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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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ROH would have to grow by alot more than a bit to compete with WWE. TNA is a lot bigger than ROH and they aren't really competing with WWE, they just act like they are.

Correct. Unlike TNA, ROH doesn't seem to have any delusions of competing with WWE. They're a niche product, and seem perfectly fine with that. I think there's plenty of potential for growth, but ROH will never be in direct competition with WWE, nor should they want to be. Nothing wrong with being "the alternative."

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Not trying to downplay ROH but since this is the WWE discussion thread I'd like to point out that Punk attacking Cena on Monday was awesome!


Even though he didn't have a really good reason, it still made me mark out like crazy! Punk should totally shoot on Cena next week.


Cena spilt Punks soda thats perfect reason:p

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Not trying to downplay ROH but since this is the WWE discussion thread I'd like to point out that Punk attacking Cena on Monday was awesome!


Even though he didn't have a really good reason, it still made me mark out like crazy! Punk should totally shoot on Cena next week.


It was awesome hopefully this will push Punk into WWE Title Contention even though he has already been a multiple time World Champion I think it would be great if this feud led him to greater things such as the WWE Title.

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It was awesome hopefully this will push Punk into WWE Title Contention even though he has already been a multiple time World Champion I think it would be great if this feud led him to greater things such as the WWE Title.


IMO even when he was World Champion he wasn't treated as a main eventer

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In TEW terms, not every main eventer needs to be main eventing every show. And besides, during his feud with Hardy, he was in the final match on several PPVs and went over on several of them. No question but that he is/was a main eventer in TEW terms.



I mean, doesn't Lobster Warrior start off a main eventer despite being the #5 face in the promotion in SWF (after Bruce, Money, Faith, and Frehley)? Ignoring the fact that WWE has a much larger roster and therefore would have even more main eventers, do you really think there were 4/5 guys ahead of Punk when he was champion last year and main eventing Summerslam?

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Cena, Taker, Orton, Edge(? Can't keep track of his disposition NOW, never mind a year ago, so I'm guessing), Trips but he's out on injury.


Edge was injured a year ago, so strike him off. Orton was still being booked as a heet. BUT you can add HBK and HHH wasn't injured then. So you still have four, I guess.

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Edge was injured a year ago, so strike him off. Orton was still being booked as a heet. BUT you can add HBK and HHH wasn't injured then. So you still have four, I guess.


Summerslam was when he said, so I went off that time period. Orton turned at WM, but Trips and HBK both left at the same time -- WM. Edge came back at Royal Rumble, meaning he was back for ALMOST the whole year.


Or... did you mean 2009? Cause that would injure my argument. I thought he meant "last summerslam." Silly me.

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Summerslam was when he said, so I went off that time period. Orton turned at WM, but Trips and HBK both left at the same time -- WM. Edge came back at Royal Rumble, meaning he was back for ALMOST the whole year.


Or... did you mean 2009? Cause that would injure my argument. I thought he meant "last summerslam." Silly me.


He said when Punk was champ, so it's gotta be last year. I can see how the mistake was made though :)

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Cena, Taker, Orton, Edge(? Can't keep track of his disposition NOW, never mind a year ago, so I'm guessing), Trips but he's out on injury.


Four or five guys of the same disposition? Was that not clear from the sentences immediately around that paragraph?


Anyway, my point is there's no question that Punk was a main eventer last year. He's still a main eventer this year. Just because he hasn't been booked like the top guy in the company doesn't mean he's not a main eventer.

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I'm surprised by that, he was WWE's "2nd breakout superstar" or whatever NXT's tag line as, didn't really worl out :p. What next? TNA, PWG, ROH? I can't see him back in TNA, but I'd like it as it;s the only wrestling I even occasionally watch and thats only because I don't know many WWE guys and the TNA are mostly the guys I watched when I liked wrestling on its face value rather than what the web has turned it into!
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PWI is reporting that is simply a "creative has nothing for you" issue again and the release was amicable.


If creative can't come up with anything for someone as talented and unique as Low Ki, they aren't very ****ing creative in the first place. Call them some different and more accurate. Seriously, Smackdown is hurting for talent and Low Ki clearly can put on a good TV match, yet there's nothing for him? You can't tell me combining Kaval with either Yoshi Tatsu or Zach Ryder woudn't be interesting.... There you go, I deserve to be part of WWE creative more than those idiots.

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