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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Well I mean that's your personal assessment, I think the reality of the situation and his heel heat + the growing percentage of people who appreciate his work completely disagree with your assesme t that he's some Midgard mullet who the front office is pushing despite the fans wishes.


He connects with the crowd, so he can't be as complete useless as your trying to make out.


I never said anything about how the fans or anyone else are against the Miz getting pushed. I did mention that there are people who think highly of him but I said nothing about anyone else thinking of Miz negatively. I also never said he he was useless; in fact, I said, and maintain, he would make a great manager.

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I never said anything about how the fans or anyone else are against the Miz getting pushed. I did mention that there are people who think highly of him but I said nothing about anyone else thinking of Miz negatively. I also never said he he was useless; in fact, I said, and maintain, he would make a great manager.


Right. But hes already over as a heel wrestler.


There have been quite a few heels over the years that didn't look physically imposing that did just fine as main event caliber workers.

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Right. But hes already over as a heel wrestler.


There have been quite a few heels over the years that didn't look physically imposing that did just fine as main event caliber workers.


I won't deny that he has a measure of overness. But I will be interested to see what happens when he isn't involved with Cena and Rock. Working an issue with those guys would get anyone more over because they're the ones making the issue. I'll be interested to see how people react when the Miz is the one being relied on to get the issue over.

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I won't deny that he has a measure of overness. But I will be interested to see what happens when he isn't involved with Cena and Rock. Working an issue with those guys would get anyone more over because they're the ones making the issue. I'll be interested to see how people react when the Miz is the one being relied on to get the issue over.




So you haven't noticed that he's been getting heat from the crowd for a solid year...pretty much since he came over to Raw...?


I think you just don't like the guy.

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Oh, I like Badass Cena, alright. But he just doesn't cut as a wholesome face. And his ringwork has devolved over time, without making up much in other areas, while a guy like Miz used to be really, really bad in the ring, but is no beter in the ring than Cena is. And with a much better gimmick and character to boot.

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Oh, I like Badass Cena, alright. But he just doesn't cut as a wholesome face. And his ringwork has devolved over time, without making up much in other areas, while a guy like Miz used to be really, really bad in the ring, but is no beter in the ring than Cena is. And with a much better gimmick and character to boot.


We've gone over this before :p


You don't like wholesome face Cena. And I admit the character has worn completely thin.


But he's still over with the majority of the audience.


And if the WWE wouldn't turn him when they had a golden opportunity like the Nexus story, I just don't see a time in the near future when they will.

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So you haven't noticed that he's been getting heat from the crowd for a solid year...pretty much since he came over to Raw...?


I think you just don't like the guy.

In Miz's time in the main event, he's been working against Orton, Cena and now Rock is involved. Miz has held up his end as far as getting heat but it's the other guys who make the issue over because they're the bigger star. I'm just interested in what happens when Miz is put in the position of being 'the star' of the main event program and he's working with someone lower on the ladder.


Again, so there can be no misinterpretation of my words, I am not saying Miz isn't over, because he is. I'm not saying that people are rejecting him in the spot he's in, because they aren't I just want to see what happens when Miz is carrying the ball as the centerpiece and someone else is the up-and-coming star working against him.

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In Miz's time in the main event, he's been working against Orton, Cena and now Rock is involved. Miz has held up his end as far as getting heat but it's the other guys who make the issue over because they're the bigger star. I'm just interested in what happens when Miz is put in the position of being 'the star' of the main event program and he's working with someone lower on the ladder.


Again, so there can be no misinterpretation of my words, I am not saying Miz isn't over, because he is. I'm not saying that people are rejecting him in the spot he's in, because they aren't I just want to see what happens when Miz is carrying the ball as the centerpiece and someone else is the up-and-coming star working against him.


That won't be for hears though, he's a heel. Faces carry programs for the most part. I like heels but people pay to see faces get over on heels ultimately

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In Miz's time in the main event, he's been working against Orton, Cena and now Rock is involved. Miz has held up his end as far as getting heat but it's the other guys who make the issue over because they're the bigger star. I'm just interested in what happens when Miz is put in the position of being 'the star' of the main event program and he's working with someone lower on the ladder.


Again, so there can be no misinterpretation of my words, I am not saying Miz isn't over, because he is. I'm not saying that people are rejecting him in the spot he's in, because they aren't I just want to see what happens when Miz is carrying the ball as the centerpiece and someone else is the up-and-coming star working against him.

They are move than he is, but he's ringwork is at least their level. I would even say his Psychology is better than Orton's or Cena's at this point.

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Who does entertain you in WWE?


CM Punk - most of the time, but this New Nexus thing has me souring on him.


Cody Rhodes - His Dashing gimmick really drew me in, and this feud with Rey seems to be looking pretty good.


Jack Swagger - He's decent if not good in the ring and he showed glimmers of being a great heel during his fun as champ. Might do better as a goofy face though.


Zack Ryder - Do I need to explain this?


Justin Gabriel - He's got a nice mix of aerial and ground skills and if he works on his promo skills, he'd be just fine.


Daniel Bryan - Epic in the ring, and I've seen some of his promos with Paul London. He's got a lot to offer.


Christian - Good on the mic and in the ring.


Sin Cara - Have you seen this guy in CMLL. Because you should. Like now.

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So my roomates never seen or watched wrestling before saw me watching RAW. His reaction:


"Is that that Marine guy ... Oh hey the Miz!"


*Starts watching and talking about seeing Miz in some interview and liking him*


Just thought I'd share the story. I know it's a isolated incident, but Miz is making his rounds on TV shows and seems to be being groomed to be "the face" of the WWE. And people seem to be responding positively to it.


Which makes me happy, cuz I think it's a great character.

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I love The Miz. He's got great charisma and is a natural heel that plays well to the crowd and has a love relationship with any microphone.


Sadly though, I grew up with wrestling in the 90's when main event wrestler = jacked up roid monster, and sad as it is I still have a bit of a hard time shaking that feeling. Funnily enough though, it's often the smaller guys that are the most interesting to me: Jericho, CM Punk, Morrison, Danielson and of course Miz himself has been some of the biggest highlights of WWE in recent years to me. But for them to work as the promotion's biggest and best wrestlers, you really have to present them in the right way. Cowardly heel works well for The Miz, for example. He obviously can't play the Superman Cena bit.

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I love The Miz. He's got great charisma and is a natural heel that plays well to the crowd and has a love relationship with any microphone.


Sadly though, I grew up with wrestling in the 90's when main event wrestler = jacked up roid monster, and sad as it is I still have a bit of a hard time shaking that feeling. Funnily enough though, it's often the smaller guys that are the most interesting to me: Jericho, CM Punk, Morrison, Danielson and of course Miz himself has been some of the biggest highlights of WWE in recent years to me. But for them to work as the promotion's biggest and best wrestlers, you really have to present them in the right way. Cowardly heel works well for The Miz, for example. He obviously can't play the Superman Cena bit.

That's the thing. WWE wanted a cowardly heel. They got one that works. Randy Orton and Sheamus just don't work as chickenffeed heels.

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I just saw the line-up of NXT..............utter crap. I have lost my faith in humanity. If you are giving people a second chance where is Percy Watson? why is Darren Young there if he is already on the RAW roster regardless of how regularly he appears. I assume they already have plans for Bateman or his injury means he can't go. Hornswoggle as a pro almost made me cry; I seriously hope Titus O'Neill eats him. There is a reason that these guys weren't voted to win! Byron Saxton is good.........don't give a furry rat's ass about the others.
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