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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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From Wrestlezone.com:


Jorge "Giant" Gonzalez, a former member of the Aregentina Olympic basketball team in the 1988 Olympics, known to wrestling fans from his runs in both WWE and WCW from 1990-93, passed away today in a San Martin, Arentina hospital today.


Gonzalez had a run in WCW as EL Gigante, along with a run in WWE as Giant Gonzalez (including an early loss on The Undertaker's WrestleMania undefeated streak run) ,and stood a legitimate 7'6'' and weighing around the 400 pound mark.


Gonzalez was 44 years of age.


I actually did not mind him in WCW but I hated what they turned him into when he went to the WWF. It is sad to see that he has passed away.

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Just wondering if anyone else is in the same boat as me. When Sheamus first won the title, I didn't like it and I didn't care for him too much. But now, I am a complete Sheamus mark. Am I alone?

I hated it when Sheamus won the title for the first time, and hated his title reign. By the time his second reign rolled around, I'd warmed up to him a bit. I still wouldn't really call myself a fan of his, but I don't mind him much anymore.

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I actually did not mind him in WCW but I hated what they turned him into when he went to the WWF. It is sad to see that he has passed away.


Damn that is sad. I liked El Gigante and the time he was teaming with Brian Pillman was a good time. I also liked his broken English interviews and dealings with Missy Hyatt trying to interview him in a pool and then El Gigante wanting to dance with her.

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I often have the scary thought of Cena ending Taker's streak to turn heel. Part of me thinks it would be a terrible idea and the other part thinks it would be pretty awesome :)


Well it would be a suspenseful match because you would think he would be the guy to do it so every near fall your thinking ohh ----!


But imo hes the last person who would need something like that. Would probably get him over as a heel tho ;)

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No one should ever end his streak because it would make Shawn Michaels look like crap because he couldn't get it done when he had two matches with him. Triple H already lost to Undertaker at Wrestlemania 17, and the only logical thing would be Cena, I do want to see Taker, Cena at Mania before Taker Retires but I am not sure if Cena should win because if he did he would be the biggest heel in the business.
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No one should ever end his streak because it would make Shawn Michaels look like crap because he couldn't get it done when he had two matches with him.


There are reasons not to end the streak. This is not one of them. Who cares if a retired wrestler "looks like crap"? Shawn Michaels is done. Besides, the goal would be to make the streak ender look super-human, not make everyone who failed look like chumps.


I'd end the streak. When Undertaker is done, ready to retire, I'd find the best heel option I could (preferably someone 'new' as opposed to Cena, Triple H, Edge etc) and give him the streak. Wouldn't even hesitate.

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There are reasons not to end the streak. This is not one of them. Who cares if a retired wrestler "looks like crap"? Shawn Michaels is done. Besides, the goal would be to make the streak ender look super-human, not make everyone who failed look like chumps.


I'd end the streak. When Undertaker is done, ready to retire, I'd find the best heel option I could (preferably someone 'new' as opposed to Cena, Triple H, Edge etc) and give him the streak. Wouldn't even hesitate.


I agree, I mean Shawn Michaels is no longer making top dollar for them (people probably still buy his crap just not as much as if he were active), so who cares if it makes Shawn look bad.


And yes I have a feeling that HHH will be the one to snap the streak but I would rather see a young guy get the chance to do so.

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There are reasons not to end the streak. This is not one of them. Who cares if a retired wrestler "looks like crap"? Shawn Michaels is done. Besides, the goal would be to make the streak ender look super-human, not make everyone who failed look like chumps.


I'd end the streak. When Undertaker is done, ready to retire, I'd find the best heel option I could (preferably someone 'new' as opposed to Cena, Triple H, Edge etc) and give him the streak. Wouldn't even hesitate.


I agree, I mean Shawn Michaels is no longer making top dollar for them (people probably still buy his crap just not as much as if he were active), so who cares if it makes Shawn look bad.


And yes I have a feeling that HHH will be the one to snap the streak but I would rather see a young guy get the chance to do so.


He probably still out sells/makes more for WWE then anyone not Main Event material though. I wouldn't want to sacrifise any of that just to make someone else look great, something you could do on ANY OTHER PPV.

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He probably still out sells/makes more for WWE then anyone not Main Event material though. I wouldn't want to sacrifise any of that just to make someone else look great, something you could do on ANY OTHER PPV.


A point I failed to make above, I don't think Sheamus (for example) beating Undertaker at Wrestlemania would have any impact on how much money Shawn Michaels bring in. None at all. Not one cent.


The Undertaker would lose value, sure. I wouldn't want to end the streak unless he was retiring immediately after. He'd lose on the way out though. Miz. Morrison. Sheamus. McIntyre. Sheffield. Someone. Undertaker's last few moments would be spent looking up at the lights, putting a new star (who has been strongly built for at least 6 months) over the top.

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Yep I said this before if they do decide to end the streak the only logical wrestler would be


A) Someone who will remain loyal and not cause too much troubles. ( See Lesnar, Lashley and early Michaels)


B) Someone who needs solidifying in the main event scene. Before I mentioned Punk, now Sheamus could be a good one.


On the other hand leaving the streak intact and putting Taker on a Hogan 2005-2007 type schedule could also make good dough.


Edit: Just to make clear I am not advocating pro ending the streak just if they do decide to end it who it should be.

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I've said this before, and I'll say it again.


There is no reason to end the Wrestlemania streak. There is absolutely nothing anyone else can gain from it, that couldn't be gained by beating Taker in a regular PPV.


There is no reason to let Undertaker retire, anyways. He can become a "Force" to reckon with once or twice a year, and dissapear into the beyond whenever he is done with whatever evil he needs to right.


There is no reason Shaemus, Punk, or someone else couldn't beat him in a normal PPV, and not get the rub, desired result. IF a clean PPV win doesn't get someone over, ending a streak won't either.


All ending the streak does is tarnish the Undertaker's legacy, one that could be kept around, for even more years to come... even if he is pretty much retired. Just show up in October, Say "I've been watching you from the darkness, I am here to give you your dues. At Wrestlemania there will be a Casket Match...." and so on and so forth.


Undertaker isn't even 50 yet, he could easily get his body back in condition if he was on an annual or semi annual schedule.


EDIT: Right now, one of the draws to Wrestlemania is watching Undertaker "Defend" his streak. IF they end it, then they no longer have that as drawing power. I repeat, there is no reason to end it at all. However, I can come up with dozens of reasons NOT to end it.

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The only reason to see it end is when Undertaker calls it a day and decides it's time to retire. I say that because it could be used as a credible reason to write him out, given that he's been put in a vegetative state, splattered by Mark Henry or Khali'd and he's always come back for revenge; if they push the streak as meaning that much to him it would at least make sense that he came back from everything else but ending his streak is the one thing that deals him a mortal blow. It's the same reasoning why Flair had to threaten Melina to get Foley to say "I Quit" or why AJ had to go after Dreamer's eye to make him say "I Quit"; they'd both taken so much physical punishment in the past and never quit that it took something special to get them to give up.


As for Undertaker going part time, he's pretty much part time now and he's still in constant pain; not surprising given that he's needed a hip replacement for long time now. I think when Undertaker retires it's going to be for good because I think it'll only happen when he feels his body can no longer take it and he needs to get out while he can still have a decent quality of life after the surgeries he needs to fix himself up.

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Yes I agree I dont want to see the streak come to an end and if it did it would leave a small mark on Takers legacy. It would hurt Taker more than it helps the streak ender because the momentum wont last forever.


I dont want to see it end but if it HAD to come to and end I would pick Sheamus. It fits his character.

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