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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I just always felt like MVP was one of the few where they got the gimmick right; he dressed and spoke like a 'modern athlete.' They gave him the right entrance. Even his BAAAALLIn schtick was relevant when he started doing it.


It's a shame R Truth can do some hackneyed rapper gimmick that was out of date 10 years ago and MVP gets cut loose.

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Where it felt like they were wrestling each other in some fashion for 6 weeks straight or something. And didn't every match see Miz sneak out a victory or keep the title in some fashion?


They only faced on two PPVs(Rumble, EC). Rest were tag team bouts as ShowMiz was in full swing and Miz had one of his stand-out promos in that feud(the one where he referenced JBL). They had solid confrontations, with some interaction during the Rumble.


Edit: MVP's twitter says he asked for his release.

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They only faced on two PPVs(Rumble, EC). Rest were tag team bouts as ShowMiz was in full swing and Miz had one of his stand-out promos in that feud(the one where he referenced JBL). They had solid confrontations, with some interaction during the Rumble.


Edit: MVP's twitter says he asked for his release.


yeah he asked for it, because he was so unhappy about not being used.

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In 2006 I thought MVP was going to be HUGE, they never really did much with him outside of his initial run. Of course that could be said for so many guys.


Speaking of which where is Gordy's son at?


Jesse Quit/was released. If I remember correctly. If that was Gordy's son. They really dropped the ball on MVP though.

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I just always felt like MVP was one of the few where they got the gimmick right; he dressed and spoke like a 'modern athlete.' They gave him the right entrance. Even his BAAAALLIn schtick was relevant when he started doing it.


It's a shame R Truth can do some hackneyed rapper gimmick that was out of date 10 years ago and MVP gets cut loose.

Well, you shouldn't be surprised. They weren't doing anything of circumstance with him in a while.

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I just always felt like MVP was one of the few where they got the gimmick right; he dressed and spoke like a 'modern athlete.' They gave him the right entrance. Even his BAAAALLIn schtick was relevant when he started doing it.


It's a shame R Truth can do some hackneyed rapper gimmick that was out of date 10 years ago and MVP gets cut loose.


Cant...cant they both be awful?


Cause they are/were.

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Ah man, shame MVP was released, really surprised R-Truth has lasted this long


Truth is over and doesn't seem to mind that he's a midcarder with occasional uppermid pushes


MVP has chaffed at his push for at least a year and ASKED to be released


Big difference


I also never got the MVP is being misused bit. I liked him As a solid midcarder but never considered him main event material


Slow, boring ring work mixed with hit or miss promos for me. I will agree he was Better as a heel. I think they missed a huge storyline when they didn't slow turn him heel after lebron.


I would have had him defend lebron and say they fans are idiots and do treat pro athletes like property Etc


Heel heat would have been massive everywhere but south beach :)

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For those who didn't see the actual tweet, MVP said he's "it's time to go international." Sounds like Japan. I know blaming creative is the easy(aka lazy and not completely accurate) thing to do, but when the creative's hands are tied because a guy is mouthing off backstage and refusing to do what he's told to improve in the ring, you should probably look at the guy who's getting released.


Four years ago I would've guessed MVP and Kennedy would be main eventing Wrestlemania against each other...and now they're both gone. Crazy.

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For those who didn't see the actual tweet, MVP said he's "it's time to go international." Sounds like Japan. I know blaming creative is the easy(aka lazy and not completely accurate) thing to do, but when the creative's hands are tied because a guy is mouthing off backstage and refusing to do what he's told to improve in the ring, you should probably look at the guy who's getting released.


Four years ago I would've guessed MVP and Kennedy would be main eventing Wrestlemania against each other...and now they're both gone. Crazy.


I do agree with all of this; his attitude was poor.

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On the topic of MVP, I think it is a shame that he has gone personally. There was a lot of missed potential there.


On a different topic, I can honestly see Kaitlyn becoming the next Trish Stratus. Remember, Trish was really not that great to begin with (both in ring and on the mic) and I think Kaitlyn is improving at quite a decent rate.

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On the topic of MVP, I think it is a shame that he has gone personally. There was a lot of missed potential there.



Yeah..not to beat this to death..but again I'm watching Lebron going back to Cleveland and I can't help but think the WWE missed the boat with MVP


His gimmick was 'the modern athlete' and he played it well. Well 'the modern athlete' works effectively as a heel as well as a face and this past Summer Lebron's leaving Cleveland and his Decision special was one of THE hottest topics of conversation ...not in sports but in all the news.


How easy would it have been to do a parody where MVP turns heel by announcing his DECISION to go to RAW in a sit down interview with Josh Matthews or something?


He had one of the few modern, relevant-to-pop-culture gimmicks in the company.If you can't figure out to write for him, I seriously question your talent as a writer.

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I think you've giving the WWE a bit too much credit on being current, Peter. I expect they may indeed run that exact type of storyline to play off of LeBron stuff... but they'll do it in 3-5 years... :-)


You are absolutely correct, though. It would've worked and he would have been the ideal choice for it. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the writers pitched it and Vince poo-poo'd the idea. By most reports, Vince lives in a bubble world and its hard to know just how much he would know about a situation like LeBron "taking his talents to South Beach".

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I will always remember when he was a tag champion with hardy.


Half man half amazing half world tag team champion.


Taz: Isen't that 150%?


He was good in my opinion. His feud with hardy was actuly entertaining to me. All the diffrent sport's they played.

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I too thought MVP had potential. He had an interesting outfit. A modern, relevant gimmick. Ring work was fine per WWE standards. The babyface turn and move to RAW killed him dead, and the shine was off the apple after that. He needed a new twist to keep him fresh, and WWE couldn't be arsed. Shame.
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Whats going on with the WWE Championship? Why do I watch a recorded RAW for the first time in 6 months and see a Miz vs The King WWE Championship match in which I honestly thought the King was going to win? Im not even sure if what I was watching was true.


A bunch of guys hurt or doesnt the WWE care about their belt prestige again?

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