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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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well if i may say so its offical Miz is a transional champion that will be fed to cena at mania


I dunno if I'd call Miz a transitional champion at this point. Also not sure I believe he's gonna lose at `mania.


More importantly, for a moment, I honestly believed Morrison might pull it out. When he thumped against the pod, and clutched his knee, I saw a moment where Punk eliminated Cena, only to turn around into Morrison doing something bizarre off the chamber, and picking up the upset victory. A good match, but Morrison made it something special.

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I dunno if I'd call Miz a transitional champion at this point. Also not sure I believe he's gonna lose at `mania.


More importantly, for a moment, I honestly believed Morrison might pull it out. When he thumped against the pod, and clutched his knee, I saw a moment where Punk eliminated Cena, only to turn around into Morrison doing something bizarre off the chamber, and picking up the upset victory. A good match, but Morrison made it something special.


I dont think he has a shot they wont have Cena the current Hulk Hogan lose to a young not yet proven superstar but well see.


And yes Morrison is awesome thats who i wanted to win tonight

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I don't think you can call him a "transitional champion" when he'll have held the belt from Survivor Series to Wrestlemania...


I say it mostly on how he has been booked in a feud with lawlar and looking extremely weak most of the time. Miz has grown on me a little and with in a year or two will be as big as cena just needs to be booked better

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Booker T, Trish Stratus & Steve Austin on Tough Enough? Yeah, Impact just got kicked off my schedule.


Cena winning was disappointing. Guess we're not getting Rock vs. Cena at Wrestlemania. Morrison vs. Miz would have been so much better.


Michael Cole was okay, until the Trish Stratus segment. Then he was complete ****.


Alberto winning was meh.


Corre winning was all right, though I'm not sure what the point of it will be. Can't see an interesting feud develop from this. Also, they're now two time tag team champions. Man the belts have gone down.


Kelly Kelly coming back was expected, though there could have been something decent coming out of her "firing". Respect for taking the crazy bumps and Trish intervening was also expected, but this time welcomed. She hasn't lost a step.


Miz remains as bland as ever to me. He needs to expand on what he's talking about. About the differences between his hard work ethic and what his opponents had handed to them perhaps. Things like that.


CM Punk needs to go back to spiky hair. He looks retarded like this.

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Kofi v Del Rio - Solid opener. Del Rio was always going to win.


SD Chamber - Awesome match. Happy that McIntyre looked impressive. Rey and Edge worked great together. I was covinced Edge would win and I like him as Champion, but I wouldn't have minded Rey winning so we'd have a Triple Threat Title Match at Mania.


Tag Team Match - The Corre finally win a title with a clean pin. Nice move for the tag division.


Angles - Christian's return was perfectly timed. The Teddy/Vicki/Kelly/Trish/LayCool angle was fun.


King v Miz - Miz continues to earn his spot at the top. King may be past his prime but he can sure sell a match. Nice spot with Cole being wiped out. Bring on King v Cole at Mania.


Raw Chamber - Another great match. I nearly lost it when Punk was "eliminated" because he's awesome. Loved seeing him pin Orton. Morrison's drop spot was cool. I was hoping he'd win. Don't mind Cena winning because at least Cena v Miz is a fresh rivalry and should sell a few Mania tickets.


Overall - Fantastic PPV leading into Mania. The shorter card and long Chamber matches really helped.


well if i may say so its offical Miz is a transional champion that will be fed to cena at mania


Not if they're smart. Miz beating Cena would be AWESOME!!!


Possible Wrestlemania Card:


Cena v Miz

Edge v Del Rio

King v Cole

Orton v Punk

Santino/Kozlov v Corre

Eve v Layla

Triple H v Undertaker

Everyone else in the MITB match - Morisson to win

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Percy Watson defeated Ted DiBiase in a Raw dark match. Daniel Bryan beat Ted Dibiase in the EC dark match. Somebody hates DiBiase!


Trish Stratus and Kelly Kelly vs. Michelle McCool and Layla rumored for WM.


There was actually talk in creative meetings of Jerry Lawler winning the WWE Title from The Miz at Elimination Chamber. There was one idea for Lawler to win at the pay-per-view and then drop the belt on tonight’s RAW. There is a feeling that The Miz hasn’t gotten over how they want and they need to give him big wins now to get him over.


CM Punk's nasty EC cuts


Jericho will be Dancing with the Stars soon so he won't return until well after Wrestlemania.


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Cena v Miz

Edge v Del Rio

King v Cole

Orton v Punk

Santino/Kozlov v Corre

Eve v Layla

Triple H v Undertaker

Everyone else in the MITB match - Morisson to win


Just edit this to my thoughts:


The Rock will be Enforcer/Referee to Miz vs Cena.

Christian will be added to the Edge vs Del Rio

Hopefully we dont have King vs Cole. That would be painful to watch.

Replace Santino/Kozlov with Bryan/Bateman. The NXT winners get a Tag Title shot, and that would give us something fun and different.

Divas match will probably be either Lay-Cool vs Trish/Kelly or some big Multi-Diva tag match.

Hoping its not HHH vs Undertaker, but most likely will be. Could find out tonight.

Dont want a MITB unless they get rid of the PPV.

Add: Kingston vs Swagger vs McIntyre vs Mysterio. A great opener for the IC title.

Add: Barrett vs Big Show. Or even Zeke vs Big Show. Need some filler in the show.

Add: Sheamus vs Morrison vs Truth. The show needs some Raw love.

Finally Re-order the matches to a good order.


Cena v Miz -Special Guest Ref/Enforcer The Rock

Edge v Del Rio v Christian

Trish/Kelly v Lay-Cool

??? v Undertaker

Bateman/Bryan v Corre

Orton v Punk

Sheamus v Morrison vs Truth

Barrett or Jackson v Big Show

Kingston v Swagger v McIntyre v Mysterio


Thats my Mania card.

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I posted it last night but my posts still needed verification then, so...


Is anyone else expecting a triple threat for the World Heavyweight Championship with Christian involved at WrestleMania?


Yep, I am. In my post above :p.


After what happened it has to be. And I hope Christian wins, he really deserves a World Championship run.


The emotions in that match would be incredible.

-Edge against the odds.

-Alberto trying to fulfill destiny.

-Christian trying to finally reach the top of the WWE mountain.

-Edge & Christians friendship (or are the WWE still saying brothers?)

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Is anyone else expecting a triple threat for the World Heavyweight Championship with Christian involved at WrestleMania?

If Christian is added to the match then it might be so ADR can pin him to win the title and allow the ADR/Edge feud to be prolonged or maybe to segue into a Christian/Edge feud to keep Edge away from ADR while he defends against other babyfaces. If Christian isn't added then his probable role is for ADR to get a strong TV win leading into the match with Edge.

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I know the internet is home of Christian-marks worldwide, but why on earth would he be added to the Smackdown Wrestlemania main event? Has Christian been a main eventer at any point since he's been on Smackdown? If the answer is no, why would he be boosted to the main event for Wrestlemania of all pay per views? I mean from a storyline perspective he's done nothing to earn a title shot: he wasn't a contender 5 months ago and he's spent the intervening time on the shelf. I mean throwing John Morrison into the Cena/Miz feud would make more sense, as at least he's had some impressive matches lately and has been booked as a top contender for the past 2 months. It wouldn't be a good idea either but it'd make more sense than adding Christian to the match. I just see it as a way of giving Del Rio somebody to beat up and gives Edge a tag team partner for the next few Smackdowns.
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