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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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This is what it seems like, but things/perceptions can always change... if Truth gets hot enough for the creative team, they might consider a transitional reign or some sort.


The problem I have with that is a transition to who? If we still had Miz as a champion I could see giving the title to an upper face to pass the title to ADR, but who would an upper heel be passing the title to?

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Anyone seen the new Very Best of WCW Nitro? I wrote a review on it! :)



Good review! I have a birthday coming up in a few days and that is definitely one of the things on my birthday list. I was always a much bigger WCW fan than WWF/E, even right down to the end.

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So tonight one of the security guys who held back Randy Orton was one of the guys from my school. Congratulations to him.


When Derrick Bateman first got signed by WWE, he was one of the cops that busted HHH when he went to Orton's house. Seeing him on TV was awesome because he's from around here.

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me too. Even all the signs and we want Ryder chants.


He is decently over for a guy who has been on TV like once this year.


and nice to see CM pin Cena

I don't care much for Ryder either way, but it's the power of the INTERNET. It's something I approve of him using.

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me too. Even all the signs and we want Ryder chants.


He is decently over for a guy who has been on TV like once this year.


and nice to see CM pin Cena


Ditto. I did like Ryder (and I have been pushing him in my WWE game on TEW) but to be real, he doesn't really have a gimmick that can get over seriously. That's what kind of holds him back. IMO, he would fit more in the attitude era alongside Val Venis, D'Lo Brown, and other stable midcarders back then.


And yes! Finally! Punk getting a pin over Cena! And the crowd was amazing for that match. Tell me if Miz vs. Cena got that kind of reaction? Or if Truth vs Cena will get that reaction this Sunday? I just feel there's no better heel right now then CM Punk! Plus, his segment with Austin was awesome.

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Ditto. I did like Ryder (and I have been pushing him in my WWE game on TEW) but to be real, he doesn't really have a gimmick that can get over seriously. That's what kind of holds him back. IMO, he would fit more in the attitude era alongside Val Venis, D'Lo Brown, and other stable midcarders back then.


But considering Ryder isn't over now, a silly gimmick is a great way to get him noticed enough to put him in the IC/US title picture, or otherwise establish his name to people out there. A gimmick's job is just to make people care about somebody they don't know yet. Triple H had an incredibly silly gimmick, and when he was over enough that people knew who he was, he dropped all but the name and became himself. But you can't do that until the crowd know who you are.

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I'm not one of the guys whose been following CM Punk since his indy days, I had heard of him and his gimmick but only saw him for the first time when he debuted on ECW. I have to say, him and Randy Orton are the two most interesting wrestlers in the WWE right now imo. Punk's segment with Austin was absolute gold, and his match with Cena was very good and like someone else said, had a red hot crowd.


This was a very fun episode of Raw, despite some short matches, and R-Truth is really doing well with his deranged character. "Little Jimmies" is pretty funny, although I have no idea what he means lol.

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I'm not one of the guys whose been following CM Punk since his indy days, I had heard of him and his gimmick but only saw him for the first time when he debuted on ECW. I have to say, him and Randy Orton are the two most interesting wrestlers in the WWE right now imo. Punk's segment with Austin was absolute gold, and his match with Cena was very good and like someone else said, had a red hot crowd.


This was a very fun episode of Raw, despite some short matches, and R-Truth is really doing well with his deranged character. "Little Jimmies" is pretty funny, although I have no idea what he means lol.


I stop reading their. Why do you say that? I for one (and I know A LOT of people agree with me) I used to love Orton, now he borning on the mic. I can't sit through an Orton promo. Raw is better without him.

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This was a very fun episode of Raw, despite some short matches, and R-Truth is really doing well with his deranged character. "Little Jimmies" is pretty funny, although I have no idea what he means lol.


He uses the term "Jimmy" to describe a John Cena fan I believe. Little Jimmy refers to the kids who all seem to support Cena so he just calls them all "Little Jimmy" lol.

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