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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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No appearance by Triple H, not even to eliminate Sheamus.


My money's on Cena.


EDIT: Well, there goes that...looks like Barrett or maybe Del Rio.


EDIT 2: So Del Rio vs. Edge, Orton vs. Punk, and Cena vs. Miz at Wrestlemania. Maybe Barrett vs. Taker? Maybe Diesel vs. Big Show?

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I didn't buy the PPV, but I've been following a live blog—what makes you say that?


All the run in/dirty finishes but I liked the show. However i dont like Del Rio winning he hasn't been there a year yet I guess you dont have to earn your spot anymore:rolleyes:

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That said, I don't know how to feel about the winner. On one hand, I have really liked what I've seen of him: I like his look, I like how charismatic he is, and he's not terribly boring in the ring (I can't judge because I get burned out really fast watching matches closely, so I tend to watch while doing other things).


On the other hand, I only watch RAW, and that means the storyline followup is gonna be completely irrelevant to me.

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All the run in/dirty finishes but I liked the show. However i dont like Del Rio winning he hasn't been there a year yet I guess you dont have to earn your spot anymore:rolleyes:

What are you on about?


He was a megastar in Mexico. I suppose previous work shouldn't count tho. Brock Lesnar won the title less than 6 months into his WWE career fyi.

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Starts as the most awesome smark rumble ever. Goes into Cenation Hornswoggle funtime. Builds you up with a big moment and then... Orton. Orton comes along, Cena staredown, waiting for that final entry while the camera zooms in...




All the while, Del Rio has already entered and it's just so boring. The ending was fantastic, I smiled. But I believe they made a real mistake putting Orton there. there was no point whatsoever. If Miz eliminated Cena, okay you've got something going there, but what's the point if you're going to put Orton there? Just so upsetting.


No Haitch, Jericho or Undertaker really made the show go out with a wimper. Taker's probably injured (I don't follow it much these days) but I think the whole thing shifted on one boring pick. I cannot get behind Orton whatsoever and I definitely cannot get behind Orton/Cena. The popularity of the feud is clearly dwindling too. Admittedly the crowd is Boston so it was obviously more smarky but it just died on the spot.

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What are you on about?


He was a megastar in Mexico. I suppose previous work shouldn't count tho. He has to spend a few years working up the card to prove that he's worthy of his spot. Nevermind that by the time you'd think he's worthy he'd already be in his late-30s and his main eventing days would be very short. Brock Lesnar won the title less than 6 months into his WWE career fyi.


Brock had that it factor a great monster look and skill. Del Rio to me is boring and bland like much of WWE's newer "Stars"

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I don't know, if I were Vegas, my favorite has to be CM Punk. He's got a lot of momentum, he's an established name that hasn't won it and he has a stable to help him out in the match (see Randy Orton in 2008). I'd say he's my pick for most likely. Other favorites: John Cena. He's been operating at a very high level as he's essentially replaced HBK as the guy on Raw who doesn't need to be in the title picture to be in a great feud, but he's still WWE's guy and they'd love to put him vs. Punk or him vs. Miz as their headliner. John Morrison: somewhat of an outside chance, but they've been pretty high on him lately, he's got a great feud with the Miz built in, and it's a show that should sell itself so you don't have to worry if Morrison/Miz doesn't go on last (although frankly it could, considering their match a couple weeks ago). Smackdown favorites: Alberto Del Rio. If your Raw feud is Cena/Punk, you can do Del Rio/Edge as your Smackdown feud and put it lower down the card.


Outside chances: Triple H. Doubtful, considering he's almost guaranteed to work a program with Sheamus in the near future.


Wade Barrett. He is leading the Smackdown Nexus, and could work against Edge, but considering Undertaker wants to work with him, I see him vs. 'Taker in a gimmick match being far more likely. Plus they still haven't explained the Nexus run-in on 'Taker from months ago.


I have a hard time of thinking of anybody else with a real shot.


The prophecy has been fulfilled. :cool:

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When is something no longer a spoiler? If the topic is about it and it has already happened then wouldn’t someone who doesn’t want to be spoiled just stay away, I would think that is common sense. Though I could kind of see how having all the WWE stuff in one thread complicates it a bit, still it seems pointless to worry about spoilers after an event has been broadcasted.
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I think the thing we all learned from this Rumble is that the `E needs to do what they did with Perfect a few years back, and bring back the big man. The fact that Rey Mysterio got booed for hitting him with a 619 is insane. lol


Overall, I thought the Rumble match was pretty good. Not stellar, but definitely not bland. My biggest issue was the two championship losers being in. Maybe it's just me, but that whole concept of losing your shot at the gold, just to get a second chance at it, and not in a sneaky conspiracy way, just seems awkward.

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