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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Derrick Bateman is a local wrestler that went by Michael Hutter. He has the entertainment skills and wasn't bad in the ring. So I'm cheering for him.


When he was wrestling here he had a gimmick where he was better than the fans and we weren't privileged enough to hear his entrance music, so he listened to it on his iPod as he came to the ring and did all his taunts and danced to it. It was priceless.


I'm also liking the look and attitude of Johnny Curtis.

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Derrick Bateman is a local wrestler that went by Michael Hutter. He has the entertainment skills and wasn't bad in the ring. So I'm cheering for him.


When he was wrestling here he had a gimmick where he was better than the fans and we weren't privileged enough to hear his entrance music, so he listened to it on his iPod as he came to the ring and did all his taunts and danced to it. It was priceless.


I'm also liking the look and attitude of Johnny Curtis.


Also Bateman being from Cleveland could make for some good tv with The Miz.

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Don't think we can tell, no storyline is ever going to be written for Juan.


I didn't care for the mr America storyline but it had skits, promos ect.


Juan just shows up at house shows


What if Juan starts getting over in the house shows, getting a good reaction?... they might bring him up to the main roster......

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Giant waste. Whoever is evaluating talent has dropped the ball a lot recently.


Agreed. Gallows and Archer were pretty talented in ring for men of their size, and MVP had the potential to be massively over, hell, he IS quite over - didn't he have an IC title shot on Smackdown a few weeks that Ziggles had to cheat to win? Bah. Poor guy. Even without any particular attention from creative he was holding a solid midcard slot, and with pushing he's good enough on the mic and decent enough between the ropes to main event TV shows at least... seems a silly, silly call to me.


On the plus side, no more 'Ballin'!'. Drop to grounded opponent with some theatrics (see Rock, Hogan) good, with about a minute of theatrics baaaaaad.

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