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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Because he is already super over. What good would it do for him to hold the title for a long time? He is not going to carry the company and i don't think they intend him to. Think of it as a c.m. punk win. Did anyone expect him to win the title when he did? It was a pure mark out moment the first time he won it. They did it to get a reaction and they did. When the reaction wares off they will move the title to cena most likley or the returning hhh.
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Because he is already super over. What good would it do for him to hold the title for a long time? He is not going to carry the company and i don't think they intend him to. Think of it as a c.m. punk win. Did anyone expect him to win the title when he did? It was a pure mark out moment the first time he won it. They did it to get a reaction and they did. When the reaction wares off they will move the title to cena most likley or the returning hhh.


that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard, yeah you may be right he might not have a long reign but saying that he shouldn't have won it is dumb. Triple H has said it himself if you are not in the business to be the champion then you shouldn't be there.

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Never said he should not have won it lol. But people like o lets say


arn anderson

jake roberts

jimmy snuka

roddy piper

al snow


and countless other men who have never won and title *and some of them for the exact reason as they did not need it*


they all say hello. As said by jake roberts, titles are a a way to get over. if you don't need it to get over then why use it?

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that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard, yeah you may be right he might not have a long reign but saying that he shouldn't have won it is dumb. Triple H has said it himself if you are not in the business to be the champion then you shouldn't be there.


You shouldn't call peoples opinions dumb, just sayin.


I think it was Austin who made that quote about being World champ also. I disagree with it btw, shows you guys who think like that have been in the business too long or believe the hype their promoter has built around them. Pro wrestling is fake, title belts are props.


It's not still real to me dammit! :p

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Never said he should not have won it lol. But people like o lets say


arn anderson

jake roberts

jimmy snuka

roddy piper

al snow


and countless other men who have never won and title *and some of them for the exact reason as they did not need it*


they all say hello. As said by jake roberts, titles are a a way to get over. if you don't need it to get over then why use it?


Arn,Jake, Jimmy, Roddy, AL!!


I was listing till them. I agree that some people don't need it. But also their might not be storylines, big enough, etc,etc for the reason those people were never world champ.

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Arn,Jake, Jimmy, Roddy, AL!!


I was listing till them. I agree that some people don't need it. But also their might not be storylines, big enough, etc,etc for the reason those people were never world champ.


used al snow for a man who had a passion for the business and never had a world title. I know that one was kind of a stretch but he was very popular in ecw lol

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You shouldn't call peoples opinions dumb, just sayin.


I think it was Austin who made that quote about being World champ also. I disagree with it btw, shows you guys who think like that have been in the business too long or believe the hype their promoter has built around them. Pro wrestling is fake, title belts are props.


It's not still real to me dammit! :p


Okay I understand your point that I shouldn't call peoples opinions dumb, wrestling isn't real by any means and I never said that I thought it was the only time I thought it was real was when I was to little to know any better. It was Triple H that said that people who don't want to be champion shouldn't be in the business he said it on one of his DVD releases. I didn't want Miz to win the title but now that he has I am okay with it.

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Okay I understand your point that I shouldn't call peoples opinions dumb, wrestling isn't real by any means and I never said that I thought it was the only time I thought it was real was when I was to little to know any better.


I was talking about the guys like Triple H and Austin when I made the comment about being in the business too long or taking it too seriously. Just so you know that comment wasn't directed at you :)

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I'm almost tempted to watch RAW now, because I've always been curious about whether Miz would make a good champion. He's a good promo, has a good character, and I like him, but I've never thought he was championship material. I've always thought that the Champion should represent "the best fighter in the world" and therefore be extraordinary in some way. Hulk Hogan was big and strong. Bret Hart was technically proficient. John Cena never gives up. With the exception of his promo skills, The Miz is entirely ordinary. He wins matches by being the guy who gets to hit his move, or by cheating ala every heel in the history of the sport. In the ring, in kayfabe terms, he isn't unique or special.


Again, I really like The Miz, feel he's a valuable asset to the show, and pop whenever I hear his music.


Maybe he'll be a good "undeserving" champion, retaining the belt by the skin of his teeth, with the crowd begging for the next strong, special, unique babyface challenger to knock him down a peg. Maybe his promos will sell tickets. Maybe his character will ignite bitter blood feuds. Maybe he'll be a great champion in those regards.


Alas, as interested as I am in The Miz' reign, I won't be watching it. I learned during Survivor Series that I no longer enjoy the WWE style like I used to. It just doesn't float my personal boat, as much as what I'm watching on the indy scene. In theory, I'd dig the slower WWE-style because it would allow more time for storytelling. I'm a story guy. I'm happy to sacrifice some movez for narrative. Yet Survivor Series didn't deliver. I saw no more drama or storytelling in Bryan/Ted, Sheamus/JoMo, Kaval/Dolph than I do in opening matches in PWG. I just saw less movez.

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I hated Survivor Series but I freely admit this RAW was incredible on as pure entertainment. I mean look at all the stuff that went down last night


* A very good match between Sheamus and R-Truth

* LayCool can't get into the building (it's these small things that make for a FAR more complete show)

* Tamina and Santino hook up (Santino will go down in history as the greatest ladies' man in this sport. Maria, Beth and now Tamina. Kayfabe-wise of course, because there's no beating Punk, ever :D )

* CM Punk on commentary

* John Cena's best promo ever

* I understand alot of people marked for Bryan Daniel: American Pimp haha

* Barrett's You can't see me taunt was gold as Cena left the building

* Randy Orton is made look like a true warrior

* Miz is world champ, when alot of people thought he'd be the first guy to have a failed cash-in



You just gotta take your hat off for that kind of stuff

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Whoever said Miz doesn't need the title is crazy! The only people in the WWE who don't NEED the title are John Cena, Triple H, and the Undertaker because they will always be known as the top guys. Cena could come back and lose to the Miz but fans will still view him as the top guy in the company and still the face. It would take a lot to tear those reputations down but they could go the rest of their careers without the top title.


Miz is someone who could benefit by having the belt for 3-4 months. Some could call him the luckiest champion ever while others could call him the newest dirtiest player in the game because he wins by cheating or dodging opponents by getting counted out. Maybe he wins a couple matches by count out with Rileys help.


That would be entertaining and I think it would make people love to hate him. He would have heel heat and not XPac heat.

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I can't see him going into Mania as champ, I think he's lucky to make it to the Rumble. Nothing to do with my feelings on him just the way I see it playing out.


Unless Trips comes back, who takes it?


ORton isn't a great draw with the strap, I like Randy, but the crowd and PPV buys show that they prefer to see him chasing the title and causing mayhem than actually holding it. He just had a "long run" (by today's WWE standards :rolleyes:) so i can't see him winning it back that quickly.


In theroy, Cena is "out" of the picture, Barrett's not ready and a heel, sheamus doesn't need it again, he's also a heel.


I mean, what face is ready for that push on raw? Morrision? He might get that push, but i dont think he's going to win it.

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That would be entertaining and I think it would make people love to hate him. He would have heel heat and not XPac heat.


Uh, in no way, shape or form is it Xpac heat, sorry.


former Reality TV star or no, he is gold on the mic, he's arguably the number 1 heel in the company right now and has been in that class for awhile.


Ever since he came back with the short tights and lost the stupid "lady's man" gimmick, he's been one of the best things on Raw and in the WWE in general.

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I'd like to see JoMo get a push, actually. They have history and JoMo's beard is great.


I wouldn't mind seeing him get the initial shot at it, after they somehow bow randy out gracefully ( Thinking mabey he snaps and becomes the new "I'm taking out nesxus at all costs, leading to him and cena teaming up somehow to rid the company of them)


Don't think I'd like him to win it though, I love Morrison in ring, but he bores me on the mic as a face. He was better as a wise guy heel.

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