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Wellness Policy Change (add-on?)


Source: Another poster out in the IWC who failed to post any sources. These are two separate articles.


After some issues that happened over the weekend, WWE has banned the drug Carisprodol (better known as somas) as part of a new amendment to the Wellness Policy. WWE Superstars can no longer use somas even if they have a prescription from a doctor. There have been a few changes made to the drug policy that have not been added to WWE's website yet.


Somas have been a major party drug in pro wrestling for decades. They're mainly used to relax muscles, but have resulted in several embarrassing incidents with wrestlers passing out in public after taking too many. Wrestler Louie Spicolli died in 1998 after overdosing on somas & wine.


This is likely the most significant change to the Wellness policy since its inception, as it will have the biggest effect on a segment of the WWE roster. It's said to be a VERY popular drug with WWE talents.




WWE will soon be announcing what we noted yesterday about the usage of somas being banned in the Wellness Policy. Meprobamate (Miltown & Meprospan) are also now banned even with a doctor’s prescription.


WWE will also be officially announcing that any talent who is arrested, convicted or admits to a violation of the law regarding drug possession, purchasing, selling or distribution will be subject to immediate termination from the company. If not immediate termination, it could be treated as a strike against them (if you do something illegal, could be fired or given a strike).

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OK, i tried to read through responses to what I asked, and have a couple of things to add.


As far as Miz and Morrison being "youngsters" maybe but not fresh faces, Miz has no talent, and the only reason he's there is his TV stint, and he worked out (i guess), and his gimmick/personality is grating and doesn't make me hate him (as a heel), but as a hack, and Morrison has been around forever, and I still don't get it.


I do think Jericho is gonna take time off, he did have a new album come out a while back (probably longer than i think), and will probably do some festivals with Fozzy.


I honestly don't thik Orton would be so "over" is wwe didnt tell the fans be like him. Sadly, i think wwe just pushes who they think will be over til people actually like them (can you say Cena?)


The nexus guys just seem really boring and plain, maybe i need to tune in more, but I don't see a lot of charisma in any of them. Maybe once Nexus breaks up we can see how each individual develops.


I'm sure i forgot something...

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I honestly don't thik Orton would be so "over" is wwe didnt tell the fans be like him. Sadly, i think wwe just pushes who they think will be over til people actually like them (can you say Cena?)


Did You Know, Ted DiBiase Jr was suppose to have a face turn late last year due to his movie "Marine 2" release. However plans changed. There was no wellness policy violation for Ted. There was Orton calling Kofi stupid stupid stupid before WrestleMania. Yet fans reacted to Orton like a face (despite showing his heel mannerism). If fans cheer him, they book him to pin his Legacy rejects (yep, they are rejects cause Orton kicked them out), and have book him like a face ever since. It's called Reaction (not TNA post-game show). And don't bring up Cena boo chants because merchandise sales of his are fine. For example, WWE revenue $230 million jumped to $500+ million in 2008 (after Benoit murder, wellness policy scandals). If Cena, the face of the WWE is soo bad, $230 million would turn to $50 million versus $500 million.


However, Did You Know, Orton started getting fans to react positively for him.


Even if you watch Cody and Dibiase single matches back in the Fall, they had nice face pops against Orton (which points out his effectiveness as a heel, casual fans cheer the good guys to beat up the bad ones).


Plans changed. While being personally at WrestleMania, Orton received a nice face pop. I didn't see any applause signs Melanieshaman. Unless of course we imagine it.

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I'll have to check out The Green Room, that combo alone sounds fantastic.


I think Zack Ryder tweeted in lament about the costume change. It would be nice to see him thrown in to a Midcard title mix, but I don't know if short pants is his ticket.


Was a great show. There's like 6 episodes, of which I caught 4, I think. One had Drew Carrey which I missed, and that irks me a little. And one had Jonathan Winters, who is still sharp after all these years. But the Penn Jillette one was the best, if only because the trio took the time to tell a single joke a piece, all of which were hilarious.


I just worry that the conformity is the final deathnail. Since the change, there's less woo-woo's, and I don't feel I know it as much. And it saddens me some.

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Matt Hardy is an internet diva. And an idiot either for saying truthfully all this crap over the years, either for playing people. There I said it, now I feel better.


Anyway, I'm amazed that people still pay attention to all the crap Matt Hardy writes on the internet. I might be horribly mistaken, but he doesn't have a very good track record on that matter, no ?

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Did You Know, Ted DiBiase Jr was suppose to have a face turn late last year due to his movie "Marine 2" release. However plans changed. There was no wellness policy violation for Ted. There was Orton calling Kofi stupid stupid stupid before WrestleMania. Yet fans reacted to Orton like a face (despite showing his heel mannerism). If fans cheer him, they book him to pin his Legacy rejects (yep, they are rejects cause Orton kicked them out), and have book him like a face ever since. It's called Reaction (not TNA post-game show). And don't bring up Cena boo chants because merchandise sales of his are fine. For example, WWE revenue $230 million jumped to $500+ million in 2008 (after Benoit murder, wellness policy scandals). If Cena, the face of the WWE is soo bad, $230 million would turn to $50 million versus $500 million.


However, Did You Know, Orton started getting fans to react positively for him.


Even if you watch Cody and Dibiase single matches back in the Fall, they had nice face pops against Orton (which points out his effectiveness as a heel, casual fans cheer the good guys to beat up the bad ones).


Plans changed. While being personally at WrestleMania, Orton received a nice face pop. I didn't see any applause signs Melanieshaman. Unless of course we imagine it.



That's what I mean, they worked him over so much, that by the time he was getting face pops wwe was shoving him down everyone's throats.. but hey i dont watch it much so i may be just guessing :p

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OK, i tried to read through responses to what I asked, and have a couple of things to add.


As far as Miz and Morrison being "youngsters" maybe but not fresh faces, Miz has no talent, and the only reason he's there is his TV stint, and he worked out (i guess), and his gimmick/personality is grating and doesn't make me hate him (as a heel), but as a hack, and Morrison has been around forever, and I still don't get it.


I do think Jericho is gonna take time off, he did have a new album come out a while back (probably longer than i think), and will probably do some festivals with Fozzy.


I honestly don't thik Orton would be so "over" is wwe didnt tell the fans be like him. Sadly, i think wwe just pushes who they think will be over til people actually like them (can you say Cena?)


The nexus guys just seem really boring and plain, maybe i need to tune in more, but I don't see a lot of charisma in any of them. Maybe once Nexus breaks up we can see how each individual develops.


I'm sure i forgot something...


This post is full of flaws. The Miz has talent. A lot of talent. He is a man who you just can't hate, because he is such a good heel. He is far from WOTY material, but he can brawl, has tremendous entertaiment skills, and as I said, he is a natural heel.


Second of all, I don't get what you wrote about Orton. Its all confusing. Third of all, you're dead wrong if you say "I don't see charisma in any of them". They do have charisma, but one thing I agree with you; they'll probably have more chances to shine when they'll eventually break out of NXUS.

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This post is full of flaws. The Miz has talent. A lot of talent. He is a man who you just can't hate, because he is such a good heel. He is far from WOTY material, but he can brawl, has tremendous entertaiment skills, and as I said, he is a natural heel.


Second of all, I don't get what you wrote about Orton. Its all confusing. Third of all, you're dead wrong if you say "I don't see charisma in any of them". They do have charisma, but one thing I agree with you; they'll probably have more chances to shine when they'll eventually break out of NXUS.

I wouldn't say Miz has talent, but rather, he worked very, very, very hard to get to where he is. And it's paid off. He's now a pretty solid performer (though he can't REALLY brawl, all that well, not that even matters). He's a great entertainer, though.

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This post is full of flaws. The Miz has talent. A lot of talent. He is a man who you just can't hate, because he is such a good heel. He is far from WOTY material, but he can brawl, has tremendous entertaiment skills, and as I said, he is a natural heel.


Second of all, I don't get what you wrote about Orton. Its all confusing. Third of all, you're dead wrong if you say "I don't see charisma in any of them". They do have charisma, but one thing I agree with you; they'll probably have more chances to shine when they'll eventually break out of NXUS.


You say flaws i say opinions; "I calls em likes I sees em"


Now, I love a good heel, you know one that as soon as they come on screen you cringe and say "I hate that guy" (Kurt Henning was a good example of this to me), but Miz? I just say "That guy is still working?" He has no presence about him. As I also stated in my initial post I don't watch wwe on a regular basis so maybe he does have some talent but his mic skills are gawd awful!

What don't you get about what I said about Orton. I don't see his talent mic or in ring... as with Cena (although cena has mic skills), Orton is so big because of his lineage and wwe loves their 2nd and 3rd gen wrasslers. I have only seen nexus do run ins so i could be wrong there, i think it's a mistake to have all your newbies in a "stable" together, give em a change to shine without all the support, either they will excel or fall on their faces (if the later is the case, they weren't ready for the big time.

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This post is full of flaws. The Miz has talent. A lot of talent. He is a man who you just can't hate, because he is such a good heel. He is far from WOTY material, but he can brawl, has tremendous entertaiment skills, and as I said, he is a natural heel.


Second of all, I don't get what you wrote about Orton. Its all confusing. Third of all, you're dead wrong if you say "I don't see charisma in any of them". They do have charisma, but one thing I agree with you; they'll probably have more chances to shine when they'll eventually break out of NXUS.


Miz is pretty good on the Mic and average in the ring. But I saw him in the beginning and see him now I don't see a major improvement he has just gotten more accepted and got a better catch phrase and style.


Orton still bores the hell out of me but he does hold his own as a main eventer. It's more for lack of better talent or willing to push other talent to me though.


Barrett has some charisma at at least midcard level. Gabriel maybe midcard level. The rest no.

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You say flaws i say opinions; "I calls em likes I sees em"


Now, I love a good heel, you know one that as soon as they come on screen you cringe and say "I hate that guy" (Kurt Henning was a good example of this to me), but Miz? I just say "That guy is still working?" He has no presence about him. As I also stated in my initial post I don't watch wwe on a regular basis so maybe he does have some talent but his mic skills are gawd awful!

What don't you get about what I said about Orton. I don't see his talent mic or in ring... as with Cena (although cena has mic skills), Orton is so big because of his lineage and wwe loves their 2nd and 3rd gen wrasslers. I have only seen nexus do run ins so i could be wrong there, i think it's a mistake to have all your newbies in a "stable" together, give em a change to shine without all the support, either they will excel or fall on their faces (if the later is the case, they weren't ready for the big time.


Nexus was perfect. Without Nexus, you wouldn't have enough time to introduce six or seven news guy all at once.


Of course, you got dirt sheets online saying "Nexus should have won at SummerSlam" despite the WWE formula of leaving the crowd with one positive victory (Sheamus/Orton DQ, Rey Mysterio lost, therefore Cena pulled away w/the victory). Of course, you got people saying Nexus looked weak. It only took Team WWE 30+ minutes to pull a victory. Anything less than 10 minutes would equal weak on the losing party. Of course, they use the "they didn't get any legit pinfalls." They are heels, they suppose to win easily? Of course, when they beat Sheamus, Cena, and Orton through pinfall on the 900th edition of Raw, then the dirt sheets said it was "little too late." Forget patience, they should have done it three weeks earlier at SummerSlam, not only the 900th edition Raw that averaged 5 million viewers. To them, 5 million viewers "less than" 500,000 who viewed SummerSlam.


It's easy to be armchair bookers, that's the norm of the IWC. "It's my way or the highway." If you just watching to nitpick, you can say all the darnest things.


E.g. iMPACT started the show by announcing a three way match at BFG only to have a match that "there must be a winner." So the match occurred and there was no offical winner so they announced the same three way match at BFG that they did at the start of the show.


The experts wrote that, not the armchair bookers sitting at home. We may disagree on it, but what do we know. Did we generate business with our armchair booking ideas? Nope. The ones booking the WWE and TNA are experts in their profession. They make ideas, they execute it, and the majoriity of the IWC w (replace it with a b)itches about it because it's easier to be an armchair booker than a wrestling fan. It's easier in life to put your smark hat and watch. Otherwise you get the IWC, only negative, never positive... 80/20 ratio. 70/30, it's above 51% and that's fo sure.


Without the support of the WWE? The WWE made Jeff Hardy one of the top merchandise pusher based on their support. Without their support, they wouldn't generate the positive results = income. Did you know, they strive to continue to make business and will put their support at that objective. Otherwise, no support = Paul Heyman's ECW. They'll fold.


Just think opposite of what you do, and bingo...you'll be cure of armchair booking.

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Barrett has some charisma at at least midcard level. Gabriel maybe midcard level. The rest no.


Gabriel has a potential to be much more than midcard level. Of course he's not the greatest on the mic, but it didn't stop Jeff Hardy from rising to the top in 2008/2009. And he's a hybrid in the wrestling ring. He can do fancy moves while being equal of size to a Cena (in terms of height). I could see him going further than Wade Barrett. That's why he's the right hand man of Wade Barrett. It would be nice if they both become a tag team and challenge for the WWE tag belts while continuing to develop in-ring.

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Those experts only listen to results...when the money stops flowing, they will think they're doing something wrong. Otherwise, if they continue making money and keep hearing the things from the fans "your flawed, fire Russo, get rid of the Hollywood writers", they aren't going to listen as much. IWC doesn't have the power. The casuals, the millions that view iMPACT, Raw, SmackDown on TV or at arenas near you, do. They spend millions of bucks. I doubt it's in their best interest to throw away money. E.g. Raw ratings are cut in half in the last ten years but it didn't stop them from $450 million plus each the last four years. WWE made like $360 million in 1999 when their ratings were in the six.


The opinion of the casuals weigh heavily than the IWC. Casuals don't like something, they'll watch something else. IWC don't like something, they'll still watch, repeat and rinse.

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Those experts only listen to results...when the money stops flowing, they will think they're doing something wrong. Otherwise, if they continue making money and keep hearing the things from the fans "your flawed, fire Russo, get rid of the Hollywood writers", they aren't going to listen as much. IWC doesn't have the power. The casuals, the millions that view iMPACT, Raw, SmackDown on TV or at arenas near you, do. They spend millions of bucks. I doubt it's in their best interest to throw away money. E.g. Raw ratings are cut in half in the last ten years but it didn't stop them from $450 million plus each the last four years. WWE made like $360 million in 1999 when their ratings were in the six.


The opinion of the casuals weigh heavily than the IWC. Casuals don't like something, they'll watch something else. IWC don't like something, they'll still watch, repeat and rinse.


Mainly due to better and wider distribution and lowering overhead.


But yeah the marks are what matter but that is the good thing about this board as most people here look at stuff from a marks perspective and a business perspective and make clear when it is personal perspective.


A large or at least loudest part unfortunately of the IWC believes their own hype and their own memes.


But this is getting way off topic and I have had this discussion too much.


Still = Not being in the business does not mean having a valid opinion.

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I honestly don't thik Orton would be so "over" is wwe didnt tell the fans be like him. Sadly, i think wwe just pushes who they think will be over til people actually like them (can you say Cena?)


This is an asinine statement, doesn't reflect at all how things happened or how Cena got over, and pretty much guarantees that I'll dismiss any future posts form you as the typical internet nerd bullcrap.


So thanks for being so efficient. :)

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This is an asinine statement, doesn't reflect at all how things happened or how Cena got over, and pretty much guarantees that I'll dismiss any future posts form you as the typical internet nerd bullcrap.


So thanks for being so efficient. :)


Took that long for you to figure it out. I posted once, was hoping to get an answer to any of my questions... Figured that would give me an idea where the shaman is coming from.


It's really easy to sit at home and say "NO, You should do Z rather then Y!"


There is a storyline involved, with alot of angles (more then I would like to see). Why can't poeple see that the whole entire goal is to get characters "Over", not the opposite. With a ton of shows, and almost always new week by week, you can't just re-write a storyline because someone is getting better heat/popularity then you expected. You go through with it as best you can, till you have an opportunity to make something new work (evolve the storylines).


Just like when playing TEW (with my favorite mod, the 70's mod), I only evolve (change) the storyline if there is an opportunity to do it that keeps the show flowing without having to re-write EVERYONE.

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