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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Watched Tough Enough. Only WWE show I watch. Devastated with the elimination. I'm not too familiar with the guy, but the way he was eliminated... With everything I've heard about wrestling schools, showing off flips will get you a kicking and little else.
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Sad to hear about Edge. Wonder if he takes up a non-wrestling role? He'd be really good as a colour guy, no?


I'm liking the push their giving to Sin Cara, could be a good feud with Primo.


R-Truth in a title match? Why? Maybe he'll turn heel? Didn't he and Cena have some beef in real life when R-Truth came to WWE?

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Wow, I did not see that coming.


I have always liked Edge. I'd never say he was one of my most favourites but I've always liked him and his character. Is a shame he has had to retire, but he has made the right decision and there are worse ways of going out than being the World Heavyweight Champion.


I'm also pissed off because I'm currently planning my new dynasty which will start the second Raw after Wrestlemania, but now feel compelled to write Edge out due to retirement. Bah.

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Is there a video of this anywhere? I'm fairly certain it didn't air on the UK broadcast. Or I missed it, but I imagine it'd have been fairly noticeable.


WWE.com always has the highlights of the show and sometimes post show stuff. I don't have cable right now so I check into the site every week to see what happened.


Watched Tough Enough. Only WWE show I watch. Devastated with the elimination. I'm not too familiar with the guy, but the way he was eliminated... With everything I've heard about wrestling schools, showing off flips will get you a kicking and little else.


What happened? Who got booted and why? Cuz they were showing off that they could do flips and stuff?

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The Awesome Kong promo was shown here in the UK, right after a break, so perhaps you fast forwarded, thought it was an advert, and missed it?


Did precisely that haha. Awesome. Speaking of which I'd presume that won't be her name, unless she's gonna be a new ally for the Miz :cool:

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WWE.com always has the highlights of the show and sometimes post show stuff. I don't have cable right now so I check into the site every week to see what happened.




What happened? Who got booted and why? Cuz they were showing off that they could do flips and stuff?


Matt Cross got eliminated because he was reluctant to show some of his better moves when he had the chance and he got outshined when it was supposed to be his showcase.

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Matt Cross got eliminated = me realising the show is a joke.


Only Luke had a decent amount of talent compared to Matt. I was gutted when Matt was told to go home. He didn't even want to give the title back.



A wonderfully heartbreaking moment, clutching onto the belt. He couldn't believe it.

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What I don't get is why that long haired guy was allowed to stay over Matt. I get why they're going to milk Miss USA, but at least keep a credible person whose dedicated to the wrestling business. That guy just seems like he doesn't really want to be in the WWE.
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A wonderfully heartbreaking moment, clutching onto the belt. He couldn't believe it.


When he tried to clutch on to the title I got a lump in my throat and I'm a 21 year old guy. I think even Steve felt for him and I would be surprised if he didn't regret that decision.

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What I don't get is why that long haired guy was allowed to stay over Matt. I get why they're going to milk Miss USA, but at least keep a credible person whose dedicated to the wrestling business. That guy just seems like he doesn't really want to be in the WWE.


It's ridiculous.


The afro guy: No cardio, looks like crap in the ring.


The 11 year pro women: Can't bump


Miss USA: Gobby wench who turns up late


The MMA guy: Thick as dog poop and twice as ugly


Skid mark: Got dizzy and nearly fell over from doing a forward roll.


Martin: Haven't seen too much of him


Little blonde girl: Don't really have a problem with her.


Luke: Seems to be going places


The bald tool: ...............is a tool


AJ: looks like a mechanic and has the charisma of a spoon


Tall guy: What has he done?


The other girl: Haven't seen her do anything



...and they get rid of Matt Cross. I didn't expect him to win but damn. Maybe I should enter, you clearly don't need talent.


I didn't think I would get this angry about it but there you go.

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Of course you don't need talent to enter, that's why Matt Cross was there in the first place.


This not only doesn't surprise me at all, it's exactly what I would have done.


Dude c'mon. Matt Cross has talent. He may not be the most charasmatic guy around but he was far more talented than 9/10ths of the shmucks in there.

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Yeah I don't see how Bryan is a jobber either. He held the US title for several months and then lost it and lost a rematch. That's not being a jobber.


I was a big O'Haire fan back in WCW and I liked his Devil's Advocate gimmick in WWE too. I think he left WWE to do MMA, but everything I remember from back then was that he got his ass kicked badly in his MMA bouts..


He was released from contract he didn't leave via his own accord. He was regularly in trouble outside the company (often with the police) and got involved in a particularly bad bar fight just before his release. For a company floated on the stock exchange with shareholders he was a liability to even consider pushing to the top.


With Edge gone, I'd suggest it's a safe bet that Rey, Kane and Undertaker will follow within 12 months.

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That's not something to be proud of. I've never even been in a pro wrestling ring before, I'm legally blind without my glasses and I have no cardio, but I can probably work better than most of the TE crew, Matt Cross included.


All he does is random flippy moves, with no substance or meaning to any of them. And he's not even really THAT spectacular at doing crazy flippy moves.


93% of the combined rosters of Dragon Gate and CHIKARA can do what he does, only better. And the other 7% might not be as flippy but are still better overall.

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