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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I was thinking Miz, Rock, and Cena would be in a triple threat match at Backlash to get the Rock back in the ring without having to come back to a Main Event a one on one match. They are probably setting up Cena vs The Rock at Summerslam like others have predicted.


I've been hoping that Rock will face Cena at Summerslam. That would be great!

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There not going back to PG-13 they never will because the numbers show that they are more successful haivng a PG rating even though some people might not like it. The only reason they are letting the guys like the Rock and Cena swear is because it is Mania season and in my opinion it seems that they give guys a little more lee way around this time of year. By the way Mondays Raw really pumped me up for Mania I can't wait until Sunday.


I have just been reading that they are slowly being more loose with the PG restrictions. They aren't going back to PG-13 right away, but they are testing the waters. Personally I don't understand why stay at PG. Sure Cena's fans are the kids, but these same kids are playing games where you kill other people and jack their cars.

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I was thinking Miz, Rock, and Cena would be in a triple threat match at Backlash to get the Rock back in the ring without having to come back to Main Event a one on one match. They are probably setting up Cena vs The Rock at Summerslam like others have predicted.


I like that fact that Rock finally came out and said he likes being back and now that he has a been handle on his movie career could see himself doing more stuff with the E than before. I hope this is true like when he first started doing movies he'd go away for 2-3 months then come back.

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I have just been reading that they are slowly being more loose with the PG restrictions. They aren't going back to PG-13 right away, but they are testing the waters. Personally I don't understand why stay at PG. Sure Cena's fans are the kids, but these same kids are playing games where you kill other people and jack their cars.


They stay PG because of Endorsements by Kmart and other companies that want them to stay PG.


They make a ton more money nowadays off of endorsements compared to the Attitude era.

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They stay PG because of Endorsements by Kmart and other companies that want them to stay PG.


They make a ton more money nowadays off of endorsements compared to the Attitude era.


Does TV make them any money now. During their heyday they would get 4.5 to 5.5 in ratings. Now if they get 4's they are happy.


Also I have always believed that the E should move a show to wed. nights. Nothing good is on and it would be nice to have something on in a wed. night slot not called Superstar or Nexus.

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Also my WM 27 mark would be seeing Christian vs Edge vs Alberto Del Rio for the title. Christian wins, him and Edge shake hands and do all that. When Edge goes to leave Christian gives him a DDT. Then a one man con-chair-to. I know Alberto will win, but to me that would be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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just read that JR has been mentoring Scott Sanford and people are very high on him. He knows his wrestling stuff (check out his knowledge of japanese moves) and with superstars ending he may move to SD and keep Mathews on Raw as lead announcer to allow Colemine to become a full on persnality and not announcer.
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Does TV make them any money now. During their heyday they would get 4.5 to 5.5 in ratings. Now if they get 4's they are happy.


Also I have always believed that the E should move a show to wed. nights. Nothing good is on and it would be nice to have something on in a wed. night slot not called Superstar or Nexus.

I really think this is very unfair. Even if they had everyone from back then, I seriously doubt that today they would be able to keep the ratings as high as they did in the "heyday". First off, I believe one of the reasons ratings went through the roof during the attitude era, was more to do with having great competition. Competition I feel right now could really up viewership, as they would be able to play off each other. I don't mean competition that gets what their "B" shows might get, or a little better, I mean real competition to where they could tie or even beat the "E" in ratings every week. Something where it was always up in the air, etc. Without that, I don't ever see them able to "duplicate" it with just having the brand split. I wish they would at least try, but I don't think people are going to go for a Raw vs. Smackdown ratings war, most realise that all these shows are all WWE overall, so they don't really think of it like that. I believe part of TNA's problem is that some people actually believe they are just part of the WWE (casual fans, not internet fans). They figure they are related since they have similar characters, etc.


Anyways, I just always feel like this is a very unfair opinion. We don't know that they couldn't have done the same thing back then, and stayed "PG". We really don't know.... You might think you know, but you don't. There is no way anyone could guarrentee it as a fact. We all just figure it wouldn't have gone as well.


So I'm watching Raw from last night and did Cole REALLY call Orton a master of psychology? If by psychology he meant, a master of boring and having the same match a thousand times, then yeah...


ring psychology =/= mind psychology


Even then, he's not exactly great at that either.


Character related, not fact related. I believe they are refering to how he took out all of Punk's backup, before Mania. Probably would have been more accurate to say he was a Master of War or something like that.

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I was fuming when Cena hit the AA on Rock. Rocky will get his revenge!


Personally I loved it. Screw the haters, Cena is the truth, kids love him, he wears purple. The Rock is a hateful D-grade actor whose schtick is 10 years out of date and his delivery is nowhere near as sharp or precise as it used to be. He needs to learn a thing or two about hustle, loyalty and respect!!!

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Does TV make them any money now. During their heyday they would get 4.5 to 5.5 in ratings. Now if they get 4's they are happy.


Also I have always believed that the E should move a show to wed. nights. Nothing good is on and it would be nice to have something on in a wed. night slot not called Superstar or Nexus.


I am not sure if they get paid based on ratings. I thought ratings was just a measurement of how many people watched and this led to higher costing commercials to air. So if I am Doritos I pay USA network $250,000 for a 30 second slot during Monk but I pay $1,000,000 for a 30 second slot during Raw. I dunno I am just assuming. If someone knows how ratings draw money please inform.


Personally I loved it. Screw the haters, Cena is the truth, kids love him, he wears purple. The Rock is a hateful D-grade actor whose schtick is 10 years out of date and his delivery is nowhere near as sharp or precise as it used to be. He needs to learn a thing or two about hustle, loyalty and respect!!!


Rock is a D grade actor? I think the Rock is much better than a D rated actor. Cena could be considered a D grade actor for his movie The Marine. The Rock is obviously not a played out schtick if everyone is going bat spit crazy over him doing it all again now.


Cena will never be as go as the Rock point blank


I agree.

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I am not sure if they get paid based on ratings. I thought ratings was just a measurement of how many people watched and this led to higher costing commercials to air. So if I am Doritos I pay USA network $250,000 for a 30 second slot during Monk but I pay $1,000,000 for a 30 second slot during Raw. I dunno I am just assuming. If someone knows how ratings draw money please inform.


Well that's what I was talking about. WWE gets a certain avg rating then commerical space during their show is more expensive which would make higher ratings better for them and the network.

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Well that's what I was talking about. WWE gets a certain avg rating then commerical space during their show is more expensive which would make higher ratings better for them and the network.


Hasn't the argument been since 96 that a PG product has brought in a lot more money though? That's where the point of ratings don't = money comes from.

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Personally I loved it. Screw the haters, Cena is the truth, kids love him, he wears purple. The Rock is a hateful D-grade actor whose schtick is 10 years out of date and his delivery is nowhere near as sharp or precise as it used to be. He needs to learn a thing or two about hustle, loyalty and respect!!!


You prefer Cena over The Rock? Aww man, you used to be cool. :(

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If Rocky is gonna be the heel in this whole Cena/Rock thing then at 'Mania have Cena win the match with no outside interference. Then, Vince comes out and announces Cena is to defend the title...right now...against THE ROCK!!!


Then again, no matter how it was done, if The Rock won the title at 'Mania the crowd would go nuts.


Oh well, maybe it wouldn't work afterall....

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You prefer Cena over The Rock? Aww man, you used to be cool. :(


I don't think he prefer's Cena over The Rock. I think he's just pointing out the obvious. The Rock has been a let down so far. Don't get me wrong though, I would rather have a "let down" then no Rock at all.


Bassically Cena is saying what I heard from quite a bit of fans, including here. I've seen Remi come on and take The Rock's side, explain the value's The Rock is laying down, and everyone be kind of ok with it. However, that's only this sight. I haven't seen that on quite a few other sights, nor have I heard it in my ongoing's in real life. Everything Cena is saying about The Rock has already been said by The Rock's fans.


I think the obvious is that we WANT The Rock back in wrestling, and would call Cena out for even daring to speak to The Rock in any way that was not respectfull. It's also obvious that Cena is right. He feels that Wrestling helped The Rock (no matter if this is just character driven or actual feelings) become the Hollywood star he is today, and feels The Rock should have been around to say "Thankyou". Would The Rock have had these opportunities if he wasn't a huge success in wrestling? I don't think he would have. This is all that is being said really, when you break it down.


And all those youtube video's when everyone is saying that The Rock is/was winning the battle of words, is only because they like The Rock, or hate Cena.... No matter to me, because it's obvious that Cena has been the stronger one during the whole thing to me. I'm sure there are other's that wouldn't admit that unless their lives depended on it... Cena's promos have been stronger, his words held more weight, etc. I don't even know if that's how this is supposed to go down to be honest. Feels like this is actually something that wasn't supposed to happen, a can of worms that The Rock opened. Now that it's opened, kind of hard to get out of it.

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I'm sorry, but I just can't relate to dissing The Rock for making the most of his career. He got an opportunity to do something more with his life than he was doing, to become even more famous and most importantly, to make even more money... and he took it. Good for him, I sure would have done the same.
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