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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Wow, I'm the only person HAPPY Cena isn't on Smackdown? Orton and Cena being on the same show is beyond old. I'm tired of having to suffer through them both on one show.


This seriously makes it so something new can happen and we don't have to worry about Cena vs Orton 5,000,000 happening anytime soon.


So basically Christian has to win Sunday right? Unless they want two world titles on Raw.

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Wow, I'm the only person HAPPY Cena isn't on Smackdown? Orton and Cena being on the same show is beyond old. I'm tired of having to suffer through them both on one show.


This seriously makes it so something new can happen and we don't have to worry about Cena vs Orton 5,000,000 happening anytime soon.


So basically Christian has to win Sunday right? Unless they want two world titles on Raw.


R-Truth in supplemental draft, hahaha

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I actually mentioned that to someone else earlier. Unless Ziggler or Truth gets sent to Smackdown, the only people Christian will have to feud with will be Orton(if he turns heel), Cody Rhodes, Wade Barrett, or Thwagger...


Personally, I'd rather Ziggler or Truth go to Smackdown and feud with Christian. If I had to choose between the others, I'd probably go with Cody.


I also see Henry being Christian's first mini feud to cement him as champ before moving onto a credible threat

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Honestly, this was a poor draft for the WWE but, in my mind, not how you may think....


To me, the whole thing seemed really interesting, as in years past; however, failed to seem as grandiose as previous years. I mean, really? We get a match and all of a sudden it's worth two picks; as if from nowhere? In reality, shouldn't the main event carry more picks than other matches? Also, shouldn't there have been more of a wide-range of matches to pick who goes where? I mean, a bunch of singles matches just made it feel rather blahzay.


From what I've read on the internet wrestling sites, the show felt just as it's been reported to be; Rushed.


Edge retires so they feel like they have to shake things up. That's great, I'm all for that! At least, if you're going to do something like this, make it entertaining; or, at the very least, worth watching. ha.


Meh. I've learned to have low expectations with wrestling programs these days...

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I somehow have a feeling that Miz or whoever the WWE Champion is ends up on Smackdown. Not sure how but I think it happens.


Smackdown gets put in a real rough spot here (as usual). Despite getting Orton, they lose their hottest heel, their number 2 face and Big Show who's good as a face or a heel. And they gain Mistico, who is still relativly untested and still very spotty and Mark Henry who I guess is gonna be a heel (an experiment that has failed numerous times). I think Cena and Sheamus or even Punk going to SD with them keeping Rey would have been a much better move IMO.

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The "draft" is stupid. Anyone realize it's more of a lottery than draft? Someone should tell the WWE the difference.


Also, when you move top stars from A to B and top stars from B to A, you do a real good job of just switching what night you see the same things, by now, switching top stars does not create new feuds because nobody new has really been built up in years. I mean, when the brands first started it was kinda during the early ruthless aggression era when a couple new stars were built and when they got moved, it was actually somewhat interesting. Now, however, the same top dogs just keep getting shuffled and it seems utterly pointless to me. Ooh well.

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The only real big loss here was Del Rio, IMO. I mean.. Rey has a year tops left in the tank, Orton is on a hot streak with his face run no matter what we may think about it - Big Show is very malleable as a superstar but so is Kane so he could do the trick and there's a good upper-midcard forefront to support things too in Cody/Drew/Barrett. That said, one of them may switch places in the supplemental draft so I can't speak too much.


Mark Henry, it's failed before.. but things can always be different.

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My biggest question is, if you're moving Show to Monday, assumedly to bolster the upper ranks in the same way Kane has for a long time, why jump the tag belts? Unless they're doing the split champ story, which was Jericho/Show in 2009, right?


And my biggest upset was only getting to see Ryder for all of 3 seconds. Everytime Smackdown got a pick, I kept hoping the Woo Woo Woo Kid would pop up, and I could cheer about how he was getting television time, and a possible push. All we got was a fist pump when Rey got drawn.

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My biggest question is, if you're moving Show to Monday, assumedly to bolster the upper ranks in the same way Kane has for a long time, why jump the tag belts? Unless they're doing the split champ story, which was Jericho/Show in 2009, right?


And my biggest upset was only getting to see Ryder for all of 3 seconds. Everytime Smackdown got a pick, I kept hoping the Woo Woo Woo Kid would pop up, and I could cheer about how he was getting television time, and a possible push. All we got was a fist pump when Rey got drawn.


Remember supplement starts @ noon

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