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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Teddy Hart is so much better than fricken Jack Evans. Jack Evans run in Dragon Gate single handedly put me off that promotion for life and I will never forgive him for that.


Last time I checked Dragon Gate was pretty much just doing spotfests anyway...


And even Jack Evans can sell better than Teddy Hart. Or Matt Cross.


And that's terrible.

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Last time I checked Dragon Gate was pretty much just doing spotfests anyway...


And even Jack Evans can sell better than Teddy Hart. Or Matt Cross.


And that's terrible.


Last time you checked they probably were, I have not watched anything they've done in years but originally Dragon Gate "spotfests" had flow, smoothness, a seamless series of transitions and counters between moves at a beautiful pace which was only possible due to using workers only trained within that system and style of wrestling, as soon as they started bringing in foreigners and too much outside talent they lost what made them special. To put it in TEW terms it was like having a whole promotion where almost everyone had good chemistry with almost everyone else. Jack Evans was a major part in bringing that to a halt because his spots were so contrived, over the top and required far too much assistance to be able to work within the confines of the style.


Teddy Hart worked his high flying into matches much better (which is a scary thought) plus had the advantage of being completely bat feces insane which was entertaining on many levels. It's one of my biggest disappointments in wrestling that his H2 Wrestling promotion never ran a show because that would have been superb if only because I wanted to know what "The Alienist" Alex Shelley gimmick was all about since the thought of a wrestler who is an expert on the legal aspects of mental illness seems bizarre. But, I am going way off topic now.


Matt Cross, eh, lacks the insanity but I'd take him over Evans. Nothing he's done has ever bothered me hugely and he's athletic in a less annoying way.

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Interesting how they've had Christian beat Del Rio twice in a row. I've heard somewhere that a common strategy is to have someone lose before winning a title so as to set up the people that beat them as future challengers, I'm wondering if that's what this is.
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Interesting how they've had Christian beat Del Rio twice in a row. I've heard somewhere that a common strategy is to have someone lose before winning a title so as to set up the people that beat them as future challengers, I'm wondering if that's what this is.


Given how Del Rio "injured" Christian and that it's very likely he'll win the title at WM, I'd say this is the case.


Hopefully this ends up with Edge and Christian reuniting and making the tag division matter again.

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Interesting how they've had Christian beat Del Rio twice in a row. I've heard somewhere that a common strategy is to have someone lose before winning a title so as to set up the people that beat them as future challengers, I'm wondering if that's what this is.

Like how it's "interesting" that Mark Henry beats Randy Orton a while ago or King Sheamus this year? Look where Orton is now. And look where Sheamus is now. Still way above Mark Henry.


It's WWE's way of lazily buildinng cheap momentum or popularity.

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in those cases it was a random match. Christian actually has storyline importance due to his past wil Edge and Del Rio

Actually, Sheamus attacked Henry before, so it had storylien relevance. That being said, you have a fair point... but my point still stands. It's not something WWE isn't below doing.

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The Corre needs a better entrance song.


Actually, I wish they'd go back to using in house songs for entrance music. These crappy wannabe commercial rock songs are so aggravating and all sound the same.


Well, to attract casual mainstream fans, you have to prentend you're into mainstream stuff too. Using music from popular bands helps that, just like bringing in Snooki. It's not always a hit though, they had and will have some misses.

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I'd be surprised if this whole Edge/Christian/Del Rio isn't set up to promote an Edge/Christian feud in the near future. And while also trying to get Del Rio over, of course.


Long time ago, I heard Edge say that he saw no reason for him and Christian to unite but that he'd love for them to face off. At this point of his career, I choose to belive him to have enough cloud to make that happen.

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sure Rocky was a victim of the Attitude Era but take this as you will


mikethemiz RT @WWEmagazine: Lost in this conversation is that at 123+ days, @mikethemiz has now held the WWE Championship longer than @TheRock ever did


True, and John Cena has had two reigns that were each individually longer than The Rock's 7 reigns combined.


And this era isn't THAT different than the Attitude Era...there was a few years, from about 2002 to 2008, that the WWE seemed to favor longer (relatively speaking) reigns, but the last few years they've been short again. Hopefully this is a sign they're going to back to the days where guys would hold it for a few months instead of a few weeks.

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Interesting how they've had Christian beat Del Rio twice in a row. I've heard somewhere that a common strategy is to have someone lose before winning a title so as to set up the people that beat them as future challengers, I'm wondering if that's what this is.


I'm confident Del Rio will win at Mania, so they're building up Edge with the stronger momentum to make a Del Rio win look more impressive. And he'll probably retain against Christian down the track. I'd like to see Edge and Christian unite to take the tag titles off the Corre and give the tag division a boost.


Most enjoyable Smackdown in a while, IMO. Highlights: Cody Rhodes/Mysterio angle, the unexpected Intercontinental Title match (and unexpected result), Christian/Del Rio match (2 of my fav wrestlers right now).

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I remember people complaining that Cena, JBL, Batista etc held the belt for too long and long title reigns do away with unpredictability. "Bring back short sharp reigns that keep us on the edge of our seat."


Not me, I am actually indifferent to the attitude era for that reason.


I prefer cohesive storylines with plots that can foreshadow something without making it too obvious but the occoasional swerve is ok.


People fail to realize that it wasnt the PRODUCT that made them love the Attitude era, but it was the PEOPLE.

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Not me, I am actually indifferent to the attitude era for that reason.


I prefer cohesive storylines with plots that can foreshadow something without making it too obvious but the occoasional swerve is ok.


People fail to realize that it wasnt the PRODUCT that made them love the Attitude era, but it was the PEOPLE.

That's where you are wrong. As an example, I hated Vince Russo's WCW product. It was terrible, even as much I liked some of the workers there. If you put Attitude Era's fighters into today's product, I wouldn't be so happy.


The problem with you are saying is, today's product doesn't really have that much more cohesive storyline than during the Attitude Era... during the time period where they had long title reigns, they had long title reigns for the heck of it, and it didn't always seem to make sense. Then again, they thought Cena consistently beating Batista at every PPV made a good program, so...

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I'm confident Del Rio will win at Mania, so they're building up Edge with the stronger momentum to make a Del Rio win look more impressive. And he'll probably retain against Christian down the track. I'd like to see Edge and Christian unite to take the tag titles off the Corre and give the tag division a boost.


Most enjoyable Smackdown in a while, IMO. Highlights: Cody Rhodes/Mysterio angle, the unexpected Intercontinental Title match (and unexpected result), Christian/Del Rio match (2 of my fav wrestlers right now).


I wonder why no one is really talking about this match. This is one of the interesting matches on Wrestlemania and for a low card match, the buildup has been pretty good and Rhodes has been excellent.

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That's where you are wrong. As an example, I hated Vince Russo's WCW product. It was terrible, even as much I liked some of the workers there. If you put Attitude Era's fighters into today's product, I wouldn't be so happy.


The problem with you are saying is, today's product doesn't really have that much more cohesive storyline than during the Attitude Era... during the time period where they had long title reigns, they had long title reigns for the heck of it, and it didn't always seem to make sense. Then again, they thought Cena consistently beating Batista at every PPV made a good program, so...


I may be alone in this, but if Steve Blackman had Randy Orton's current place on Raw, I'd love the feud with CM Punk.

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