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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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The USA network sent out the following today…




The entire roster of WWE Superstars and Divas will take part in the 2011 WWE Draft next week, April 25, on MONDAY NIGHT RAW live on USA Network at 9/8c.


In a thrilling night of television, all WWE Superstars and Divas, including WWE Champion The Miz, John Cena, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Big Show, Alberto Del Rio and Sin Cara along with WWE Divas Champion Brie Bella, Eve and Kelly Kelly could be drafted to either RAW or SmackDown.


After Monday Night's momentous draft, John Cena could be on "Friday Night Smackdown," which airs each week on Syfy at 8/7c and Rey Mysterio could be coming to MONDAY NIGHT RAW.


The Annual WWE Draft is a chance to renew old rivalries or have WWE Superstars face off against each other for the very first time, bringing a new and fresh feel to each show.


That just made me laugh...I don't know why.

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I find this segment to be kind of awkward for some reason. I've got the feeling that they gave them a chance at doing a non-scripted promo, and they aren't doing so well.


Agreed, Truth has always been underwelming to me and that promo shows why. Morrison is a personal favorite of mine, but it was, off... Truth was most dissapointing and just killed anything that the segment had, for me anyway.

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Okay, this attack segment is going on way too long for my tastes...


By the way, would anyone like to fill us non-Brits in on what they're chanting? Sounds sort of like "Warrior"...


Apparently it was "Who are ya?" a chant they like to do(probably for other sporting events?).


Two things I liked, the water bottle shot and the nut shot with the cigarette.


Edit: Wow. Dolph.

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I don't know about this, I kind of liked the look Ziggler had, it was kind of unique. In the further off shots, he kind of looks like DH Smith or DiBiase now...


True. I suppose, though, at least to me, before he looked a lot like Billy Gunn; a fact that always made him feel like a re-hash to me. That said, he looks rather generic now but, maybe, they'll give him some other additions (ie: facial hair, etc.) that eventually makes him look more unique.

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Apparently it was "Who are ya?" a chant they like to do(probably for other sporting events?).



Who are ya? (pronounced Oooh-aaah-yah): Chanted at anyone making a scene, being too big for their boots etc. Usually reserved for overpaid, crybaby footballers who make a tit of themselves, then throw a hissy fit.


They were also chanting "That's Illigal" when he lit the ciggy, because we have a smoking ban here in the UK. I seem to remember some theatre company getting an excemption because smoking was a key part of one of the characters in the production they were putting on. Dunno if that applies to every 'entertainment' show put on, or was just a one-off. If it's the latter, your man could be in for a fine :-p

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I kinda liked the Truth segment, despite it dragged out way too long. Truth can be a quality heel (peep his amazing run in early TNA) but I dunno.


I kinda got really turned off by the WWE recently just cause of the announcing situation. Like granted the in ring stuff is pretty ok with Mistico seemingly getting the big rub, but just the whole Cole thing is making it IMPOSSIBLE for me to even watch the product.



BTW anyone have any predictions for the Draft next week?

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Who are ya? (pronounced Oooh-aaah-yah): Chanted at anyone making a scene, being too big for their boots etc. Usually reserved for overpaid, crybaby footballers who make a tit of themselves, then throw a hissy fit.


They were also chanting "That's Illigal" when he lit the ciggy, because we have a smoking ban here in the UK. I seem to remember some theatre company getting an excemption because smoking was a key part of one of the characters in the production they were putting on. Dunno if that applies to every 'entertainment' show put on, or was just a one-off. If it's the latter, your man could be in for a fine :-p


I was a bit shocked that they did that, I was wondering if over there the smoking laws were not the same as over here. I highly doubt there would be an arena over here that would allow him to do that. I mean I am not a smoker but smokers are now treated like lepers over here. The only place they seem to be allowed to smoke is outside now.


So I could not see them pulling that stunt in MSG or any other arena in the US. From what you are saying the English are the same so I wonder why they allowed it.

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Just watched Tough Enough. It continues to be WWE's best show.


And I love Rima. She's really clicked with me, think it's because everyone before the show was talking about Miss USA is only there for the spotlight, and now she's probably working harder than any of them (especially than the other women).

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Watched the second episode of Tough Enough primed and ready to be indignant about Matt Cross's early departure, and much to my surprise, (and even more to my chagrin), I kind of agree with the cut. He didn't really show me anything either... waiting for his moment and all that. Really should have cut loose from the beginning.


Kinda liked R. Truth's heel turn on Raw, even if it did drag too long, and neither Truth nor Morrison, (especially not Morrison) set the world on fire with their pre-match war of words. Truth's actions after the match could be classified as childish and petty, some might say...


And if there's anything on this earth that I can relate to, it's childish and petty, so I was kinda there with him on that one.


I just wish he'd start calling himself 'Ron "The Truth" Killings'. That strikes me as such a cool name for him, and I like it much better than R-Truth, K-Kwik, K-Krush, and whatever else.


I could do without Evan Bourne being used as a jobber too, why is it that so many of the wrestlers I like in WWE end up serving as jobbers?


Interesting to see Dolph Ziggler's new look, as Captain Generica.



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I could do without Evan Bourne being used as a jobber too, why is it that so many of the wrestlers I like in WWE end up serving as jobbers?


Maybe it is because you are a fan of wrestlers with actual talent who are not hulked up steroid freaks. The minute I saw him on the screen I said to myself, "Oh great looks like another match that Evan is going to lose." and that was before I even knew who he was taking on.


It is a shame that Vince will never break away from his love of the big men. Well maybe if there is another steroid trial...

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